Papers by Jean-Charles Cachon

Innovaciones de Negocios
What determines performance among small businesses with five employees or less in Mexico? Based o... more What determines performance among small businesses with five employees or less in Mexico? Based on a conceptual framework already used in Argentina and on previous research, a sample of 174 Mexican entrepreneurs from two different states (Jalisco and Nuevo León) was used to test a set of nine hypotheses. The dependent performance variables tested were an objective one, sales, and a subjective one, the personal assessment of performance (or success) of entrepreneurs. The independent variables considered included personal, sociological, and organizational characteristics. Results were obtained from two linear regression models on the two dependent variables. In terms of personal characteristics, variables that were positively related to sales included three Human Capital components (Education level, Business experience, and Weekly hours worked), having been pushed into self-employment by economic necessity, and belonging to the male gender. Regarding organizational variables, entrepreneurs with higher sales had obtained bank loans and had purchased their business (by opposition to starting it from scratch) and had economic necessity (extrinsic) reasons to be in business. Respondents who worked long hours and had obtained government support were more likely to be more satisfied of their own performance than others.
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 2013
ABSTRACT L’entrepreneuriat occupe une place importante dans l’ensemble de l’économie canadienne: ... more ABSTRACT L’entrepreneuriat occupe une place importante dans l’ensemble de l’économie canadienne: il est donc primordial de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui aident ou qui limitent le développement économique des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). C’est dans cette perspective que cette étude cherche à susciter une meilleure compréhension de l’entrepreneuriat en examinant plus attentivement les motivations d’un échantillon de 375 entrepreneurs provenant des provinces canadiennes de l’Atlantique et de l’Ontario.
This article shows how small retailers develop strategies to compete against new large retailers ... more This article shows how small retailers develop strategies to compete against new large retailers who invade their market. Three main strategies are described relative to brands and customer service.

Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship contributes significantly to economic growth and female entrepreneurs are strong... more Entrepreneurship contributes significantly to economic growth and female entrepreneurs are strongly involved because their economic contribution is steadily increasing. However, research also reveals that female entrepreneurs face more financial barriers when compared to their male counterparts. Therefore, it is of prime importance to understand better female entrepreneurs’ behavior regarding financing. The purpose of this research was to explore gender differences related to financing with an intention to uncover why such differences exist. An empirical study involving a sample of 946 entrepreneurs from Canada and the United States was conducted to examine the issue. Results revealed that female entrepreneurs start their ventures with less capital than males, have a lesser tendency than males to obtain a bank loan and have a perception of being more in debt than their male counterparts are. Moreover, both variables depicting the smaller size of female-owned ventures and the intrins...

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
Purpose Primary sector firms by and large operate on indigenous territories across the world. In ... more Purpose Primary sector firms by and large operate on indigenous territories across the world. In Canada, partnerships, land rights settlements, decolonization and reconciliation efforts provide indigenous communities with the financial means and the political power to stop projects they consider contrary to their traditions. How can companies acquire legitimacy among indigenous communities? This paper aims to answer this question by examining what the economic issues are among indigenous communities, how theories and practices of sustainable and legitimacy management articulated and how some basic notions of traditional indigenous teachings could inform non-indigenous managers are and help them interact better with indigenous leaders and their communities. Design/methodology/approach This paper was informed about indigenous knowledge by secondary and primary indigenous and business sources from North America and from other areas such as Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Infor...
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
One hundred fifteen female and 252 male entrepreneurs from Atlantic Canada and Ontario were compa... more One hundred fifteen female and 252 male entrepreneurs from Atlantic Canada and Ontario were compared to identify gender similarities and differences in terms of their perceptions of success as well as comparing general success factors present in the literature. Gender comparisons were based on a Success Factors' scale derived from the literature and on objective as well as subjective Performance Indicators. Factor analyses and other statistics revealed a positive relation between subjective and objective performance indicators, as well as a particular importance of government programs geared to entrepreneurs among female respondents. Both genders received considerable spousal support.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
This research tried to identify similarities and differences in motives between male urban entrep... more This research tried to identify similarities and differences in motives between male urban entrepreneurs from Mexico and Morocco. The Mexican sample of 192 respondents was drawn from Chambers of Commerce listings in Guadalajara and Monterrey. The Moroccan sample of 222 respondents came from the Fès-Meknès region. In both countries a majority of entrepreneurs went into business by necessity and pursued monetary goals in order to secure their financial future for their families and for themselves. Larger cohorts of younger entrepreneurs were present in Mexico, where female spouses tended to be more often involved in their husband’s business and contributing more to family income, as compared to Morocco. In Mexico, a larger proportion of entrepreneurs were also expressing a very strong interest for intrinsic goals involving self-actualization, meeting challenges, while Moroccan respondents were more in search for autonomy and independence besides pursuing extrinsic or financial goals. ...
The International Journal of Diverse Identities, 2015

Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 2016
The need for an income is cited by several studies as a primary motive for both formal and inform... more The need for an income is cited by several studies as a primary motive for both formal and informal business start-up activities found in emerging countries. Conversely, entrepreneurs from developed countries enjoying more favorable economic conditions (such as the United States, Canada, or the European Union) are mainly motivated by intrinsic motives. Given the extant literature, it appeared important to determine which motivators were at play in larger Mexican urban centers, where economic conditions seemed to have become similar to those of Canada and the United States. No significant differences were observed between the motives of female as compared to male entrepreneurs from urban Mexico because a majority went into business primarily for economic reasons rather than for intrinsic motives. Knowing that Mexican entrepreneurs are mostly motivated by economic goals should help local governments in designing policies aimed at fostering and facilitating entrepreneurship.
This article shows how small retailers develop strategies to compete against new large retailers ... more This article shows how small retailers develop strategies to compete against new large retailers who invade their market. Three main strategies are described relative to brands and customer service.
This paper reports the preliminary findings of a study of the perceived impact of the opening of ... more This paper reports the preliminary findings of a study of the perceived impact of the opening of mega-, or box-, retailers on locally owned/operated small to medium- sized retailers in North-Eastern Ontario, Canada. This first phase of the study is focused on the City of Greater Sudbury. Within the city, six primary retailer clusters are identified: the South End, the

MOVED by S. Coté-Meek SECONDED by C. Perreault MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Business Arising a)... more MOVED by S. Coté-Meek SECONDED by C. Perreault MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Business Arising a) Recommendations from the UPRAC review -Theatre Arts Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities along with the Director of Theatre Arts attended ACAPLAN to discuss the drafted recommendations. ACAPLAN queried the enrolment of students in the program. The Director of Institutional Research provided the following statistics: Fall of 2007 -20 students enrolled in the 4 year program (Bachelor of Fine Arts) Fall of 2007 -10 students enrolled in the 3 year program (Theatre Arts) There are 2 full time faculty and many sessionals in the Theatre Arts program. The Director thought that the Undergraduate Program Review was very helpful to the department. The one problem with the process for the department was a timing process. The "Theatre Arts" review took place in April and thus there were very few students to provide feedback on the program. The department is anticipating that a 4 th year program be implemented. With this in mind, they will also require a 3 rd full time faculty to help with the teaching load.
Psychological Reports, 1986
This study compared the Type A tendencies reported on the Behavior Activity Profile questionnaire... more This study compared the Type A tendencies reported on the Behavior Activity Profile questionnaire and those yielded by a taped-voice analysis of 34 male prison inmates convicted for a variety of violent offenses. The primary objective was to provide prison officials with an instrument for detecting repeated assaulters from nonassaulters. The secondary objective was to determine which of the two Type A assessment techniques was more predictive of prisoners' status as assaulters. The multivariate analysis indicated that the profile, prisoners' length of sentence, and number of convictions accounted for 88% of the variance in grouping, assaulter or nonassaulter. Implications for prison administrators and researchers were discussed.

