? ?
21 November 2007 @ 01:46 am
Hi all! Just found this group and thought I would give a quick hello post.

I've supported Leeds United since I met my soon to be hubby in 1991. First match I went to at Elland Road was the Oldham match - a 1-0 win by an own goal.

Since then it's been a journey of ups (winning the last ever 1st div trophy in 1992, of which, despite suffering from food poisoning, I was determined to get to and did!; getting to the Champions League semi with style and panache and charm) and downs (being relegated twice. I completely blame the overpaid, underworked t*ssposts players, the same ones who didnt mind being stylish, and full of panache in the CL!!!)

I've been a staunch supporter ever since, despite not being able to go to as many games as I would like due to shift work and on calls.

Think Wisey has done a fabulous job with these players - and Poyet too - and hope we get promotion as champions - we certainly deserve it after being docked 25 points in total by the completely corrupt FA. (i see any *rich* club getting the same punishment, eh???)

Sorry for rambling :D Hope you dont mind.

(oh and my final last word? I dont care about us being knocked out of the FACup tonight by Hereford - I'd rather us went up as Champions than bugger about with a - for now - meaningless cup run)
09 March 2007 @ 10:47 pm
Anybody else got a good feeling in their bones about tomorrow?
I'm off to the game with my uncle, I can't wait. COME ON LEEDS!
09 December 2006 @ 02:06 pm
Can he not count?
Current Mood: pissed offpissed off
24 October 2006 @ 01:04 am
In my last post I wrote

So, we're 2nd bottom in the Championship and mangerless, but we are LEEDS and we are proud of it.

Who's with me? Still believe in automatic promotion?

What the HELL has happened since?

Blackwell deserved to go. Carver? What the hell happened there?

I don't want Dennis Wise. I want Alan Curbishley.
Current Mood: annoyedannoyed
21 September 2006 @ 09:37 am
Blackwell's gone.

I was at the Sunderland game and it's fair to say that it was just a total disaster. Defeats against Wolves and Coventry had me wanting him out too.

So, we're 2nd bottom in the Championship and mangerless, but we are LEEDS and we are proud of it.

Who's with me? Still believe in automatic promotion?
07 September 2006 @ 12:22 pm
Can anyone recommend a good hotel or B & B in Leeds, as close to Elland Road (LS11 0ES) as possible?
cross posted in a few places, apologies.
Current Mood: hungryhungry
06 August 2006 @ 11:07 am
very brief review of our first game yesterday.

Couldn't get a ticket in the North stand, I was in the North-West corner, in row Q (!)

not a bad match, good result, Seb Carole came on and should/could have scored after about 2 minutes. He seems really good, very small, but really quick :D
Tony Warner impressed me, even if hes only here for a month
Biggest crowd i've been in at Elland Road, 22,000+ so that can only be good, although I'm sure it will die out as the season goes on.

Only about 95 more points to go :D

Current Mood: awake
04 August 2006 @ 02:24 pm
2006-2007 TransfersCollapse )

I'm quite excited about the new season, and interested to see how our new lads will do.

Anyway, I'm there tomorrow for the start of what really should be our last season in the Championship

Current Mood: excitedexcited
04 August 2006 @ 12:22 pm
Now a fully signed up member of the Leeds squad!

Looks like he could be just what we need - a box to box, goalpoaching midfielder:
25 July 2006 @ 08:37 am

Rob Hulse has left the building.

I'm quite sad about this, I really liked Rob Hulse.
Still, I hope he does good things over in Sheffield. Hopefully people will remember where he came from :)

I'm looking forward to the Norwich game now :o)
Current Mood: disappointeddisappointed