you all know me
23 January 2014 @ 10:21 am
another bitter cold day  
Started at 3, might reach 18. Of course by Sunday it's supposed to be 60 again.

No wonder I'm sniffling all the time and my bones ache.

Have to drip the water all day today but tomorrow, though starting off around 8, should reach 40.

Better than the east coast, though. At least we have no snow.

Been busy at work this shortened week. Had to get all the accounting ready to go to the accountant for end of the year taxes. Just got all that back along with my W2. 10% of my wages go to some form of taxes which the government uses stupidly, especially in Kansas. The head justice of the KS Supreme Court pointed out yesterday that come July 1 the courts will be underfunded again by $8.25 million so there will be furloughs and court closures again. :P

Oh, but the legislators have so many more important things to do, like perform an ultrasound on a pregnant woman in a committee meeting. *rolls eyes*

Nowhere near caught up on tv, but have watched and loved the Sleepy Hollow finale and, damn, we have to wait until September??? This is like Mad Men or GoT or Teen Wolf before this year. I hate these short seasons!

Teen Wolf was an okay episode. Peter was in it, so that was good. I do not like Lydia with Aiden.

I did enjoy SPN a lot. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Sam & Cas interactions. I've also loved for many years the fan theory that the Winchesters are descendants of Abel and the Campbells of Cain. May have to incorporate that into a fic.

Looking forward to Vampire Diaries tonight.

I have dark blue polish on my nails. I figure when spring comes I'll lighten it up. She has lots of blues/teals.

Everytime after I turn over our accounting to the accountant, I have to restore our Quickbooks data and it always makes me nervous that it won't do it right.

It did it right, of course.

Yesterday I was filing things with the court and the counter lady has been there about two years. When someone pays off on a judgment we file a one page document called a Satisfaction of Judgment. It doesn't need to be signed by a judge or forwarded to the defendant through the court. It goes straight in the court file. So I filed one and handed her another and she looked at it, looked at me, and said something like 'I need to confirm that there's no payment for this'.


I mean, WHAT?????

I'm not paying you a stupid surcharge to stamp a document and stick it in a file! It doesn't get any more processed than that. Also, you've been doing this job for two years. Probably thousands of Satisfactions have been handled by you. You brain fart on this now?? Yeah, there are stupid surcharges for several documents, but not this one, never has been. And, anyway, new surcharges only go into effect on July 1. It's January.

After giving her a WTF look and saying something like 'we never have had to before' she unbrain farted.

Unfortunately woman who knows what she's doing has moved to another position off the counter.

Choir went well; working on three numbers for the Love Service on the 9th. I'm singing Adele's version of Dylan's 'Make You Feel My Love' and Amy was very excited to accompany. This will be three Adele songs I've sung with her accompanying.

Well, need to work on the monthly invoices and do a buttload of other stuff.
Feeling: cold
you all know me
04 October 2013 @ 01:46 pm
urk lunch not sitting well  
Why is there suddenly (or last six months or so) overwhelming interest in writing/reading coffee shop stories. Is this like curtain fic?

Also, who thought up the stupidity that is "getting the d"? I mean, really, are we twelve? (For those of you who are still innocent enough not to know--or y'know, old like me--it means getting the dick or, y'know, having sex where a dick is involved).

Cutesy stuff is not cute to me.


iz old

In other news, Iowa State nearly beat Texas. Mack Brown is not long for his coaching job I'm thinking.

I wrote my fullmoon-ficlet early since I'll be gone this evening at church's women's group potluck. I need to race home after work and throw together Waldorf salad.

Watched Glee--saw the Carrie thing coming a mile away, but when did Kitty become a truly nice person? It seems to have been a faster evolution than say Quinn or Santana who took a couple years of show time not just seasons. I was already choking up over the preview for next week, will probably be in tears most of the actual episode. It's not that I'm a huge fan of Cory, but it's a tragedy to lose someone so young with so much potential, all to the stupidity of drugs. I still remember John Belushi's death.

Market has switched its opening time to 8:00 so I won't be going in the morning due to hair appointment and mom won't be hanging out at my house before heading to KC and the Hallmark ornament open house so I don't have to go home after the potluck and clean. I can work more on my polybb tonight which I'd like to get up to the Derek/Stiles sex at least. Right now they haven't even dated.

Posting doesn't start for a month so plenty of time to get it finished...amongst all the other fic commitments I have. *sigh*

A couple weeks ago a KU professor made a stupid comment on twitter about how maybe the NRA should lose loved ones in a shooting (in response to the Navy Yard shooting) and the state legislature is demanding he be fired and he was placed on leave 'because of threats to his safety and the safety of his classroom' uh huh we all believe that one. Several retired and active faculty signed a statement in support of his right to free speech including my dad (and several of my former professors). Kind of waiting to see if the legislature calls for their firing, too. :P

Meanwhile apparently Mississippi State football players hooted and mocked and made derogatory comments at a production of a play about Matthew Shepard. Great. Assholes. Do they have the right to say such things? Unfortunately yes, and I can call them immature assholes.

Okay, meme before boss gets back from lunchCollapse )
Feeling: tired
you all know me
09 September 2013 @ 08:23 pm
not that anyone really cares but...  
I am quite sad that Stargate Universe has too many fics now to be eligible for Yuletide. One of my 'go to' fandoms. *sigh*

The 'what are you going to nominate so we can make a google spreadsheet' post is up and I posted, letting people know they could suggest other characters as we can list four.

