Papers by Anne Wolsfeld
Amsterdam University Press eBooks, Aug 24, 2022
Amsterdam University Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
This chapter considers the issue of continuity and rupture between Neronian and Flavian policies ... more This chapter considers the issue of continuity and rupture between Neronian and Flavian policies in light of Vespasian's efforts to revive official cult honours for the deified Claudius. Re-examination of the evidence for the status of Divus Claudius during the reign of Nero suggests that the most salient feature of Claudius' divinity was the glory it conferred upon his successor's patriline. Accounts that stress the Flavians' rejection of Neronian precedents thus fail to offer adequate justification for the renewed emphasis that Claudius' cult received under Vespasian. A better explanation can be found in the ideological importance of the imperial cult itself, as the new dynasty sought to build on the example of Divus Claudius as a precedent for its own claims to charismatic authority.

Nero und Domitian, die bis heute nicht nur in der Popularkultur als mali principes gelten, sind b... more Nero und Domitian, die bis heute nicht nur in der Popularkultur als mali principes gelten, sind bislang zumeist einzeln oder im Kontext ihrer eigenen Dynastien untersucht worden. Dieser Band unternimmt erstmals den Versuch, die Herrscherreprasentation beider Kaiser im Vergleich zu analysieren. Durch eine solche komparative Herangehensweise sollen die spezifischen Profile ihrer Herrschaft, Kontinuitaten und Bruche in ihrer Reprasentation sowie Transgressionen bestehender Normen herausgearbeitet werden. Dafur werden die Darstellungen beider Kaiser in den verschiedenen Medien - in der Literatur, in Inschriften, Bildnissen und Munzen - aus der Perspektive mehrerer altertumswissenschaftlicher Fachdisziplinen betrachtet. Ziel ist es, so die verschiedenen Strategien und Praktiken ihrer Reprasentation zu untersuchen und dabei die Diskurse der neronischen und domitianischen Herrschaft nachzuzeichnen.
Flavian Responses to Nero's Rome
Contrary to literary tradition, reactions to Nero's Rome in the archaeological record of visual r... more Contrary to literary tradition, reactions to Nero's Rome in the archaeological record of visual representation do not completely reject previous developments, but are multifaceted. In their self-representation the Flavians had different strategies to cope with their predecessor's images: they used the official concept of the portrait head to make statements against his rule and also to support the consolidation of their family. For the other iconographic elements and dimensions of imperial images, which were chosen by the commissioner of the respective monument, a continuous and stepwise development can be observed, even for those elements newly introduced under Nero. Apparently, there was no impulse to move backwards to a more traditional level, not even after the death of a condemned emperor like Nero.
Flavian Responses to Nero's Rome, Aug 24, 2022
Nero und Domitian – Diskurse der Herrscherrepräsentation im Vergleich, 2014
Nero und Domitian – Mediale Diskurse der Herrscherrepräsentation im Vergleich, 2014
Thesis Chapters by Anne Wolsfeld
Tübinger Archäologische Forschungen 32, 2021
Papers by Anne Wolsfeld
Thesis Chapters by Anne Wolsfeld