Nathalie Blanc
Nathalie Blanc works as a Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). She is the Managing Director of the CNRS-related LADYSS laboratory and is based in University Paris Diderot 7 in the Geography, History & Social Sciences Department.
A pionneer of ecocriticism in France, she has published and coordinated research programs on areas including habitability, environmental aesthetics, literature & environment and nature in the city. A founding member of the French Environmental Humanities Portal, she has also been from 2011 to 2015 the French delegate of the European COST research project Investigating cultural sustainability and is now the delegate of the European COST program on New Materialism ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’.
She is currently working on the book Form, art, and environment: engaging in sustainability, to be published by Routledge in 2016. Other selected publications include : Litterature and ecology. Towards an eco-poetry with T. Pughe and D. Chartier, in Écologie et politique. Ecoplasties. Art and Environment. with Julie Ramos, 2010, Manuella. Towards environmental aesthetics, 2008, Quae.
She is also an artist and an art commissionner, currently working on the theme of ecological fragility.
A pionneer of ecocriticism in France, she has published and coordinated research programs on areas including habitability, environmental aesthetics, literature & environment and nature in the city. A founding member of the French Environmental Humanities Portal, she has also been from 2011 to 2015 the French delegate of the European COST research project Investigating cultural sustainability and is now the delegate of the European COST program on New Materialism ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’.
She is currently working on the book Form, art, and environment: engaging in sustainability, to be published by Routledge in 2016. Other selected publications include : Litterature and ecology. Towards an eco-poetry with T. Pughe and D. Chartier, in Écologie et politique. Ecoplasties. Art and Environment. with Julie Ramos, 2010, Manuella. Towards environmental aesthetics, 2008, Quae.
She is also an artist and an art commissionner, currently working on the theme of ecological fragility.
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Papers by Nathalie Blanc
La mise en évidence de l’origine humaine de ces changements et la critique du dualisme Nature/Culture ont conduit à souligner les limites d’approches strictement scientifiques et techniques. C’est pourquoi le présent guide propose un état inédit et original des savoirs des Lettres et Sciences Humaines et Sociales sur la nature. Il rassemble les travaux de spécialistes (civilisation, ethnologie, géographie, histoire, littérature, philosophie, psychologie, sociologie, science politique, urbanisme…) afin de montrer comment l’idée de nature, dans les défis qu’elle adresse aux sociétés contemporaines, reconfigure les cadres de pensée, les disciplines et leurs objets pour produire de nouveaux champs de questionnements et de pratiques qui marquent l’émergence des Humanités environnementales.