Well, it's still only in the low 90s for the next week. Not typical August weather in Kansas. And it was lovely and cool this morning at market.
So today's happy is that I was able not only to get raspberries for the white chocolate chip raspberry bread I'm making for church next week but also the first blackberries I've seen. I freeze berries from market to use in bread throughout the year. I have a couple things of both red and black raspberries and blueberries but no blackberries till now.
Sometimes it's the little things. :)
Frankly I don't know what the difference is between blackberries and raspberries. I'm not a berry eater--most are kind of sour and I like sweet stuff (which is why I also bought my last cinnamon roll and a little tub of mocha fudge from the fudge lady--last week's peanut butter chocolate bacon was OMG good).
Also got some peaches for myself. It's been a good year for peaches around here apparently--and they're really big, like apple size.
I figured we'd be swept by the As at Oakland but we won 1-0 nothing last night on Ibanez' solo homer and Guthrie got himself out of several jams to blank them and then the ever reliable bullpen took over. Even with Hosmer, one of our best hitters, out with a fractured hand, we still got some hits against one of their star pitchers.
I'm still getting headaches but I'm thinking they're allergies not stress as they're very much sinus headaches. So I decided to mow tomorrow before church instead of today because I have allergy attacks about six hours after mowing. I have to convene tomorrow at church so I need to be able to speak without croaking.
Oh, and yesterday wasn't that bad. Boss was actually in a pretty good mood and I was busy. Stress levels went way down.
Today I'm putting away all the clothes (winter and stuff that doesn't fit yet) I'm keeping in the guestroom since I emptied out the dresser and desk of stuff I'm giving away. I have five big trashbags of clothes to lug to Goodwill or somewhere (and that's just room one and I haven't even reached the closet yet). Also planning to write. I have a couple fics for exchanges due in two weeks I need to get on.
Just bagged the blackberries and I have enough for two loaves of bread! Two cups of locally grown berries for $4.00 is pretty damn good.
So far my energy level is still doing good. This is the last day on 20mg of the steroids; I drop down to 10mg tomorrow for two weeks. We'll see how the energy levels go. I have noticed I'm not quite as hungry but then I also haven't been dieting this past week. Need to get back on that, too.
We have a transgendered woman giving our service tomorrow. :)
Out idiot Secretary of State made some stupid comment about how no "legitimate" churches oppose his law to make us show ID to vote. One, what the hell is a legitimate church? and two, yeah, no. Mine does, and not just our minister as an individual as he tried to say was what he really meant (several African American ministers have spoken against it but he's saying that's just their view as individuals and not their whole church's even when they've said they represent their congregation and it's their view, too). He's such an ass.
Oh, I signed up for a Wordpress blog (ladyoneill--yeah very original) but not sure what I'll do with it if anything. Mostly I want to be able to comment on my cousin's brilliant posts there. Regardless, I won't be leaving here.
Okay, off to write something.
So today's happy is that I was able not only to get raspberries for the white chocolate chip raspberry bread I'm making for church next week but also the first blackberries I've seen. I freeze berries from market to use in bread throughout the year. I have a couple things of both red and black raspberries and blueberries but no blackberries till now.
Sometimes it's the little things. :)
Frankly I don't know what the difference is between blackberries and raspberries. I'm not a berry eater--most are kind of sour and I like sweet stuff (which is why I also bought my last cinnamon roll and a little tub of mocha fudge from the fudge lady--last week's peanut butter chocolate bacon was OMG good).
Also got some peaches for myself. It's been a good year for peaches around here apparently--and they're really big, like apple size.
I figured we'd be swept by the As at Oakland but we won 1-0 nothing last night on Ibanez' solo homer and Guthrie got himself out of several jams to blank them and then the ever reliable bullpen took over. Even with Hosmer, one of our best hitters, out with a fractured hand, we still got some hits against one of their star pitchers.
I'm still getting headaches but I'm thinking they're allergies not stress as they're very much sinus headaches. So I decided to mow tomorrow before church instead of today because I have allergy attacks about six hours after mowing. I have to convene tomorrow at church so I need to be able to speak without croaking.
Oh, and yesterday wasn't that bad. Boss was actually in a pretty good mood and I was busy. Stress levels went way down.
Today I'm putting away all the clothes (winter and stuff that doesn't fit yet) I'm keeping in the guestroom since I emptied out the dresser and desk of stuff I'm giving away. I have five big trashbags of clothes to lug to Goodwill or somewhere (and that's just room one and I haven't even reached the closet yet). Also planning to write. I have a couple fics for exchanges due in two weeks I need to get on.
Just bagged the blackberries and I have enough for two loaves of bread! Two cups of locally grown berries for $4.00 is pretty damn good.
So far my energy level is still doing good. This is the last day on 20mg of the steroids; I drop down to 10mg tomorrow for two weeks. We'll see how the energy levels go. I have noticed I'm not quite as hungry but then I also haven't been dieting this past week. Need to get back on that, too.
We have a transgendered woman giving our service tomorrow. :)
Out idiot Secretary of State made some stupid comment about how no "legitimate" churches oppose his law to make us show ID to vote. One, what the hell is a legitimate church? and two, yeah, no. Mine does, and not just our minister as an individual as he tried to say was what he really meant (several African American ministers have spoken against it but he's saying that's just their view as individuals and not their whole church's even when they've said they represent their congregation and it's their view, too). He's such an ass.
Oh, I signed up for a Wordpress blog (ladyoneill--yeah very original) but not sure what I'll do with it if anything. Mostly I want to be able to comment on my cousin's brilliant posts there. Regardless, I won't be leaving here.
Okay, off to write something.
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