The Events of Lafayette, Louisiana
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Lafayette Events

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Lightnin Woodcock show at Artmosphere [06 Jun 2009|02:48pm]

Lightnin Woodcock *rockabilly type stuff* show in Lafayette at Artmosphere on the 7th.
info on the show
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Job opening... [21 Jan 2008|12:38pm]

Since I saw someone else make a job related post, I thought maybe that it might be kosher to do the same...

I work for a professional consulting firm in Lafayette which is currently looking for AutoCAD and/or GIS technicians for their survey and environmental departments.  Wages are competitive.  Office hours are 7am-5pm Mon-Thurs, and 7am-noon on Fridays (so you get a 2.5 day weekend).  Experience within the petroleum or hydrographic industry a huge plus.  Overtime is typically readily available for anyone willing to go the extra mile.  We also have openings for Field Survey Crew personnel.

If you or anyone you know has experience or education in these areas, details are here:

Thanks (and apologies if these types of posts are not allowed)!
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Data Entry Opening [21 Jan 2008|08:48am]

Collection Agency in Opelousas, LA seeking FT clerk to enter data on a daily basis and scan documents for collection practice. Candidate should have the ability to work accurately within a fast paced environment. Skills required include excellent typing skills and computer proficiency. Salary $6.00 - $8.50 hour DOE.

Please send cover letter and resume with Attn: Kerry to P.O. Box 2629, Opelousas, LA 70571, by fax to 337-407-8993, or by emailing kerry at commercial surety consultants dot com.

(posted with permission)
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New Orleans Craft Mafia wants your swag! [19 Jan 2008|02:03pm]

The New Orleans Craft Mafia is proud to sponsor the Alternative Media Expo, presented by Antigravity Magazine. This will be the sixth edition of the Expo, and this year's event will feature over 70 exhibitors with 'zines, comics, films, crafts, photography and handmade clothing, independent record labels and artists with CDs and records, indie and grassroots organizations, filmmakers and much more!

The Expo will take place on Saturday, February 23rd, 2008 from noon-7pm at the Contemporary Arts Center (900 Camp St.) in New Orleans, LA. The admission fee for this all-ages event will be $5.

The first 150 paid attendees through the doors will receive limited edition cotton tote swag bags, courtesy of the New Orleans Craft Mafia, filled with freebies and product samples. These bags present a great opportunity to get the word out about your business, band, or organization. Vendors exhibiting at the Expo are also encouraged to participate in the swag bags.

more details behind the cutCollapse )
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hi [10 Nov 2007|09:05am]

Hello, I just joined this community and wanted to say "hey!"

I've lived in Lafayette for about a year now--transferred here from Houma for my work...lived in Thibodaux before that, and in New Orleans before Katrina.

My work is pretty crazy, so I don't get to go out a WHOLE lot, but I'm glad there's a community like this so I can at least know what's going on!
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Art Grinder Sept Event in Lafayette [29 Aug 2007|01:11pm]

Myself and my friend Megan will be sharing a booth at this event.
The myspace for the event
GRINDER: Creative Arts Expo

Saturday September 8 starting at 8pm - till at GRANT STREET DANCEHALL.

GRINDER: Creative Arts Expo Saturday September 8 starting at 8pm - till at GRANT STREET DANCEHALL. Join us for a highly unique visual arts experience featuring: comics · jewelry · paintings · fashion · films · poetry · zines · animation · prints · t-shirts · posters · music · photography · drawings · fiction · sculpture · illustration · design · etc.

Stick around for the Live Art Show and watch talented artists create original art live on stage right before your eyes.

Also joining GRINDER: Creative Arts Expo will be the 54321 (24 Hour Musical Composition) and the Burlesques Troop following the event. The DJ for the LIVE ART event: DJ Rüs ! Doors open at 8pm! The live art will begin at 8:30pm. We'll be doing a large jam piece mural as our finale starting at Midnight! Vendors will be displaying goods throughout the night.
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cool bookstores in lafayette? [14 Nov 2006|09:31am]

I'm looking for a place in Lafayette to do a book signing/reading sort of thing. I did a release party in Baton Rouge at the Red Star, so I am open to alternative venues besides bookstores.

Any suggestions? Any bands intersted in doing something together?

My book is Darkness, Racket and Twang: Essential Listening from the Fringes of Popular and Unpopular Music

Alex [email protected]
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- THIS FRIDAY (TOMORROW) - theTransmission w/ Morning 40 Federation [19 Oct 2006|05:55pm]



Morning 40 Federation

THIS FRIDAY October 20th
@ The Spanish Moon
1109 Highland Road
Baton Rouge, LA,
(225) 383-MOON • (225) 383-6666
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RAWK! [06 Oct 2006|02:39pm]

Oct 6,2006 @ 10:00P

theTransmission w/ The Amazing Nuns

Renaissance Nite Club
Lafayette, LA

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Suspension Show at Club Sin Lafayette 8/19/06 [12 Aug 2006|05:02pm]

My friend Dale will be performing in the show,so I think I will crawl out of my hole and go show him support.Here is the flyer for the show.
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Singers Wanted [16 May 2006|04:22pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Hey Guys,
I hope the summer up has found you well.
I am in search of 3-5 guys interested in starting a barbershop/a capella group.
If you're a music reading singer between the ages of 18 and 28 and you're male.
Get in touch with me.
Repertoire will include popular Barbershop tunes and also pop tunes from artists such as
the Beach Boys, and Rockappella.With possible arrangements of popular songs.
Requirements: Must live within 25 miles of Lafayette, Must be Male, Between ages 18-28.
Thank you for your time.


