you all know me
10 December 2018 @ 01:21 pm
Holiday Cards  
Hi, I know I'm pretty much absent around here, though I do read my FL daily. I will be sending out holiday cards. If I've sent you one before, you'll get one. If I haven't sent you one before and you want one, or you've moved since last December, please PM me your address. :) If you want to send me one and I haven't given you my address, please PM me. I love cards!

Happy Holidays all!
Feeling: busy
you all know me
20 October 2018 @ 06:42 pm
Yuletide Letter  
I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write at AO3 (ladyoneill) or here on LJ

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: first or second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (highly unlikely here), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 1900 New York City (again these probably don't apply and where thousand year old vampires are concerned, any time is fine), and, finally always a different gender characters (ie Elijah from The Originals always being Elizabeth). Really, I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc. Also, please don't age up characters just so they can legally have sex. In my state, 16 is the age of consent, and I don't care if the state the fandom is set in makes it different. I love May-December romances/sex or same age romances/sex if you go that route.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also love strong women and women who do the rescuing rather than playing the damsel in distress, and smart women solving problems. But I love smart men, too. Not a big fan of weak, pathetic characters (unless that's the way they are in canon). I do like characters suffering yet staying or getting strong, though.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about the characters I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like, but please keep the focus on the ones I listed.

I gave some ideas in my sign up for each fandom, but, really, I am NOT picky and will love anything your write.
you all know me
29 November 2017 @ 03:23 pm
Holiday Cards?  
Hi all, long time no be here etc. I read but that's about it these days. However, I am going to send out holiday cards. If you've received one from me before, expect one, so no need to comment unless you've moved in the last year. If you happen to be new around here and want one, please leave your name and address. All comments are private.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Feeling: good
you all know me
08 October 2017 @ 04:27 pm
Dear Yuletide Author Letter  
I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: first or second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (highly unlikely here), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 1900 New York City (again these probably don't apply and where thousand year old vampires are concerned, any time is fine), and, finally always a different gender characters (ie Elijah from The Originals always being Elizabeth). Really, I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc. Also, please don't age up characters just so they can legally have sex. In my state, 16 is the age of consent, and I don't care if the state the fandom is set in makes it different. I love May-December romances/sex or same age romances/sex if you go that route.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also love strong women and women who do the rescuing rather than playing the damsel in distress, and smart women solving problems. But I love smart men, too. Not a big fan of weak, pathetic characters (unless that's the way they are in canon). I do like characters suffering yet staying or getting strong, though.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about the characters I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like, but please keep the focus on the ones I listed.

I gave some ideas in my sign up for each fandom, but, really, I am NOT picky and will love anything your write.
you all know me
15 April 2017 @ 05:33 pm
LJ 18th anniversary  
Since everybody seems to be doing it...

#mylivejournal #lj18 #happybirthday

you all know me
30 November 2016 @ 10:02 am
Holiday Cards  
I know I'm mostly absent around here--I do read my FL every day, though I suck at commenting--but I plan to send out holiday cards as usual! Please comment if you want one and provide your address, especially if you've moved in the the last year. Comments are screened. Even if you don't comment and I've sent you a card before, you'll get one because I love sending cards!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Feeling: good
you all know me
09 October 2016 @ 06:51 pm
Yuletide letter  
Sorry it took me so long! Thanks for being patient.

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: first or second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (highly unlikely here), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 1900 New York City (again these probably don't apply and where thousand year old vampires are concerned, any time is fine), and, finally always a different gender characters (ie Elijah from The Originals always being Elizabeth). Really, I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc. Also, please don't age up characters just so they can legally have sex. In my state, 16 is the age of consent, and I don't care if the state the fandom is set in makes it different. I love May-December romances/sex or same age romances/sex if you go that route.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also love strong women and women who do the rescuing rather than playing the damsel in distress, and smart women solving problems. But I love smart men, too. Not a big fan of weak, pathetic characters (unless that's the way they are in canon). I do like characters suffering yet staying or getting strong, though.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about the characters I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like, but please keep the focus on the ones I listed.

So, some details about each fandom:

Lucifer (TV): OMG, how much do I love this show? I love the comic as well (and have received Yuletide fics for it before) but the show is just wonderful. As a lover of kidfics, Trixie has to be in this. I'm a fan of Lucifer/Chloe but platonic as they are on the show is great. Lucifer and/or Maze babysitting--perfection! I'm up-to-date on the show so if you want to bring in Lucifer's mom, go for it. Trixie and Chloe's interactions and reactions to her are something I'm waiting to see on the show.

Blindspot: Okay, I haven't read any fic for this but I love the show, the dynamics between the characters, the intrigue and conspiracies, so even though I only listed Patterson, my favorite character, please feel free to bring in any of the others from either season, or you can just write a character study of her. I love her being intelligent and witty, and especially and surprisingly to me loved her being active and determined in the episode in which she got kidnapped. I'd prefer her not to be involved with anyone unless you do a backstory with David or her memories of him.

Braindead: This show was done really well and it worked really well for one season/summer. I loved the humor and silliness, but there were also dark moments and scary moments and it sometimes really made me ticked off at our government. The Laurel/Gareth relationship developed really well. I like all the other characters, too, so feel free to bring the in or mention them as minor characters, or just have Laurel and Gareth go out on a date, or break up, or get married, or get accidently pregnant, or argue over who to vote for in November. Personally I would really struggle dating or being married to someone with different political views, so exploring that between them would be cool.

Devil Went Down to Georgia (song): I have loved this song since it came out (yeah I'm that old). I love the sequel, too. Really, anything would be great. Reimagine the song, write something after it ends/before it starts/Johnny's motivation/the Devil's reasons for being "way behind and willing to make a deal".

Guys & Dolls: One of my favorite musicals. Miss Adelaide is my favorite; just love her and would love to know her backstory. She and Sarah bonding over lunch or shopping or men would be cool. Even though I included Sky, I wouldn't be fussed if you leave him out or just have him minor to the women, but I do love his character and his relationship with Sarah. Why did he become a gambler and a womanizer? How has Sarah changed him and has he changed her? Adelaide could be a foil for both of them.

Timeless: Only two episodes have aired and I'm completely hooked. I love time travel stories anyway and I'm a historian, so this hits all my buttons. I'm very intrigued by whether or not Flynn is a bad guy and what his relationship with Lucy is. I have this idea that our reality is wrong and he's trying to fix it with future Lucy's help. Feel free to bring in the other characters, including her lost sister. A romance between them would be wonderful, but adversaries is cool, too!
Feeling: rush
you all know me
08 July 2016 @ 11:32 am
Jung Explorer Test  
Yeah, it's been forever and a day...

Thanks to carlyinrome for the link.

I've always wanted to do one of the more complex of these tests (I did one about 20 years ago in grad school but can't remember the results.)

What I am surprises me not at all, nor does the fact that the percentage of people being it is so low. On the other hand, I don't really want to be what it thinks I want to be, and the fact that so many of the questions were "you are attracted to "blank" was a problem in that I'm not really attracted to anyone...

Jung Explorer Test
Actualized type: INTJ
(who you are)
INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.
Preferred type: ISFJ
(who you prefer to be)
ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Attraction type: ISTJ
(who you are attracted to)
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.

Take Jung Explorer Test
personality tests by
Feeling: bored
you all know me
08 February 2016 @ 11:09 pm
dear rare ship swap author  
letter coming soon

eta by the end of 2/15....or 2/16. *sigh*

Pretty much a cut and paste of last year's.

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively ie Teen Wolf), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics, bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 2015 California, and, finally always a different gender characters. I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also will get thrown out of a fic by using language or grammar particular to a country that is not canon. I know this can be difficult, but all four of the fandoms I requested are set in America. I'm an American. There are places online where you can find the American equivalent to English terms like sweater over jumper and mom over mum etc. I don't mind British spelling, though.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about at least one of the pairings I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like.

1) Teen Wolf is my current big fandom and has been for about 2 1/2 years. I especially love the adults (not evil Peter being my favorite) and Stiles and Lydia. I'm not a big fan of any of the other teens but I'm fine with them being secondary characters in the story. I adore the Sheriff--John please--and prefer him to a be the great dad he is on the show. I like my Stiles smart and sassy. I love Derek being all stoic on the outside yet tender on the inside. I prefer Stiles as a bottom, otherwise I'm fine with the male characters being either top or bottom. Lydia's the real alpha anyway.

2 & 3) Buffy and Angel: I've always seen these as one big fandom. I'm happy as a clam with a not completely insane Angelus or a darkish Angel over fluffy Angel. Spike is my...well, Spike is just my everything. He's my favorite character--I love him with Buffy, with Dru, with Angel, with Darla, with Willow, with Illyria etc. This was my first fandom; it's still dear to my heart and I still occasionally write in it. I was first a big Spike/Dru fan and still love that pairing. I prefer her as not completely insane, though. Please don't bash Buffy to make another pairing work (or any characters actually). I love her with both Angel and Spike and as a strong female character. While I never liked Fred very much, I love Illyria. And I'm a big fan of redeemed (or somewhat) Lindsey and Lilah. Feel free to bring them back from Hell.

