Papers by Jean-Pierre Darnis
LUISS Sog Workin Paper, 2024
Italy, like all modern democratic countries, is dealing with the impact of digital technologies a... more Italy, like all modern democratic countries, is dealing with the impact of digital technologies and the “age
of data”. Since 2001 we can observe how the government has taken into consideration the need for norms
that manage innovation and digitalization. While digital technologies are often dealt with as an
opportunity to reform the administration in Italy, we can observe other trends in cyber-security or
algorithms which are also shaping Italian government action in relation to the geopolitical context. This
empiric analysis can foster a debate about the “Italian model” and whether we can really determine a
unique “Italian strategy” for digital issues. It is also an extremely interesting field to look into in order to
determine the evolution of a European member state such as Italy facing international trends determined
by digital issues and technologies
Revue Défense nationale, Jul 1, 2019
International Spectator, Jul 1, 2005
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 27, 2020
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 25, 2020
i-l om b a r d i a-c ont r o ll amovimenti-via-cellulare-75c3d226-6897-11ea-9725-c592292e4a85.sht... more i-l om b a r d i a-c ont r o ll amovimenti-via-cellulare-75c3d226-6897-11ea-9725-c592292e4a85.shtml. 13 "Coronavirus: à Marseille, l'institut du professeur Raoult dépiste tous les patients fébriles", in
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 30, 2020
Chargé de recherche, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique COVID-19 et instruments numériques :... more Chargé de recherche, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique COVID-19 et instruments numériques : la délicate gestion des données

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 23, 2020
Alors que les vallées de la Lombardie vivent au rythme des sirènes des ambulances et du glas ince... more Alors que les vallées de la Lombardie vivent au rythme des sirènes des ambulances et du glas incessant des églises, il est important d'analyser la tragédie italienne. L'épidémie du Covid-19, qui impacte violemment l'Europe après avoir bloqué la Chine, a connu une forte expansion tout d'abord en Italie, avec environ une dizaine de jours d'anticipation par rapport au cas français, si l'on se base sur le nombre de décès, alors que les statistiques relatives aux nombres de cas sont soumises aux aléas des politiques de test, plus ou moins restrictives selon les pays. La situation sanitaire de l'Italie, la gestion de la crise, ses effets secondaires mais également les perspectives de sortie de crise de l'Italie sont significatives à plus d'un titre, car elles représentent la première réponse de la part d'un Etat membre de l'Union européenne (UE).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 6, 2017

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 6, 2018
L'accesso allo spazio rappresenta un insieme di tecnologie alla frontiera dell'innovazione. I lan... more L'accesso allo spazio rappresenta un insieme di tecnologie alla frontiera dell'innovazione. I lanciatori, simboli anche visivi e visibili di questo settore, concentrano un altissimo tasso di ricerca e sviluppo e quindi debbono essere considerati come strategici per la politica tecnologica. Il quadro del "mercato spaziale" si sta infatti velocemente modificando: assistiamo al crescente sviluppo dei mini-satelliti e alla diffusione dell'uso dei satelliti (più di 60 paesi dispongono di questi strumenti) in un contesto di accentuata concorrenza spinta da importanti investimenti privati statunitensi, ma anche da un maggiore impegno pubblico europeo in materia, anche attraverso l'Unione europea. Nell'ambito di questo panorama i lanciatori assorbono soltanto il 5 per cento del mercato, ma sono fondamentali perché rappresentano la condizione per un'autonoma messa in orbita dei sistemi satellitari. A livello mondiale si effettuano ormai più di 80 lanci all'anno, uno ogni quattro giorni. Obiettivo del presente documento è quello di richiamare l'attenzione degli stakeholder sull'importanza tecnologica, industriale e strategica del settore dei lanciatori e delle sue principali problematiche. keywords L'accesso allo spazio, settore strategico per l'Italia e l'Europa
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 4, 2021
Nel luglio 2020 una sentenza della Corte di giustizia europea ha invalidato il regime di trasferi... more Nel luglio 2020 una sentenza della Corte di giustizia europea ha invalidato il regime di trasferimento dei dati tra l'Unione europea e gli Stati Uniti. Questa decisione ha scatenato una serie di reazioni che hanno visto opporsi i partigiani della continuità industriale ed economica ai difensori dei diritti nel contesto digitale. Questa crisi rappresenta un'opportunità, con attori politici come la Commissione von der Leyen e la nuova amministrazione Biden che sembrano avere il potenziale per rinnovare le relazioni transatlantiche attraverso l'azione in ambito digitale. Le relazioni transatlantiche al tempo del digitale: la questione del trasferimento di dati