So my noms will be:

Copper (Corky, Annie, Eva plus one more--probably Francis if no one asks for anyone)

Neverwhere (Door, Richard)

Terra Nova (Skye, Josh, Lucas, anyone but Maddy and whatshisnameherboyfriend)

Then I went a bit out there (no fics on AO3 for this one).

The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia which is one of my favorite songs (sister, brother, cheating wife, Andy Wo-lo).

*sigh* If Santana had just not given up that last homer, we'd be tied. 3-4 in the top of the 8th with on out. We just scored two on a homer.

Realized two things while angrily standing in a long line at the grocery's pharmacy to buy my OTC generic sudafed: I forgot to order my Januvia today and I'm out so I'll have to detour from heading to my parents' nine blocks to pick it up tomorrow afternoon (I can take it at any time of day) and my driver's license runs out Sunday. Oops. Hope the place opens before 8:00 on weekdays or I'll end up missing some work.

For the first time in a week I actually cooked something rather than eating take out or brinner or a tv dinner. And I have enough for three more meals. Feeling pretty good, just sinus drainagey.

And we're out of the 8th still one run down. *sigh*

Okay, I actually wrote some at work so need to finish that.
Feeling: okay
you all know me
04 May 2012 @ 02:21 pm
Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you.

I have no SW clothing articles. I may have had some when I was like eleven.

This is an interesting article on internet piracy: Judge rules an IP address isn't a person.

I hadn't thought about that, but, sure. With wireless you can download stuff anywhere. Heck, our whole office is wireless running off a router that a dozen attorneys use (locked, but, still a dozen users). My church is wireless and isn't locked, so a hundred or so people have access. Perkins, McDonalds, local coffee shops and bars, airports, malls, etc. etc.

A judge who actually makes sense and is living in 2012!

Claims open on art in dc_dystopia at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. At 7:00 a.m. tomorrow I will be at the farmer's market and then I'll be mowing right away because, if I enter my house, I'll blow off mowing. So not likely I'll get to write for this round, which is okay, as I have way too many things to write including spn_illuminated round two which I kind of forgot I chose a pic for.

It's hot and humid and stormed over night. Yay. (That would be sarcasm.)

The Royals beat the Yankees last night for our first home win. Yay. (not sarcasm) Always good to beat the Yankees. :)

Looking forward to SPN tonight, though I'll be watching it after the game and working at my parents'. Ditto with Fringe and Grimm. I don't know why I dvr SPN and Fringe and wait to do the naughty on Grimm and CSINY because SPN and Fringe are almost always ready to do the naughty with before the night is over and sometimes the other two take days to appear, but, habit. And I don't mind watching Grimm at as their ads are really short, like ten seconds.

So pleased SPN and TVD got renewed. :)

I'm way behind on some tv shows but it's looking more and more like I'll be catching up once the season is over, the I can watch six or seven eps straight through. Not that the season ever really ends since cable tv shows are starting up now and through the summer.

I've been tired all day--actually drank two cups of coffee this morning though caffeine doesn't really affect me. I went to bed at 1:30 and then the storm woke me around 5:30 and I slept poorly after that. When I woke up I discovered that I'd slept funny on my right wrist and it was badly twisted. As I've been forced to use it, it's loosened up some, but, geez, hooking my bra was almost impossible. Luckily I don't have a stickshift car. It's amazing how you don't realize the kind of pressure normal tasks like stapling put on your wrist until it hurts like the dickens to do it.

Hopefully it'll heal up okay by tomorrow or starting the mower might be impossible since that shoulder is already fracked to hell.

Okay, got work to do. :P
Feeling: drained
you all know me
20 January 2012 @ 09:27 am
While the small anarchist in me finds it amusing that after MU went bye bye yesterday, DDoS attacks took down various entertainment and government sites, I don't approve of this at all.

The "site" is associated with an anonymous twitter attack that, if you click on the link, MAKES you a part of the DDoS attacks. No warning, no 'if you push this, you're committing a crime' button.

If people want to take part, that's their business, but not informing them that's what's going to happen if they click on what looks like an innocent link is just wrong. The government and big entertainment business' actions suck enough--let's not act like them.
Feeling: annoyed
you all know me
20 January 2012 @ 09:02 am
It`s the end of the world as we know it  
I don't usually go for boycotts but I'm tempted (though I would think illegally downloading would make the point even more, but, whatever.) It's basketball season then, anyway.

Anyone know when Game of Thrones and Borgias return?

Originally posted by kj_svala at It`s the end of the world as we know it
Originally posted by [personal profile] morgandawn at Seems I Am Not The Only One....
......who feels the need to take a break from an increasingly dysfunctional relationship.

Feeling: bitchy
you all know me
23 June 2008 @ 05:02 pm
shock and awe  
And the government proves once again how stupid it is...

It cost $40 million to send out the stimulus checks. It cost $40 million to send out the notices one week before the stimulus checks went out to tell you you're getting one.

So, what did I get on the same day?

*rolls eyes*

In happier news, with my boss gone, I wrote about 3000 words of TEAOW&S and am on a roll. :)

I also did some actual work *shock, shock*.

This does not make up for the fact that I spent most of yesterday dozing on the couch and wrote nothing, cleaned nothing, did nothing.

Which means I have about an hour to write and then I have to spend at least three hours in my bedroom cleaning. :P

But, Angel's threatening people, which is always a good thing. ;)
Feeling: cranky