4) Supernatural: I'm a big Cas/Dean and Sam/Gabriel fan. I prefer Gabriel the archangel over the trickster god. I'm not into wincest, but love the brotherly aspect of the Sam & Dean relationship. I also am intrigued by Cas/Meg, the chemistry between them on the show wasn't explored enough. And I like Sam/Jody--they could be interesting together. If you go with Lucifer/Sam I think it has to be dark. I have no problem with that. I also am intrigued with Lucifer in Cas' body so if you want to go that way, that's fine.
you all know me
15 January 2016 @ 10:45 am
purim gifts letter  

A lot of the below is generic for exchanges.

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively ie Teen Wolf), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics, bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 2015 California, and, finally always a different gender characters. I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also will get thrown out of a fic by the use language or grammar particular to a country that is not canon. I know this can be difficult, but fandoms I requested are set in America. I'm an American and when I write British fandoms, I try very hard to use the appropriate terminology. There are places online where you can find the American equivalent to English terms like sweater over jumper and mom over mum etc. On the other hand, I don't mind spelling differences, ie theatre over theater, colour over color, defence over defense.

And now a few specifics, though, really write whatever or whomever you like.

For Teen Wolf, I tend to love the adults over the teens (except for Stiles and Lydia). I absolutely adore Peter, but prefer him not completely evil as per the show. I love BAMF!Sheriff. Strong Melissa. Chris with some compassion. Brilliant Lydia. Snarky Stiles. Non failwolf Derek. I have no problem with May-December relationships or Stiles and Lydia being underage. I like the other female characters okay so please write whomever you want to, though if you could avoid Scott/Allison, I'm not a fan. Prefer her with Isaac and Kira with Scott (or a Melissa fic with Scott in it is just fine, too).

For Buffy and Angel: This was my first fandom and I've always thought of the as one fandom. I'm one of those weird shippers who loves both Buffy/Spike and Buffy/Angel (well, a somewhat sane Angelus is my fave). I love all the girls, I love Dru and Jenny and Joyce and Darla. I even love Dawn. Really, anything is fine. Not a big fan of femmeslash unless it's Faith/Buffy, though. Spike or Angel can be souled or not. Feel free to go dark. Really, check out my website and see the dark I used to write in this fandom! I'm fine with future fics though I'm not up-to-date on the comics.

For Agents of SHIELD: Love Melinda. Love Skye/Daisy. Love Gemma. Love Bobbie. Really, anything is fine. All the guys are great, too. Prefer canon couples and Melinda/Phil.

For Star Wars: Force Awakens: Rey is wonderful. Leia is always wonderful. I wrote fanfic in this fandom before I knew what fanfic was back before RotJ came out. Yes, I'm that old. Wanna bring Han back from the dead? Go for it! I'll be happy with anything.
Feeling: busy
you all know me
19 December 2015 @ 08:55 pm
one thing down...  
Yuletide fic posted with 6 1/2 hours to spare! Even edited and everything.

Now I have to write a sermon on the Solstice and wrap the big box o' vacuum cleaner dad bought for mom today. Everything else is wrapped (well, brother's and nephew's prezzies to parents/grandparents have been ordered and will be here "by the 23rd" or so he says; wish I was rich enough to send everything express mail...), baking is done, house is decorated. I need to scrub the kitchen and guest bath tomorrow after church and the Chiefs game as I get my nails done Tuesday and don't want to wreck them. I figure I can dust and sweep with new nails.

Monday I hope to have presents to wrap (I'm hoping the 23rd is really going to be the 21st) and grocery shopping. Tuesday I have the aforementioned manicure and then I have to go to my parents' at 10:00 p.m to watch KU play at San Diego St. on CBSSN which my stupid cable company doesn't get. I hope to be home by one in the freaking morning as I have work seven and a half hours after that.

Wednesday night is our Christmas Eve dinner since Christmas Eve is church. I've been involved in the service for the last several years but not this year, so it'll be nice to just sit back and enjoy. I already sang my favorite carol, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, last Sunday during our choir's seasonal concert. I'd sung the first verse a cappela at a spiritual group meeting the Thursday before when we were sharing favorite holiday memories, and Friday I got an email and then a call fro my minister saying she'd gotten shivers and found a reading about the meaning of Emmanuel and wanted me to sing the verses between the verses of the reading on Sunday morning. I was a bit shaky at first but it turned out wonderful. Got so many compliments. The first time I ever sang it was at church when I was 13 or 14 and I sang the first verse a capella while walking down the center aisle, so that was part of my happy memory I was recreating.

I don't have to work at all on Christmas Eve which is nice and then I'm off through New Year's Day.

We're going to see Star Wars for our Christmas Day movie. I appreciate everyone for not spoiling it. :)

In not so happy news, while my diabetes is under "optimal control" (and I'm off insulin and only take 1 1/2 metformin and one other pill), I was diagnosed last week with hypothyroidism which explains the recent weight gain, sluggishness and feeling so freaking cold all the time. I'm on a low dose of hormone, the same one my mom takes because she doesn't have a thyroid at all anymore (she had the opposite, hyper). *sigh* But, my kidneys are fine, the other thing the doctor we share monitors in me since mom has stage four kidney disease

I'm going to try to do better posting here in the New Year. We'll see...
Feeling: good
you all know me
02 December 2015 @ 10:13 am
Holiday Cards  
My holiday card poll is over here. I love sending cards so please let me do so to you!

Christmas is coming way too fast. We had freezing rain from Thanksgiving night through Saturday so I go NO shopping done except for one thing online. It's supposed to be in the 50s this weekend so I'm going out with mom on Saturday and dad on Sunday as the month is crazy busy with church meetings and sports and doctor's appointments etc. Being homebound over the weekend I did get the tree and house decorated, so there's that, but without shopping on Black Friday it doesn't feel like the holidays! Mom and I weren't even going to do much as she can't walk long distances anymore, but it feels weird. I haven't baked anything or bought hardly anything or given any thought to when I'm going to do everything.

Twenty-two shopping days left! ARGH!

(And I have fics to write, though I smartly cut back on holiday exchanges to just Yuletide and one due in January, so I'll have time to do fandom stocking ficlets as well, and write that looming big bang. ARGH!)

So, bring me holiday cheer and let me send you a card! *g*

My address is below if you want to send me one as I suck at timely messages to people and it's public record and I long ago stopped being anonymous online....

Lara Wilson
2925 Topeka Ln
Lawrence, KS 66047

The former chief of police is my neighbor so I trust no one will try to ax murder me. *g*
Feeling: busy
you all know me
10 November 2015 @ 09:18 am
Well, the holidays are just around the corner apparently...  
So it's time for the annual holiday card poll! Please fill it out and I'll send you a lovely card in December! No need to reciprocate and I'm happy to send worldwide. I'm not a psycho and won't stalk you, I swear!

If you'd like to send me a card, I'm happy to receive any. If you've had my address any time in the last dozen years, it's the same, but if you'd like it, please comment below and I'll PM you.

So, gonna be lazy and not use an actual poll. Just comment with your name and address and if you prefer secular (Snowmen/winter scenes) or Christmas (Santa etc.). I'm pretty sure I don't have any religious cards this year but I might, so if you'd like one of those, let me know that, too. All comments are screened.
Feeling: okay
you all know me
31 October 2015 @ 01:17 pm
H/C Bingo Card Due 1/3/16  
I got this months ago. I suck on so many levels. Haven't written hardly anything in months; haven't posted here since April. Still not really posting--nothing wrong; life's pretty good; family doing okay; work boring but fine; etc. Mostly been watching the Royals and waiting for KU basketball to start.

Oh, and turned 50.

My hc_bingo cardCollapse )
Feeling: okay
you all know me
31 October 2015 @ 12:23 pm
Holly Poly Letter  
Okay, it's no longer 11/11 as I promised. I suck. *sigh*

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively ie Teen Wolf), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics, bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 2015 California, and, finally always a different gender characters. I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also will get thrown out of a fic by the use language or grammar particular to a country that is not canon. I know this can be difficult, but fandoms I requested are set in America. I'm an American and when I write British fandoms, I try very hard to use the appropriate terminology. There are places online where you can find the American equivalent to English terms like sweater over jumper and mom over mum etc. On the other hand, I don't mind spelling differences, ie theatre over theater, colour over color, defence over defense.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about at least one of the pairings I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like.

For Teen Wolf, I tend to love the adults over the teens (except for Stiles and Lydia). I absolutely adore Peter, but prefer him not completely evil as per the show. I love BAMF!Sheriff. Strong Melissa. Chris with some compassion. Brilliant Lydia. Snarky Stiles. I have no problem with May-December relationships or Stiles and Lydia being underage. Mating fics make me very happy and I also like mpreg in this fandom, though I'd prefer no ABO as I'm picky about the ones I read. I love bottom Stiles but otherwise am not picky. Also, if you name the Sheriff John, I will love you forever.

For Buffy: This was my first fandom. I'm one of those weird shippers who loves both Buffy/Spike and Buffy/Angel (well, a somewhat sane Angelus is my fave). I also love Cordy/Angel, Faith/Angel and Faith/sSpike so any of the threesomes I requested I'll be happy with. Spike or Angel can be souled or not. Feel free to go dark. Really, check out my website and see the dark I used to write in this fandom! I'm fine with future fics though I'm not up-to-date on the comics.

