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In Which Elrond Has a Birthday And Aragorn Gets A Present [06 Aug 2008|06:01pm]

Hi all- is anyone still out there?

Well, if you are, and if you're still interested in LOTR humour, I've just posted on LJ a LOTR parody I wrote some years ago for

Title: In Which Elrond has a Birthday And Aragorn Gets a Present
Fandom: LOTR/ Winnie the Pooh
Genre: Parody
Author: Ineptshieldmaid, although I went by another name on RB. (Still do, actually. Intending to change it over soon.)
Rating: G

( Follow the Fake Cut )
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This community seems a little dead.. [19 Jul 2007|08:09pm]

[ mood | amused ]

But I'll give it a shot =) I wrote this parody years ago, but I never posted it on LJ (I had a DJ at the time), so here goes.. I hope everyone enjoys it. 

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Blues4Kali- A Cult Classic for the End Times [07 Feb 2007|08:47pm]


What will Winter Solstice bring in 2012? instant of Karma? ethereal spiral dance of the collective soul? ... cosmic judgment leveled against civilization's expanse? ...destruction of the world as we know it? ...a chance for a new start? ...the rise and the revenge of the Goddess? or simply another day in the life of paranoia? These are the false prophesies that your pastor warned you about!
Reality Exchange Program
"Makes DMT seem like a whip-it."

Crazy Bear said there'd be days like this. As usual, no one believed him. Now, all I want to know is: where IS that lifeboat, and how DO I ditch this ship of fools, without any of these bliss ninnies noticing that I'm already gone?
Captain, my ass. We are equal in this sea of madness.
That iceberg is looking awfully big.

New Age Metaphysical Books Amana Mission is on a quest to save the world, and the only problem is, she can't remember why she got involved with such an obvious scam in the first place. Jesus saves. Christ. What a loser.
Kali kills first, and recycles later.
Hitchhikers, load up for a ride to the Other Side. You may wish you had gone Greyhound.
"What the...?"
*A cranky band of prankster peace warriors who absolutely cannot resist messing with each other's minds, no matter the cost.
*Cocky alchemy-dabbling quantum surfers, navigating the Ethersphere with hand-held computers, switching timelines to find a better party vibe and swap tips about the best temporary toilets for use as interdimensional portals.
*A burnt-out visionary hippie millionaire on a mission from Gaia to build a better "communitopia" by underwriting a convoy carrying telepathic priestesses.
*A wheelchair-bound mindpilot propelling a crystal-powered Seed Bank toward the post-Apocalyptic Garden, with psychic precision...and a predilection for high-velocity extreme driving.
*Hermaphrodite time-jumper fleeing a fate worse than death.
*Anarchist ghettoes where anything goes-except escape.
*Ancient Principals vying like sweatsoaked carpetbaggers for our loyalty as the Final Vote is tallied.
*Long-haired security patrols collecting a cannabis tribute tax from all pilgrims to the Valley of Fun.
*And an underground meat mafia bringing a black magic revival to a bloodless dreamworld gone bland.
All brought together by a secret psychedelic superdrug that tunes users in to reality through the eyes of another archetypal avatar inhabiting a different state of space and time. Mahayana made easy. Budding Buddha natures are running amuck on a virtual superhighway where all roads lead to the Bo tree and singularity.
Twenty-first century Tantra is about more than sex, drugs, and rock and roll.Confronting the Karma of every wasted breath is only the first step.
Welcome to the End Times. Kali awaits. She already knows who you are.
Do you?
The 21st century counterculture is even weirder than it appears on the surface. This is not your mommy’s MTV Road Rules. Satire Parody and Humor.

Ride along on this mesmerizing, metaphor-packed bus trip toward ecstasy and enlightenment, as three real-time guides-Amana, Sissy, and Deva, let you in on what they learned when they asked what It was really all about, after all.
Become them for a multilevel metafictional tour of infinity and awaken yourself to the miracle-a-minute magic of mighty Mother Kali!

