There is the possibility of adding a taunt move, that arouses the enemies to fuck you, when you in the red hearts ultimate-form, instead of stabbing them? It also would be great if the MC could grow tits, bigger and bigger, by been poisoned or curserd, even if it was just for some time and then back to "normal".
the game are very good but i think seriosly that this need some way to save the game bc i just lost a 1h run just bc the room get in a bug like the exit door i cant go in bc has something invisible that dont let me pass and had NO ENEMYS on the room ;-; but the rest for the game in my opinion its very good
what’s the build number on the game? (It’s written on the title screen on the bottom left ) I was afraid that bug would come again. It’s been a tricky one to patch
Any chance to get the 1.5.1 build on your Patreon? I know this just went live, but still refuses to open to other payment options besides Paypal so I refuse to buy anything through them until that changes.
Btw, I did notice in the 1.5 build that the gallery scenes for the new enemies had been unlocked already even though I hadn't encountered them. Fyi. Is there a way to reset progress? I intend to replay from the start since the doors have hopefully been fixed.
oh! yeah! sorry I should have mention i update the game here and Patreon, I was delayed~
also yeah, the H-scenes have been left accessible until I get all the bugs in the gallery figured out~
a way to reset the progress is to delete the save file. you can locate it by searching in "%appdata%" folder, and in the adumbral-and-crimson 1.5.1 folder. its a TXT file.
Happened after having fun with knife boy. I noticed he normally takes 3 successful parries to force him to lewd mode, this time it took 5 or 6, then after the scene ended it ctd'ed and gave me this error.
This game is magnificent, it would be cool if there was a way to save your progress in the future,Sometimes I get stuck in some rooms, starting from the beginning is very sad
After fucking the black and white character and leaving the room, my game crashed, also, when I close the game, I have to do the tutorial again. (By the way, this has to be my favorite hentai game ever honestly)
awesome thankyou, i did manage too make it through and get all three endings anyway but my real stopper was the bugged doors, i9 hope you can get that one patched out! i really enjoyed the game and ill def play more femboy games from you!
There's a gamebreaking bug that will spawn rooms that can't be exited. Three times now I've had it happen, all in different rooms. It seems to have a chance to happen in any room that doesn't have hostile NPCs in it.
I was playing normally, when I found those white Worms, then I started the sex scene, and pressed space, as soon as it ended, the game crashed and this message appeared
I see! That’s a major bug! Unfortunately I know the issue and it can’t be avoided, you’ll have to avoid lewding that enemy, which is a downer, I’ll patch it later tonight
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out which monster I need to try and bone for the left most gallery picture. I have beat the game twice and have not been able to figure out what I did wrong.
There must be a bug in the gallery, the enemy your referring too is the first enemy you encounter (blacked out creature with white teeth that claws at you if provoked ) if its not showing up then it might also be a issue with the save file, removing it might fix it.
alright, that means I just didn't notice that gallery animation was missing. It just didn't unlock for some reason. I forgot that there were 2 black shadow monsters. Thank you, I kept thinking I was missing something.
progress has been going swell~ I haven't posted anything about it publicly yet, its on my Patreon~ its certain ill have an update by the end of this month~
Really awesome game! I love the style, theme and the gameplay >w<.
Few bug: 1) Sometimes the locked door unlocks but I still cant go to the next room. 2) Once my characters animations were all backwards after having a "fun time" >w<.
I really like this game and despite that first bug Its 100% worth to restart and play from the start ^w^. Cant wait for next update!
Oh and few questions: 1) Will it be possible to have lewd interaction with the "parasite/leach" creatures in the future? pwease >///< 2) Will it be possible to have lewd interaction with the one-shooting creatures when you are in red form and you manage to hit them before they kill you? :3
it depends on which form you've gotten after being transformed, if you gotten the Dark one, you'll kill everything quicker, if you have the red one you'll lock them into lewding, the added perks from ether transformation besides white intentionally forces you down a certain path, even with white transformation it can be tricky, since you can still kill the enemies who are waiting to be pacified~
Hello, dear author. I insanely liked the concept of this game, I hope you will continue to please us with content on this game, as will be your desire.
However, I want to report a bug that does not allow me to leave the room in which the rabbit suit in lewd root is issued. It's like the character can't see the door, also in this room there is a clock and a creature that says "if you wander around long enough...".