For SPN: I'm a big fan of the angels. While I watched the show from day one, what really hooked me (and dragged me into the fandom) was season 4 and the biblical (somewhat) apocalypse. I love Gabriel and Cas is one of my favorite characters. While I can't really see Lucifer ever being a nice guy, if you can do it, please do! I'm also very much a Dean girl but like Sam, too. Anna was sadly underused so if you want to resurrect her, feel free! Angelcest is fine with me as are dark fics. I love strong angels and snarky Dean.
you all know me
20 October 2015 @ 09:40 am
Dear Yuletide Writer  
I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (highly unlikely here), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 1900 New York City (again these probably don't apply and where thousand year old vampires are concerned, any time is fine), and, finally always a different gender characters (ie Elijah from The Originals always being Elizabeth). Really, I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc. Also, please don't age up characters just so they can legally have sex. In my state, 16 is the age of consent, and I don't care if the state the fandom is set in makes it different. I love May-December romances/sex.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also love strong women and women who do the rescuing rather than playing the damsel in distress, and smart women solving problems. But I love smart men, too. Not a big fan of weak, pathetic characters (unless that's the way they are in canon). I do like characters suffering yet staying or getting strong, though.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about the characters I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like.

So, some details about each fandom:

Stargate Universe: I loved this show; it ended too early! But I love the open endedness so if you want to write something in the future when they wake up, that would be great, or maybe when they get back to earth and it's years in the future, or anything about just living on the ship. I ship TJ/Young, Rush/Chloe but gen fic is great, or just one of those pairings (or even Young/Rush). I also love Greer and don't know why I didn't pick him. If you want to write how the baby didn't get stolen, that would be lovely. I really like the connection the aliens forged between Rush and Chloe, so if you want to explore that, go for it.

Blindspot: Okay, I haven't read any fic for this but I love the show, the dynamics between the characters, the intrigue and conspiracies. I also adore Patterson but didn't want to force anyone to write all three. If you want to develop a romantic/sexual relationship between Jane and Weller, go for it; if you want to explore her memories of him or make up what we don't know about what happened to her, feel free. If you just want them to sit around and bitch and eat pizza and watch B movies, I'll be happy.

Jurassic Park movies: Okay, obviously from the characters I've listed, this is for Jurassic World. Love the movie and the snappy dialogue between Owen and Claire. I also love Blue and her relationship with Owen. Maybe the two humans go back to the island to find her? Maybe Blue has babies of her own and Owen and Claire help her with them (we know the female dinosaurs can switch sexes to continue their species from the first movie, and I believe at least one of the other raptors survived.) I've read a bit of fic in this fandom and love the developing relationship between Owen and Claire. But if you want to make them just friends, that's fine!

Stephanie Plum Books: I admit, I'm a huge Steph/Ranger shipper but I like Joe a lot, too, and a relationship between all three or them sharing her would be great. Or them fighting over her and her kicking their asses would be great. Love ALL the characters in the books and have read them all; eagerly looking for the one coming out in mid-November.

The Book of Mormon: I just saw this in London; absolutely loved it. I have no prompts or thoughts. Just go wild!

Zoo: My favorite summer show. I like all the characters; especially like Mitch (probably because of who portrays him--Revolution was one of my favorite shows in Yuletides past to write/read for). I love the idea of him growing closer to his daughter, maybe with Jamie's help as their relationship grows tighter, too. Jamie struggling with his near betrayal of the team, her struggle with killing someone. Them just sitting around drinking (which they do a lot on the show). Anything would be cool.

Hope you have fun!
Feeling: tired
you all know me
30 June 2015 @ 10:47 am
Letter for Rairpairfest  
Gah, I suck. I was planning to go back and add some prompts and/or a letter link, but I failed majorly.

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively ie Teen Wolf), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics, bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 2014 California, and, finally always a different gender characters. I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also will get thrown out of a fic by using language or grammar particular to a country that is not canon. I know this can be difficult, but fandoms I requested are set in America (well one in space). I'm an American. There are places online where you can find the American equivalent to English terms like sweater over jumper and mom over mum etc.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about at least one of the pairings I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like.

For Teen Wolf, I tend to love the adults over the teens (except for Stiles, but he ain't rare with anyone). I absolutely adore Peter, but prefer him not completely evil as per the show. Derek/Sheriff (okay, John is my preferred name for him) intrigues me. I love BAMF!Sheriff. Strong Melissa. Chris with some compassion.

For Buffy: This was my first fandom. I've only written Giles/Faith one time but I've long been intrigued by the older man/younger woman trope. I'm fine with future fics though I'm not up-to-date on the comics.

For SPN: Meg 2.0 is one of my favorites for her sassiness/snarkiness. I love Gabriel and Cas is one of my favorite characters. While I can't really see Lucifer ever being a nice guy, if you can do it, please do! Angelcest is fine with me as are dark fics. I love strong angels and demons with foibles.

For SGU: I miss this show! I love Rush in all is nastiness, but there's a lost, sad side to him, too. The dynamic between him and Chloe is intriguing. I like her smart and bold. Just please don't trash Matt.
Feeling: rushed
you all know me
08 April 2015 @ 03:49 pm
not dead...just feel like it  
So...fifteen days ago...


I'm not sure why I disappeared for over two weeks. It's not like I don't sit in front of my computer for hours on end both at work and home.

So, highlights and lowlights:

I watched a ton of basketball. The Big 12 failed again in the tournie, but, y'know, if that's all people cared about, there'd be no pre-conference and conference games. The great thing about the NCAA tournie is it's one game, you lose and you're out. Anyone can get hot. How a team or conference does in the tournament does not say anything about what kind of team or conference they really are. In 1988, KU had a mediocre conference season, got a six seed in the tournie, got hot, and won it all, beating a number one seed they'd lost to twice already to do so.

Anyway, I was extremely happy Kentucky lost in the semi-final, mostly because I didn't have to root for Duke to beat them in the championship game. *g* Sadly Duke won, but before the game even ended, I was watching the replay of the Royals first game.

Baseball is here!

More on that in a bit.

I also started catching up on tv. I finally watched the last two eps of last half season of Walking Dead (having been spoiled about Beth) and then watched the second half of the season leading up to the finale. Loved it. That was the happy for March 29--skipped church and watched The Walking Dead. Is there anything better than BAMF Carol pretending she's still a happy housewife? *snicker* Also, more and more impressed with the kid who plays Carl. The actor has really grown into the role. Of course, shocked by all the deaths. Really, I figure these days the only guaranteed survivals are Rick, Carl, maybe Judith, and Daryl (they'd be idiots to kill the most popular character). Also loved how Daryl stayed all scruffy and dirty.

Watched about seven eps of Supernatural, catching that up, too, and have started to catch up on The Originals and The Vampire Diaries.

I will not be watching TVD next year. I'm pretty much only there for the Elena/Damon relationship. With Dobrev quitting, what's the point?

On the other hand, I still love The Originals. I think I got behind because around Thanksgiving I had to dload an ep and that meant watching one on the tv, then one on my computer, then back to the tv. I dunno, it made sense at the time. Interesting twist with Rebecca (I still have about five eps to watch.)

For new shows, I'm really enjoying Izombie.

Also very happy that AMC did a marathon of Mad Men from the first half of the final season since I lost those all when my last DVR crapped out on me. Now I have to find time to watch it.

Two Mondays ago I started taking the Victoza shot instead of insulin. You build up to the recommended dose over time because it can make you nauseous. Hooboy, does it ever. It's an appetite suppressant and boy is it working. I'm nauseous pretty much all the time just like I was when I started taking Metformin which makes everyone nauseous.

I can live with it.

Early on I also had heartburn, probably because I was hardly eating anything, so I'm trying to do better. And the iron pills are making me constipated at times which doesn't help.

Stupid body.

Random happies: Tuesday the 31st mom was going to make fish which turned my stomach so bad, so dad made omelets. I love his omelets. Monday the 30th I bought my first month's supply of Victoza and it was a tier two so only $50. Very happy, considering insulin was running about $80 a month without the insurance. Saturday the 4th I took my car in for servicing and since it was the first time, it was free. :) Sunday the 5th aka Easter, I was actually feeling pretty good. The Service was wonderful, very well attended, most participated in communion, we sang a jazzy version of Amazing Grace that came together really well. Yesterday was election day--just local city commission and school board--and everyone I voted for but one school board person won. Bye bye incumbent commissioners who tax and spend like crazy! One new commissioner and one new board member are members of my church so you know they're damn liberal.

On the other hand the state keeps going to hell.

Very happy that the pressure from the NCAA and several corporations (including surprisingly Wal-Mart) got Indiana to soften its completely stupid and potentially discriminatory pro-religious freedom law. I'm pretty sure a little thing called the Bill of Rights already grants that.

Monday was happy for a couple things: One, I got my taxes done and am getting back a nice amount. I added up my medical costs and prescriptions alone ran me over $3900 last year. Thank god it won't be like that this year. Also, Opening Day!

The Royals had lost six or seven straight opening days. Hooboy did we NOT do that this year, considering we beat the White Sox 10-1. Lovely that on an overcast, cool day with the hint of rain in the air in a ballpark not known for homers and with a team that doesn't hit them, we hit two (one from Moose who is NOT an opposite field hitter and he hit his first ever to left--doubt many teams will do the crazy shift on him as he also hit a dribbler to left when all the infielders were in right). We also won with small ball and running.