Science Fiction Novel Blues 4 Kali

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Spam [17 Jul 2005|04:08am]

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Fic: Random Conversations 2/5 [21 Jul 2004|01:11pm]

[ mood | lazy ]

Title: Random Conversations 2/5
Author: Rainien ([email protected])
Rating: hard R for sometimes-foul launguage, mentions of incest/twincest, slash, and mpreg. Nothing graphic.
Genre: Humor
Archive: AFF, my website, laughlorien, anywhere else, please ask.
Disclaimer: None of the LotR characters belong to me. They belong to The Professor. shanastay and Valkyrie belong to themselves.
Summary: Random conversations in one of the Imladris gardens.
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Fic: Random Conversations 1/5 [19 Jul 2004|10:45am]

[ mood | busy ]

Title: Random Conversations 1/5
Author: Rainien ([email protected])
Rating: hard R for sometimes-foul launguage, mentions of incest/twincest, slash, and mpreg. Nothing graphic.
Genre: Humor
Archive: AFF, my website, laughlorien, anywhere else, please ask.
Disclaimer: None of the LotR characters belong to me. They belong to The Professor. shanastay and Valkyrie belong to themselves.
Summary: Random conversations in one of the Imladris gardens.

A/N: This is what happens when a would-be fanfic author goes slightly mental while trying to work on a challenge from a friend. Special thanks goes to shanastay as this never would have come about had it not been for a late-night, sleep-deprived IM chat. As this idea formed, it because an exercise in writing dialogue. For that reason, this reads much like a script with very few actions denoted *like this.* All five chapters are completed so I'll post the next chapter in a few days.

Read more...Collapse )

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OT: 2004 Mithril Awards [12 Jun 2004|03:15am]

Mithril Awards 2004: Voting now open

The list of semi-finalists in the Mithril Awards for Tolkien Fanfiction 2004
is now available on the awards
. Congratulations to all those who made the lists, commiserations to
all those who didn't -- competition was fierce in many categories.

Voting is now open in the Voters' Choice categories. Visit the online voting
form at the awards site to
vote for your choices from all the stories, poems & research articles that
have reached the semi-final stage.

Further information...Collapse )
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lotr_reunion seeking players [20 Apr 2004|06:40pm]

lotr_reunion is an LOTR RPS RPG that has been going for a while now, but has recently underwent some overhauling and restructuring. We are still looking for new players though. Below is more information, and for even more please go here. To join, please contact the the moderator.

When: Current year is 2006, day/month will coincide with the current day and month, only 2 years in the future.

Where: Wellington, New Zealand (base of play, but other characters are other places as well)

Setting: The reunion party has already happened, and now everyone is living their day to day life in Welly or other places. There are bi-monthly chats that bring the cast as together as is possible. And there are always chats going on between 2+ people in their own private plot lines.

More informationCollapse )
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LOTR/Charmed Crossover RPG [20 Apr 2004|06:06pm]

I'd like to tell you about , an LOTR/Charmed RPS RPG crossover game.

This RPG is set in Seattle, in the charmed-verse where witches, demons, warlocks, whitelighters and other magical creatures are a reality. Any of these types of creatures mentioned (and not mentioned) are open for people to play, though normal humans are also welcomed and strongly desired.

More information insideCollapse )
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[30 Mar 2004|08:26pm]

Hey all. :) The name's Carly, long time lurker, first time (or at least first I can remember) poster. I have something I'd like help with, but it should be fun. I have a LotR humor page ( and I'm collecting audience partisipation lines for all three movies. Fellowship already has a lot, but I need major help for Two Towers and Return of the King. Any suggestions?
APLs are, of course, fun things to yell, say, or do while seeing either of the LotR movies. It's fine to do them at home with a group of friends, but of course, making a fool of yourself in a crouded theatre of strangers is so much better. Please e-mail me any ideas at [email protected]! Tell me your name and which movie they go to, and I'll put you up on the site! Love!


(Crossposted in churchofpeej, hobbits, lordoftherings, and pippinfans)
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lotr_reunion seeking players [17 Mar 2004|12:27pm]

lotr_reunion is an LOTR RPG that is set in 2006. We've been going for quite a while and are looking for some fresh blood after a bit of shifting around. Every few months, the cast as an actual reunion at various destinations (usually decided upon by the players) and in the in between time, it's just the day to day interaction among the pups at their various locations. We've got a great group of people and would love to have some other great people join us. Beneath the cut, you'll find more information about the community, including a list of taken characters and how to join.

