03:12 pm - (I may not be really)Ok, well I am a screw-up. LAst night I stayed up until 3:45, wrote some new poems and painted some. I went to Atomic, but it was closed. Guess that happened while I was gone, but that wasn't a source of anxiety. Before I talked over an hour with Geoff. Good conversation.
But there was something else going on just in the undercurrents of my consciousness, and today I binged and purged again already, and it's just afternoon. I really wanted to cut off an ear like Van Gough. Honestly I was eating popcorn for lunch standing in the kitchen munching straight out of the bowl, which is not something you do with company, but not a sign of what came next. I popped 4 huge bowls and ate them all, and I just knew what I was going to do about it. The whole time I just had this symphony of words crashing around my head in terms of expectations and regrets, unsaid things, scraps of poems and stories I keep meaning to write, ideas for too many things, and so I escaped in the only way I know. To crunch harder and harder and then to go in the bathroom and hear nothing but but the gag and spashing water. This is what happens to creative educated women. Quilla avoided me during all this, and I am not sure what she's thinking (obviously), but I am thinking aobut my friend who's an alcoholic, Andy*, who told me he thinks self-abuse really is a deterioration of the mind caused by loss of time when our consciousnesses are being sucked up by something metaphysical. That jives with my experience today. Basically I want to quit needing I know it's not coincidental that this started up with my conversations with Geoff starting up. This has nothing to do with him individually, although perhaps I have some hidden sex anxiety that might manifest itself this way. Also nothing started up. I'm just giving into the drives I've been fighting off for the past month. Again I see no reason not to to shove my whole head in that porcelain mouth and let the plumbing god suck my brain through my nose, and to the baking soda balm of mouth sores I go Of course I control what I do. Every action is a choice I make, but some people don't find themselves facing the decisions a bulimic faces after chewing and swallowing--it is not certain whether or not the food must stay in there not good |