you all know me
11 November 2007 @ 11:18 pm
Fic: Carpe Diem 1/1, Buffy/Giles, NC17  
Title: Carpe Diem
Author: Laure
Rating: NC17
Fandom: BtVS/AtS
Pairing: Buffy/Giles
Word Count: 6832
Spoilers: Set several years in the future, not taking into account the comic book, with the sure knowledge that at least three beings survived the mess in L.A.
Summary: Buffy has a comfortable life in Rome, until Dawn asks her to come to England and she has to face the one person she's become estranged from.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Buffy; Joss is god-owner.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for dword for a donation to fire_fic. She wanted happy, smutty Buffy Giles at 5000 words and gave a great donation for it! This is a bit more angsty than happy, though it has a happy ending and is smutty, plus I have another idea for this pairing I'll probably write as well, since this is tardy and not as happy as it could have been. I hope it's okay! It's got plot and everything.

Carpe DiemCollapse )
Feeling: nervous