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lambietoes, posts by tag: mood theme - LiveJournal
After I posted my Doctor Who animated mood theme, purple_spell requested I make an animated Billie/David theme. But since I didn't have enough clips of them to make an entire theme, we settled on a mix of Billie/David and Rose/Ten.

So all these moods are either Billie and David or Rose and Ten, together and separately. It was a bit of a challenge, because I had only 1 series worth of clips to work with instead of 3 and I wasn't willing to use exactly the same clips for the same moods as the Doctor Who theme. They were all made from scratch and none of them are duplicates of the same moods from the Doctor Who theme. Enjoy!

accomplished energetic mischievous
pleased scared weird

View the full Theme Here.
Download the Theme Here.

How to Install This Mood Theme...Collapse )

- Credit either watcher_junior or lambietoes.
- Don't direct link to the images on my host!
Also consider...
- Commenting if you snag. ;)
15th-May-2007 06:47 pm - Animated Rory/Jess Mood Theme!
In honor of the last episode of Gilmore Girls tonight, I've kicked my own butt into gear to finish this Rory/Jess animated mood theme. All of the animations are either R/J or Rory or Jess.

cold drunk giggly
loved peaceful tired

View the full Theme Here.
Download the Theme Here.

How to Install This Mood Theme...Collapse )

This theme is for Becka (bjorks_defender) because she requested it and she also put in half of the work by coming up with pretty much all of the ideas for each mood (I switched and changed some and hopefully she won't hate me for it) She worked her ass off on this theme as much as I did and she's also an all round awesome person. *hugs*

It's also for all my fellow Lits. It was fun while it lasted. Fanfic is our friend. Let the Lit Love continue! ;)

- Credit watcher_junior or lambietoes.
- Don't direct link to the images on my host!
Also consider...
- Commenting if you snag. ;)

Let me know if you have any problems and I'll do my best to help.
28th-Apr-2007 06:24 pm - Animated Doctor Who Mood Theme!
My first ever mood theme. Starring Nine, Ten, Rose, Jack, Martha, Mickey, Jackie, Pete and Sarah-Jane! :)

accomplished blah crazy
geeky loved sad

View the full Theme Here.
Download the Theme Here.

How to Install This Mood Theme...Collapse )

Big, huge thanks to silver_venus42 who suggested I make this and jcd1013 who seconded the idea. And also to everyone who helped by contributing ideas for which clips to use, especially leighleighla for bouncy, cold, flirty, rejected, silly, refreshed and sleepy, silver_venus42 for pleased, horny and the inspiration for lonely and jcd1013 for brainstorming geeky and weird. *hugs*

- Credit either watcher_junior or lambietoes.
- Don't direct link to the images on my host!
Also consider...
- Commenting if you snag. ;)