Papers by Kimberly Campbell

Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 2011
This article provides a brief synthesis of research findings from studies of teacher education pr... more This article provides a brief synthesis of research findings from studies of teacher education programs that include attention to teacher research. It then details findings from a study of beginning teachers who learned about and conducted teacher research in their preservice M.A.T. program. Surveys and follow-up interviews show that these beginning teachers (2-6 years in the field) utilize a variety of research strategies, and the data from their classroom inquiry informs and sustains their work. Teacher research is more than just a requirement of their teacher preparation program; it is an essential habit of their classroom practice. Teacher quality is a hot topic for politicians, parents, students, educators, and community members. The relationship between teacher quality and teacher preparation is under scrutiny. What do teachers need to know? What is the best way to support this knowledge development? How do we ensure that teachers are prepared to educate 21 st century learners? In the midst of conversations about multiple routes into teaching, school-based residency programs, and greater attention to clinical practice, one curriculum trend is receiving attention: teachers as researchers. The assumption is that-teachers need to gather, interpret, and use data about students' learning and other aspects of teaching, learning, and schooling to continually rethink and improve their teaching practice.‖ This focus on teacher research is not new to teacher education. A number of education researchers have written about the need for teacher research as part of beginning teacher preparation programs (
Democracy and Education, 2013
As teacher-educators we need to embrace practitioner (action) research of our own classroom pract... more As teacher-educators we need to embrace practitioner (action) research of our own classroom practice. Such research serves to improve our practice, inform the teaching profession, and serve as modeling for future teachers to become practitioner researchers in support of their efforts to meet the learning needs of the students with whom they work as well as have a voice in policy decisions that impact their professional lives.
The English Journal, 1990
Jessica enters my Advanced Placement, ninthgrade English class on that first day wearing a black ... more Jessica enters my Advanced Placement, ninthgrade English class on that first day wearing a black felt hat. In the first assignment, a letter of introduction, she tells me of her need for hats, writing, "The thought crosses my mind that you might not appreciate hats in your classroom, if so I am greatly saddened, for I love hats so much." I respond by writing in the margin, "I love hats and look forward to seeing your entire collection." A good start, I think.
Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 2013
This article explores how Back-to-School Nights could be an opportunity for teachers to share who... more This article explores how Back-to-School Nights could be an opportunity for teachers to share who they are and why they love the content they teach with the parents who attend this fall event. It shows how beginning teachers built on an example from a veteran teacher's Back-to School Night presentation and incorporated PowerPoint to introduce themselves and their classroom content and expectations.
Papers by Kimberly Campbell