Papers by Maddalena Moretti

Moderna Språk, Dec 26, 2023
Il contributo intende investigare le strutture narrative adottate da Pier Paolo Pasolini all'inte... more Il contributo intende investigare le strutture narrative adottate da Pier Paolo Pasolini all'interno del suo ultimo romanzo: Petrolio (1992). Analizzando l'uso pasoliniano dell'allegoria e della visione nell'opera, se ne vuole evidenziare il carattere medievale e, in particolar modo, la forte influenza del modello dantesco. L'analisi di diverse "spie" contenute nel romanzo e nei fogli preparatori, come il doppio rimando all'allegoria storico-politica degli ultimi canti del Purgatorio, porterà infatti alla luce la paternità dantesca del sistema allegorico di Petrolio. Si mostrerà, tuttavia, come non si tratti più dell'allegoria figurale di ascendenza auerbachiana che aveva interessato Pasolini negli anni precedenti, bensì di un ritorno all'allegoria vera e propria, ovvero una narrazione favolosa che cela "una veritade" (Dante, Convivio II, I. 4). Infine, un'analisi ravvicinata delle principali allegorie del romanzo svelerà che tali episodi allegorici rimandano inequivocabilmente a personaggi e ambientazioni proprie della Commedia. In questo modo, si potrà concludere che non solo Pasolini si ispira a Dante per costruire il sistema allegorico di Petrolio, ma che lo stesso apparato figurativo delle singole allegorie pasoliniane è costruito sulla falsariga di episodi danteschi.

This thesis investigates the role played by Dante Alighieri’s work in helping to shape Pier Paolo... more This thesis investigates the role played by Dante Alighieri’s work in helping to shape Pier Paolo Pasolini’s approach to the concept of realism. Pasolini’s Dantism constitutes a rich and well-established field of literary criticism. However, to date, there has been no systematic study that has explored in depth the contribution of Dante to the question of realism in Pasolini’s oeuvre. This research aims to demonstrate that the concept of realism runs through Pasolini’s engagement with Dante in the course his life and changes at different stages of his artistic development. The study follows a chronological approach and uses the lens of twentieth-century Dante criticism to read the dialogue between Dante and Pasolini. The first chapter investigates the influence of Dante’s use of the vernacular, mediated by the reading of Gianfranco Contini and Antonio Gramsci, on Pasolini’s theories on the relationship between dialect and realism in literature (1950s). The second chapter examines th...

Annali d’italianistica, 2022
This paper investigates the link between experimental narrative and political engagement in Pier ... more This paper investigates the link between experimental narrative and political engagement in Pier Paolo Pasolini's Petrolio (1992). In particular, it argues that Pasolini employs the narrative strategy of allegorical vision, typical of medieval literature, to challenge the new Power of neocapitalism. He does this by opposing an allegorical and visionary representation of reality to a realistic one, as in the novel realistic literature appears to be dangerously related to Power. This article starts with an analysis of Appunto 103B, where the concept of realistic representation acquires a negative connotation. Used as a synonym for "Machiavellian," realistic representation is defined as the way in which the new Power acts. In the same appunto, visions are presented as an alternative non-realistic form of representation that mocks the logic of Power. Thus, considering the novel's main allegorical visions, this paper discusses how this type of representation sheds light on the new Power and its crimes.
La caduta dell'Impero romano d'Occidente segna un momento cruciale per la geografia linguistica e... more La caduta dell'Impero romano d'Occidente segna un momento cruciale per la geografia linguistica e culturale dell'Italia. Con le invasione barbariche cessa l'unità politica della Penisola e si apre un processo di differenziazione politica e sociale.
Drafts by Maddalena Moretti

Pasolini's dialogue with his readers: the last space left for engaged literature in the 1970s In ... more Pasolini's dialogue with his readers: the last space left for engaged literature in the 1970s In the letter to Moravia attached to the manuscript of Petrolio, Pasolini defines his last narrative work in terms of an 'object of discussion' that he has put between himself and the reader: Ora in queste pagine io mi sono rivolto al lettore direttamente e non convenzionalmente. […] io ho parlato al lettore in quanto io stesso, in carne e ossa, come scrivo a te questa lettera, o come spesso ho scritto le mie poesie in italiano. Ho reso il romanzo oggetto non solo per il lettore ma anche per me: ho messo tale oggetto tra il lettore e me, e ne ho discusso insieme […]. Looking at Pasolini's career from 1960 onward he spent much of his energy in writing opinion columns on politics and society for different Italian newspapers: the column Dialoghi con Pasolini in "Vie Nuove" from 1960 to 1965, the column Il caos in "Il Tempo illustrato" from 1968 to 1970, his pieces of literary criticism for "Il Tempo illustrato" from 1972 to 1975, and others news articles such as the ones collected in Scritti corsari (1974). Because of the commitment he put into these and for the long time he dedicated to interacting with Italian readers we should consider his opinion columns as a fully-fledged part of his late literary production. Opinion columns seem to have become not only spaces to open up a new and alternative dialogue with the reader, but actually a new way of approaching literature. In this regard, can we then say that in the 1970s Pasolini considers open dialogue with readers as the last space left to engaged literature? Moreover, does this idea of literature apply to his other literary works of the time? The aim of my paper is to find an answer to these questions by putting Pasolini's opinion columns into dialogue with some of his 'proper' literary works of the time, for example Petrolio.

