Papers by Albert Marouani
Sciences de la société
Marouani Albert. Quelques considérations théoriques sur la notion d'espace. In: Sciences de l... more Marouani Albert. Quelques considérations théoriques sur la notion d'espace. In: Sciences de la société, n°37, 1996. Territoires frontaliers. Discontinuité et cohésion. pp. 189-195
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2013
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Research Papers in Economics, 2013
Research Papers in Economics, 2000
Research Papers in Economics, 2013

2° Colloque international en Finance, comptabilité et transparence financière : « Où va la finance aujourd’hui ? », May 10, 2013
We have seen in the first part of this article that the unethical behavior of banks, financial in... more We have seen in the first part of this article that the unethical behavior of banks, financial institutions and financial agents has been, if not encouraged, at least greatly facilitated by internal and external financial liberalization policies. These have been promoted by a neoliberal ideology conveyed by international organizations and states in most countries of the planet. The financial crisis of 2008, known as the "subprime crisis", whose devastating effects we continue to suffer, has been the product and the revealer of the unethical behavior of private finance. The issue of an assumed return to state intervention in the area of financial regulation, which we are dealing with in this second part, must be backed up by sound scientific argumentation and moral and ethical values that meet the requirements of financial regulation. equal rights, freedom, democracy and respect for the environment.
Research Papers in Economics, 1993
Research Papers in Economics, Feb 1, 2013
Research Papers in Economics, 2017
Presses Universitaires de France eBooks, 1981
Research Papers in Economics, 2018
Today, there are countless texts (articles and books) on economic growth. Many different and orig... more Today, there are countless texts (articles and books) on economic growth. Many different and original points of view have been presented in recent years. For our part, we have chosen to "reread" some of the great authors of the theories of growth and development to to take a look at the current world whose only originality is to be voluntarily and resolutely "syncretic".

Essai de réévaluation critique Ibn Khaldûn, né à Tunis en 1332, mort au Caire en 1406, est un pen... more Essai de réévaluation critique Ibn Khaldûn, né à Tunis en 1332, mort au Caire en 1406, est un penseur d'origine andalouse, contemporain de Pétrarque et de Tamerlan. Esprit rationaliste et puissant, embrassant toutes les sciences de son temps, il a laissé une oeuvre qui a pu être considérée du point de vue de l'histoire, de la sociologie, de la science politique mais aussi de l'économie politique comme très en avance sur son temps. Son ouvrage le plus connu, Al-Muqaddima (1), qui signifie « introduction » ou « prolégomènes » au Discours sur l'Histoire universelle, analyse, sur près de 1 500 pages, les sociétés méditerranéennes (principalement celles du Maghreb) de son temps, du point de vue de leur(s) histoire(s), de la dynamique du pouvoir politique (naissance, vie et mort des différentes dynasties) et des évolutions sociales et sociétales (2). A partir de ses propres observations, des témoignages personnels qu'il recueille lui-même méthodiquement ainsi que de sa participation active et mouvementée à la vie politique (Labica, 1965 ; Megherbi, 2010), il nous livre une analyse d'une remarquable érudition sur la nature multidimensionnelle (juridique, politique, militaire et économique) du pouvoir des souverains dans les sociétés maghrébines arabo-musulmanes qui sont sur le déclin, au moins depuis la Reconquista chrétienne (3). En dépit de ce contexte historique très particulier, on peut estimer que par sa puissance analytique, sa rigueur démonstrative et sa capacité d'abstraction, Ibn Khaldûn a pu élaborer une théorie véritablement « universelle » du système politique (dynastique) maghrébin dans sa dimension diachronique (historique), qui peut revêtir par certains côtés une portée générale d'ordre synchronique. La portée « universelle » de Al-Muqaddima reste cependant pour son auteur, celui du 14 e siècle, propre à ce que l'on appellerait, aujourd'hui, la « région MENA (4) ». Après avoir étudié les civilisations arabes et berbères dans leur histoire ancienne et contemporaine, il nous précise qu'il a fait « par la suite un voyage en Orient, pour profiter de multiples éclaircissements… en étudiant les ouvrages d'histoire orientale… J'ai pu ainsi combler les lacunes de mes connaissances sur l'histoire des souverains étrangers (persans) et des dynasties turques… Mon présent ouvrage est donc une histoire universelle (akhbâr al-khalîqa) complète… qui est en somme la philosophie