In general got me this problem 2 times in a row when trying to get to the lewd ending. I tried everything: and slaughter everyone around, and press the buttons on each half of the room. Anyway, thanks in advance for everything,
too many game soft locking bugs. that causes you to loose all proggress
getting stuck after getting railed when you are near the egde of the room. (rooms a re small so its too common)
weird bug where the mc randomly stops recgonising imputs and starts swinging and spinning
otherwised sexy sceans hot monsters good gameplay increadable graphics please add at the very least a restat room button or a unstuck button it could help a lot good job
some of those are old bugs, how long ago did you get the game and what’s the version number on the main screen? If old bugs are resurfacing then oh boi ‘o’
Will add the restart room option as that room lock bug is very common
oh, I can recall them again, extremely rare. It only happened twice. After using specific tricks to unlock doors. Like using a holy knife with the lust tattoo to ensure getting a white heart (which also unlocks the door) after said "fun" was had. It wouldn't let me progress through the door. As if it was still locked with no enemies left. So twice I had to restart for 0 😅
This game is an absolute gem in the very niche department of monster on femboy porn. I sincerely hope to see it grow more and more. Good luck, magnificent dev.
I really like the game and the protagonist. They have a nice ass. Not even into femboys like that but I'm a fan of this. Unsure of how to deal with certain monsters, and having issues with some doors losing their bars after defeating all the enemies but not being able to walk through it.
Yes, I was grabbed while standing on the door transition. The frame the animation ended, I went through the door and it started again on the other side. The side animation and the sprites were frozen, and then a few seconds later the game crashed.
I see! I made a patch to fix that~ when standing exactly at the door, and entering into a lewd animation, the game will transition the player to the other room while In a lewd state, the game crashes because the enemy that’s lewding is no longer present in the same room, so the game just crashes. It shouldn’t Happen now.
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I played your creation thoroughly and ended up enjoying it a lot, despite the bug-derived annoyances. I think it's a fantastic proof of concept with potential for such great artistically fulfilling cosmic horror! The kind that you already crafted is amazing. Hits all the right disturbing, off-putting notes, which makes the kinky stuff all that much more visceral in the way it appeals to primal, irrational, and intense sex. I thoroughly like the way you managed to make the darker horrors visually elegant and elaborate, and sexy! I seriously hope you'll expand on it, because I like your work and animation quite a bit, and out of all of them, I see quite a bit of an interesting niche for Adumbral and Crimson. For this reason, I hope you don't mind if I report a few bugs I found which no doubt you already know about, I simply would love to see this experience be smoothened out and not diminished by technical shortcomings. Though you may be busy with other things right about now, thank you for putting this out, on behalf of everyone who enjoyed it!
1) Character can be pushed past collision borders of objects and walls with enough force in 1.3. I know this is a work in progress, but it used to be an issue in other works of yours too. I can confirm that it can happen regardless of being naked or under any particular condition, it's just enough pushback that leaves you still inside a bed or a corner. This has most commonly happened with the big darker horrors with long claws. 2) When turning into an incubus, auto attacks that have a chance to "charm" horrors don't work on the leech boy. When the leech boy is knifed and becomes charmed by the random incubus charm chance rather than the heart infusion effect, having the character touch him will result in a split overview animation where the actual enemy remains separate. The encounter will not make the enemy disappear or yield a red heart. Due to this bug, the only way to deal with leech boys as an incubus is to effectively kill them or bless them. 3) I found the heart infusion effect to not work on enemies as consistently or at all anymore after obtaining the incubus transformation. 4) Considering the fact knife damage seems to get upped after a transformation (takes two hits instead of three to kill a humanoid dark horror), the random charm chance when knifing enemies as an incubus should perhaps be increased or guaranteed to make it relevant. Alternatively, the damage could remain the same for incubi. 5) My run ended as a transformed incubus because I died. When my character awoke in the usual room again, he was stuck in place and he couldn't move at all, effectively needing to end the game there. 6) This bug is probably the most annoying out of all the soft locks, and it happened to me twice very randomly: I got stuck knifing and turning around in place, perpetually, once while turning quickly to face a leech boy who was trapped in a corner and spamming spacebar to knife him, another when pressing spacebar a single time in front of the gate person who opens the passage for you if you bend over. It required me to end the entire game both times, and I made sure it wasn't some issue with my keyboard. I hypothesize it may have to do with pressing a directional key and spacebar at the same time, or something along those lines, but I can't know.
