You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their lives, and all of a sudden, you think, "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE?" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know. It happens to all of us sometimes.
Post my list of items in your journal with your own answers and elaborate where necessary.
1. First Name: Lara (legally Laura)
2. Age: 42
3. Location: Lawrence, KS
4. Occupation: Legal secretary/legal assistant/bookkeeper/office manager/personal assistant/do everything gal
5. Partner?: no
6. Kids: sadly no
7. Brothers/Sisters: 1 brother four years younger who is the big success in the family. He lives outside of Chicago with his high school sweetheart wife and one son who used to be referred to around here as Baby A but he's now nearly 7, the joy of my life.
8. Pets: Raine, a tiny part Maine Coon cat who is eightish and Elektra, a small but powerful black kitty who is six.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1) church activities
2) intensive cleaning of the house
3) writing--or attempting to write as the muse is being a bitca
4) getting rid of stuff on eBay
5) trying to catch up on comic book reading and tv watching
10. Parents?: Yes, I have them. High school sweethearts (it's a thing in my family) who have been married for forty five years. Dad's a professor of modern American history, specializing in WWII and foreign policy (both of which bore me to tears) and mom is a caterer/retiree/volunteer. They live outside of town on five acres with a pond. I live in the house I grew up in, bought from them six years ago.
11. Who are some of your closest friends? The Hos, LeeAnn (even though I see her about once every four years), some local people.
Post my list of items in your journal with your own answers and elaborate where necessary.
1. First Name: Lara (legally Laura)
2. Age: 42
3. Location: Lawrence, KS
4. Occupation: Legal secretary/legal assistant/bookkeeper/office manager/personal assistant/do everything gal
5. Partner?: no
6. Kids: sadly no
7. Brothers/Sisters: 1 brother four years younger who is the big success in the family. He lives outside of Chicago with his high school sweetheart wife and one son who used to be referred to around here as Baby A but he's now nearly 7, the joy of my life.
8. Pets: Raine, a tiny part Maine Coon cat who is eightish and Elektra, a small but powerful black kitty who is six.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1) church activities
2) intensive cleaning of the house
3) writing--or attempting to write as the muse is being a bitca
4) getting rid of stuff on eBay
5) trying to catch up on comic book reading and tv watching
10. Parents?: Yes, I have them. High school sweethearts (it's a thing in my family) who have been married for forty five years. Dad's a professor of modern American history, specializing in WWII and foreign policy (both of which bore me to tears) and mom is a caterer/retiree/volunteer. They live outside of town on five acres with a pond. I live in the house I grew up in, bought from them six years ago.
11. Who are some of your closest friends? The Hos, LeeAnn (even though I see her about once every four years), some local people.
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