So on Tuesday I went to expecting at least a couple articles on the Royals, y'know, the defending American League champs, and the closest I got was a couple by a White Sox writer on how the White Sox lost. Yeah, absolutely no respect. And a completely stupid article on how "stupid" it is to put Alex Gordon at sixth in the lineup.

Um...he's nursing a healing wrist?!!!! Jesus Christ, no respect. Writer obviously did no research.

Both and SI have the Royals as fourth out of five in the AL West. I hope every player reads those articles and gets pissed. According to espn we still have great D and a bullpen but no power.



I've read tons of good fic over the last couple of weeks. The weather has turned to Spring. I have a patch of daffodils blooming in the back yard where before they were buried under crap. Of course we may get tornadoes today...

And now I have to write a sermon for my worship class tomorrow. Weather will determine whether or not I go to choir practice tonight. Storms keep getting pushed back. It was supposed to storm this morning. Now they're saying 6:00 with strong storms around 9:00. I'll believe it when I see it. Bad storms in Missouri last night made me miss the last 15 minutes of Forever which ticked me off as we had NOTHING here but I only have ABC out of Kansas City. Luckily someone does the naughty on it.

Okay, this is rambling all over the place. I'll try to be better about not disappearing.

Today's happy: boss was out all but one hour so I watched three Vampire Diary eps while filing.
Feeling: blah
you all know me
24 March 2015 @ 09:06 pm
when's baseball start again?  

And another shaky season of basketball comes to an end. All we heard all season was 'this is not a typical Bill Self team' over and over and, guess what, no fucking kidding. No size, no team play, no seniors, no four year players and only one true three year player who took the time to develop. I HATE one and done. It doesn't work for KU. We need players to stick around and become a team! Wichita State blew us away because they're not a bunch of four and five star recruit underclassmen that leave after one year! They're a team, mostly upperclassmen who have played together for years.


At least the idiot governor got booed at the game.

Anyway, back to Saturday. I had my doctor's appointment, dreading how high my A1C would be because I've eaten crap--candy, carbs, white bread, icecream etc etc--and it was 5.7. 5.6 is normal. IDEK guys! Really gives me no motivation to diet if my diabetes is controlled by medication! So, because of the lovely prescription insurance, I asked her about the newest secondary diabetes med and the appetite suppressant she'd wanted me on a year ago and I couldn't afford it. The diabetes med is the new one that makes you pee out sugar, and I'm switching the insulin for Victoza. Of course I have three insulin pens left but oh well. In other news, I'd lost one pound, and my kidneys are, in her words, perfect. Considering that my mom has stage four kidney disease and kidneys are some of the first things to go for diabetics, this is very good. I go back to see her in a month to make sure the new meds are working okay.

Saturday's happy: good doctor visit.

Then I watched basketball all day and read fanfic.

On Sunday I convened and did all the other stuff in the service outside of the children's story and the sermon for a visiting minister. Very nice guy, the minister of the Wichita church; interesting sermon on the spiritual aspect of helping others, giving in service etc. Then went out to parents' to watch the final KU game of the season.


Sunday's happy: surprisingly good turn out (around 75 adults) for a visiting minister and the last day of Spring Break.

After looking at the price of laptops, I decided to stop by Best Buy on Monday and buy a new keyboard. New plan is to get a new laptop next August in time to get it all up and running and fic tabs open to take to England in September.

Monday that time of the month (which for the first time in about nine months is actually two months in a row--where are the damn hot flashes? I'm freezing here!) started so I was all crampy by the end of the work day. Dragged myself to BB for a $15 keyboard for which the checkout dude wanted to sell me a two year warranty. Yeah, lol, no. It's a tide me over measure until I get a new laptop. It cost $16.80something with tax. I'm pretty sure I can afford a new one if it breaks in a couple months. Then the grocery where every KU student was shopping first day back from Spring Break. Had spaghetti for dinner and icecream with chocolate cake because crampy and apparently I'm barely diabetic. (Oh, and my report said that they did what I assume is a finger prick style blood test to see what my blood sugar was and it was 94, perfectly normal. IDEK. I'm more and more convinced the massive infections I had for four or five years between the gallbladder and the ulcerated colitis is what made me have a blood sugar of over three hundred in the hospital two and a half years ago and had it fluctuating until, y'know, the massive infections went away last summer.)

I had a huge pile of work to do from the two days I was off and still, after two days, have a huge pile of work.

Monday's happy was: Dillons makes yummy chocolate cake.

I really wish people wouldn't leave critiques on AO3's bookmark system. You can't respond to (or delete) a bookmark! It wasn't a horrible critique--they said a few nice things, too--but it still irked me that I couldn't respond. Why didn't they leave a comment?! (Maybe they thought I'd delete it? I've only done that once and it was extremely rude and flaming. Most comments that aren't nice at least don't get all up on calling me a horrible writer who loves rape and crap like that. I'll leave those--won't respond to them, but will leave them.)

Today was a long boring rainy chilly day, but other attorney was out of town, so I was able to watch the last two Once Upon Time eps while filing and stuff before boss came in. Now at parents' "working" while dad's at a church meeting and mom's there organizing the choir music (since he no longer drives at night). I'm cold, want my heating pad, and plan to curl up with it and more chocolate cake and watch Forever and SHIELD when I get home.

Today's happy: Hook is so damn sexy.
Feeling: okay
you all know me
20 March 2015 @ 03:45 pm
maybe today will be better?  
Big 12 went 0-3 yesterday. Jesus, Baylor just melted down. ISU never showed up. Texas wasn't supposed to win.

Today's happy is that KU not only beat New Mexico State but did so pretty handily. Yes, we missed some easy dunks/layups BUT we shot 9 of 11 from the three! Finally!!! We handled their press, size, and zone well, and won by 19, with even one of our walk-ons scoring in the last few seconds.

The announcers were completely annoying, going on and on about how KU won't play Wichita State. It's quite hilarious how everyone assumes we will meet them on Sunday. Indiana is currently ahead by three in the second half.

I was quite worried going into our game after our meltdown against ISU last Saturday, losing a 17 point lead. Also the pundits at espn this morning while saying we should win, all thought it would be a close game and we'd struggle. For once we played two good halves and didn't have any fading period. We were up by 13 at the half and they never got closer then 10. Apparently this win was the biggest opening round win for us since 2011. We also have the longest streak of wins in the first round (it IS the first round, dammit) now nine. The next closest is six.

Wow, some commentator at the WVU game just said that he understands why the Big 12 struggled--it's an arduous journey playing round robin against four or five other ranked teams! No fucking kidding. You beat ISU, you turn around and face OU and WVU and etc. etc. That's why I hold out hope that Kentucky will lose before the Final Four. They played few really strong teams, and often when they did they played them at Rupp.

Thank you mr. commentator.

In other news, after my wireless keyboard working correctly yesterday for the first time, it crapped out completely overnight, so I had to borrow mom's. This just solidified my thoughts on buying a new laptop--so doing that this weekend. While I love my 19 inch one, I'm going with a 17 inch so I can actually take it on plane trips. This one is around four or five years old and it's slow to load stuff, freezes on things, has to be rebooted a lot, etc. And I'd like to have a working space bar.

Yesterday I heard from my other doctor. My iron count went up from 9.6 to 10 but he's not happy with it and has put me back on the constipation causing iron pills that taste like mulch and have to be taken one hour before eating or two hours after so it's a pain in the ass. I get another blood test in about six weeks to see if it's improving at all. Normal is around 12. Mine was around that when I first started going to the doctor regularly but has been dropping. Part of it was obviously the bleeding/chronic ulcerated colitis, but that's been fixed and I'm in remission. I'm going to ask my doctor if it could be genetic. Mom has always been anemic. I'm not overly tired or anything so I'm personally not to worried about it.

I go see her tomorrow morning for my regular diabetes check. I'm going to ask her about the appetite suppressant she wanted me on a year ago now that I have insurance coverage. I have no motivation to diet. I really want to lose about forty pounds before England next September.

I need to bake bread for church this evening. Think I'll bake some peanut butter cookies, too.

Jesus, WVU, don't lay an egg here against Buffalo!

After two days of rain and overcastedness and cool temps, it's lovely wand sunny and in the upper 60s today.

*phew* WVU. Now if OU can win (a three seed, it seems cursed for the Big 12 this year as both ISU and Baylor were threes) I'll be pleased with three of the four moving on. And, hell, OSU can get hot--they beat us after all--and win, too, as an underdog nine seed.
Feeling: relieved
you all know me
19 March 2015 @ 01:56 pm
march madness indeed  
Dammit Iowa State!


Every bracket busted already after two freaking games have been played. I even had them going all the way at least once.

And lol at all the pundits and fans saying Notre Dame should have been the two seed over us. They nearly lost to Northeastern. Hell, I don't even know where Northeastern is. (Of course if we suck tomorrow everyone will still be claiming this, so we better win big.)

The glory of the tournie, though. Anyone can win.

Unfortunately the loss by ISU makes our conference look bad. :P Baylor's barely beating Georgia State at the half.

But, still, happy to be home and watching (and doing laundry). Cats are confused by my presence.

