Papers by Leonardo Barbosa
E-Legis - Revista Eletrônica do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Câmara dos Deputados, 2013
O artigo discute como os processos de mudança constitucional se relacionam com o princípio da sob... more O artigo discute como os processos de mudança constitucional se relacionam com o princípio da soberania popular. A inadequação das respostas dadas a esse dilema pela teoria constitucional liberal e autoritária provê a oportunidade para, a partir de premissas da teoria discursiva, apontar uma alternativa capaz de conciliar constitucionalismo e democracia. Por fim, as premissas teóricas organizadas ao longo do texto são utilizadas para analisar a proposta de emenda à Constituição n. 157, de 2003, em especial quanto ao papel que a democracia direta exerce (ou pode exercer) na legitimação dos processos de mudança constitucional.
Universitas Jus, Nov 21, 2013
Professor adjunto da Faculdade de Direito da UnB. Líder dos Grupos de Pesquisa "Percursos, Narrat... more Professor adjunto da Faculdade de Direito da UnB. Líder dos Grupos de Pesquisa "Percursos, Narrativas e Fragmentos: História do Direito e do Constitucionalismo" e "Direito e História: políticas de memória e justiça de transição" (Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa-CNPq). Procurador Regional do Trabalho (MPT/MPU) lotado na Procuradoria Regional do Trabalho da 10ª Região (Brasília-DF). Conselheiro da Comissão de Anistia (Ministério da Justiça). 2 Doutor em Direito (UnB). Professor do Mestrado Profissional em Poder Legislativo (Câmara dos Deputados/CEFOR). Analista Legislativo na Câmara dos Deputados desde 2002. Membro do Instituto Brasileiro de História do Direito e da American Society for Legal History. Membro do grupo de pesquisa "Percursos, Narrativas e Fragmentos: História do Direito e do Constitucionalismo". Advogado
Revista Direito GV, 2017
This paper analyzes reforms in election law introduced by the civil-military government institute... more This paper analyzes reforms in election law introduced by the civil-military government instituted in Brazil following the 1964 coup-d’état. After a brief background on the issue, it focuses on the tenure of President Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco (April 1964 to March 1967), particularly on the modification of the ineligibilities legislation aimed at the state elections of 1965. The trajectory of Sebastião Paes de Almeida – an oppositionist representative who was prevented from running for the office of governor of Minas Gerais on the grounds of the newly enacted legislation – provides the opportunity to assess how democratic institutions worked and how political rights were interpreted under a dictatorial regime that paradoxically relied on elections as a legitimizing strategy.
A história constitucional brasileira é investigada de modo singular neste livro de Leonardo Augus... more A história constitucional brasileira é investigada de modo singular neste livro de Leonardo Augusto de Andrade Barbosa, derivado de sua tese de doutorado defendida na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Brasília. O autor parte do período pós-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanças constitucionais, e apresenta um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurídicos utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia política e jurídica. A análise passa pelo processo constituinte de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigência da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.
Novos Estudos Juri Dicos, Aug 14, 2009
O artigo, publicado em obra coletiva em homenagem à Profª Miracy Gustin, foi escrito no contexto ... more O artigo, publicado em obra coletiva em homenagem à Profª Miracy Gustin, foi escrito no contexto dos 20 anos da Constituição de 1988.

Over two decades, the Brazilian state has engaged in concerted legal efforts to identify and pros... more Over two decades, the Brazilian state has engaged in concerted legal efforts to identify and prosecute cases of what officials refer to as the imposition of “slave labor” (trabalho escravo). At a conceptual level, the campaign has paired the constitutional protection of human dignity with an interpretation of the offense described in Article 149 of the Criminal Code as “the reduction of a person to a condition analogous to that of a slave.” At the operational level, mobile teams of inspectors and prosecutors have intervened in thousands of work sites, and labor prosecutors have obtained hundreds of consent agreements and convictions in the labor courts.
