you all know me
25 January 2013 @ 08:45 am
At work early because the DVR exchange took five minutes. Always go in the morning when they open so you don't have to wait with a million students for an hour and a half. I told her it burned out--she asked no questions.

I've already managed to get almost all the recent eps of things I hadn't watched yet. Luckily I immediately made a list of what I could remember was on there. The only thing I can't find so far is Last Resort but the last five eps (conveniently the ones I haven't watched) are on I'll watch DooL tonight on and get the new DVR set up to record tomorrow's Clone Wars and Young Justice as soon as I get home. There's nothing new tonight that I'll miss.

So this weekend, in between writing dammit, I'll be doing the naughty and filling up my computer instead of my DVR. I already have all of Merlin and most of Revolution and True Blood there to watch.

Really need to stop reading fanfic!

I don't like UCLA but they did beat sixth ranked Arizona last night. Nothing as spectacular as the major crash and burn of Duke at Miami Wednesday night. We were smiling a lot at choir practice. Though I'm kind of glad Michigan did win last night because I really don't want to be #1. There seems to be a curse.

Forgot to mention that my brother was quoted in Forbes the other day. So proud. :) He's the youngest to have partner at his company in his division ever (and that was like seven years ago). It's interesting that I'm the eldest but he's the A personality/alpha/success. Whatever, he can keep me in my old age because he's got way more money than he knows what to do with. Actually his wife knows just what to do with it.

Valerie did pass away yesterday. My thoughts are with her family. I never met her but until about a year ago she posted a lot on LJ and I commented often and she kept me entertained with her wit and sarcasm. She never held back. As I mentioned while I've known some people by name who have passed, she's the first I actually interacted with and she was a lot younger than me. It's scary and sad.

On that note, I do have a huge (I mean huge) pile of work....
Feeling: hungry