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 1, 2018
Conflicts today are no longer confined to the three conventional areas of warfighting-land, sea, ... more Conflicts today are no longer confined to the three conventional areas of warfighting-land, sea, and air. Cyber space is now increasingly being recognized as a fourth area of conflict, with countries incorporating cyber elements into their traditional military doctrines, or developing offensive cyber capabilities and cyber military commands. As cyber space becomes more militarized, we are also increasingly seeing nationstate or state-sponsored cyber-attacks rise. Difficult to trace and shrouded in anonymity, how can the world address the potential risks of cyber weapons proliferation? What kind of agreement could be reached to prevent cyber conflict with these new capabilities? What role can confidence building measures or cyber norms play in de-escalation? This paper provides an analysis on the cyber weapons proliferation debate, leveraging the lessons learned from past international agreements, and offering a potential way forward to ensure that an open, stable, and secure cyber space remains.
Handbook of Space Security, 2020
Parlement[s], Revue d'histoire politique, 2022
Synergies Italie, 2019
Le 500e anniversaire de la mort de Léonard de Vinci représente un moment particulier pour la célé... more Le 500e anniversaire de la mort de Léonard de Vinci représente un moment particulier pour la célébration de l'œuvre de l'artiste florentin et apparait comme une opportunité de valorisation artistique. Cependant, autour de l'organisation des manifestations en France et en Italie vont se greffer une série de déclarations et d'enjeux politiques qui projettent l'organisation de ces évènements dans le jeu conflictuel entre la France et l'Italie. Ainsi, nous observons comment la dimension culturelle participe d'une dimension globale qui oppose l'Italie et la France.
Revue Française d'Histoire des Idées Politiques, 2016
Souvent, la construction europeenne est decrite en des termes negatifs. Au travers de l’exemple d... more Souvent, la construction europeenne est decrite en des termes negatifs. Au travers de l’exemple de la nomination du Haut-Commissaire Federica Mogherini, nous voulons defendre l’idee que la construction d’une representation negative de l’Europe, un veritable « mythe negatif », ne reflete pas l’evolution de la construction europeenne elle-meme, un processus negocie qui ne remet pas en question la nature democratique des Etats membres qui la composent et qui cree un espace democratique europeen.
La presence francaise dans les secteurs strategique en Italie est un element qui renouvelle les p... more La presence francaise dans les secteurs strategique en Italie est un element qui renouvelle les perceptions franco-italiennes. Ces politiques industrielles qui passent par des prises de participations vont produire de nouvelles perceptions allant de l'association au rejet, une serie d'elements qui accompagnent les dynamiques d'integration entre les deux Etats-membres.

The 2015 White Paper on International Security and Defence, signed by the Minister of Defence, re... more The 2015 White Paper on International Security and Defence, signed by the Minister of Defence, represents an important achievement for the Italian Armed Forces – and more in general for Italy’s international projection. This paper is divided into six chapters analysing the main aspects of the White Paper. The first chapter explains the importance of the document in the Italian context. The second one explores the key elements of the White Paper, which altogether constitute a reform of the military entailing radical changes. Chapter 3 focuses on a set of measures to reform the governance and internal organisation of the Ministry of Defence (MoD), particularly concerning the joint level and the relationship between the political authority and the military. The fourth chapter provides an analysis of the novelties regarding industrial defence policy, with a focus on “sovereign” and “cooperative” technologies and the proposed partnerships between the MoD and the private sector. Chapter 5...

Earth Observation (EO) data has become a strategic asset for the European Union. It is a backbone... more Earth Observation (EO) data has become a strategic asset for the European Union. It is a backbone of the European Union external projection capabilities, enabling the monitoring of maritime, land and atmospheric environments, and climate change projections. It is also instrumental in conducting two non-scientific missions, providing emergency management and security services. The economic benefits provided by Copernicus have been estimated to 13.5 billion euro in less than ten years. However, new technologies and data management capabilities may hinder the benefits it provides to European service companies: most Copernicus data are exploited by non-European industries, able to leverage most of the benefits thanks to a robust data storage and analysis infrastructure. Increased economic and security benefits could be extracted from Copernicus data thanks to technological and policy solutions. The technological solution would consist in a European Cloud infrastructure providing storage...
Papers by Jean-Pierre Darnis
of data”. Since 2001 we can observe how the government has taken into consideration the need for norms
that manage innovation and digitalization. While digital technologies are often dealt with as an
opportunity to reform the administration in Italy, we can observe other trends in cyber-security or
algorithms which are also shaping Italian government action in relation to the geopolitical context. This
empiric analysis can foster a debate about the “Italian model” and whether we can really determine a
unique “Italian strategy” for digital issues. It is also an extremely interesting field to look into in order to
determine the evolution of a European member state such as Italy facing international trends determined
by digital issues and technologies
of data”. Since 2001 we can observe how the government has taken into consideration the need for norms
that manage innovation and digitalization. While digital technologies are often dealt with as an
opportunity to reform the administration in Italy, we can observe other trends in cyber-security or
algorithms which are also shaping Italian government action in relation to the geopolitical context. This
empiric analysis can foster a debate about the “Italian model” and whether we can really determine a
unique “Italian strategy” for digital issues. It is also an extremely interesting field to look into in order to
determine the evolution of a European member state such as Italy facing international trends determined
by digital issues and technologies
University of Cambridge
Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)
Alison Richard Building (ARB), 7 West Road, CB3 9DT Cambridge (UK)
9th June 2014