[x-posted relentlessly]
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[21 Apr 2006|04:10am]

[ mood | curious ]

So what's going on in Lafayette this weekend? Anything?

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[20 Apr 2006|02:00pm]

Image hosting by Photobucket
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Frigg A Go-Go/Snakes On A Plane contest [20 Apr 2006|01:21am]

Please copy and REPOST EVERYWHERE...

Frigg A-Go-Go is one of several bands that have been selected to compete for a spot on the soundtrack of the the upcoming Samual L. Jackson movie, Snakes On A Plane!!!

We've submitted four songs to TagWorld, and they have chosen "Muscle" as the one to compete with.

We really would like your support with this contest. This might be what puts us over the top. PLEASE take a minute to vote for us. If we win, that means you'll get to see more of us, and that's what all of us want.

We sincerely appreciate your help. Thank-you!

The Specifics:
Please vote for us at

In the song submissions section click on genre and select punk. You should see us right there. You do have to sign up to vote (if you aren't already a member). I know that signing up for things is often not fun, but sign up is easy and they don't send junk mail.
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Convergence XII, this weekend! [11 Apr 2006|01:22pm]

Don't forget, Convergence XII is this weekend in New Orleans! Badges for the entire weekend (which get you access to day and night events) are still available for $75 at

Single night event tickets are also available for $30 (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) through The Howlin' Wolf, where all of the night events will be held.

Thursday, April 13: Kickoff Party
Anders Manga
$10 at door, $5 with badge

Friday, April 14: Opening Ceremonies
Kali Yuga
Kooper Kain

Saturday, April 15: Damballah's Night
Fashion Show

Sunday, April 16: Samedi's Ball
Bella Morte
C13 news

Venue: Howlin' Wolf
Doors at 8 PM each night

10 bands
12 DJs
2 Fashion shows
37 Vendors
A huge artshow
Film room
3 days of panels

So don't miss out on the fun! Get your tickets now!
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Last day to buy tickets before prices go up [31 Mar 2006|01:11pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Just a reminder that prices for Convergence go up to $75 tonight at midnight, so get your tickets now and save $10 (which at New Orleans prices is about 3 drinks!)

Go to right now and get your tickets for the hottest event of the year.

10 bands
12 DJs
2 Fashion shows
37 Vendors
A huge artshow
Film room
3 days of panels

So don't miss out on the fun! Get your tickets now!

And just FYI, I'm setting up some more deals with area hotels that we will be offering all attendees. I'll be announcing that in a few days. So don't fret if you didn't get into the Monteleone in time.

David S. White

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hey friends! come visit me and rock out with sadaharu! [11 Mar 2006|12:26am]

Tuesday March 14th
The Upper Room @ The Wesley
238 General Gardner
Lafayette, LA 70503
Doors @ 7pm
Show @ 7:30pm
Bands: Sadaharu, Jonesetta (tooth-n-nail), Oceans Firing, & The Flood Memoirs
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O-TOWN ROCKS [22 Feb 2006|11:44pm]

[ mood | tired ]

Friday February 24th, 7:00PM @ the Opelousas Little Theatre

Destroyed by Fire

British Tabloids


$5 (stay in)
$10 (in & out)

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Wanted: Toddler to watch during the day [10 Feb 2006|06:10pm]

Hey guys. I'm a stay at home mom in need of extra income, and my three year old is a stay at home kid who needs a playmate! It's a win win situation. If you or someone you know is tired of putting your toddler in daycare, tired of them getting sick, or just now looking for someone, please consider me. I'm only looking to take in one starting off. I live in the Duson area. I live in a 2005 trailor. Not junky or trashy at all. I keep a clean house. My husband and I get along well, so there's no drama in front of the children. He works days. Times are negotiable. Rate is semi-negotiable. Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested so we can schedule a time to meet! :) Thanks

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Birthday Massacre, Sunday March 26th [09 Feb 2006|09:05am]

[ mood | working ]

Evil Penguin Labs
in association with Convergence XII
is proud to announce

Convergence XII pre-PRE-party

Birthday Massacre
and a special surprise guest

Sunday Mar 26, 2006
at 9:00 PM
Tickets at door are $10 and available on ticketweb

Howling Wolf
828 South Peters
New Orleans, LA 70130

also, you will be able to buy Convergence tickets and win cool stuff... (Convergence t-shirts, CDs, and possibly one of two tickets to Convergence XII to be given away in the course of the night!)

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