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1985
This project studied the effects of weather variables and size of the population on minor and maj... more This project studied the effects of weather variables and size of the population on minor and major violence rates within six prisons in the Kingston, Ontario, Canada area from January, 1980 through December, 1983. While weather variables have been studied in relation to mood changes within the general population, this study was the first to analyze the impact of weather variables on rates of violence within the prison setting using forward inclusion multiple regression. Analysis showed that population size consistently appeared positively correlated with assaults on other inmates among the male medium-security prisoners during the summer months. In the summer months, temperature tended to be positively related to some minor kinds of offenses, but in the winter months the relationship was negative. Humidity, rain, sunshine hours, snow, and snow on the ground were not consistently related to incidences of minor and major violence. Indices of geomagnetic disturbances had statistically significant inverse relationships with attempted suicide/self-inflicted injury rates among the male prisoners during the summer months. Over 12 months, wind was generally negatively correlated with incidences of major and minor violence among the male inmates. For 6-mo. periods, wind was generally positively correlated with violence rates during the winter months and negatively correlated during the summer months among the male inmates. The findings relating weather variables to violence rates in the women's prison were consistently in opposition to those found for male prisoners during the 4-yr. period.
Journal of European Integration, 1995
CHRYSOSTOMIDÈS, K., L'État de Chypre en droit international (en l... more CHRYSOSTOMIDÈS, K., L'État de Chypre en droit international (en langue grecque), Athènes, éd. Sakkoula, 1994, 500 p.MICHELMANN, H.J. and SOLDATOS, P. (eds.), European Integration: Theories and Approaches, Lanham, University of America Press, 1994, 112 p.MOENS, A. and ANSTIS, C. (eds.), Disconcerted Europe: The Search for a New Security Architecture, Boulder, Westview Press, 1994, xiv + 271 p.MORAN, T.H., American Economic
Journal of European Integration, 1996
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 2013
ABSTRACT L’entrepreneuriat occupe une place importante dans l’ensemble de l’économie canadienne: ... more ABSTRACT L’entrepreneuriat occupe une place importante dans l’ensemble de l’économie canadienne: il est donc primordial de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui aident ou qui limitent le développement économique des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). C’est dans cette perspective que cette étude cherche à susciter une meilleure compréhension de l’entrepreneuriat en examinant plus attentivement les motivations d’un échantillon de 375 entrepreneurs provenant des provinces canadiennes de l’Atlantique et de l’Ontario.
International Journal of Diverse Identities, 2015
This paper explores how and why ancient Indigenous societies, exchanged information. The emergenc... more This paper explores how and why ancient Indigenous societies, exchanged information. The emergence of symbolic productions or early languages is explored through scholarly work provided by archaeologists and anthropologists, as well as others such as paleobiologists and paleogeologists. Ancient communication forms are described with respect to the following dimensions: the media used, the motifs, designs and colors depicted, location, diffusion through time and space, and some specific social uses. Information about birthing, habitat, orientation, transportation, hunting and life skills, and religious/cosmological beliefs is also included.
Plan d'action stratégique de Dubreuilville 2019-2024 et au-delà, 2019
Plan stratégique 2019-2024 pour une ville de mille habitants située près de Wawa, Ontario, Canada... more Plan stratégique 2019-2024 pour une ville de mille habitants située près de Wawa, Ontario, Canada. Les défis de cette petite ville francophone isolée sont d'attirer de la main-d'oeuvre dans tous les domaines, entre autres les mines d'or, le tourisme, l'enseignement, la santé, créer des entreprises, développer des projets d'avenir, retenir et attirer des familles et répondre à la croissance de la population résultant de l'ouverture d'une autre mine et de l'expansion de la mine actuelle.
Dubreuilville Strategic Action Plan 2019-2024 and Beyond, 2019
This is a 2019-2024 strategic plan for a town with a population of 1,000 located near Wawa, Ontar... more This is a 2019-2024 strategic plan for a town with a population of 1,000 located near Wawa, Ontario, Canada, on . Challenges include quality of digital connections, retaining young people, attracting workers, and managing the potential influx of additional residents given the potential opening of a second gold mine. Eco-tourism and other types of year-round activities are part of the potential of the area.
Papers by Jean-Charles Cachon