This hair was three hours in the making at The Belfry salon in Tang's at Pavilion.
My dress was a back up for the back up after I gained SEVEN pounds in Jan with a new birth control that yes, oh my goodness, I quit taking now. Anyway, then the dress needed to be shortened, and then I tried to iron it myself and shrank the organza and had to take it to 2 places to get it ironed, and then we had to pin the satin lining because it was too long because the top layer of the dress had shrank. What an ordeal, but I got tons of compliments on it! Our table was another fiasco because I didn't even get the last couple to confirm until Wednesday when the ball was Saturday, and I had already committed to purchase the tickets! Yikes! I have been so stressed and upset about that, but it turned out fine. This pic shows all the women from our table, and then there are couple shots as well.
Jack and I (we had a tux tailored for him!)
Sharon(American) and Yoshiro (Japanese)
Jennifer (Am), Fenton (Irish), and Fiona (Scottish)
David and Cassandra
Fiona and her son because her husband couldn't make it
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