In happy news, with my laptop keyboard space key fucked, I switched to a wireless one and it started being a bitch about a month ago, the space bar often not giving a space or giving two or three. For some reason, it's working correctly right now. No clue. It wasn't too much of a problem in Word Perfect, as I set it to give one space between words and two after a period, but it was a real bitch here (I often typed posts in WP and cut and pasted them) and email etc.

It's cold and rainy. I refused to get out my coat again, so last night wore a heavy cardigan, scarf and gloves to choir. It was actually warmer at 8:00 yesterday morning--about 48 degrees--then it was when I trotted in heels in the mist to the sheriff's department at 4:30--37 degrees. Of course by tomorrow the sun will be out and it's supposed to be 70.

Okay, back to bball and maybe reading some comics as I'm months behind. Need to run the dishwasher, too, or I won't have my KU mug clean and I have to have it to drink coffee out of tomorrow or we'll lose.
Feeling: annoyed
you all know me
18 March 2015 @ 10:29 am
oops behind again  
It's becoming a recurring theme around here.

KU did win pretty handily over Baylor on Friday and then, after leading by 17 early in the second half, fell apart and lost to Iowa State on Saturday. *sigh* So we ended the regular season with eight losses after winning the arguably best/strongest conference in basketball. Naturally to the sky is falling crowd this means that we won't make it out of the first weekend of the tournie, Bill Self should clean house of all his players and/or resign, we suck, we've sucked all year...blah blah endless blah. And then there are the haters who bring up the 32 point loss to Kentucky EVERY POST on about seeding and potential.

At this point I hate Kentucky with such a fiery passion I'll root for anyone against them, even Duke.

They win it all and Calipari will be even more insufferable. He's the only coach that one and done really works for. I hate them both. One and done is ruining college basketball.

I managed to get some minor cleaning done on Saturday so I guess that's the happy.

On Sunday I slept in and blew off church. KU got a #2 seed as predicted. Yay, happy. Of course, not only are we up against Kentucky in the toughest region, if we beat New Mexico State, we may face Wichita State. Yeah, tell me again how the NCAA doesn't set it up so there are "interesting" games. I'm so rooting for Indiana to beat WSU. We gain nothing by playing them in the regular season, which makes us the evilest of all evil snobs to WSU fans. *rolls eyes* We used to play them in the early 1990s. They sucked! An idiot espn pundit stated that the winner would be the King of the Sunflower State.

Yeah. No. WSU has been relevant for about five years. KU...well, don't get me started with Naismith, Allen, Wilt the Stilt, Manning etc. etc. etc.

Also in our region: three Big 12 teams total (out of seven, er...why do two regions only have one?) and four teams from the state of Indiana. Weird. Of course Duke got a number one seed over Virginia and the easiest region. I hope they lose in the second round (no #1 has ever lost to a 16 seed and it ain't gonna happen this year.)

I watched The Royals on Sunday night figuring it would suck and I'd dump it off the DVR but I actually quite enjoyed it. Also filmed in England so makes me happy.

Monday was 85 degrees. So very happy. I also got mint green with green sparkles for my manicure.

Cooled off yesterday by 25 degrees. Got a lot done at work to gear up for today with no boss so I can pick brackets and read fanfic. Went to parents' for dinner and had Guinness stew and Irish soda bread. Last year mom managed to ruin the bread--no clue. This year it was yummy! Tuesday's happy.

Had a bizarre dream about having blood drawn (precursor to actually having it done this morning before work; and now I have to do a urine sample and take it back before 4:00, so very random) where they had me lay down on a hospital bed in a darkened room and it took forever and a cat slept on my stomach and I got up and wandered outside to a garden and the tube came loose and blood was dripping all over the place.

Have to run papers to the sheriff today in the drizzle and draft a few things, but not much else to do.

Tired. Looking forward to four days of bball and not doing much else. I'm going out to my dad's for the lunchtime KU game on Friday and I have my doctor's appointment on Saturday, then I have to go to church on Sunday since I volunteered to convene for the visiting minister.

Today's happy: rain, we need it.
Feeling: blah
you all know me
13 March 2015 @ 09:00 am
drive by happies  
Since I goofed off a bit yesterday (okay, a lot) because boss didn't come in until after the KU game (which ended at 4:28, two minutes before I left) and other attorney spent the afternoon with "Dr. Green", I have a lot of work to do.

KU hung on and beat TCU, never letting them take a lead though there were several ties. We didn't hit a three again and were iffy from the line, our bigs were in foul trouble all second half, and Ellis was out, but we pulled it off. Every Big 12 game was hard fought yesterday. So that was Thursday's happy--great bball games.

We play Baylor tonight. Last year we lost the semi-final game--hope this year is different.

Today's happy is that Twelve Monkeys was renewed. I like this show a lot. Saw the original movie when it came out but don't remember much, so this is and enjoyable expansion.

Okay, working.
Feeling: busy
you all know me
12 March 2015 @ 09:58 am

Why do you have to ruin my life, Teen Wolf?

spoiler for season 5Collapse )



Moving on...

This is hilarious:

My garage door remote stopped working. I was actually going to be on time this morning but I had to run back in, get a battery, switch it out, try it--didn't work--put the door down, run back in, go out the front door, lock it...

I'm hoping in the dark kitchen I didn't put the battery in right. I have two garage doors. For some reason, the other (full of crap) side has three remotes and the one I park in only one. *sigh*

I enjoyed The 100 finale--OMG, finally figured it out, that was Jo from Eureka.

Adventures with efiling: Naturally as soon as I emailed the clerk asking where the damn petitions I filed last Thursday were, they were processed (like five minutes later!). I have a big pile to take the sheriff in a few minutes.

I spent about two hours at work yesterday off and on trying to make watchespn work on my computer. I kept getting a weird error message (not the 'this is blacked out' error message). I was signed in correctly with my cable company which is on their list of approved ones. A few times an espn3 (not on any of the tv channels) show would work but not always. Thinking I wasn't getting the games that were being shown on the tv channels because I have the tv channels, I er downloaded some naughty browser extensions that were supposed to be work arounds. Nope. I checked my LJ from last year and the only post before the Big 12 game was 'I hope I can watch it on watchespn' and then I never posted that I could.

Finally I called dad and got his Dish account info.

Gee, it worked.

So, all along it was my stupid cable company. Though I'm still not completely sure I'll get to watch it as it might be blacked out. So I'll be ready for the er naughty stream.

See, I'm trying to be fucking legal here, people! You're making me way too anxious over this.

Anyway, the happy from yesterday was getting it to work finally.

Today I'm wearing a KU top, something I don't usually do at work, but I've worn one every game, so I don't want to jinx it. We play TCU who beat K-State which is probably a good thing as the revenge factor can lead to ugliness. (ETA, just noticed that said shirt has two little holes over one boob. *sigh)

Well, due to that wasted two hours yesterday and the upcoming game, I actually have a lot of work to do so better get to it.
Feeling: annoyed
you all know me
10 March 2015 @ 08:04 pm
happies and a rant  
Yesterday's happy was that I bought the perfect KU tshirt (well for a unisex one). Most of the Big 12 champ shirts are basic and boring and repetitive but this one is black with "Death, Taxes, Big 12 Championships". *g* Found it at the grocery. Mom got one for dad today.

I forgot to see if I could actually watch a game on watchespn which was showing on tv while at work today. Need to give it a try tomorrow. If not, I'll have to hope someone puts up a naughty link to the KU game on Thursday. :P This is one reason I take off work the first two days of the NCAA tournie--even though those games ARE available on, it buffers sometimes, and also I can't flip between games as easily as I can between the four networks. Also inevitably the phone at work rings off the hook, people come in wanting shit. Really, people, important stuff like basketball is happening!

Today's happy was a ten minute convo with Glenda upstairs ranting about efiling. *snort* I did have a question to ask her about filing the original will in a probate, and I got the mail and toilet paper, but then we got ranty. When I got back downstairs both guys were gone, lights on in their offices, no note. I went outside and saw boss' truck but other attorney's car was missing. They went to lunch. *snort* How hard is it to write a 'gone to lunch' sticky!?

I STILL don't have the petitions I filed last Thursday and Friday back! The efiling system "went down for maintenance" this afternoon (the first time it's done it during work hours) for about an hour and afterwards things I filed this morning at least got accepted, but this is fucking annoying. I need to get the evictions especially to the sheriff! The date for the defendants to appear is next Friday. Vainly hoping the petitions would start being processed, I filed one this morning as well.


The probate petition DID get processed but it's the only one that didn't have a summons (the page telling the defendant when to appear) needed, so I'm guessing that's the issue. Not on my end--I did the summons correctly.

At least the weather's very nice.
Feeling: tired
you all know me
09 March 2015 @ 12:07 pm
aaaand behind again  

Really, I do nothing on the weekends, this is ridiculous. I so miss the steroidal energy and desire to do shit!

My house is a mess. I still have Christmas decor sitting around, for god's sake. Of course I still have a cold, too, which makes me want to just sit on the couch and read fanfic and watch tv.


Wednesday: Went to choir practice, still couldn't sing much over a G above middle C which tenors can sing, for god's sake, but it was good to get practice in.

Thursday: Got some nice comments on my Purim ficlets.

Friday: Fried rice at the parents'.

Saturday: Lots of great basketball (even KU who lost). WSU went down. Virginia, too.