This article – co-authored by a legal historian, a staff attorney at the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, and a federal judge – draws on a massive archive of work site inspection reports to explore the ways in which inspectors and prosecutors give specific meaning to the analogy with chattel slavery. The authors find that the term “slave labor,” in this context, does not depend upon the international law definition of slavery as the exercise over a person of “any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership.” Instead, it identifies specific behaviors that are no longer permissible as between employer and worker, and which reproduce elements of what was once imposed by masters upon slaves. Intermediate normative terms introduced in the 2003 revision of the penal code – which prohibits the subjection of workers to “degrading conditions” and “debilitating work days” – have through the inspection processes taken on specific meaning. Rather than representing subjective notions in potential conflict with the principal of legality, as critics argue, their interpretation has unfolded through careful processes of documentation, negotiation, and prosecution.
In Brazil’s current situation of political polarization and institutional fracture, this remarkable campaign against slave labor is coming under fierce attack from large-scale landholders and from elements within the executive, a development which adds urgency to the task of explicating the campaign’s legal bases and operational practices.
Keywords: Contemporary Slavery, Trabalho Escravo, Dignity, Modern Slavery, Brazil
Como o direito reage à ativação de sua própria memória? Como estabelecer uma nova narrativa das o... more Como o direito reage à ativação de sua própria memória? Como estabelecer uma nova narrativa das operações que o direito possibilitou em tempos de opressão? São essas as indagações que permeiam a releitura do regime militar que se iniciou em 1964 e terminou em 1985. Ao contrário do que poderia parecer, não se trata de um tema a ser discutido, com exclusividade, pelas formas de criação artística (cinema, teatro, música, literatura, dança) ou pelos centros de pesquisa. A memória do regime militar também é a memória do direito. E essa memória mal começou a ser escrita.
This paper analyzes reforms in election law introduced by the civil-military government institute... more This paper analyzes reforms in election law introduced by the civil-military government instituted in Brazil following the 1964 coup-d’état. After a brief backgroundon the issue, it focuses on the tenure of President Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco (April 1964 to March 1967), particularly on the modification of the ineligibilities legislation aimed at the state elections of 1965. The trajectory of Sebastião Paes de Almeida – an oppositionist representative who was prevented from running for the office of governor of Minas Gerais on the grounds of the newly enacted legislation – provides the opportunity to assess how democratic institutions worked and how political rights were interpreted under a dictatorial regime that paradoxically relied on elections as a legitimizing strategy.
This paper discusses how constitutional change connects to the principle of popular sovereignty. ... more This paper discusses how constitutional change connects to the principle of popular sovereignty. The inadequacy of the explanations that both liberal and authoritarian constitutional
theories provide to this dilemma delivers the opportunity to point out an alternative capable of reconciling constitutionalism and democracy. In conclusion, the theoretical assumptions organized throughout the paper are brought together in order to analyze the proposal to amend the Constitution n. 157/2003, particularly its implications to the role direct democracy plays (or is able to play) in legitimating constitutional change.
This paper analyzes the discursive strategies that made the “parliamentary solution” of 1961 a po... more This paper analyzes the discursive strategies that made the “parliamentary solution” of 1961 a possible response to the political and constitutional crisis initiated by the resignation of President Jânio Quadros and the military veto to the swearing-in of Vice-president João Goulart. Analyzing the ideological aspects and “strategic uses” of the debate over systems of
government in Brazil between the promulgation of 1946 Constitution and Jânio’s resignation, we seek to explore the central features of this discussion and explain how this arrangement presented itself as a plausible alternative in
that particular historical situation.
This paper discusses Robert Alexy´s theory of legal argumentation and his law of balancing as a w... more This paper discusses Robert Alexy´s theory of legal argumentation and his law of balancing as a well-founded method for solving conflicts between constitutional rights. Alexy’s approach is analyzed in light of Klaus Günther and Jürgen Habermas’ critical observations, in order to assert that balancing threatens the deontological structure of constitutional rights, by blurring the distinction between legal and axiological issues.
An analysis of judicial rulings on slavery cases in contemporary Brazil, with a special emphasis ... more An analysis of judicial rulings on slavery cases in contemporary Brazil, with a special emphasis in the human dignity protection clause.
