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      European LawEuropean Union LawEU Competition LawEU State Aid Law
In the past 20 years, marketization reforms have forged or threatened significant changes to national healthcare provision in Europe. In this same period EU institutions have sought to advance EU law into the ambit of national healthcare.... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawPublic HealthHealthcare Administration
Some recent contributions have sought to revive the field of institutional labour economics (ILE) (Osterman et al. 2009). The purpose of this paper is to direct these toward a recent exchange in the Journal of Institutional Economics... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsInstitutional EconomicsLabour LawLabour Economics and Industrial Relations
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      Wage inequalityLabour Economics and Industrial RelationsWages
During the UK's referendum campaign on its European Union (EU) membership, the political left and right stuck resolutely to long-held positions concerning EU employment law's role in British workplaces. The trade union movement... more
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      Labour LawEuropean UnionEU employment lawBrexit
Norway's relationship with the EU's single market has become an increasingly prominent part of the debate surrounding Britain's potential post-Brexit relationships with the EU. Norway's membership of the EEA includes adherence to the four... more
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      European UnionEEABrexit
Chapter from PhD thesis
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsPolitical Economy
This note is the second in a short series I've developed on a 'political economy approach' of teaching seminars in EU studies. This subject conjoins the subjects of the European Court of Justice (CJEU) and the single European market as... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionEuropean Union Politics
This is the first in series of notes developed into essays in a political economy approach to delivering seminars in European integration. This seminar plan sees an interactive 'simulation' of the Council of Minister's Qualified Majority... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionEuropean Union PoliticsLegislative Studies
Context: Since the 1990s, the EU's influence over national health care policy has been limited to European internal market law or social policy coordination mechanisms. The introduction of EU competition law into health care is more... more
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      European UnionHealth PolicyHealthcareCompetition Law and Policy
Context: Since the 1990s, the EU's influence over national health care policy has been limited to European internal market law or social policy coordination mechanisms. The introduction of EU competition law into health care is more... more
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      LawCompetition LawHealth CareEuropean Union
The case for the use of simulations in political science seminars to provide illustrative learning of complex political process has been well demonstrated across a variety of sub-disciplines within political science. Their value to the... more
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      PedagogyEuropean Union PoliticsSimulation