Papers by Aanuoluwa Adagunodo

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2020
Natural radionuclides are present in every constituent of the environment. Monitoring of environm... more Natural radionuclides are present in every constituent of the environment. Monitoring of environmental radionuclides is very vital to avoid exposure above the threshold limit. Due to this, the background radiation from 238U, 232Th, and 40K of Bell University of Technology and Canaan Land City was determined from 20 sample points each in the two areas using RS230 Gamma Spectrometer. The mean activity concentration of 40K, 238U, and 232Th for Bells University of Technology was 442.66 Bq/kg, 41.98 Bq/kg, and 48.35 Bq/Kg, respectively. In Canaan City, mean activity concentration of 40K, 238U, and 232Th was 373.65 Bq/kg, 18.85 Bq/kg, and 67.22 Bq/kg, respectively. The mean absorbed dose rates recorded by the spectrometer directly were 70.03 nGy/h and 66.65 nGy/h, while that estimated from the activity concentration were 67.06 and 64.89 nGy/h for Bells University and Canaan City, respectively. The measured and estimated absorbed dose rates were higher than the safe limit of 57 nGy/h. The ...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Origination of Radon-222 (222Rn) from soil and its concentration, contributing to the highest exp... more Origination of Radon-222 (222Rn) from soil and its concentration, contributing to the highest exposure of ionizing radiation to the public is natural. It is a known radioactive gas and its percentage in concentrations contributing to outdoor radon atmospheric level depends on some physical parameters of the soil. To ascertain some of its dependency on soil porosity, a radiometric survey was carried out on soil depths at varying locations and the laboratory analysis was carried out on the soil sample at each location and depth in order to determine its porosity. The measurements were done using radon detector at five (5) locations. At each location, data were collected at four (4) different soil depths of 20, 40, 60 and 100 cm respectively. In addition, soil samples at these locations and depths were taken to the laboratory for porosity test. The result showed that highest value of 222Rn concentration at 100 cm depth is 24680 ± 1960 Bqm−3 with maximum porosity level of 69.92%, while ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Congestion is a serious issue due to vechicular traffic. One of the known causes of traffic conge... more Congestion is a serious issue due to vechicular traffic. One of the known causes of traffic congestion is the amount of time spend waiting for the red light to change to green. The changing of traffic light is hard-coded and it is not reliant on traffic volume. There is therefore need to simulate and optimize traffic control to better accommodate density based traffic rather than time based. This system attempts to lessen possibilities of traffic jams brought about by traffic lights to a reasonable degree. This project, a density based traffic control system is been implemented to solve this problem. The system entails programming an Arduino using Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) to enable traffic lights give the right of access to the road by selecting the lane with the high number of cars. The traffic lights are modified to chip away at an auspicious premise until there is a signal identified by the infrared sensors. The sensor identifies an object (i.e. a vehicle,...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The environmental monitoring of radon contents in some bottled and sachet water were carried out,... more The environmental monitoring of radon contents in some bottled and sachet water were carried out, with the aid of an active radon device (RAD7) made by Durridge, USA. This study is aimed to determine the level of radon in selected bottled and sachets water in major market in Ile-Ife, with a view to establishing the health risks that could arise in consumption of the water. The results obtained in this study show that all the water samples were safe for consumption without any health implication from radiological point of view.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study weighed in on the topical issue of climate change impacts and sustainable urban develo... more This study weighed in on the topical issue of climate change impacts and sustainable urban development in developing countries. Climate change is a global challenge that is much discussed at national and international fora. The study reflects on the lot and plight of cities and peri-urban communities in developing countries in the face of lopsided attention on climate change. Extant studies, articles, local and international reports on climate change, urbanization and infrastructure, extant literatures were reviewed to establish the perspective and position of the study. The study examined the global threats of climate change and the local impact of disasters to urban dwellers in developing countries like Nigeria. It further shed light on urbanization process and the state of infrastructure in developing countries. Vulnerability of cities in the areas of infrastructure was brought to the fore with a view to improving the capacity and preparedness against climate change impact. Conce...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Radiometric assessment of natural radioactivity concentration around Ijako dumpsite was done usin... more Radiometric assessment of natural radioactivity concentration around Ijako dumpsite was done using hand held gamma spectrometer. A total of 10 in situ measurements were taken at the site. The U-238, Th-232, and K-40 radioactivity concentration obtained were used to assess the radiological hazard level in the area. Comparing the mean results of radiological parameter obtained with world average; Radium equivalent was far less than 370Bqkg-1, External hazard was less than 1, Annual effective dose equivalent was less than 0.08mSvy-1, Gamma index was less than 1, and Excess life cancer risk was less than 0.29 × 10-3. This implies that Ijako dumpsite poses no radiological hazard to the general public.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Biosorption remains one of the most productive and safe technologies that could be received parti... more Biosorption remains one of the most productive and safe technologies that could be received particularly with green algae as biosorbent in the ejection of heavy metals from the effluent. Bimetallic nanoparticles were synthesized from Eichorniacrassipies utilizing the mix of both gold chloride and silver nitrate (3:1). Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV–vis), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) were used in the evaluation of the Nanoparticles. The bimetallic nanoparticles wereutilized as a biosorbent for particular heavy metals (lead, zinc, copper and manganese) present in a pharmaceutical effluent. The nanoparticles were brought into the effluent at various concentrations (1mg, 5mg and 10mg) and time intervals of 24h, 48h and 72h. The decrease in concentration of each metal was determined utilizing Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The synthesis of NPs was affirmed by colour change in th...

Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2021
Abstract This study focuses on using spectral decomposition (SD) technique to characterize compli... more Abstract This study focuses on using spectral decomposition (SD) technique to characterize complicated reservoirs to understand the structural and stratigraphic variations in the interpreted horizons from Bisol field. The purpose of this study is to use geophysical and well logging data sets to map the thin-bedded sandstone reservoirs and prospect zones within the multiple reservoirs in Bisol field, Niger Delta. The interpretation of faults and horizons was carried out on the seismic section, which was further used to produce the structural maps. Seismic attributes such as trace and variance were used to enhance the truncated structures from the seismic section, while the produced spectra were used to delineate the stratigraphy and thickness of the thin-bedded reservoirs. Thin sandstone reservoirs were identified from well logs and consequently mapped on the seismic section. Fast Fourier Transform workflow was successfully used to image the stratigraphic features in the study area. Three horizons (S1T, S2T, and S3T) were delineated from the seismic section, and four reservoirs were mapped and correlated across the wells. Frequency analyses from the seismic sectional view revealed some thin pay sandstone reservoirs, which were characterized by high amplitude. Three new probable zones (prospect S1T, S2T, and S3T) of hydrocarbon accumulation were identified using the SD technique.

Open Transactions on Geosciences, 2015
Groundwater is ubiquitous and immensely important for human uses but there is inadequate supply e... more Groundwater is ubiquitous and immensely important for human uses but there is inadequate supply especially in the basement complex terrain as most boreholes are either abortive or can't yield sustainable water to wells. This research tends to delineate into the subsurface in order to understand the aquifer pattern in Ogbagba area. A geophysical survey involving twelve vertical electrical sounding (VES) was carried out at some selected locations in Ogbagba. Resistivity meter was used to acquire the geophysical field data. Conventional partial curve matching and WinResist software was used for the data processing. 75% of the aquifers in the study area are confined aquifers while the remaining 25% are unconfined aquifers. Also, three probable aquifer units were delineated where clayey sand has 75%, sandy clay constitutes 16.7% and fractured bedrock shares the remaining 8.3%. The study revealed that insufficiency of groundwater exploitation in the study area is due to the geologic formation of the aquifers and the depth to which groundwater is been abstracted. If these mistakes are corrected, Ogbagba will henceforth start to enjoy groundwater exploitation adequately.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
An electrical resistivity investigation was carried out in Akowonjo, Ogbomoso, Nigeria with the a... more An electrical resistivity investigation was carried out in Akowonjo, Ogbomoso, Nigeria with the aim to obtain various lithological units and subsurface geological features within the study area. Fiftyfour sounding points adopting Schlumberger array, with 100 m as the maximum value for half-current electrode spacing were occupied in the study area. Partial curve matching technique and automated platform (known as WinResist) were used to interpret the obtained data qualitatively and quantitatively. The resulting final layers parameters involving resistivity and thickness of each layer were used to map the two-dimensional geoelectric variations beneath the study area. The curve types obtained from iterations of WinResist, which is based on 1-D forward modelling approach include H, KH, HA and QH. Four subsurface layers were identified. These layers are topsoil, laterite, weathered/partly weathered layer and fractured/fresh bedrock. The topsoil had resistivity and thickness values ranging from 76-1858 Ωm and 0.4-4 m respectively. The lateritic layer lies under the topsoil with resistivity and depth values ranging from 649-2021 Ωm and 0.7-1.9 m, followed by a weathered/partly weathered layer with resistivity and depth values ranging from 17-880 Ωm and 1.9-25.2 m, respectively. The fourth layer is the fractured/fresh bedrock which depict varying resistivity from 260-33385 Ωm. It is revealed that thick clayey materials dominate the first and second subsurface layers within the study area. This is known to be the major cause of cracks experienced in the buildings in Akowonjo community, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. It is recommended that further foundations for civil engineering works in the study should be extended beyond the zone of water content fluctuation.

