10:29 pmPog is throwing himself a goodbye party tonight, but being several hours away I can't go. He's tried to get out of it, but it looks like he goes to boot camp December 18th. I wish I had gone back to Western. I guess he and Eran aren't dating anymore. Since he was wanting to be a Friar and all. Of course that rules out his wanting to have sex with me, too. Anyway, John. I'm thinking of visiting him. I bought some silky undies from Victoria's Seret with the trip in mind--- The phone rang twice today, but I didn't answer it and they didn't leave a message. The first time I was reading and the second time I was taking a nap. I hope that wasn't someone inviting me to do something. Did I already mention that I am only a few pounds away from weighing what I used to? It's funny how everytime you loose or gain weight your body is shaped differently. This time I've got a lot of muscles on my legs and arms from all this swimming. Quilla knocked over a vase and it broke. The flower Geoff brought me when I gave the reading with the Irritable Tribe of Poets was in there dried out. Well Quilla didn't seem to be cut, but she demolished the rose. I think the entire action was hugely symbolic. She ripped up Geoff and shattered David. I ate popcorn and yogurt and a bananna and two apples today. And about 1/3 c of milk in my coffee. I was really lethargic most of the day, and I thought it was from lack of nutrition, so I bought the fruit and yogurt. I am saying something. I guess I'm documenting my sickness. Who eats popcorn and yogurt? I was afraid to eat anything more or anything different. Did I tell you about the Spring of 2000 when i only ate Minestrone soup and oatmeal? I don't know why I make weird rules up for myself and them make me stick to them as if it'll matter. I'm alone anyway I could be perfect or I could be a cow. |