Papers by Allyson Fiddler
Innsbruck University Press, Aug 4, 2020
Marlene Streeruwitz’s oft repeated disavowal of the theatre is under scrutiny here. Theater Heute... more Marlene Streeruwitz’s oft repeated disavowal of the theatre is under scrutiny here. Theater Heute’s Nachwuchsdramatikerin of 1992, Streeruwitz is nevertheless better known and more highly fêted as a prose writer. Streeruwitz has never completely abandoned the dramatic mode, however, and I examine two of her most recent plays, Die letzten Tage der Zweiten Republik (2017) and Mar-a-Lago. oder. Neuschwanstein. (2018) to revisit the reasons for Streeruwitz’s disaffection for the theatre. What traces are to be found in these new works of Streeruwitz’s 1990s’ Absurdist explorations of the human condition and of modern society and what motivates Streeruwitz’s political explorations of the 2010s
Originally published in The Conversation, this piece measures the political temperature in Austri... more Originally published in The Conversation, this piece measures the political temperature in Austria before the head-to-head between Van der Bellen (independent, Green party politician) and Norbert Hofer (FPÖ).

It is estimated in 2015, the prevalence of over nutrition will surpass the prevalence of under nu... more It is estimated in 2015, the prevalence of over nutrition will surpass the prevalence of under nutrition as the cause of the death to the poor community. This is caused by consumption of high food fat, sugar and refined grains that is higher compared to vegetables and the seeds because of its deliciousness, give the full feeling and cheaper cost. This research try to explore the relationship between the food cost, the density of food energy intake and the nutritional status of the woman market traders in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. This research used cross sectional design with the number of samples 64 female traders based on the status of the overweight and normal. The food energy density data is recorded with food recall 24 hours, and the food cost is obtained from price survey in the local market. Results of the research shows food with the highest energy density is jerohan (9 kcals/g), the food with the lowest energy density is the cucumber (0.08 kcals/g), food with the highest cost is the string bean (Rp. 117/100 kcals), the food with the lowest cost is jerohan (Rp.1.10/100 kcals). There is a significant negative correlation between the food cost and the energy density of food (r =-0,521; (p<0,05). Average energy intake from main food is 979 kcals (±282), vegetables and fruit is 48 kcals(±24.1), sugar and fat is 909 kcals (±299). There is significant difference on average energy intake (238 kcals) of main food, fruits and vegetables (19 kcals), and sugar and fats (344 kcals) with respect to nutritional status. Nutrition education using dietary guidelines should be the main effort to reduce the prevalence of overweight .
This essay investigates why Jelinek's controversial play 'Burgtheater' (first publish... more This essay investigates why Jelinek's controversial play 'Burgtheater' (first published 1982) has been staged only once - and very belatedly - in her home country of Austria. It also asks whether the material itself is of interest to non-Austrian readers and audiences and whether an English-language translation or production is conceivable. I suggest that if Jelinek's material had been written in her later, more complex, 'postdramatic' style it might indeed have been staged more often.
Allyson's keynote first enumerates some of the major Austrian women writers and their transla... more Allyson's keynote first enumerates some of the major Austrian women writers and their translations into English before highlighting some of the pitfalls of translating Elfriede Jelinek. Samples are taken from Die Liebhaberinnen, the Prinzessinnendramen ('Jackie') and from Rechnitz.

The Historian, 2020
Austria is not widely known as a country of civic protest or cultural resistance. It is all the m... more Austria is not widely known as a country of civic protest or cultural resistance. It is all the more surprising that the election results of 1999 produced a huge and sustained uprising against an apparent turn to the right in Austrian politics. This manifested itself on the streets as well as in the pages of novels and plays, in documentary and feature films, in popular music and in everyday artistic interventions. The inauguration of a coalition government with the far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) in February 2000 is the catalyst for the multifaceted corpus of artworks we examine in The Art of Resistance. This study provides the necessary contextual background to postwar Austrian cultural and political history and analyses the variety of aesthetic styles and strategies deployed by a large range of artists, some internationally renowned, others less prominent or indeed little known. All of them pit against the increased normalization of far-right thinking their own galvanizing creativity and critical insight.
journal of european popular culture, 2012