Settings, How to Join, Taken pupsCollapse )
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New RPG seeking members! Charmed/LOTR Crossover [24 Feb 2004|06:24pm]

I'd like to tell you about a new RPG, lotr_charmed.

This RPG is set in the charmed-verse where witches, demons, warlocks, whitelighters and other magical creatures are a reality. Any of these types of creatures mentioned (and not mentioned) are open for people to play, though normal humans are also welcomed and strongly desired.

The LOTR movies never happened (at least not involving our actors), so the game is AU in pretty much every sense of the word. You're welcome to have any pup you play also be an actor, but we're not looking at real life history of the various actors here. RPS is welcomed, encouraged even *chuckles* but by no means mandatory.

In our world, magic and it's creatures live hand in hand with the rest of the world, though most people are not aware of its existence. There is a struggle between Good and Evil, Evil and Evil and sometimes even Good and Good. For those not familiar with Charmed, it is set in completely modern times, with modern day to day trivialities as well as magical concerns.

Characters ideally should be actors from the LOTR movies or from the Charmed show (guest stars count as well). Actors related to the above group via other projects are also welcomed. Any other actors will be considered on a case by case basis, as well as any original characters. Canon characters from the movie/book/show will be considered on a rarer basis, but it never hurts to ask. We're looking for the Good, the Bad and the somewhere In Betweens.

We'd like to see a wide variety of pups, not just witches. Normal humans are needed, as well as some bad guys. Darklighters are strongly desired. If you're not sure if we allow something, please just ask.

Knowledge of Charmed is preferred, but not required to join. We're more than happy to operate on a learning curve. For more information on joining, please go here.

You can also email any questions you have to [email protected].

Taken Characters:
Viggo Mortensen
Orlando Bloom
Billy Boyd
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Several games seeking players!!! [13 Feb 2004|04:18pm]

Something for your past, present and future. Behind the LJ cuts you'll find information about three RPS games looking for players. Whether you're looking for the start of the Fellowship, current time or sometime in the near future, you'll find it below.

We'll start with the past shall we?

lotr_beginnings is seeking new players!

We've got a great game going-it's set during filming, so there are lots of adventures to be had. Remember all those great stories the guy (and girls) told about filming? Well, now you can act them out (with a personalized twist, of course.) We aren't brand new, but we are always seeking new players and pups...we love new blood, and we promise not to bite...too hard.

click me for taken characters and more information on the game and joiningCollapse )

Now for the present:

lotr_now is seeking new players!

As the name suggests, lotr_now is set in present times and follows the present-day lives of the actors�more or less. We do allow some flexibility for plot and interaction purposes, so don't worry too much. Just keep it realistic and you'll be fine. The day-to-day lives of the actors provide lots of material for plots.

lotr_now has been going for quite some time now (since March of last year actually) and we're seeking fresh blood due to a recent house cleaning, as it were. Things were quiet because of the holidays, but now we're trying to get it up and running again. We have some pups whose muns have left, so they need filling, but most are free to be wiped clean and started over, that will be advised on a case by case basis.

click me for taken characters and more information on the game and joiningCollapse )

And now, for the future:

lotr_reunion is looking for new players!

lotr_reunion is a great game set in the future-two years to be exact. The date in the game is the present month and day, but in the year 2006. We just recently celebrated Elijah's 25th birthday.

This is not an AU game, but since it is set in the future, there is a great deal of freedom with what the players/characters do. All we ask is that you keep it (somewhat) realistic

click me for taken characters and more information on the game and joiningCollapse )

So, there you have it...three great games seeking new players. Don't be shy, drop a line to the respective mods and let them know you're interested!