In una intervista radiofonica del 1965 dal titolo 'Dante e i poeti contemporanei', Pasolini ammet... more In una intervista radiofonica del 1965 dal titolo 'Dante e i poeti contemporanei', Pasolini ammette il lascito dell'interpretazione continiana di Dante come poeta della realtà nella sua produzione letteraria degli anni '50, aggiungendo però che quel modello dantesco è ormai superato. La crisi del paradigma continiano non sembra tuttavia tradursi in un abbandono generale di Dante che, al contrario, nelle opere dagli anni '60 in poi è sempre più presente. Questo intervento si propone dunque di investigare il nuovo rapporto cha Pasolini instaura con Dante proprio a partire dall'abbandono del modello continiano. Per spiegare tale nuova relazione introdurrò un'altra figura che predomina nella produzione letteraria di Pasolini di quegli anni e che, allo stesso tempo, era stata fondamentale per Dante nella costruzione della Commedia: San Paolo. Discuterò dunque il trittico Paolo-Dante-Pasolini come chiave di lettura per comprendere il nuovo rapporto che Pasolini instaura con Dante a partire dalla metà degli anni '60 e la nuova idea di Dante che influenzerà tutta la sua produzione successiva.
University of Leeds) [email protected] L'influenza di Dante e della critica dantesca del Novecent... more University of Leeds) [email protected] L'influenza di Dante e della critica dantesca del Novecento nell'opera di Pasolini è stata, ed è tuttora, oggetto di indagine e di dibattito. Recenti, nella critica dantesca, sono inoltre studi di natura comparativistica, focalizzati all'analisi di strategie poetiche che pongono Dante in parallelo con altri autori, senza tuttavia implicare un'influenza diretta del primo sui secondi, ma dove piuttosto le due materie di studio si illuminano vicendevolmente.

