My first ever mood theme. Starring Nine, Ten, Rose, Jack, Martha, Mickey, Jackie, Pete and Sarah-Jane! :)
accomplished |
blah |
crazy |
geeky |
loved |
sad |
View the full Theme Here.
Download the Theme Here.
( How to Install This Mood Theme...Collapse )Big, huge thanks to
silver_venus42 who suggested I make this and
jcd1013 who seconded the idea. And also to everyone who helped by contributing ideas for which clips to use, especially
leighleighla for bouncy, cold, flirty, rejected, silly, refreshed and sleepy,
silver_venus42 for pleased, horny and the inspiration for lonely and
jcd1013 for brainstorming geeky and weird. *hugs*
Please...- Credit either
watcher_junior or
- Don't direct link to the images on my host!
Also consider...
- Commenting if you snag. ;)