I haven't reached the incubus ending yet or any ending actually but these are all the bugs I found. I will play more to at least reach one ending, maybe all of them eventually, and if so, I hope I'll be able to report any bug I find because I'd personally like to see this thing reach its maximum potential someday. It would be quite the piece with more creatures and scenes featuring the darker horrors, like the analog horror angel. I wish good things to you in your endeavors!
← Return to game
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I really want to buy your games but I need pay with card option pls I want to play your games😭😭
great game! but please fix the bug qwq
is it the bug where you get stuck in one room and can’t leave?
I want to buy the game but PayPal won't let me since visa's don't work on it.
There is the possibility of adding a taunt move, that arouses the enemies to fuck you, when you in the red hearts ultimate-form, instead of stabbing them? It also would be great if the MC could grow tits, bigger and bigger, by been poisoned or curserd, even if it was just for some time and then back to "normal".
Will this game be uploaded on steam?
Could you possibly add paying with card as a method of purchase? Visas aren't exactly compatible with paypal anymore.
the game are very good but i think seriosly that this need some way to save the game bc i just lost a 1h run just bc the room get in a bug like the exit door i cant go in bc has something invisible that dont let me pass and had NO ENEMYS on the room ;-; but the rest for the game in my opinion its very good
what’s the build number on the game? (It’s written on the title screen on the bottom left ) I was afraid that bug would come again. It’s been a tricky one to patch
1.5 v
nearly a year since i came back to this, glad to see you're still on it! gonna go ahead and see how much it's changed!
Would really like to buy this for Android :(
warning! bug in the build that crashes the game when you die, patching right now!
Any chance to get the 1.5.1 build on your Patreon? I know this just went live, but still refuses to open to other payment options besides Paypal so I refuse to buy anything through them until that changes.
Btw, I did notice in the 1.5 build that the gallery scenes for the new enemies had been unlocked already even though I hadn't encountered them. Fyi. Is there a way to reset progress? I intend to replay from the start since the doors have hopefully been fixed.
Alright, thanks my dude. Patch 1.5.1 is on the Patreon page for anyone else wondering.
oh! yeah! sorry I should have mention i update the game here and Patreon, I was delayed~
also yeah, the H-scenes have been left accessible until I get all the bugs in the gallery figured out~
a way to reset the progress is to delete the save file. you can locate it by searching in "%appdata%" folder, and in the adumbral-and-crimson 1.5.1 folder. its a TXT file.
So got a crash to report from 1.5.1.
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_enemy_NoWall:
Unable to find instance for object index 45
at gml_Object_obj_enemy_NoWall_Step_0
gml_Object_obj_enemy_NoWall_Step_0 (line -1)
Happened after having fun with knife boy. I noticed he normally takes 3 successful parries to force him to lewd mode, this time it took 5 or 6, then after the scene ended it ctd'ed and gave me this error.How do I know I've reached an endin
when you reach a boiler room with a large angel like being who you talk too~
This game is magnificent, it would be cool if there was a way to save your progress in the future,Sometimes I get stuck in some rooms, starting from the beginning is very sad
Thanks! new patch now has a save feature, so you can skip the beginning of the game~
honestly you have one of the best h games i have ever seen cant wait for the next update :)
thanks c:
After fucking the black and white character and leaving the room, my game crashed, also, when I close the game, I have to do the tutorial again.
(By the way, this has to be my favorite hentai game ever honestly)
oh gosh, was it the knife welding character you lewded, then left the room that made you crash? also did you see what the crash report said?
Yes the knife one, and I don't have the report with me but it said something about a missing object or something, I'll screenshot if I get it again
alright thanks! Appreciate your reply! c:
Here's your error report.
how many teeth do you need to acheive the next form? i almost had 20 but then got into a room with the one shot angel monster
you need 12 teeth for the next form, but you need to cycle thur a certain number of rooms. to re-reach the boiler room,
I am gonna look into making the one shot kill encounters more fair.
awesome thankyou, i did manage too make it through and get all three endings anyway but my real stopper was the bugged doors, i9 hope you can get that one patched out! i really enjoyed the game and ill def play more femboy games from you!
There's a gamebreaking bug that will spawn rooms that can't be exited. Three times now I've had it happen, all in different rooms. It seems to have a chance to happen in any room that doesn't have hostile NPCs in it.
I see! how late does that it occur? like rough estimate on how many rooms in, and does it happen after the Boiler room? when you get a new form.
Each time it happened I had visited the boiler room 3+ times without enough teeth. I had the white heart transformation.
