Papers by krystyna iglicka
The Challenge of East-West Migration for Poland, 1999
The METOIKOS project looks at circular migration patterns in three European regions: southeastern... more The METOIKOS project looks at circular migration patterns in three European regions: southeastern Europe and the Balkans (Greece, Italy and Albania); southwestern Europe and the Maghreb (Spain, Italy and Morocco); and Central Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine). More specifically, METOIKOS studies the links between different types of circular migration and processes of integration (in the country of destination) and reintegration (in the source country). It identifies the main challenges and opportunities involved in circular ...
Choice or Necessity?, 2013
Slavic Review, 2003
The phenomenon of East-West European migration was largely neglected in the past by researchers a... more The phenomenon of East-West European migration was largely neglected in the past by researchers and policy makers, but it has recently become a controversial and important topic for the international community. This volume is the first comprehensive, combined socio-economic and ...
New Challenges for Migration Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, 2002
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2000
This article explores Polish migratory movements with particular attention being paid to the mech... more This article explores Polish migratory movements with particular attention being paid to the mechanisms determining outflows before and after communism. The developments and changes that took place in Central and Easter Europe after 1989 had tremendous impact, both direct and ...
International Migration Review, 1998
"This article presents the process of migration of Kazakhs of Polish ancestry from Kazak... more "This article presents the process of migration of Kazakhs of Polish ancestry from Kazakhstan to Poland which has been taking place since the early 1990s. Poles deported in the past to Kazakhstan were mostly inhabitants of territories which did not belong to Poland; neither were they citizens of Poland. Therefore, the process of adaptation and integration was rather painful. The article points to factors that may simplify and those that may impede integration. The other problem...concerns the piecemeal policy towards Kazakhstan Poles, adopted by the Polish government, which seems risky if not dangerous. The author explains why it may cause a huge wave of illegal immigration to Poland."
International Migration, 2001
This article investigates migratory movements from and into Poland before and after the collapse ... more This article investigates migratory movements from and into Poland before and after the collapse of communism. The character and scale of these movements are of considerable significance, not only for politicians and societies in the CEE region, but also for European integration. The Polish eastern border is likely to remain one of the few places in Europe where it will be possible to control mobility on the East-West axis. One cannot discuss East-West mobility without discussing the emigration of Poles.

International Migration, 2011
The flexible and cheap labour that European “post-industrial” economies are in need of is often f... more The flexible and cheap labour that European “post-industrial” economies are in need of is often facilitated by undeclared labour. The undocumented migrant, from his/her part, relatively easily finds work that suits his -- at least initial -- plans. What lies behind this nexus between irregular migration and informal economy? To what extent can this nexus be attributed to the structural features of the so-called “secondary”, as opposed to “primary”, labour market? And how does migration policy correlate with this economic context and lead to the entrapment of migrants in irregularity? Finally, can this vicious cycle of interests and life-strategies be broken and what does the experience of the migrants indicate in this respect? This paper addresses these questions via an exploration of the grounds upon which irregular migration and the shadow economy complement each other in southern Europe (SE) and central and Eastern Europe (CEE) (two regions at different points in the migration cycle). In doing so, the dynamic character of the nexus between informal economy and irregular migration will come to the fore, and the abstract identity of the “average” undocumented migrant will be deconstructed.
Europe-Asia Studies, 2000
... As a result the cost of tourist vouchers and the minimum amount of money required on entry to... more ... As a result the cost of tourist vouchers and the minimum amount of money required on entry to Poland were lowered (Iglicka, forthcoming a). After a decade of penetration of Polish trade andlabour markets by petty traders and seasonal workers one can observe that some of ...

Publikacja ta powstała w ramach projektu "Cudzoziemscy małżonkowie obywateli polskich -wymiar gen... more Publikacja ta powstała w ramach projektu "Cudzoziemscy małżonkowie obywateli polskich -wymiar genderowy", Za treść publikacji odpowiadają wyłącznie jej autorzy, a poglądy w niej wyrażone nie odzwierciedlają oficjalnego stanowiska Unii Europejskiej. Komisja Europejska nie po nosi odpowiedzialności za sposób wykorzystania udostępnionych informacji ISBN 9788373835931 Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar Spółka z o.o. ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 62, 00322 Warszawa tel./fax 22 828 93 91, 22 826 59 21, 22 828 95 63 dział handlowy: jak wyżej w. 105, 108 email: [email protected] Wydanie pierwsze Przygotowanie grafik 1.1 i 1.2 Michał Olewnik/ Druk i oprawa: Drukarnia Poligraf, Drelów Bibliografia 96 Noty o Autorach 99
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2001
This paper describes and analyses the phenomenon of shuttle mobility from the countries of the fo... more This paper describes and analyses the phenomenon of shuttle mobility from the countries of the former Soviet Union into Poland during the decade after the collapse of the communist rule. I suggest that such pendulum movements are an ephemeral population ...

International Journal of Population Geography, 2002
This paper describes trends and mechanisms in population mobility in Poland which are gradually t... more This paper describes trends and mechanisms in population mobility in Poland which are gradually transforming this major sending country in the Central and Eastern European region into a country of net immigration and transit. Emphasis is placed on the migration into Poland from the former USSR countries since 1989, in the context of the recent geopolitical shifts in the CEE region: collapse of communist rule and forthcoming European Union enlargement. Although stress has been put on ongoing changes in migratory patterns and mechanisms that began after the collapse of the political regime, it is also emphasised here that one should not analyse trends that occurred after 1989 without understanding the history and mechanism of migration prior to that date. Therefore, trends and mechanisms of migration into Poland observed during the transition period are examined from the perspective of the migration system approach. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Papers by krystyna iglicka