Meet & Greet in Laurel & Hattiesburg — LiveJournal
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Sep. 28th, 2005 @ 04:35 pm Help!
Sorry about xposting this!

I'm from Pennsylvania, and my boyfriend will be coming home from Iraq the end of October, and I need to find a hotel in Hattiesburg to stay for about a week (preferably close to Camp Shelby). I've searched a few sites online, but it seems every hotel I try to book has nothing available for the dates I need. I'd like a suite, preferably with a jacuzzi, anyone know of any nice places that fit that bill? Or even why I can't seem to find any vacancies? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
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May. 5th, 2005 @ 08:37 am Cinco de Mayo
Don't forget all the Mexican specials for Cinco de Mayo! I'm sure Cucos will have there big thing. Old Mexico in Laurel usually has something too! All Mexican places will have drink specials...
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Apr. 2nd, 2005 @ 02:08 am New community.
I thought I'd spread the word around just in case someone out there might be interested.

Mississippi Hippies
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Mar. 28th, 2005 @ 09:54 am (no subject)
I'm going to go to a dermatologist (b/c apparently I still break out at the most unexpected times). Anyway, I found these that are on my insurance plan.

Stephen Conerly 268-5252
Mark Gallardo 268-5252
William Gullung III 268-5252

Ronald Lubritz 264-8433
Steven Shapiro 264-8433

Have any of you guys used any of them and have anything to say about them? I wanted to get some input before I set up an appointment.

Thanks in advance!

X-posted to hattiesburgms, hattiesburg_ms, laurel_hburg
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Mar. 26th, 2005 @ 07:14 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: productiveproductive
Computer Repair Work

I am taking PC repair jobs on the side again. Quite frankly, I'm bored. I work every other week, and I need something to do. The extra money wouldn't go amiss, either. Also, I'm more qualified than most of the guys who work out of their garage, and I have the paperwork to back it up. I thought I'd post this here, so here goes nothing.

CNA (Certified Netware Administrator)
A+ Core Hardware Technician

Other Qualifications:

  • Training with Supermicro on IPMI(Intelligent Platform Management Interface) based utilities
  • 2.5 years working in server and enterprise network product design/testing
  • 1 year working as network support on a hybrid Novell/Windows NT Server network with around 400 nodes
  • A lot of others, and my resume is available upon request

I charge $30 per hour, but I don't charge for time spent doing a backup or something like that. Meaning, if I have to upload all of your data onto my server and it takes three hours or so, I don't charge for the three hours. As long as I don't have to sit and actually work on it, I don't charge for it. I charge for driving time, if I have to come to your house or place of business to fix it. If you want to save some money, you can drop it off at my house, and I'll fix it there. It's easier that way, because I have tools, a live network, and a server on which to store data. The minimum time charge for coming to fix something is 2 hours. If you drop it off, it's 1 hour. The only thing I won't work on is a Mac. My contact information is below. If I don't answer, leave a message and I'll call you back within 24 hours. I can also usually give you an estimate of how long it will take.

Phone: 601-818-3370
E-mail: [email protected]
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Mar. 17th, 2005 @ 10:37 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: draineddrained
Image hosted by
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Mar. 16th, 2005 @ 10:26 pm (no subject)
Just some local notes:

-- Target on 98 West in Hburg is scheduled to open Oct.9
-- We will also be getting an Old Navy, Pet Smart, Ross, Bed Bath & Beyond.
-- Kirklands is moving out of the mall to a shopping center close to Turtle Creek
-- Rumor has it that Copelands is going to become a Macaroni Grill
-- Couple of new places down town Hburg: coffee shop, restaurant named Desire'
-- Laurel is getting a Lowe's
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Mar. 16th, 2005 @ 10:24 pm St. Patrick's Day
Everyone remember: Tomorrow is St. Paddy's day! Wear green or you might get pinched!

O'Charley's usually has a St. Patrick's Day party...
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Mar. 14th, 2005 @ 08:34 pm (no subject)
For Sale:
GeForceFX 256MB FX5700LE
Price: $80.00
Paid: $110.00
Condition: Never Used, Bought 8X AGP Card Instead

- 256 MB DDR
- AGP 8X/4X
- Dual Display Options
- Full OpenGL 1.4 and lower support
- Complete Microsoft DirectX 9.0 support
- Support for DX 9.0 vertex shaders 2.0+
- Support for DX 9.0 pixel shaders 2.0+
- NVIDIA Unified Driver Architecture (UDA)
- NVIDIA nView multi-display technology
- Dual 400MHz RAMDACs
- NVIDIA Foreware unified software environment
- NVIDIA Digital Vibrance control 3.0
- Integrated TV encoder
- AND MORE! - 256 MB DDR
- AGP 8X/4X
- Dual Display Options
- Full OpenGL 1.4 and lower support
- Complete Microsoft DirectX 9.0 support
- Support for DX 9.0 vertex shaders 2.0+
- Support for DX 9.0 pixel shaders 2.0+
- NVIDIA Unified Driver Architecture (UDA)
- NVIDIA nView multi-display technology
- Dual 400MHz RAMDACs
- NVIDIA Foreware unified software environment
- NVIDIA Digital Vibrance control 3.0
- Integrated TV encoder

Box Contents:

- e-GeForce FX 5700LE graphics card
- Installation CD with DM
- S-Video cable
- DVI to VGA adapter
- User's Guide
- sticker pack
- Entertainment software bundle
--- NVIDIA NVDVD 2.0 Multimedia Software
--- Ulead DVD MovieFactory 3 Disc Creator
--- Ulead Photo Explorer 8
- Warranty Registration Card
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Mar. 13th, 2005 @ 10:29 pm For Those of You Who Use AOL Instant Messenger
AOL's Terms of Service Update for AIM Raises Eyebrows
By Ryan Naraine
March 12, 2005

America Online, Inc. has quietly updated the terms of service for its AIM instant messaging application, making several changes that is sure to raise the hackles of Internet privacy advocates.

The revamped terms of service, which apply only to users who downloaded the free AIM software on or after Feb. 5, 2004, gives AOL the right to "reproduce, display, perform, distribute, adapt and promote" all content distributed across the chat network by users.

"You waive any right to privacy. You waive any right to inspect or approve uses of the content or to be compensated for any such uses," according to the AIM terms-of-service.

Although the user will retain ownership of the content passed through the AIM network, the terms give AOL ownership of "all right, title and interest in any compilation, collective work or other derivative work created by AOL using or incorporating this [user] content.

"In addition, by posting content on an AIM Product, you grant AOL, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, assigns, agents and licensees the irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right to reproduce, display, perform, distribute, adapt and promote this content in any medium," it added.

The changes could have serious ramifications for AOL's AIM@Work service which is being marketed to businesses. AIM@Work offers things like Identity Services to allow the use of corporate e-mail address as AOL screen names. It also offers premium services like voice conferencing and Web meetings.

At the time of this reporting, it is not clear if the same terms of service apply to businesses who pay for the AIM@Work features. America Online executives were not available to discuss the terms of service changes.

On Weblogs and discussion forums, the discovery of the updated AIM terms of service has led to intense discussions.

"They're encouraging businesses to use AIM to discuss details of their business correspondence, even to sync their Outlook contact and calendar files, which, according to their TOS, AOL then has the right to publish in any way they see fit, including, among other things, providing that information to business competitors. I'd be pretty damn leery of using AIM@Work for any kind of business," said Ben Stanfield, executive editor and founder of MacSlash, Inc.

Source: E-Week
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