Extensions for Leaflet Map
- With the WordPress plugin Leaflet Map you can display maps using shortcodes.
- Extensions for Leaflet Map integrates Leaflet plugins and offers even more functions.
- To comply with the GDPR, an appropriate plugin should be used. Among many others, there is the plugin DSGVO snippet for Leaflet Map and its Extensions.
Functions and Shortcodes
Function Shortcode(s) / Function Elevation Profiles Track with an elevation profile elevation Examples Multiple tracks with elevation profiles elevation-track, elevation-tracks, multielevation Examples Migration from WP GPX Maps sgpx Examples Functions for Markers implemented with Leaflet Plugins Marker Clustering cluster Examples Clustering and Grouping of Markers markerclustergroup Examples Styling Markercluster placementstrategies Examples Awesome Icons leaflet-extramarker Design and Group markers from geojson files geojsonmarker Examples Listing markers in the map listmarker Examples More Functions for Markers Overview Map overviewmap Examples Target Marker targetmarker, targetlink Examples Hide Markers hidemarkers Functions implemented with Leaflet Plugins Grouping by options and features leaflet-optiongroup, leaflet-featuregroup Examples Display groups in a tree view leaflet-parentgroup Examples Search markers/features leaflet-search Examples Switching Tile Servers layerswitch Examples Reset the map zoomhomemap Examples Fullscreen fullscreen Gesture Handling gestures Leaflet Choropleth choropleth Hovering Hovering and Tooltips hover Examples Hovering overlapping elements hoverlap Examples Manage Leaflet Map files Manage Leaflet Map files Manage Leaflet Map files Tracks from all files in a directory leaflet-directory Examples
More with additional Leaflet plugins
- Leaflet.Maidenhead: Draw a Maidenhead Locator System lines and labels.
- Leaflet.draw: Adds support for drawing and editing vectors and markers on Leaflet maps.
- Leaflet List Markers: A Leaflet Control for listing visible markers/features in a interactive box.
- leaflet-geojson-selector: Show GeoJSON properties in a interactive menu and map
- leaflet-geosearch: Small geocoding plugin that brings address searching/lookup (aka geosearching) to Leaflet.
- Leaflet.Geodesic: Drawing over the antimeridian
- Leaflet.Locate: A useful control to geolocate the user with many options.
- leaflet.Permalink: Adds the maps center and zoom as a permalink for Leaflet maps.
- Leaflet.SmoothWheelZoom: smooth wheel zoom for leaflet.
- leaflet.nauticscale: Leaflet scale control in nautic miles
- Overlapping Marker Spiderfier for Leaflet: Small numbers of markers (yes, up to 8) spiderfy into a circle. Larger numbers fan out into a more space-efficient spiral.
- Leaflet.pattern: Provides the ability to use SVG patterns as backgrounds for Leaflet Paths.
- Leaflet.pattern: Provides the ability to use SVG patterns as backgrounds for Leaflet Paths.
- Leaflet Truesize: A plugin for easily comparing sizes of geographical shapes.
Even more examples
- Bozdoz's Leaflet Map Shortcode Helper in Frontend
- How to use iconsize, iconAnchor, popupAnchor, tooltipAnchor
- Define the icon in geojson file
- Turn map marker into url link
- Zoom to Marker on click
- Make marker transparent on click and back
- Make marker and geojson points transparent on click and back
- DivIcon
- Marker popup outside the map
- Make marker tooltip permanent
- Switch Tile on and off
- List files in Control
- Controling an Image Overlay
- Elevation, Marker and Extra Marker
- Elevation Waypoints
- Elevation Custom Waypoints
- Geojson, properties and Popups
- Blinking geojson
- How to set maxBounds conditionally
- Control parentgroup outside the map
- Fractional Zoom