It was supposed to be in the 70s today so I wore a short sleeved shirt. We'll be lucky if it makes 65 and it's overcast. :P Luckily I don't have a long walk from my car to work and I have a jeans jacket in the car because it's 55 out there and windy.
The Royals broke their skid (three games) and won nicely last night at Baltimore. Hosmer had his first homer of the season. It's always interesting to see a pitcher just lose something--he'd gotten the first nine out handily and we weren't able to do anything against him and then all of a sudden Gordon hit a two run homer, Butler got on base, Hosmer hit a two run homer, all in the same inning. You have to wonder what went wrong.
We play the Yankees this weekend, luckily at home.
One big plus on our side for the season so far is that we've been playing a lot of tough teams, teams in first place in their divisions, and beating them. :)
I got all my Mating Games requirements for the week done yesterday. Still need to write my fullmoon ficlet but I got an idea while getting dressed (which had nothing to do with getting dressed).
I hope to get more Perverse BB written today at work. I'm up to the spanking scene. I still think there's too much damn plot and angst but can you really write 5000 words of PWP? Apparently I can't.
Speaking of porn--I don't quite understand why people who write it and share it online in fandom are ashamed of it? I mean, you can post your Perverse BB anonymously, unless you win you don't have to de-anon at Mating Games. I dunno, even though the first email fic list I was on emphasized that if you wrote sex it not be PWP, the second one? Not so much. Pretty much porn all the time. I've been writing smut, and dark nasty smut, since I was thirteen, sharing it online for fifteen years, I'm not embarrassed. Maybe it's because I was raised in a home where sex and nudity were not taboo? I joke about it a lot but we had a serious sex ed course at church for a whole nine months when I was thirteen, taught by my pediatrician. We watched sex films, gay sex films. We learned EVERYTHING imaginable (well, probably not kink). One of the funnest days was the teachers put out big pieces of paper with clinical names for body parts and sex acts on them and we wrote down all the slang. I knew nothing. *snort* Certainly the current UU Our Whole Lives program teaches children from an early age that sex and their bodies are not things to be ashamed about.
I dunno, I guess I'm happy I was raised without these taboos.
Okay, enough serious crap. That topic hit me on the drive to work. At least McDonalds didn't screw up my latte order this time and it's the sugar free vanilla one. The sugar one was seriously teeth achingly sweet and I love sweets.
Not surprised that Touch got cancelled. I really enjoyed the first season but when I heard they removed the aspect I liked the most--the scenes of interconnnectedness between people--I dumped this season off my DVR.
Pleased that Criminal Minds has been renewed with the full cast signing. I wasn't going to watch if either JJ or Garcia quit.
I'm waiting on CSI NY (though if it goes, I won't be sad, it had a great run), Vegas (which I really like), New Normal. Those are the three on tv guide's "looking not so good" list. I'm not concerned at all about shows on the "looking good" list like Castle and OUAT. They'll get renewed.
So, tomorrow is busy--market to buy flowers for the flower communion, coming home for the dreaded first mowing (side yard is like a foot high with dandelions), memorial service for minister's son in KC, hopefully home in time for the Royals at 6:00. Then Sunday participating in flower communion service, off to Iron Man 3 with dad, and then steak dinner for Mother's Day. Not much time to write. :(
Or catch up on tv. I'm seriously behind, though I did watch Glee and TBBT last night. Glee was kind of...meh. I didn't know any of the songs, except for Rainbow Connection, and so much was left up in the air. The Britney at MIT bit was interesting but otherwise, not so much. On the other hand, the last ten minutes of TBBT nearly made me cry, it was so sweet and touching and, yeah, a bit silly, but Sheldon came so close to just saying that he's asexual. It was heavily implied, but he also put Amy's needs first, for the first time since he took her hand when Howard's rocket launched into space at the end of last season. Seriously a beautiful scene.
My right shoulder and neck are incredibly stiff. I think it's due partially to having to sit higher at work and partially to sitting at my pseudo desk in front of the tv, which is a table and an easy chair that I lean forward in to type. I hope I can get the mower started tomorrow, though I can pull the cord with my left hand if I have to. Thank God for ambidextrousness.