IASPM@Journal, 2014
The Austrian national elections of 1999 and the subsequent government formation in 2000 sparked a... more The Austrian national elections of 1999 and the subsequent government formation in 2000 sparked a wave of protests, both at home and abroad, due to the inclusion of the extreme-right populist Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) into the coalition. This article examines a body of protest music (ranging from heavy metal, rock and punk, to mock-choral and microtonal) that came about between 1999 and 2004 as a direct response to the turn in Austrian politics towards the extreme right. In interrogating this protest music I discern an important and hitherto underresearched facet of identity-(de)construction in Austria's artistic self-expression. It suggests a highly politicized counter-image to the usual, musically inspired representations of Austria, the land more readily associated abroad with Mozart and Haydn, the Vienna boys' choir, waltzing and yodelling. The music here is interrogated for the textual and musical strategies it deploys, and the spaces and icons of protest performance are probed for their efficacy and for the political interventions that they engender.
... ID Code: 26465. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:09. Ref... more ... ID Code: 26465. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:09. Refereed?: Published?: Published. Last Modified: 20 May 2009 14:09. Archive Staff Only: edit this record. Lancaster Eprints is provided ...
... ID Code: 26462. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:21. Ref... more ... ID Code: 26462. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:21. Refereed?: Published?: Published. Last Modified: 20 May 2009 14:21. Archive Staff Only: edit this record. Lancaster Eprints is provided ...
... ID Code: 26441. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:02. Ref... more ... ID Code: 26441. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:02. Refereed?: Published?: Published. Last Modified: 20 May 2009 14:02. Archive Staff Only: edit this record. Lancaster Eprints is provided ...
... ID Code: 27017. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 14 Sep 2009 15:56. Ref... more ... ID Code: 27017. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 14 Sep 2009 15:56. Refereed?: Yes. Published?: Published. Last Modified: 14 Sep 2009 15:56. Archive Staff Only: edit this record. Lancaster Eprints is provided ...
... ID Code: 26439. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:12. Ref... more ... ID Code: 26439. Deposited By: Professor Allyson Fiddler. Deposited On: 20 May 2009 14:12. Refereed?: Published?: Published. Last Modified: 20 May 2009 14:12. Archive Staff Only: edit this record. Lancaster Eprints is provided ...
Publication Information: Book Title: Post-War Women&#x27;s Writing in German: Feminist Critic... more Publication Information: Book Title: Post-War Women&#x27;s Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches. Contributors: Chris Weedon - editor. Publisher: Berghahn Books. Place of Publication: Providence, RI. Publication Year: 1997. Page Number: 291.
Papers by Allyson Fiddler
Contents: Peter Branscombe: The Beginnings of Parody in Viennese Popular Theatre - Ian F. Roe: The Reception of Raimund's Moisasurs Zauberfluch - Hans Höller: Zur Rhetorik des Sensualismus in Grillparzers Dramen - Birgit Pargner: Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer und das kommerzielle Theater im Wien des 19. Jahrhunderts - F. J. Lamport: History, Myth and Psychology in Libussa and Die Nibelungen - Michael Patterson: The Fire in the Ringtheater on 8 December 1881 - Robert Vilain: The Sublime and the Ridiculous: Dramatic Wagner Parodies in Vienna - W. E. Yates: The Rise and Fall of the One-Act-Play - Gilbert Carr: Corridors of Power and Whispered Plots: The Banning of Otto Stoessl's and Robert Scheu's Waare in 1897/1898 - Andrew W. Barker: Interior Monologue, Monodrama and the Palais Stoclet: Marie Pappenheim's Libretto for Schoenberg's Erwartung - Janet Stewart: Egon Friedell and Alfred Polgar: Cabaret in Vienna at the Turn of the Last Century - Emma E. Smith: 'Aber ich hab sie nit kennt, die Weiber': Female Anarchy Unleashed in Karl Schönherr's Der Weibsteufel - Judith Beniston: Max Mell in the First Republic: The Acceptable Face of Catholic Drama? - John Warren: Viennese Theatre Criticism between the Wars - Louise Adey Huish: 'Eine typisch altösterreichisch-ungarische Mischung': The Reception of Horváth's Plays in Vienna, 1931-37 - Stefan Aichhorn: Vineta von Jura Soyfer oder Die Avantgarde auf der Kellerbühne - Ulrike Tanzer: Das Spiel von Geld und Moral. Hugo von Hofmannsthals und Felix Mitterers Jedermann-Bearbeitungen - Osman Durrani: Helmut Qualtinger: The Mouth behind the Fig Leaf - Stefan Krammer: Kein Platz für Helden - Schweigen in Text und Kontext von Thomas Bernhards Heldenplatz - Allyson Fiddler: Theorizing and 'Playing' Sport in Elfriede Jelinek: Some Notes on Ein Sportstück
Guests: Alexis Neuberg - Host of Radio Afrika TV
Allyson Fiddler - Professor of German and Austrian Studies and author of the upcoming book The Art of Resisting: Cultural Protest against the Austrian Far Right
Matthew Goodwin - Senior visiting fellow at Chatham House's Europe programme
with: Allyson Fiddler, Geoffrey C. Howes, Karen Leeder and Mike Mitchell
organised by Heide Kunzelmann (IBC London) & Birgit Friedrich (Centre of Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, Nottingham) Keynote lecture: Allyson Fiddler (Lancaster University)"; introduced by Marcela Pozarek (QMUL)
Do contact the organisers if you're interested in coming along.