Sunday: Caught up on the last six eps of The 100 just in time for this season's finale this week. Really like this show.

So, let's see, it's warmed up finally. Daylight savings time sucks ass. My diet is going nowhere. *sigh*

It only took the NCAA eight years to come down on Syracuse. I figure Roy will be dead by the time they decide about North Carolina. *rolls eyes* Yet they managed to slam KU in 1988 pretty damn quick.

On Friday the mailman delivered all my neighbor's mail to me. I had none of my own so either I got none or it was misdelivered and no one bothered to bring it over like I did for my neighbor.

KU was down three players including two starters on Saturday yet we nearly managed to win at Oklahoma. Hell, I'd put this in the loss column weeks ago before the player situation, so I was pretty impressed. Of course we play our first Big 12 tournie game in the afternoon on Thursday. :P I'm hoping to get a feed somehow (since we have Wow cable at work and the game is on espn2 and Wow has that channel, so my guess is espn3 won't be showing it) but I'm going to record it, too. We play either TCU or Kstate. I'm hoping for Kstate and to stomp them into the ground in retaliation for the court storming/unprofessional behavior.

I did manage to do the dishes and laundry over the weekend, but that was all. *sigh* Did read some really good fanfic. Got a really neat set of three Purim ficlets that crossed Buffy with SPN with SGU.

Went to church on Sunday because the choir was singing and then the speaker forgot to have the choir sing and since it ran over, the director said skip it. Sometimes our lay speakers are so disorganized. It was an okay service but I would have skipped it if the choir hadn't been singing.

I filed four petitions Thursday morning and they still haven't been processed. This is ridiculous. Not counting the weekend, forty eight hours have passed. Nothing I filed on Thursday or Friday got processed until this morning. No memo about efiling being down either. grrrrrrr

I have to file the first probate with an original Will. Of course it's impossible to efile an original anything so the "fix" is to file the petition with a copy and trot the original over to the court. (Kansas law requires the original Will.) Yeah, that's convenient.

Other attorney was out all last week for a death in the family so when boss was away I could watch tv, but he's back now. :(

I'm enjoying the new seasons of Survivor and Amazing Race. I like the twists with the "collar" tribes on Survivor, and the blind dates on TAR.

This is kind of rambling all over the place.
Feeling: bored
you all know me
04 March 2015 @ 01:20 pm
Monday's happy was definitely the KU win. And if you'd told me we were going to win anytime after about the first five minutes of the game until eleven seconds left in regulation, I'd have snarled at you (glass half empty gal here).

We were down eighteen in the first half about the time our current star, Perry Ellis, went down and out with a knee sprain (not that he'd done much with flu, not that anyone had done much.) At the half we were down 40-26.

Our two tallest players aren't starters by a long shot. Our one starting power forward is out still for possible ineligibility issues and our starting small forward/strong forward/whatever the hell he plays didn't show up from the locker room till the game was nearly over and then sat on the bench (and will sit on Saturday and let's pray his knee heels). Yet our one really tall guy who has hardly played this season was three of three from the floor, perfect from the line, and got three steals. Traylor (the guy who didn't punch the K-State fan who slammed into him) suddenly decided to be a ball player again and had some truly gorgeous layups and one massive dunk. Our point guard took over (the one everyone bitched about early in the season after the other point guard--the one everyone wanted to start--absconded to Wichita State).

With eleven seconds left, we tied the game on free throws.

We won in overtime, again, thanks mostly to free throws. We were zero for fifteen from three and yet dominated the paint in the second half because of it, while WV just chucked up jumpers and missed free throws, and fouled out three players (and were down two with injuries to begin with).

The atmosphere as we came back was electric and LOUD. There is truly no better place to watch a college basketball game.

So, we won our 11th Big 12 regular season title in a row outright and it really doesn't matter what we do on Saturday at Oklahoma. I'm hoping that, with the stress of the streak gone, we relax and stomp the Sooners into the dust. :)

I watched it with my dad--he was at a meeting so we taped it and caught up by the end of half-time--and dad said he'd probably have given up if I hadn't been there. Not the kind of game you want to miss.

In fact, I watched the second half and OT again at home in replay which kept me up until 2:00 a.m. and led me to oversleeping. *g*

I also woke up to a dusting of snow, hopefully the last this year, as by Saturday it's supposed to start a week in the 60s.

Voting day for city commission and school board primaries was yesterday. About 12% of registered voters showed up. It's just sad. One guy for each from my church ran and both made it to the main election. Both the incumbents running for the commission made it out of the primaries but they were 4th and 6th in vote totals. People are fed up by their fiscal irresponsibility and want new blood. Today's happy is that I woke up to see that the guy whose sign is in my yard was third overall so I don't have to take down the sign for another month.

I watched SHIELD; really sad about Trip. :(

Still have a cold but feel pretty good so will go to choir tonight even I'm still coughing and can't sing much.

After that I'll take a shower and wash my hair because I've become an old person who can't get up in the morning in time to shower. It's very sad.

Today at work is boring...
Feeling: tired
you all know me
02 March 2015 @ 10:21 pm
thank you iowa state!  
For coming back from an eighteen point deficit to beat Oklahoma and guarantee KU at least a share of our eleventh in a row Big 12 title!

Forget whatever happy I had earlier for today. That's it!!!!!

(Feeling much better and got Purim ficlets done and uploaded with a couple hours to spare.)
Feeling: happy
you all know me
02 March 2015 @ 02:37 pm
well, i suck...  
It's been over a week. *sigh*

More lazy than busy, though, and then I got sick with a nasty head cold.

So, very tardy happies:

Monday I met with my choir director who was also my steward (to get my pledge for church) at the local Panera. She was interested in hearing about my writing so we had a nice chat and I had a latte.

Then KU sucked and lost to KSU and there was a ridiculous and momentarily dangerous court storming which anyone with any interest in sports will have heard or read about because it was headline news all over the country. The security was useless and didn't guard our players and coaches. For a moment, our coach was pinned against the scorers table, one player had a fan giving him the finger right in his face, and the worst was an idiot who shoulder checked another of our players and could have gotten punched in the face for it. It wasn't incidental--video showed him aiming right for our player and then heading for another whose back was turned. (He was cited for disorderly conduct by the police.)

Yeah, stay classy K-State.

None of it was helped by their players ignoring the traditional handshake line and jumping on the tables to celebrate.

Oh, they beat us by seven points, not exactly a blow out and not unheard of since they beat us last year. Court storming is out of control.

And don't compare it to rushing the football field. A football field is 300 feet long, about 100 feet wide with big sidelines and open to the air. A basketball court is tiny in comparison and inside and the sides are right on top of the court in most cases. Someone is going to get hurt and then the school is going to get sued.

The last time KU legitimately stormed the court (not counting in 2008 when the fans watching us win the NCAA championship on the video screen did so--there were obviously no players there; or the ridiculous dozen fans who tried to storm after we beat Texas one year and were BOOED off the court by the rest of our fans) was in like 1974 when we had a player score 50 points. It wasn't celebrating an upset; it was celebrating a player hitting a milestone.

Tuesday I enjoyed reading all the stories and comments on stories about said court storming.

Wednesday I started having sinus drainage and a sinus headache so I skipped choir practice. I watched the final CSI--good farewell to Nick. Slowly catching up on tv (no I'm not, but I'm keeping it stable...mostly). I realized Sara is the only regular left from the original cast and she wasn't in all seasons. Kind of impressive that it's still going with such turnover. Really, bringing in Danson saved the show in my opinion.

On Thursday I continued to have a headache off and on and sinus drainage. Figured it was allergies. I picked up several prescriptions after work--baffled by the costs. The tier 3 tradjenta remains $75. The tier 1 generic bp med that was $47.00 pre-insurance was still around $4.60. Yet the teir 1 generic sulfa drug that was around $30 pre insurance was $15 which is what I was told tier 1 generics would be. All in all still much cheaper but completely baffling. Another adorable Big Bang Theory was Thursday's happy. I just adore that show.

Overnight I woke up and coughed and felt like my throat was full of razors. Yay, full blown cold. :P

I staggered through work until 1:30 on Friday, then gave up and went home, stopping for a DQ chocolate shake for lunch for my sore throat. Napped for several hours. Horribly congested, sneezing, coughing, eyes watery and itchy. If it hadn't been a Friday and payday I would have stayed home the whole day, but I got all the necessary stuff done. As I skipped dinner at the parents' and there was a forecast for early morning snow on Saturday, mom brought by dinner--lamb pitas and her mother's chocolate brownie pie. That would be Friday's happy. I love the lamb pita we've been having for decades and haven't had the pie in years. I caught up on more tv--several eps of 12 Monkeys, Criminal Minds--and went to bed around 10:30.

Saturday I woke up still feeling horrible. It started to snow around 7:45. We were projected from two to six inches for the whole weekend, but it kept changing. We ended up with about two by late Saturday afternoon with maybe a dusting overnight. All I did was read fic and watch bball. KU barely beat Texas but it was a good game. They're tall and we're not yet we outrebounded them and had several blocks as well. Really, the Big 12 is tough top to bottom, any win is going to be hard fought. It was the 60th anniversary of Allen Fieldhouse and the cheerleaders wore 1950s style costumes (very cute) and the team wore throwbacks to the uniforms from the 1988 championship team, except the shorts were nowhere near as short. We did not storm the court.