Heliyon, 2021
Correct execution of civil engineering structures depends largely on the adequate and detailed ma... more Correct execution of civil engineering structures depends largely on the adequate and detailed mapping of the subsurface. This can be achieved by the application of appropriate geophysical or geotechnical methods in association with a detailed information on the geological sequence of the subsurface structure. In this study, a combination of near surface seismic refraction method, cone penetration test and borehole logs were used to obtain 2-dimensional (2D) information of the subsurface geological features. These methods were used to characterize the subsurface condition of a reclaimed land in Ajah area of Lagos for the purpose of construction. The seismic refraction method revealed three geologic layers with seismic velocities ranging between 258 and 3544 m/s. Additionally, the cone penetration test revealed that the geologic formation from the topsoil to a depth of 6 m was an alluvium of soft and highly compressible property. Furthermore, the percussion drilling test also confirmed the geologic formation from the topsoil to a depth of about 6 m to be highly compressible. However, a geologic formation with good geotechnical characteristics, such as a low compressibility potential, was encountered at a depth between 7 and 16 m, which coincides with the third layer of the seismic refraction method. The results of the three methods confirmed that the depth to most competent layer must be located before the foundations of engineering constructions are sited.

Fault analysis is crucial in the exploration and production of hydrocarbon because it is the faul... more Fault analysis is crucial in the exploration and production of hydrocarbon because it is the fault that exerts a meaningful control on the migration, entrapment and subsequent compartmentalization of hydrocarbon. Faults’ effects on hydrocarbon flow are complex. Some faults allow fluid to pass across them while some reject, which further create series of complications in the geometry of hydrocarbon reservoirs. In order to minimize the risks associated with hydrocarbons’ quantification, it is imperative to carry out analysis on the complex nature of faults supporting the traps in the subsurface which this research is aimed to achieve. The fault analysis of Taa field was done using 3D and well log data. Seven reservoirs were mapped on the field with the generation of fault-polygon and fault attributes involving throw analysis, Volume of Shale (Vshale), Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR) and Hydrocarbon Column Height (HCH) estimations. It was revealed that poor (20 to 40 %) to moderate (40 to 60 %...
Electromagnetic survey was carried out at Ibodi, village, Ilesa in Atakunmosa West Local governme... more Electromagnetic survey was carried out at Ibodi, village, Ilesa in Atakunmosa West Local government area with a view to determining the probable locations for groundwater exploration in the study area. Ibodi falls within latitude 70 35′ 35.21″ North and longitude 40 40′ 48.28″ East. The development and increase in immigrants at Ibodi has necessitated this study. A total of five profiles from North to South directions were occupied. It was discovered that distances (100.0-140.0) m, 40.0 m, 80.0 m and 35.0 m on profiles 1, 3, 4 and 5 respectively revealed fractured zones which are suspected to be the best locations for groundwater prospects in the study area.

Thisarticleevaluatestheoccurrenceof0 r M r 8 earthquakedata setsfortheperiodof50years(thatis,Janu... more Thisarticleevaluatestheoccurrenceof0 r M r 8 earthquakedata setsfortheperiodof50years(thatis,January1,1966toDecember 31,2015)inAfricanandWesternAsiaregion.Itisboundedby latitude40° S to40° N andlongitude30° W to60° E withthefocal depthof0–700km.Seventyseventhousand,sixhundredand ninety-sixdatapointswerepresentedfortheanalysis.Thedata usedwereextractedfromearthquakecatalogofAdvancedNational Seismicsystemvia, anofficial websiteoftheNorthernCaliforniaEarthquakeDataCentre,USA. Eachdatumcomprisedtheearthquakeoccurrencedate,timeofthe earthquakeoccurrence,epicenter’s coordinates,focaldepthand magnitude.TheGutenberg-Richter’s relationshipbeingthelongest observedempiricalrelationshipinseismology,analysisofvariance andtimeserieswereusedtoanalyzetheseismicityofthestudy area.Annualdistributionsofearthquakeoccurrencebasedon magnitudevariationswiththelimit0 r M r 8 werepresented. ThetwoconstantsaandbintheGutenberg-Richter’s equation, magnitudeofcompleteness(MC)...

