you all know me
28 September 2011 @ 01:50 pm
possibly insane  
Poll #1782398 Sleep or Fandom?

Should I stay up until 2:00 a.m. to submit claims in a reverse ficathon or hope there are still some available at 8:00 a.m.?

Stay up!
You're insane, you know that, right? You haven't written a word in ages.
Ubiquitous ticky box choice

There are 250 authors signed up for around 100 art choices. Now some authors will drop out and, most likely, the majority are in the States and in the same bind I'm in as the start time seems to be somewhere in Australia or Asia, but there's a good chance that when I'm up and alert enough to make my claim nothing will be left.

On the one hand, that's not a bad thing as my muse is still AWOL except for writing pointless porn.

Caveat: I'm regularly up until 1:00 or later so on most days 2:00 isn't a problem, but I'm leaving for England the next morning and I'm behind on cleaning etc. so chances are there'll be a late night tomorrow night, too.

In quick other news: loved Terra Nova (yes, it was a bit obvious in places and a bit deus ex machina in others, but a great start), still enjoying Ringer, rewatching Vampire Diaries and falling for it big time, grew to prefer new girl on Hawaii Five-O to Jenna in five minutes, last baseball game tonight--I'll probably have it on while I'm cleaning--, thought CSINY's tribute to 9/11 was really well done, so behind on everything it's not funny...

Oh, and another poll behind a cut as it's spoilery for this season of SPN:

Spoilery QueryCollapse )
Feeling: confused
you all know me
18 December 2009 @ 01:45 pm
So...I've now come across the phenomena twice in the last two years (I know that's not a lot but frankly most people I know are well over thirty) that young people don't understand how long distance works, that you need to dial 1 plus the area code. I blame it on cell phones. I'm hoping to be proven wrong and maybe I just know the two anomolies.

So, a poll...

Poll #1500692 Long Distance Query

Do you know how to use long distance ie dialing 1 and the area code?

Yes and I'm under thirty.
Yes and I'm over thirty (barely)
Not really.
I'm outside the US and know nothing of this long distance of which you speak.
You're weird.
Are you bored? You're bored, right?
I have no clue what long distance is because I've only ever used a cell phone.

I probably should admit that sometimes I have no clue about using the area code on a cell phone. It must be a generational thing.
Feeling: curious