I see! That’s a major bug! Unfortunately I know the issue and it can’t be avoided, you’ll have to avoid lewding that enemy, which is a downer, I’ll patch it later tonight
it should be fixed now~
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out which monster I need to try and bone for the left most gallery picture. I have beat the game twice and have not been able to figure out what I did wrong.
There must be a bug in the gallery, the enemy your referring too is the first enemy you encounter (blacked out creature with white teeth that claws at you if provoked ) if its not showing up then it might also be a issue with the save file, removing it might fix it.
alright, that means I just didn't notice that gallery animation was missing. It just didn't unlock for some reason. I forgot that there were 2 black shadow monsters. Thank you, I kept thinking I was missing something.
How's progress on this game now that we're at the month where you said you'll update it?
progress has been going swell~ I haven't posted anything about it publicly yet, its on my Patreon~ its certain ill have an update by the end of this month~
Now that nekomancer was updated, how about update this one?
I am aiming to push updates to this one around October~
reason being it'll give me time to make some real good and spooky lewdy stuff~
Really awesome game! I love the style, theme and the gameplay >w<.
Few bug:
1) Sometimes the locked door unlocks but I still cant go to the next room.
2) Once my characters animations were all backwards after having a "fun time" >w<.
I really like this game and despite that first bug Its 100% worth to restart and play from the start ^w^. Cant wait for next update!
Oh and few questions:
1) Will it be possible to have lewd interaction with the "parasite/leach" creatures in the future? pwease >///<
2) Will it be possible to have lewd interaction with the one-shooting creatures when you are in red form and you manage to hit them before they kill you? :3
Why is it so difficult to collect white hearts? Especially after being transformed...
it depends on which form you've gotten after being transformed, if you gotten the Dark one, you'll kill everything quicker, if you have the red one you'll lock them into lewding, the added perks from ether transformation besides white intentionally forces you down a certain path, even with white transformation it can be tricky, since you can still kill the enemies who are waiting to be pacified~
Epic freaking game
aww thanks~
I think this may be abandoned, sadly, like most other games by this author, however promising...
I have not abandoned this, I am putting a hold on updates to work on other my games published here.
We need a collection pack of your games
when the next sale comes up! ill make it so~
Hello, dear author. I insanely liked the concept of this game, I hope you will continue to please us with content on this game, as will be your desire.
However, I want to report a bug that does not allow me to leave the room in which the rabbit suit in lewd root is issued. It's like the character can't see the door, also in this room there is a clock and a creature that says "if you wander around long enough...".
In general got me this problem 2 times in a row when trying to get to the lewd ending. I tried everything: and slaughter everyone around, and press the buttons on each half of the room. Anyway, thanks in advance for everything,
Version 1.4.
too many game soft locking bugs. that causes you to loose all proggress
getting stuck after getting railed when you are near the egde of the room. (rooms a re small so its too common)
weird bug where the mc randomly stops recgonising imputs and starts swinging and spinning
otherwised sexy sceans hot monsters good gameplay increadable graphics please add at the very least a restat room button or a unstuck button it could help a lot good job
some of those are old bugs, how long ago did you get the game and what’s the version number on the main screen? If old bugs are resurfacing then oh boi ‘o’
Will add the restart room option as that room lock bug is very common
There is a bug, i simply can't go to the next location (the door is opened, but caracter can't go through it)
thanks for your comment, that bug is getting a lot of people
Outside of a couple of rare bugs, the game is great. I wouldn't mind seeing these characters or creatures in a 3d horror survival game of some kind
aw thanks~ what was some of the rare bugs you encountered? If you can recall c:
oh, I can recall them again, extremely rare. It only happened twice. After using specific tricks to unlock doors. Like using a holy knife with the lust tattoo to ensure getting a white heart (which also unlocks the door) after said "fun" was had. It wouldn't let me progress through the door. As if it was still locked with no enemies left. So twice I had to restart for 0 😅
Finally got the ending I wanted, fantastic game! I experienced zero bugs in my latest playthrough!
that's honestly so so relieving to hear! im glad you go to the end with no bugs~ glad you enjoyed the game c:
Will there be possible bondage in this game?... of future games? heh. I enjoy your games!
As a bondage enjoyer myself, I second this notion~
as a bondage enjoying myself~ I’ll see how I can work it in the game~ eventually
Omg bless you, Lavey, truly~ I can hardly wait to see what you come up with - same as usual for your games!
