Study Partner |
[18 Jul 2008|06:26pm] |
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I tried this last year, I thought I'd try it again. Is there anyone willing to be a study partner with me? I have anatomy this summer and am just looking to spend an hour a day Mon-Thurs at the school with someone just to go over this stuff. You don't have to be taking the same class. I think it would be useful just being in the library with someone else who had a class to study for.
Thanks in advance. Please feel free to comment here or send me a message.
[17 Jun 2008|06:09pm] |
I've never taken a college level PE class before. I'll be taking salsa dancing at LCC summer term. It is my only on campus class so i'm not worried about showers and all of that, i'll do that in the privacy of my home. What I'm wondering:
Is the first day of class usually discussion and forms or should I come ready to shake? Is it common to wear LCC clothes? Will I have use for a notebook/pen/pencil?
Any other thoughts?
(yes, xposted)
[13 Mar 2008|10:45pm] |
Do you guys get more money selling your books at LCC during book buy back week or at Smith Family?
I'd rather support smith family as they are awesome but need the cash...
If anyone is interested i have a fit and well book, some math books, an anthropology one and a sociology one. Would rather go to a bookstore and get it all done easy at once but if you think you could use something from these subjects....
[07 Sep 2007|11:47am] |
Hi the dead community.
How's everyone doing? Excited for fall term? Nervous? Indifferent? Angry?
Annoyed at my short incomplete sentences?
I'm one of those kids who gets super excited, even with the insane price of books :D
Classes Cancelled -- Snow Day! |
[11 Jan 2007|09:58am] |
No classes today due to weather. I'm from Chicago originally, so it makes me laugh. But I'll take it! And from what I understand, it means that even if all this white stuff melts in two hours, there are still no classes. I'm going back to bed! Enjoy!
DIVA Event |
[07 Dec 2006|03:32pm] |
The Third Annual Festival of Improvised Music and Moving Image (IMMI Fest) once again delights the aural and visual senses this weekend, December 8th and 9th, at the DIVA Center 110 W. Broadway. IMMI Fest features classic silent films, freely improvised music and progressive video, all melded together for maximum spontaneity and simultaneous sensory pleasure.
The festival showcases west coast and international musicians and media artists in an intimate listening and viewing environment for optimal audience exposure.
( More DetailsCollapse )
[05 Dec 2006|10:05pm] |
Do WE get to view other people's course evaluations? I have hintz for math next term and know nothing of him. Of course, I only know anything of two instructors in the whole college.
[28 Nov 2006|10:49pm] |
Will I get a better deal if I sell my bought new and used all term but still looks new math book to LCC bookstore or smith family?
xpost love
Intro |
[26 Nov 2006|01:53pm] |
Hi, I'm new here both to this community and the whole livejournal thing. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I'm very excited to be a member of this group. I look forward to exchanging my ideas and thoughts with you all, and reading some of yours as well. :) Nice to meet you.
hey there hi there ho there |
[04 Nov 2006|09:31pm] |
Looking for some friends in the Eugene/Sprigfield area. To meet in real life and do stuff. Couples to do couples stuff? Or playdates for the kids? I am in a deeply committed relationship with my soulmate. I would like to find others, male or female, with common interests to talk and hang out with; I have just as much fun playing Scrabble as I do going dancing, so I am up for whatever sounds fun. Check out my Myspace page!
Night Gallery Film Festival |
[03 Nov 2006|01:20pm] |
Check out DIVA's website for times, descriptions of films and their address and other contact info. I hope to see some of you there!
Study Partner |
[29 Oct 2006|08:55pm] |
Does anyone on this list live or regularly visit the north side (Coburg, Oakway Center, Sheldon Plaza, etc.)? I'm looking for someone to study with at least a couple of hours once or twice a week. If you're able to, no matter what you're studying in school, please do comment or contact me at [email protected] when you can. I'm serious about school, but it would help me in my time management efforts if I had someone else to study with.
Thank you for your time!
Just a tip |
[25 Oct 2006|06:57pm] |
It sounds mercernary, but on 4 December those who have not completely paid for Fall Term will be automatically dropped from their classes. If you didn't get the courses you needed during "early" registration because of the crap system bogging down, you may want to try then. Just FYI.
Night Gallery Film Festival |
[13 Oct 2006|10:04pm] |
Those of you in Eugene, what were you up to the night of 10/13/06? Nothing? Too drunk to remember? Well, I wish you had been with me. I was at DIVA. It was the opening night of their NIGHT GALLERY FILM FESTIVAL. You'll never guess who made an appearance: VIGGO MORTENSEN! Yes, he made a guest appearance in As Smart as They Are a great little documentary about a collaborative musical group, One Ring Zero that works with authors to create songs. Yes, lovely Viggo is an author as well. You also missed a fascinating take on the affect of a new woman in town on a small New Zealand village in a film called Luella Miller.
Don't feel bad. There are more movies to see tomorrow! Including: When I Find Bin Laden, A drama about meth addiction. And you also get to VOTE. The film that receives the most positive reviews moves the the HNL -- (W)hole. Nutha. Level. That film moves on to Hollywood and possibly even to the point of being reviewed by Mr. Stephen Speilberg himself. It's well worth the $5.
And if you can't come, DIVA is ALWAYS looking for people to help out in other ways. Support the arts. Meet your neighbors. Put off doing your homework. Get out of the house. See local art. See hot men and women on film...
Hello |
[25 Aug 2006|01:03pm] |
I will be starting at Lane this Fall Term and would like to set up a carpool situation with anyone going Downtown or further North (Sheldon Plaza) Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:50p (when my class ends). Willing to pay part of gas fare, do what I can to make the transport easier. I work evenings and it would be a great help to my getting to work on time after classes. Thanks!
Students - Looking to start Pagan Reading Group |
[22 Jun 2006|12:44pm] |
Come play (Ca)bal(l) with me! I'm looking to start a Pagan Study/Reading group- Discordian Cabal...thing. Looking for folks in Eugene who would like to get together once a week (or every other week) to discuss books. You don't have to be Discordian. You don't have to be Pagan. The material will be all over the map -- historical, mythological and magical.
Please comment (leave an E-mail if you care to) and I'll get back to you. Thanks!
[20 May 2006|01:57pm] |
I just moved here 12 May. I'm planning to attend Lane CC in the Fall to get trained in Nursing (specifically Psych or Mental Health Nursing.) I need to find a job ASAP. Does anyone have any suggestions? I spent this past week signing with at least 5 temp agencies (we'll see what happense with them). I've filled out at least 30 apps at many different places. My strongest area would be Customer Service. I've worked in Call Centers before as well. I've waited tables, I've worked in coffee shops. Willing to do almost anything to get some cash in. All suggestions welcome.
[24 Mar 2005|11:54am] |
has anyone taken writing 122 with Lynn B. Tullis?? how is it/the workload? i am looking for a teacher that has a fairly small workload jsut because i am taking so many classes this term and still working. pleasehelp. thanks.
textbooks for sale - UO Bio 211/212/213, LCC Psych 201/202/203 |
[16 Mar 2005|08:41pm] |
I'm selling the creatively-titled books for UO Bio 211/212/213 and LCC Psych 201/202/203.
Biology sequence: Biology, 6th ed, Campbell & Reece. Excellent condition; binding is a bit worn, but the pages are clean and unmarked. Includes the code for online access. $90 OBO.
Psychology sequence: Psychology, 3rd ed, Hockenbury & Hockenbury. Great condition; some highlighting early on (not mine, I bought this used as well), but otherwise clean. $50 OBO.