Papers by Jacek Nazdrowicz
Przegląd Organizacji
Innowacyjność stanowi najbardziej zauważalny element wzrostu konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw. W ... more Innowacyjność stanowi najbardziej zauważalny element wzrostu konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw. W Polsce innowacyjność jest znacznie zahamowana, głównie ze względu na brak odpowiedniego finansowania sektora badawczo-rozwojowego. Dodatkowym czynnikiem jest niewłaściwy podział pozyskanych środków i nieefektywna struktura zarządzania jednostkami z tego sektora. Dużym problemem jest również zbyt silne uzależnienie jednostek B+R od państwa oraz brak zainteresowania inwestowaniem w ten obszar przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa.
Przegląd Organizacji
Źródłem innowacji w przedsiębiorstwie są zarówno menedżerowie, jak i pracownicy. Efektywne kreowa... more Źródłem innowacji w przedsiębiorstwie są zarówno menedżerowie, jak i pracownicy. Efektywne kreowanie innowacji wymaga poszukiwania okazji w przedsiębiorstwie i jego otoczeniu oraz wywierania pozytywnego wpływu na pracowników, motywując ich do działania. Innowacje budzą u nich jednak wiele wątpliwości, często przekształcając ich w aktywnych oponentów. Zmiana podejścia pracownika do kwestii innowacji wymaga aktywnej działalności menedżerskiej, a co z tym się wiąże – posiadania odpowiednich umiejętności przekonywania i inspirowania. (abstrakt oryginalny)
2022 21st IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (iTherm), May 31, 2022
2022 21st IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (iTherm)
2022 21st IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (iTherm)
2017 14th International Conference The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics (CADSM), 2017
In this paper we present the analysis of a 3D model of a surface-micromachined accelerometer. It ... more In this paper we present the analysis of a 3D model of a surface-micromachined accelerometer. It allows us to define basic mechanical parameters, which give us information about mechanical properties of the modelled sensor. The analysis has been performed in COMSOL Multiphysics software. We used the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the analysis of the 3D structure. We analysed the behaviour of our sensor for changing the acceleration up to 8g. We also checked the eigenfrequencies of the sensor in order to define its parameters.
2021 XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), 2021
In the paper model in Matlab/SIMULINK of small power energy domain is considered. Author would li... more In the paper model in Matlab/SIMULINK of small power energy domain is considered. Author would like to show how two parameters - irradiance and temperature are crucial for such “private power plant” operation - how parameters of the system influence on power energy production. Based on own experience, author discuss it and show how important is to apply dedicated algorithms to obtain as much power as possible by appropriate control of electrical parameter connected to PV cells.
2018 25th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and System" (MIXDES), 2018
In this paper there are modelling and simulation capabilities of MEMS motion sensors in Matlab/SI... more In this paper there are modelling and simulation capabilities of MEMS motion sensors in Matlab/SIMULINK environment. In each model there is different approach applied, therefore author presents his proposal of mathematical, electrical equivalent and physical models. Results obtained from all of them are similar or identical and are presented here. Author also takes into consideration on crucial modelling aspects which in each of these approaches.
The research reports, 2011

2016 MIXDES - 23rd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2016
Infrared radiation microdetectors become a concern for many scientists, because of their wide cap... more Infrared radiation microdetectors become a concern for many scientists, because of their wide capability application in industry. Microbolometers are good example of resistive microdetectors belonging to large family of MEMS devices. Electro-thermal models are commonly used in simulations and designing MEMS devices, also in microbolometers modelling and analyzing of performance. It is crucial to build the most detailed model as possible with mutual electric and thermal domains influence for carrying out simulations and detect all phenomena. During modeling creation it is important to notice that Microbolometers detection capability is limited by fluctuation of various noise sources which have random nature. This article presents theoretical background of circuit modelling, with thermal noise sources taken into consideration.
International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, 2016
2017 MIXDES - 24th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2017
This paper presents developed mathematical model of MEMS gyroscope in Matlab/SIMULINK environment... more This paper presents developed mathematical model of MEMS gyroscope in Matlab/SIMULINK environment. This model was created with standard SIMULINK library, so it can be used commonly. It uses blocks which have been used for some years and they are compatible backwards with previous versions of SIMULINK. This model can be very useful for calculating MEMS gyroscope parameters especially geometrical ones because these have huge impact on device response and possibilities of application. In this paper output characteristics of MEMS gyroscope are presented in both orthogonal directions, this gives quick overview of behavior this kind of microgyroscope.
International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, 2015
Problems of effective numerical calculations in scientific applications are caused by non-optimal... more Problems of effective numerical calculations in scientific applications are caused by non-optimal front-end application code or ineffective system of scientific data management at back-end. In this article author presents some aspects of performance problems when relational database is used as backend storage based on real cases. Presented examples come from simulated environments with large load and many queries executed. These examples can reflect real problems with data processing in numerical calculations on data extracted from MSSQL Server database.
International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, 2018
Papers by Jacek Nazdrowicz