Archives of Applied Science Research, 2012
Adumasun lies on a Precambrian basement complex of Southwestern Nigeria. Some kilometers away fro... more Adumasun lies on a Precambrian basement complex of Southwestern Nigeria. Some kilometers away from the study area especially at Igangan is characterized by outcrops of crystalline basement rocks. Inadequate municipal water supply from State Water Corporation, coupled with hydrogeologically difficult nature of the terrain, individuals and corporate bodies indiscriminately sink tube wells and boreholes within the unconsolidated overburden materials, with glaring lack of concerns for the vulnerability status of aquifers, and possible environmental risk. Vertical Electrical Sounding method was used to map Adumasun area, Oniye, Oyo State with a view to assessing the groundwater prospect, focused on the thickness of the unconsolidated materials overlying the crystalline bedrock. The resistivity parameters of the geoelectric topmost layer across the area were also used to assess the vulnerability of the underlying aquifers to near-surface contaminants. The thickness of the unconsolidated o...

Vertical Electrical Sounding method was used to map Oyo State industrial estate Ogbomoso with a v... more Vertical Electrical Sounding method was used to map Oyo State industrial estate Ogbomoso with a view to determining the groundwater potential of the study area. Ten Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were carried out across the area using the schlumberger electrode array configuration with current electrode separation (AB) varying from 130 m to 200 m. Nine out of the ten modeled curves were H-type where the remaining one was KH-type. The geoelectric sections obtained from the sounding curves revealed 3-layer and 4-layer earth models respectively. The models showed the subsurface layers categorized into the topsoil, weathered/clay, fractured layers and the fresh bedrock. The weathered basement and fractured basement are the aquifer types delineated for the area. Groundwater potential evaluated from the maps (i.e. overburden thickness, anisotropic coefficient, weathered layer isothickness, weathered layer isoresistivity, transverse resistance and bedrock relief maps) revealed that th...

The importance of stability and the resistance to horizontal forces imposed on a building cannot ... more The importance of stability and the resistance to horizontal forces imposed on a building cannot be overemphasized as the alarming rate of structural failure such as roads, buildings, dams and bridges has become more intense throughout the globe. These failures have been traced to subsurface instability and its geological features. When building fails, it’s usually goes with loss of lives and properties. The need for pre-foundation studies using geophysical approach has been found as the only remedy for this ugly incidence. This approach will map the subsurface in order to predict the nature of the proposed site for construction. A geophysical survey involving Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were employed at a proposed site for high-rise building. This research was done in order to infer whether the subsurface is competent to withstand high-rise structure or not. The results of ERT and VES showed that the subsurface would not be able to...

Demand for hydrocarbon and its products has been the major contributor to the economic growth of ... more Demand for hydrocarbon and its products has been the major contributor to the economic growth of any nation. The costs involved in the exploration of hydrocarbons require adoption of suitable method for its processing and interpretation. This study is aimed to evaluate the petrophysical parameters in “BAO” field in order to classify the producibility of each reservoir in the study area. A suite of well log data from four wells in the study area is used to achieve this aim. Each well comprises of Gamma ray, resistivity and porosity logs. These logs were used to delineate five hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs in the study area. The delineated reservoirs are associated with varying petrophysical parameters, which were used to evaluate the storativity and producibility of the mapped reservoirs. The true vertical depths of the delineated reservoirs are 3318, 3418, 3482, 3550 and 3744 m, respectively. The analysis across these well sections revealed that each of the sand unit extends throug...

Advances in Applied Science Research, 2012
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) geophysical method was used to delineate Oyo State Industrial ... more Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) geophysical method was used to delineate Oyo State Industrial Estate, Ogbomoso South Local Government Area, Southwestern Nigeria. The study area falls within latitude 080 06′ 07.4″ and 080 06′ 25.4″ and longitude 0040 15′ 03.3″ and 0040 15′ 49.0″. The research was conducted with a view to estimating the overburden thickness and to know the competent zones with respect to engineering purpose in the study area. Ten Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were carried out across the area using the schlumberger electrode array configuration with current electrode separation (AB) varying from 130m to 200m. Nine out of the ten modeled curves were H-type where the remaining one was KH-type. The geoelectric sections obtained from the sounding curves revealed 3-layer and 4-layer earth models respectively. The models showed the subsurface layers categorized into the topsoil/first layer, second layer, third layer (which only revealed beneath one VES station), and...
Papers by Aanuoluwa Adagunodo