Even though I'm still pissed at them, KSU did help us out by beating Iowa State and Baylor beat West Virginia. Both losers along with Oklahoma were challenging us for the conference title. Now it's just OU. If we win tomorrow night (WV here), even if we lose to OU on Saturday (there so probably) we'll share the title. Eleven in a row. Even now we have more conference titles in a row than our coach has home losses. Amazing.

Saturday we split Game Day with Wichita State and we got Bilas as an announcer which I always appreciate. He loves it a AFH.

Also, I forced myself to write my Pic for 1000 fic and it got good reception. Peter and Stiles, of course.

Anyway, so lots of happies on Saturday despite feeling crappy.

On Sunday I dragged myself to church only because I was convening and do a reading. It felt weird not singing with the choir, but considering I sounded like a bass and croaked out the hymns an octave down, probably a good thing. The service was on UU women's history and UU women ministers and was very interesting. We had a good sized crowd. On the way home I got lunch from DQ (hadn't eaten breakfast) and ate that while rewatching the KU/Texas game, then napped for four hours. I was very cold--had a low grade fever for the first time. Appetite gone, I didn't eat anything else, watched some tv (enjoyed Last Man on Earth), and went to bed early. I guess the happy is that someone, I'm guessing either or both neighbors, shoveled my sidewalks including a strip across the driveway. With this cold, the last thing I wanted to do was shovel crap snow which I hope is mostly melting in the 36 degree weather now.

Forced myself to go to to work today. Feel drained and congested and really want to go home, but will tough it out. The Keurig bit the dust so I'll go get a new one after work and do my grocery shopping at Target. I got an extension on my Purim Gift ficlets until midnight so have to do those tonight--300-1000 words each with accompanying pictures. Mine will all be closer to the 300 words. I just hope I have the energy tonight as I don't have it now. So the happy for today is the extension.

Not especially happy in that I feel like crap.

At least the snow is over and it'll slowly climb into the sixties by next week.
Feeling: sick
you all know me
22 February 2015 @ 09:04 pm
geez behind again  
Overdue happies.

Wednesday's happy was that I started catching up on Arrow (first watching the ep from before Christmas where Oliver "died"; yes I was that far behind).

Thursday's was...hell, I don't know. Oh, Big Bang Theory was so good in dealing with the actress who played Mrs. Wolowitz's death.

Friday's was that I got my art for my Derek/Stiles big bang and it's gorgeous.

Saturday's was that I went to my first conference KU game since 1990 and OMG so much fun! Yes, the refs sucked and we tried to give it away again, letting TCU back to within five points in the second half after going up by sixteen, but we were above the student section at the north end so while they stood the whole time the sane adults in the six rows in front of us sat down, dad enjoyed himself (he hasn't gone to a game in about fifteen years), two of the seats in our row were empty so we had plenty of room, and just...really, I'll say it again. Any fan of college basketball needs to see a game at Allen Fieldhouse in their lifetime. It doesn't matter what game--exhibition to playing the #1 team in the country--the place is packed, the crowd is loud and into it, and it's just wonderful.

Also, while we had some freezing rain overnight, it all melted as soon as the sun came out around 8:00 and it reached 51 degrees by the time we went to the game. :)

And I posted my big bang and it got good reception.

Sunday was bitterly cold and windy. I hadn't done the dark load of laundry so was reduced to wearing a shorter knit skirt, and I don't wear hose, so my legs were bare going to church. A little girl asked how I could go without tights. *g* We had a visiting minister, a social justice Christian, who gave a very moving sermon about being active and fighting for change as "we don't have time to hate". I teared up.

Today's happy, though, was seeing Kingsman, a truly brilliant movie. Very violent and raunchy (pretty much every third word was fuck) but so worth seeing. Samuel L. Jackson continues to prove that he can play any kind of character, Colin Firth just keeps getting more handsome as he ages, and Mark Hamill even had a cameo.

Also, you will never listen to "Freebird" the same again. *g*

Sadly the weekend, as always, went too quickly. *sigh*

And now I'm watching more Arrow eps and I have the KU game on tape to watch again to see if the refs calls really were that bad.
Feeling: okay
you all know me
18 February 2015 @ 10:39 am
catching up  
You'd think that as much time as I spend sitting in front of my computer, I'd have time to post here...

So it was a very busy weekend and we had snow. Not anywhere near the snow of the northeast, but any snow sucks.

Saturday was the memorial service. Sadly, sitting behind the podium on the stage we couldn't hear much of the speakers--it was all garbled as the mikes projected outwards. It was lovely with about 300 people plus the 40 or so in the choir. Undoubtedly my only time to sing on the stage of the Lied Center (KU's grand performance hall). All the songs came together very well.

I got home, changed into pjs, started making the casserole for dinner and realized I didn't have any brown rice, so I threw back on my clothes and ran to the store, hoping that no one spoiled me for the earlier game--no one did, though KU shirts were everywhere.

I'd taped the KU v. Baylor game and watched it afterwards. We won, overcoming a poor start and still being behind in the second half. It was also nice not reading along with the forum's game post, though I read through it afterwards. Very funny all the doom and gloom and 'i'm turning it off' and 'i'm drinking heavily' and 'we suck' and 'we won't make it out of the first week of the tournie' etc. On page five or so someone posted that 'by page fifteen this game post is going to look stupid' and, yep, around page fifteen we started charging back.

KU basketball makes me happy.

Sunday was the Love Service with roses and chocolate and lots of music. It always runs over so Jill's reflection, right before our quartet, was shortened to 'So, as we're already past noon, let's just say that the reflection is All You Need is Love' and then we sang that--still amused at four women singing a song performed by four men. Although I'm never a fan of applause after musical numbers in a church service, everyone got applause and it was deserved.

I finished editing my Derek/Stiles big bang fic which will post this Saturday, so that's Sunday's happy. Also caught up on some tv but still horribly behind. Made the determination that the teen wolf bb due on the 28th is going to become the Stiles/Peter bb fic due sometime later in the spring, so that was a relief.

The snow which was supposed to start Sunday morning (and be 3-5 inches) finally rolled in around dinnertime and dropped about 1 1/2 inches. Not knowing how the roads would be and needing to shovel, I suggested blowing off the movie on Monday to dad and he agreed, not wanting to drive in from the country. Shoveling took about ten minutes, then I read a lot of fanfic and lazed around until KU played at West Virginia.

We had the lead for most of the second half, despite the enormous amounts of no-calls (lots of shoving on our players) and our inability to rebound, or maybe that was more that they got all their offensive rebounds on their really poor shots that clanged off and bounced ten feet back to them, and then we lost by one.

One call they did make was egregious. Our freshman point guard was called for stepping on the sideline, except that he was a good foot in bounds. Also, on their winning shot Staten took four or five steps (someone on the forum ran it at slow motion and counted).

Someone on the forum put up WV's foul call numbers for their last dozen games and they were almost all in the 40s. I think maybe they had 12 or so in our game. :P

Oh well, I'd actually counted this as a loss. We did, at least, handle their full court press pretty well, something we've struggled with. And at least the team got there and home safely in the blizzard--only people in Morgantown were allowed to go to the game as the highways were all closed. Which is better than the Miami at Boston Collage game that I kept looking for and wondering why Snoop Dog and his son were on, and then finally figured out it was postponed as the Miami team couldn't get there.

Castle was really good. So glad the private eye thing is over. That would be Monday's happy.

It snowed again overnight. It was supposed to be snow showers and I woke up Tuesday to another inch or so of snow which ticked me off as I'd shoveled the day before. A lot of it melted during the day, but the wind picked up, too, and it was cold by the time I left work to run to the grocery. I stupidly didn't put on boots and they didn't do anything to the parking and stairs at work so got snow in my shoes. It also snowed for a couple hours in the afternoon, was still flurrying when I left work, and then the sun came out.

What the fuck ever...

The efiling system went down--all the things I filed on FRIDAY are still 'waiting approval'. I was able to file stuff on Tuesday but it's still waiting, too. I have evictions that need to be taken to the Sheriff today to get served as the appearance date in court is next Friday and by law the defendants have to have three work days between service and appearing. So, really they need to be served by Monday and waiting till Thursday the week before to get the documents to the sheriff is pushing it. Also boss has court hearings this afternoon so I'd just planned to hand the documents to him and not have to brave the cold.

At least I'm wearing boots today, and leggings and socks because it's supposed to be around 19 for a high. Left the water dripping at home. :P So water bill will go up but gas bill I got yesterday was surprisingly low. I know that I had two days with no gas due to the furnace going out, but this bill was about $50-$75 less than normal for this time of year. Maybe new furnace is more gas efficient?

Even with the cold, a lot of the snow melted yesterday so I'm hoping that with the sun today more does so I don't have to shovel--not that there's much on my sidewalks, in fact, I could probably use the push broom, but brrrrrrrrr. Technically I have till around 4:30 Thursday afternoon.

Tuesday's happy was that I read some really good fic.

At least they've taken the snow out for Saturday when dad and I are going to the basketball game.

I have hardly anything to do at work. Am bored.

And the efiling system is still not working.
Feeling: bored
you all know me
13 February 2015 @ 11:25 am
behind again  
First some quick happies.