Our project proposes to study a sample of 4 countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (... more Our project proposes to study a sample of 4 countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMC): Turkey, Israel, Morocco and Tunisia, which are among the most committed to EU integration, on the one hand the relations between money and financial markets/exchange rates in the context of a Euro zone in the Mediterranean, and on the other hand the role of financial markets in smoothing national consumption in the countries concerned. On the basis of a single model based on the work of Edwards and Elbadawi, we tested the evolution of the exchange rates of the 4 countries concerned against their fundamental equilibrium exchange rates. We were thus able to better assess the exchange rate policies that were followed according to their under- or over-alignment with regard to a fundamental equilibrium parity that takes into account the sustainability of the internal and external balances of these countries. We were able to draw conclusions about their future exchange rate policy against the Euro based on the results obtained for each country.
Et pour ce numéro spécial : Agnès Bocognano (Credes) ; Fabienne Midy (Credes) ; Valérie Paris (Cr... more Et pour ce numéro spécial : Agnès Bocognano (Credes) ; Fabienne Midy (Credes) ; Valérie Paris (Credes) ; Dominique Polton (Credes) ; Philippe Ulmann (Université Paris XII-Val de Marne). Les Cahiers du Gratice n°15 Les Cahiers du GRATICE et le CREDES remercient les membres du Comité de lecture ainsi que les referee :
![Research paper thumbnail of The limits of Quantitative Easing Monetary Policies: how to overcome them? [Les limites des politiques monétaires accommodantes : comment les dépasser ?]](
The Quantitative Easing Monetary Policies, implemented after the financial crisis of 2007-2008 we... more The Quantitative Easing Monetary Policies, implemented after the financial crisis of 2007-2008 were generally limited in their expected effects on growth, unemployment, inflation and exchange rates. Countries such as the USA, Great Britain and China, who were the most significantly ahead in heterodoxy by massively creating "new" money, obtained better results than those in the Euro zone, who could not create directly new currency, because of the rules laid down by the ECB. Based on this empirical observation, we analyse the theoretical foundations of Q.E monetary policies and show, contrary to generally accepted opinions, that the break away from monetarist orthodoxy and neo-liberal policies has not been complete. By adopting an institutionalist and regulationist point of view on money, we propose macroeconomic policies that could overcome the current economic crisis, while addressing the structural challenges of the energy transition and the digital economy.
Standard neo-classical economic theory is based on the idea of balance and symmetry between oppos... more Standard neo-classical economic theory is based on the idea of balance and symmetry between opposing forces (supply and demand). Most situations in the field of macroeconomics, in particular, are of a structurally asymmetrical nature. The same is true about the behavior of all agents because asymmetry of information is a characteristic of any contractual relationship in any market. Classical economists, as well as other heterodox economists, also consider that asymmetry, inequality and the conflicts of power and domination are at the very heart of market relations and explain the historical dynamics of the evolution of market economies. In these circumstances, it should be considered that the asymmetrical relationship must be regarded as the norm of the market economy.
La prevision des risques ecotoxicologiques passe par une approche systemique et critique de la no... more La prevision des risques ecotoxicologiques passe par une approche systemique et critique de la notion de developpement durable. En envisageant, pour la Nouvelle Caledonie, un risque potentiel maximal d'augmentation des efflorescences algales nuisibles, nous mettons en evidence l'articulation des risques ecologiques, biologiques, sanitaires et socioeconomiques (loisirs, tourisme, peche, habitudes alimentaires, sante, culture et structures politiques). Nous evoquons en conclusion la question de la gouvernance d'un risque environnemental a partir de la notion de « bien public mondial » et de « rationalite collective ».
Papers by Albert Marouani
The Moroccan banking system suffers from a high amount of bad debts, insufficient provisioning and delays in debt collection. The objective of our study is to analyze the evolution of the fragility of Moroccan banks between 1993 and 2005.
We first assess the fragility of Moroccan commercial banks using the probabilistic method. Second, we analyze econometrically the relationship between the risk of default and the combination of some bank specific explanatory variables including equity. Our analysis shows that the evolution of the fragility of the Moroccan banking sector in general has decreased. This is mainly due to the importance of revenues from traditional operations and to the respect of prudential constraints on capital. On the other hand, bad loans seem to be the main threat of Moroccan banks, especially small banks which have seen their fragility increase during our analysis period.