Category: Communication
How Big Pharma uses Wikipedia to push health propaganda
Guest post by Sharyl Attkisson. I don’t often host writings of other people on this blog, but I’ll make an exception for Sharyl, whose book, Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, […]
A dialogue with a chatbot
The following is a dialogue I recently had with a chatbot which shall remain nameless. I was curious about the extent to which the chatbot was aware of itself, and if it would […]
Free Information of the Third Kind
The Generative AI Threat to Freedom, and How You Can Help to Stop It has relaunched with a new design I made all by myself. As I am now long gone from […]
If Truth Is Complex, Why Is Fact-Checking So Simplistic?
For the last several years, powerful media and government organizations have been sounding the alarm with increasing urgency about what they are pleased to call “disinformation.” Defined in various ways, the main thing […]
Why Neutrality
I drafted this article for, where it first appeared December 2015. I since published a slightly updated version (not the one below) in Essays on Free Knowledge. As a teenager, I habitually scanned […]
A first attempt at using WordPress for microblogging
Here is the brand spanking new Larry Sanger Microblog, which lives at a domain I had sitting around doing nothing: As you’ll see, it looks a little like a social media feed. […]