The encounter with the other: the deus ex machina of Pasolini's oeuvre Maddalena Moretti (Univers... more The encounter with the other: the deus ex machina of Pasolini's oeuvre Maddalena Moretti (University of Leeds) [email protected] Pasolini always conceives his approach to the world as a dialogue between two entities: his own very personal onemarked by his bourgeois origin -and that of the 'other'where the other represents any other culture and life form that stands in opposition to the bourgeois class. Living outside bourgeois society and so still not corrupted by neo-capitalism, the other appears to be as the only place left for Reality to manifest itself. Thus, it is by entering into dialogue with this otherness that Pasolini can interrogate the world around him. But who is this other? Looking at Pasolini's oeuvre, the other was first embodied by certain Italian sub-culturessuch as Friulian farmer boys and subproletarians of the Roman borgateand later by foreign culturessuch as inhabitants of the third-world.
submission deadline: 20 th January 2017 (see information below) Language, themes, theories, poeti... more submission deadline: 20 th January 2017 (see information below) Language, themes, theories, poetics, narrative structures, auctoritas, images, stories: contemporary culture still needs Dante for many reasons.
Talks by Maddalena Moretti
Conference Presentations by Maddalena Moretti
A seguito del convegno internazionale «L’ombra sua torna»: Dante, the twentieth century and beyon... more A seguito del convegno internazionale «L’ombra sua torna»: Dante, the twentieth century and beyond, tenutosi all’Università di Leeds il 24 e 25 marzo 2017, il comitato organizzatore, insieme a un comitato scientifico, formati da membri delle università di Leeds, Madrid, Oxford, Barcellona e Bologna, hanno deciso di dare vita a una seconda edizione del convegno, in vista del centenario dantesco del 2021.
Keynote speaker: Prof.ssa Daniela Caselli (University of Manchester) e Professor Lino Pertile (Harvard University).
I ricercatori interessati a partecipare al convegno sono invitati a inviare le loro proposte (massimo 300 parole) entro venerdì 17 gennaio 2020, insieme a una breve biografia (50 parole), specificando nome, indirizzo email e affiliazione a: [email protected].
Following up on the international conference «L’ombra sua torna»: Dante, the twentieth century an... more Following up on the international conference «L’ombra sua torna»: Dante, the twentieth century and beyond, held at the University of Leeds in 2017, the organising committee, together with a scientific committee, based at the universities of Leeds, Madrid, Oxford, Barcelona, and Bologna, have decided to create a second edition of the conference, with a view to Dante’s centennial 2021.
Keynote speakers: Professor Daniela Caselli (University of Manchester) and Professor Lino Pertile (Harvard University)
Researchers interested in taking part in the conference are invited to send their abstract (300 words maximum) by Friday 17th January 2020, together with a short biography (50 words), specifying name, email address and affiliation to [email protected].
Conference organization by Maddalena Moretti
Il convegno dantesco internazionale si terrà il 19, 20 e 21 aprile 2021.
Aware of the importance of taking stock of current studies about Dante and the twentieth-century ... more Aware of the importance of taking stock of current studies about Dante and the twentieth-century culture, this panel aims to be a stimulating opportunity to address this fruitful relationship, which always inspires new insights on both sides. The papers will indeed explore this subject from new and different perspectives, which go beyond intertextuality as presence of dantisms, and are rather closer to a comparative approach.
“'Der Paradies- alias Höllendante': incroci danteschi tra Peter Weiss e Walter Benjamin"
Carlota Cattermole Ordóñez – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
"Boats of knowledge – Literature as an ethical task in Dante and Gadda"
Serena Vandi – University of Leeds
"The language of realism: Dante’s and Pasolini’s concern for the vulgari eloquentia"
Maddalena Moretti – University of Leeds
Papers by Maddalena Moretti
Drafts by Maddalena Moretti
Talks by Maddalena Moretti
Conference Presentations by Maddalena Moretti
Keynote speaker: Prof.ssa Daniela Caselli (University of Manchester) e Professor Lino Pertile (Harvard University).
I ricercatori interessati a partecipare al convegno sono invitati a inviare le loro proposte (massimo 300 parole) entro venerdì 17 gennaio 2020, insieme a una breve biografia (50 parole), specificando nome, indirizzo email e affiliazione a: [email protected].
Keynote speakers: Professor Daniela Caselli (University of Manchester) and Professor Lino Pertile (Harvard University)
Researchers interested in taking part in the conference are invited to send their abstract (300 words maximum) by Friday 17th January 2020, together with a short biography (50 words), specifying name, email address and affiliation to [email protected].
Conference organization by Maddalena Moretti
“'Der Paradies- alias Höllendante': incroci danteschi tra Peter Weiss e Walter Benjamin"
Carlota Cattermole Ordóñez – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
"Boats of knowledge – Literature as an ethical task in Dante and Gadda"
Serena Vandi – University of Leeds
"The language of realism: Dante’s and Pasolini’s concern for the vulgari eloquentia"
Maddalena Moretti – University of Leeds
Keynote speaker: Prof.ssa Daniela Caselli (University of Manchester) e Professor Lino Pertile (Harvard University).
I ricercatori interessati a partecipare al convegno sono invitati a inviare le loro proposte (massimo 300 parole) entro venerdì 17 gennaio 2020, insieme a una breve biografia (50 parole), specificando nome, indirizzo email e affiliazione a: [email protected].
Keynote speakers: Professor Daniela Caselli (University of Manchester) and Professor Lino Pertile (Harvard University)
Researchers interested in taking part in the conference are invited to send their abstract (300 words maximum) by Friday 17th January 2020, together with a short biography (50 words), specifying name, email address and affiliation to [email protected].
“'Der Paradies- alias Höllendante': incroci danteschi tra Peter Weiss e Walter Benjamin"
Carlota Cattermole Ordóñez – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
"Boats of knowledge – Literature as an ethical task in Dante and Gadda"
Serena Vandi – University of Leeds
"The language of realism: Dante’s and Pasolini’s concern for the vulgari eloquentia"
Maddalena Moretti – University of Leeds
Tenzone 22 (2023) – edited by Carlota Cattermole Ordóñez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Maddalena Moretti (University of Leeds) and Serena Vandi (University of Manchester - University of Oxford) – is devoted to Dante's reception in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. «L’ombra sua torna»: Dante, the Twentieth Century and Beyond is a project aimmed to create a space of reflection and dialogue on the forms os contemporary reception of Dante. It collects essays by Eduard Vilella Morató, Giacomo Vagni, Stella Dagna, Alessandro Moro, Eszter Draskóczy, Dario Galassini, Elisa Martínez, Garrido, Maria Valeria Dominioni, Hasmik Vardanyan, Giovanna Corazza e Jacob Blakesley. The section Recensioni e Schede includes contributions by Chiara Giordano, Amparo García, Julia Berardozzi Rocha e Rosa Affatato.