*scurries off*
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OT: 2004 Mithril Awards [12 Feb 2004|11:28pm]

Wanted: keen, critical, enthusiastic lovers of Tolkien

More detailsCollapse )
Apologies for the wide cross-posting, but we're keen to make sure no-one
gets left out.
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LotR: RotK Photoshop Spoofs [26 Jan 2004|02:29am]

[ mood | amused ]

Hallo, all! Someone sent this to the local LotR mailing list I'm on. Have been meaning to post the link here for some time, as I love Photoshop spoofs:

Mind, they're not well-made spoofs but that makes them all the funnier (the site isn't entirely work-friendly, btw). I'ven't laughed so hard in a long time. Enjoy!

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[19 Jan 2004|04:41pm]

Hello my children.

My name is Serkis Peredhil, and I am a Reverend of the Church of Peej.

Do you love Lord of the Rings?

Do you think of Peter Jackson as your God?

Then join the Peejist Revolution.

churchofpeej: the LotR religion

In the name of the Philippa, the Fran and the Holy Peter. Epic.

1 second breakfast| next meal

[06 Jan 2004|06:14pm]

You guys are gonna love this!
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The Fellowship of the Ring of Free Trade [25 Nov 2003|03:39am]

A re-interpretation of LOTR.
[Disclaimer: The following movie may require the latest QuickTime available here. It may also require some familiarity with the world of activism in order to get all the references. Familiarity with subjects such as anarchism, black bloc, and the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) would be especially helpful.]
More info...Collapse )

Crossposted from lordoftherings
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lotr_reunion seeks players! [10 Nov 2003|08:38pm]

Once again making a plea for players for lotr_reunion, we've had a few new people join but we're still looking for some more great players.

LOTR Reunion is set in 2005 and therefore anyone joining has complete freedom with their characters and what they have been (and are) up to. All LOTR related actors are welcomed, as well as non-LOTR actors on a case by case basis. Original characters are also welcome, and will be looked at on a case by case basis as well.

We are about to start a retreat where all the actors (and any other characters in the game) will be getting together and just hanging out and catching up, and whatever else the players and mods come up with for a few weeks. There will be plots every few months or so to bring everyone back together, as well as whatever the players come up with in the in between times.

We really need a Karl Urban right now, the mun had to give him up and this pup desperately needs a home! He comes complete with his own LJ.

Taken Characters Are:

Viggo Mortensen
Orlando Bloom
Sean Bean
Marton Csokas
Billy Boyd
Dominic Monaghan
Elijah Wood
Sean Astin
Craig Parker
Andr� Schneider
Charlie Hunnam (OC)

Characters Needed/Wanted:

Hugo Weaving
Bernard Hill
Ian McKellan
Ian Holm
Christpher Lee
Miranda Otto
Liv Tyler
Cate Blanchette
David Wenham
Brad Douriff

(and any other you can think of, LOTR or non-LOTR related--Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel, etc)

For more information, please visit the community information. Or you can the moderator with your questions and interest.

Hope to see you guys in Reunion!
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Homeless pups in search of good mun! [21 Oct 2003|04:48pm]

lotr_reunion is seeking a few good players to replace some now homeless pups. We need people to start immediately. We are also seeking players for all other open positions of LOTR actors, as well as actors from other fandoms.

The pups most immediately in need of a home are:

Karl Urban
Viggo Mortensen

You will be provided with the journals for the pups, so there will be no need to create new ones.

Now, a little about the game:

lotr_reunion is set in 2005 and we currently have a lot of pups located in the New Zealand locale. You have total freedom of pups due to the fact it's not present day. Coming up in November, the pups will be taking a 3 week retreat 'reunion' in the Caribbean.

The folks over at Reunion now are a great bunch of people and pups, and we're looking for new blood to get us going even stronger. If interested, please check out all the community information and then get in touch with me, either by leaving a comment here or by emailing me.

Taken characters:

Orlando Bloom
Marton Csokas
Sean Bean
Elijah Wood
Sean Astin
Billy Boyd
Dominic Monaghan
André Schneider
Charlie Hunnam (OC)

Available Characters:

Craig Parker
Hugo Weaving
Bernard Hill
Ian McKellan
Ian Holm
Christpher Lee
Miranda Otto
Liv Tyler
Cate Blanchette
David Wenham
Brad Douriff
(and any other you can think of, LOTR or non-LOTR related)

We hope to see you all soon!

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