01:15 amGreat news. I've got 25 complete sets of chapbooks that I'm going to punch holes in and bind tomorrow and Friday. It's great to have an industrial purpose for the creation of art. The cover has a picture of my pocket book shrine, and it says "Sold on Cosmetics," and at the bottom right corner, "Poems by CIndy CHildress." I scanned a pic of myself and wrote a short bio for the back cover. Exciting stuff, but halfway through the production I starting thinking how mediocre my poetry is and that I should be ashamed for trying to sell it when I keep getting rejected by actual publishers. I would've quit, but I had put so much work and $$ into the project that I told myself I had to finish them. So I kept working. Geoff called tonight and I called Michelle and saw how her first day of school went. Geoff said to me I was the best thing that happened to him since he moved here. Oh dear. He needs something, and I'd like to help him if i can, but (as I may've said on here before) older men do tend to want me to DO more. I am not sure what I mean by that, but he said he wants to quit smoking for me. See I have a fear of being the anchor that holds a ship in place that would otherwise rock away with the waves in a storm; first of all because I'm not one (although I'm commonly mistaken for it, because I seem to be able to talk them through anything from aborted offspring to alcoholism to DUI's I don't turn away from thier wounds, but I help clean them--those examples aren't all Geoff by the way--)and secondly because I am actually just another boat helpess to save myself. The best I do is make them ok with drowning, because everyone does that eventually. Everything is temporary, even the permanent arrangments. I was thinking today in the library (where I scanned the pictures for my book cover) that older guys appreciate me better than the ones my age, because I am the girl you want to ask out, but never do when you have other less intellectual choices who'll feed your ego and bat mascara coated eyelashes like you're the epicenter of thier universe. (I am ranting because of personal experience and a conversation I overheard today when this very intelligent Philosophy grad student was saying he goes for dumb underclassman girls who'll be wowed with his brain. Grow up, Jr.) Only later after all those cute choices go sour do they stop and think maybe someone they can talk to would be nice. I mean someone who understands what you mean, not just a nodding head, but that's only after. I guess I'm just choking on a bitter pill of knowing 2 of my ex's are enjoying relationships with much simpler women. Also I feel abandoned to the needy wolves, though i can save myself if I'd rather be alone nothing's stopping me except the flattery to think that someone thinks I can be an anchor. Aren't I just an object of desire to be utilized, or do i have a right to desire something as well, and do i have the right to chase him down and demand that he care about this possiblity like I am so often caring? Yes, you can do something for me. Look back into what I am, and let's reflect ourselves to each other and be ok with that. Thomas is that guy. I am emotionally unavailable to geoff. I was thinking lately I want to call David and tell him I was stupid, because he offered me a life with a purpose. My whole focus could've been benevolence (preacher's wife), but instead my mom influenced me to go chase my secular goals, so here i am knee deep in a swamp. no telling what will come out in free writing, eh? |