Okay, I actually have a ton of work to do today, including filing all the files from yesterday and pulling the massive pile we always have for Fridays.
The Royals broke their skid (three games) and won nicely last night at Baltimore. Hosmer had his first homer of the season. It's always interesting to see a pitcher just lose something--he'd gotten the first nine out handily and we weren't able to do anything against him and then all of a sudden Gordon hit a two run homer, Butler got on base, Hosmer hit a two run homer, all in the same inning. You have to wonder what went wrong.
We play the Yankees this weekend, luckily at home.
One big plus on our side for the season so far is that we've been playing a lot of tough teams, teams in first place in their divisions, and beating them. :)
I got all my Mating Games requirements for the week done yesterday. Still need to write my fullmoon ficlet but I got an idea while getting dressed (which had nothing to do with getting dressed).
I hope to get more Perverse BB written today at work. I'm up to the spanking scene. I still think there's too much damn plot and angst but can you really write 5000 words of PWP? Apparently I can't.
Speaking of porn--I don't quite understand why people who write it and share it online in fandom are ashamed of it? I mean, you can post your Perverse BB anonymously, unless you win you don't have to de-anon at Mating Games. I dunno, even though the first email fic list I was on emphasized that if you wrote sex it not be PWP, the second one? Not so much. Pretty much porn all the time. I've been writing smut, and dark nasty smut, since I was thirteen, sharing it online for fifteen years, I'm not embarrassed. Maybe it's because I was raised in a home where sex and nudity were not taboo? I joke about it a lot but we had a serious sex ed course at church for a whole nine months when I was thirteen, taught by my pediatrician. We watched sex films, gay sex films. We learned EVERYTHING imaginable (well, probably not kink). One of the funnest days was the teachers put out big pieces of paper with clinical names for body parts and sex acts on them and we wrote down all the slang. I knew nothing. *snort* Certainly the current UU Our Whole Lives program teaches children from an early age that sex and their bodies are not things to be ashamed about.
I dunno, I guess I'm happy I was raised without these taboos.
Okay, enough serious crap. That topic hit me on the drive to work. At least McDonalds didn't screw up my latte order this time and it's the sugar free vanilla one. The sugar one was seriously teeth achingly sweet and I love sweets.
Not surprised that Touch got cancelled. I really enjoyed the first season but when I heard they removed the aspect I liked the most--the scenes of interconnnectedness between people--I dumped this season off my DVR.
Pleased that Criminal Minds has been renewed with the full cast signing. I wasn't going to watch if either JJ or Garcia quit.
I'm waiting on CSI NY (though if it goes, I won't be sad, it had a great run), Vegas (which I really like), New Normal. Those are the three on tv guide's "looking not so good" list. I'm not concerned at all about shows on the "looking good" list like Castle and OUAT. They'll get renewed.
So, tomorrow is busy--market to buy flowers for the flower communion, coming home for the dreaded first mowing (side yard is like a foot high with dandelions), memorial service for minister's son in KC, hopefully home in time for the Royals at 6:00. Then Sunday participating in flower communion service, off to Iron Man 3 with dad, and then steak dinner for Mother's Day. Not much time to write. :(
Or catch up on tv. I'm seriously behind, though I did watch Glee and TBBT last night. Glee was kind of...meh. I didn't know any of the songs, except for Rainbow Connection, and so much was left up in the air. The Britney at MIT bit was interesting but otherwise, not so much. On the other hand, the last ten minutes of TBBT nearly made me cry, it was so sweet and touching and, yeah, a bit silly, but Sheldon came so close to just saying that he's asexual. It was heavily implied, but he also put Amy's needs first, for the first time since he took her hand when Howard's rocket launched into space at the end of last season. Seriously a beautiful scene.
My right shoulder and neck are incredibly stiff. I think it's due partially to having to sit higher at work and partially to sitting at my pseudo desk in front of the tv, which is a table and an easy chair that I lean forward in to type. I hope I can get the mower started tomorrow, though I can pull the cord with my left hand if I have to. Thank God for ambidextrousness.
Okay, I actually have a ton of work to do today, including filing all the files from yesterday and pulling the massive pile we always have for Fridays.
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