You're a saint and a hero. Let no one tell you differently!
This game is an absolute gem in the very niche department of monster on femboy porn. I sincerely hope to see it grow more and more. Good luck, magnificent dev.
I really like the game and the protagonist. They have a nice ass. Not even into femboys like that but I'm a fan of this. Unsure of how to deal with certain monsters, and having issues with some doors losing their bars after defeating all the enemies but not being able to walk through it.
Appreciate your comment~ That issue is has been appearing often for others, been trying to fix it~
A glitch where you get into a sex animation on a door transition and it crashes the game.
thats a nasty bug!~ where you standing exactly on the door when entered a sex animation?
Yes, I was grabbed while standing on the door transition. The frame the animation ended, I went through the door and it started again on the other side. The side animation and the sprites were frozen, and then a few seconds later the game crashed.
I see! I made a patch to fix that~ when standing exactly at the door, and entering into a lewd animation, the game will transition the player to the other room while In a lewd state, the game crashes because the enemy that’s lewding is no longer present in the same room, so the game just crashes. It shouldn’t Happen now.
In the gallery, what is the most left character?
I can not find it
it should the very first enemy you encounter that can attack back, the pitch dark femboy with white teeth.
I played through the game a few more times and now it popped up in the gallery.
Can you do an android version?
softlock where none of the doors are usable, just a room full of harmless shadows, diagonal, not straight at the ends
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I played your creation thoroughly and ended up enjoying it a lot, despite the bug-derived annoyances. I think it's a fantastic proof of concept with potential for such great artistically fulfilling cosmic horror! The kind that you already crafted is amazing. Hits all the right disturbing, off-putting notes, which makes the kinky stuff all that much more visceral in the way it appeals to primal, irrational, and intense sex. I thoroughly like the way you managed to make the darker horrors visually elegant and elaborate, and sexy! I seriously hope you'll expand on it, because I like your work and animation quite a bit, and out of all of them, I see quite a bit of an interesting niche for Adumbral and Crimson. For this reason, I hope you don't mind if I report a few bugs I found which no doubt you already know about, I simply would love to see this experience be smoothened out and not diminished by technical shortcomings. Though you may be busy with other things right about now, thank you for putting this out, on behalf of everyone who enjoyed it!
1) Character can be pushed past collision borders of objects and walls with enough force in 1.3. I know this is a work in progress, but it used to be an issue in other works of yours too. I can confirm that it can happen regardless of being naked or under any particular condition, it's just enough pushback that leaves you still inside a bed or a corner. This has most commonly happened with the big darker horrors with long claws.
2) When turning into an incubus, auto attacks that have a chance to "charm" horrors don't work on the leech boy. When the leech boy is knifed and becomes charmed by the random incubus charm chance rather than the heart infusion effect, having the character touch him will result in a split overview animation where the actual enemy remains separate. The encounter will not make the enemy disappear or yield a red heart. Due to this bug, the only way to deal with leech boys as an incubus is to effectively kill them or bless them.
3) I found the heart infusion effect to not work on enemies as consistently or at all anymore after obtaining the incubus transformation.
4) Considering the fact knife damage seems to get upped after a transformation (takes two hits instead of three to kill a humanoid dark horror), the random charm chance when knifing enemies as an incubus should perhaps be increased or guaranteed to make it relevant. Alternatively, the damage could remain the same for incubi.
5) My run ended as a transformed incubus because I died. When my character awoke in the usual room again, he was stuck in place and he couldn't move at all, effectively needing to end the game there.
6) This bug is probably the most annoying out of all the soft locks, and it happened to me twice very randomly: I got stuck knifing and turning around in place, perpetually, once while turning quickly to face a leech boy who was trapped in a corner and spamming spacebar to knife him, another when pressing spacebar a single time in front of the gate person who opens the passage for you if you bend over. It required me to end the entire game both times, and I made sure it wasn't some issue with my keyboard. I hypothesize it may have to do with pressing a directional key and spacebar at the same time, or something along those lines, but I can't know.
I haven't reached the incubus ending yet or any ending actually but these are all the bugs I found. I will play more to at least reach one ending, maybe all of them eventually, and if so, I hope I'll be able to report any bug I find because I'd personally like to see this thing reach its maximum potential someday. It would be quite the piece with more creatures and scenes featuring the darker horrors, like the analog horror angel.
I wish good things to you in your endeavors!