Am I really this lame?
? ?
LiveJournal for Are you lame like that?.

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You're looking at the latest 14 entries.

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

Posted by:_child_like_.
Time:10:59 pm.
[center][a href=""][img src=""][/a]
[lj comm="weird__kid"][/center]

Tuesday, January 25th, 2005

Subject:I love being lame
Posted by:_child_like_.
Time:1:51 pm.
Mood: cold.
Kitties are pritty!Collapse )
|1| t3h l4m3

Thursday, January 6th, 2005

Subject:i love being lame
Posted by:intheairdreamer.
Time:8:14 pm.
kitties are prettiesCollapse )
|2| t3h l4m3

Wednesday, December 29th, 2004

Subject:WTF=Wrinkled Tit Fuzz?
Posted by:__panguin.
Time:9:48 am.
Mood: waiting for my girl to call.
okay you lame-o's, this is your moderator, the great AARON PANG whatever the hell you wanna call me.

i declare, that autoaccepts are now OVER. vote and promote. this is not a drill.


--RaChel's Big Dork

Tuesday, December 28th, 2004

Posted by:iamn0tpermanent.
Time:1:55 pm.
kitties are prettyy <3Collapse )
|4| t3h l4m3

Monday, December 27th, 2004

Subject:I love being Lame♥
Posted by:mount_perrier07.
Time:10:50 pm.
Mood: groggy.

Kitties are Pritty!Collapse )</font>

|4| t3h l4m3

Subject:I love being lame.
Posted by:feelingemo.
Time:8:25 pm.
Mood: accomplished.


Kitties are Pretty...Collapse )

|5| t3h l4m3

Posted by:fusethemasked.
Time:6:57 pm.
application foos.Collapse )
|11| t3h l4m3

Subject:I love being lame
Posted by:sour_claudz.
Time:3:07 am.
Mood: lame. like. that..

Kitties are pritty....Collapse )

|3| t3h l4m3

Thursday, December 23rd, 2004

Subject:I love being lame
Posted by:redfishie87.
Time:2:20 am.
Mood: hopeful.
Kitties are pritty!Collapse )
|1| t3h l4m3

Sunday, December 19th, 2004

Posted by:vindicateme.
Time:10:35 am.


|1| t3h l4m3

Sunday, September 12th, 2004

Posted by:rewind_and_play.
Time:7:54 pm.
Mood: complacent.
adfda Collapse )
|1| t3h l4m3

Sunday, August 29th, 2004

Subject:I love being lame...because I'm lame like that...lame...
Posted by:shakenthoughts.
Time:7:21 pm.
Mood: curious.
Eye <3 Lameness!!11!1111!ONE!Collapse )

♥ Kat
|1| t3h l4m3

Saturday, August 28th, 2004

Subject:*sigh* I love being lame.
Posted by:changed________.
Time:9:58 pm.
Mood: amused.
Kitties are prrrritty!Collapse )
|1| t3h l4m3

LiveJournal for Are you lame like that?.

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You're looking at the latest 14 entries.