Books by Leonardo Barbosa
A história constitucional brasileira é investigada de modo singular neste livro de Leonardo Augus... more A história constitucional brasileira é investigada de modo singular neste livro de Leonardo Augusto de Andrade Barbosa, derivado de sua tese de doutorado defendida na Faculdade de
Direito da Universidade de Brasília. O autor parte do período pós-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanças constitucionais, e apresenta um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurídicos
utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia política e jurídica. A análise passa pelo processo constituinte
de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigência da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.
Papers by Leonardo Barbosa
This article – co-authored by a legal historian, a staff attorney at the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, and a federal judge – draws on a massive archive of work site inspection reports to explore the ways in which inspectors and prosecutors give specific meaning to the analogy with chattel slavery. The authors find that the term “slave labor,” in this context, does not depend upon the international law definition of slavery as the exercise over a person of “any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership.” Instead, it identifies specific behaviors that are no longer permissible as between employer and worker, and which reproduce elements of what was once imposed by masters upon slaves. Intermediate normative terms introduced in the 2003 revision of the penal code – which prohibits the subjection of workers to “degrading conditions” and “debilitating work days” – have through the inspection processes taken on specific meaning. Rather than representing subjective notions in potential conflict with the principal of legality, as critics argue, their interpretation has unfolded through careful processes of documentation, negotiation, and prosecution.
In Brazil’s current situation of political polarization and institutional fracture, this remarkable campaign against slave labor is coming under fierce attack from large-scale landholders and from elements within the executive, a development which adds urgency to the task of explicating the campaign’s legal bases and operational practices.
Keywords: Contemporary Slavery, Trabalho Escravo, Dignity, Modern Slavery, Brazil
theories provide to this dilemma delivers the opportunity to point out an alternative capable of reconciling constitutionalism and democracy. In conclusion, the theoretical assumptions organized throughout the paper are brought together in order to analyze the proposal to amend the Constitution n. 157/2003, particularly its implications to the role direct democracy plays (or is able to play) in legitimating constitutional change.
government in Brazil between the promulgation of 1946 Constitution and Jânio’s resignation, we seek to explore the central features of this discussion and explain how this arrangement presented itself as a plausible alternative in
that particular historical situation.
Books by Leonardo Barbosa
Direito da Universidade de Brasília. O autor parte do período pós-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanças constitucionais, e apresenta um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurídicos
utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia política e jurídica. A análise passa pelo processo constituinte
de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigência da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.
This article – co-authored by a legal historian, a staff attorney at the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, and a federal judge – draws on a massive archive of work site inspection reports to explore the ways in which inspectors and prosecutors give specific meaning to the analogy with chattel slavery. The authors find that the term “slave labor,” in this context, does not depend upon the international law definition of slavery as the exercise over a person of “any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership.” Instead, it identifies specific behaviors that are no longer permissible as between employer and worker, and which reproduce elements of what was once imposed by masters upon slaves. Intermediate normative terms introduced in the 2003 revision of the penal code – which prohibits the subjection of workers to “degrading conditions” and “debilitating work days” – have through the inspection processes taken on specific meaning. Rather than representing subjective notions in potential conflict with the principal of legality, as critics argue, their interpretation has unfolded through careful processes of documentation, negotiation, and prosecution.
In Brazil’s current situation of political polarization and institutional fracture, this remarkable campaign against slave labor is coming under fierce attack from large-scale landholders and from elements within the executive, a development which adds urgency to the task of explicating the campaign’s legal bases and operational practices.
Keywords: Contemporary Slavery, Trabalho Escravo, Dignity, Modern Slavery, Brazil
theories provide to this dilemma delivers the opportunity to point out an alternative capable of reconciling constitutionalism and democracy. In conclusion, the theoretical assumptions organized throughout the paper are brought together in order to analyze the proposal to amend the Constitution n. 157/2003, particularly its implications to the role direct democracy plays (or is able to play) in legitimating constitutional change.
government in Brazil between the promulgation of 1946 Constitution and Jânio’s resignation, we seek to explore the central features of this discussion and explain how this arrangement presented itself as a plausible alternative in
that particular historical situation.
Direito da Universidade de Brasília. O autor parte do período pós-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanças constitucionais, e apresenta um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurídicos
utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia política e jurídica. A análise passa pelo processo constituinte
de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigência da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.