Let's see, on the tenth KU beat Texas Tech, not handily (there was that bizarre ten minutes in the first half where we barely scored anything and luckily they didn't either) but we shot a hell of a lot of threes. We've never been a three point shooting team, but we have five legitimate three point shooters in the top ten players.

On the eleventh we threw together a quartet to sing "All You Need is Love" this Sunday. Amusingly, it's all women singing the all male Beatles' song.

Yesterday, The Librarians was renewed. Sometimes it's the little things. One more year of Christian Kane on my tv. :) Also, there's Stiles/Peter big bang. It's run off Tumblr and I refuse to get a Tumblr but I signed up because, y'know, my favorite pair.

Today is the start of a three day weekend, the boss is out, and I brought my Teen Wolf BB to work on as the rough draft is due in two weeks. As it's Stiles/Peter, if I don't get it done, it can always turn into the Stiles/Peter BB. *g*

Sadly the three day weekend is not one I can spend just lazing around the house. Tomorrow I have to bake bread for church and instead of watching the KU/Baylor game live I have a memorial service that will take up most of the afternoon as the choir is singing four numbers so we have to get there two hours early to rehearse. Sunday is the Love Service at which the choir is singing two numbers, I'm in the quartet, and I'm convening. Monday dad and I are going to see Jupiter Ascending. We were going to go after church on Sunday but the only non-3D time during the day is at 1:00 which would mean no lunch. The Love Service always runs long, too.

At least they've taken the snow out for Monday.

I've already threatened the choir if they let slip who won the KU/Baylor game--I'll be watching it when I get home on Saturday.

Another glitch in efiling that I've already ranted at to my mom and my boss and the receptionist.

Here's a meme:

The Six Things Meme. bogwitch gave me J.

Something I hate: I'm amused that hate is before love. Jelly bean--I dunno, they're just kind of icky to me.

Something I love: Jayhawk Mens Basketball duh.

Somewhere I've been: Jamestown, VA

Somewhere I'd like to go: John O'Groats--we came close last year; I dunno, it's just cool to see the tip of a country.

Someone I know: I know a lot of Js. Jill my minister. Julie my cousin. Nursedarry my bestfriend (what, you thought that was her real name? *g*) My doctor's first name is Joan. Etc.

A film I liked: Jurassic Park. I love that whole dinosaurs and man thing.

If you want a letter, just ask.
Feeling: busy
you all know me
11 February 2015 @ 09:11 am
my neck is stiff  
Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you’re addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can’t live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won’t forget
Day 8 - Three words you can’t go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

This changes a lot so I'm going with current (and some all time) favorites.

1. My favorite song since early teenhood has been "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" by Meatloaf just because. I pretty much love everything he's ever done.

2. My favorite Christmas Carol is "O Come Emmanuel" and I have no clue why. I've sung it several times as a solo at church. I have at least seven or eight different artists performing it on my playlist.

3. My favorite hymn is "This Little Light of Mine". I once did a whole service based on it. It's bouncy and fun and uplifting.

4. My favorite Latin hymn is "Dona Nobis Pacem". We had a combo of it and "The First Noel" at our Christmas concert; it was lovely.

5. "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele. I haven't actually listened to this in a while and it's pitched one note too high for me to sing comfortably but I love it.

6. "Carry on My Wayward Son" by Kansas was a favorite long before Supernatural and it's been my ringtone for years. I've had a special love of Kansas since I was a teen.
Feeling: good
you all know me
10 February 2015 @ 07:04 pm
letter for rareshipswap  
I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively ie Teen Wolf), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics, bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 2014 California, and, finally always a different gender characters. I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also will get thrown out of a fic by using language or grammar particular to a country that is not canon. I know this can be difficult, but four of the five fandoms I requested are set in America. I'm an American. There are places online where you can find the American equivalent to English terms like sweater over jumper and mom over mum etc.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about at least one of the pairings I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like.

1) Teen Wolf is my current big fandom and has been for about 2 1/2 years. I especially love the adults (not evil Peter being my favorite) and Stiles and Lydia. I'm not a big fan of any of the other teens but I'm fine with them being secondary characters in the story. I adore the Sheriff--John please--and prefer him to a be the great dad he is on the show. I like my Stiles smart and sassy. I love Derek being all stoic on the outside yet tender on the inside. I prefer Stiles as a bottom, otherwise I'm fine with the male characters being either top or bottom. Lydia's the real alpha anyway.

2 & 3) Buffy and Angel: I've always seen these as one big fandom and obviously the pairings are meant to be that way since Illyria was never on Buffy. I love wicked Faith, confused but not completely evil Illyria, darker Wes. I'm happy as a clam with a not completely insane Angelus or a darkish Angel. Spike is my...well, Spike is just my everything. He's my favorite character--I love him with Buffy, with Dru, with Angel, with Darla, with Willow, with Illyria etc. This was my first fandom; it's still dear to my heart and I still occasionally write in it. Please don't bash Buffy. I love her with both Angel and Spike and as a strong female character. The only character I'm really not a big fan of is Xander.

4) Supernatural: I'm a big Cas/Dean fan but that's obviously not allowed. *g* I actually wrote a Crowley/Dean fic recently--I love demon Dean and somewhat human Crowley. They have an interesting dynamic. I'm a big fan of the possibility of Sam/Jody and would love anything with them.

5) Penny Dreadful: I pretty much mainlined this show over a two week period. Love it. Especially love Dorian and when he hooked up with Ethan I was thrilled silly. My main 'ships are Dorian/Ethan and Dorian/Vanessa, Malcolm/Vanessa but if you want to throw all three together, I'm fine and dandy with it. I've long been a fan of supernatural stuff and England and the Victorian time period so this show hits all kind of kinks for me. In fact, I have a degree in English history so I appreciate any effort made to be historically accurate (also love the architecture, interior design and fashion of the time.)
Feeling: rushed
you all know me
09 February 2015 @ 10:07 pm
oops well no one said these had to be in a row...  
Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you’re addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can’t live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won’t forget
Day 8 - Three words you can’t go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

1. Well, the big one is falling. It's not technically a fear of heights because I don't have a problem being in high places. I just have this fear I'm going to tumble off it. Therefore balconies are never a thing. Nor are floor to ceiling windows more than a few feet off the ground. I've been up in the Arch twice--I stood in the very center both times. Glass elevators are the devil's invention. Kissing the Blarney Stone? Yeah, no. (In fact my mom jokes that she still has the imprint of my claws in her arm from just going down the uneven stone spiral staircase.) I also have problems with open stairs unless there are just like the five from my garage to basement. I could go on and on.

2. Doing anything I've never done before. The old saw 'familiarity breeds contempt' is so very not true for me. I'm only comfortable doing the same thing, being in familiar places etc. This is not to say I can't do something new, but I worry about it a lot. This led to refusing to ride the London Tube until I was an adult (and yet I took a bus across Dublin with a friend to the zoo all by ourselves at age ten). The thought of missing a flight and having to deal with it is terrifying (and yet I've done it). It's a weird phobia because I've overcome it many times.

3. Losing my parents. It's not something I think about.

4. Thunderstorms with high winds. Though maybe not as much anymore now that the falling apart trees are gone from my yard and won't crash through my roof. I still don't like the noise, though. I get panicky.

5. Turbulence. And take offs and landings. Once I'm in the air, I'm fine (unless it's bumpy) but I have to grit my teeth during take offs and landings. Something along the lines of we shouldn't be doing this. When it's bumpy I figure god doesn't want us up there.

6. Doing anything wrong. I always want to be perfect.

7. Driving on the highway. Again, this is something I have done many times but I don't think I'll ever get over the fear and the white-knuckling, especially when people are merging into my lane all the time. I much prefer three lanes on each side where I can just park myself in the middle. I also don't like speed. Really, anything over 65 makes me very frightened (but only when I'm driving).

Saturday's happy wasn't KU winning (because we didn't) or Kentucky losing (because they didn't). I got nearly all my next big bang edited so that was good, especially since it doesn't post until the 21st.

Sunday's happy was that I started watching Hindsight on VH1 and I'm really liking it. I've watched the first three eps. Also watched some Hawaii 5-0s, CSIs, the rest of Resurrection (is that complete?) and a few other things, being very lazy after church.

Today's happy certainly wasn't the weather. I knew the 60s from the weekend were gone, but I thought it would be 50 or so and only wore a corduroy jacket. Nope it was like 42 today. Brrrrrrrr Today's kind of lame happy was that my pile of files waiting for documents to be signed by the judges so I can cart them over to the sheriff is gone! I'm waiting for nothing at the moment. It's a miracle.

Only four more days till three day weekend, except it's a busy weekend and not one I can just hole up in my house for. On Saturday we have a memorial service where the choir is singing and then Sunday is the Love Service--the choir is singing, I'm singing a solo maybe, and I'm also the Worship Associate. Hopefully dad and I can go see that Jupiter movie.
Feeling: okay
you all know me
06 February 2015 @ 08:07 pm
Yesterday's Happy: I started watching Sons of Liberty. Despite the historical inaccuracies (I'm sorry, Samuel Adams was a good dozen years older than his cousin, John, not the other way around) it was cool. I'll try to watch the rest this weekend but I got tired and the had to watch The Shot Heard Round the World and other videos of revolutionary stuff *g*.

Today's Happy: It's Friday and I already have all the stuff done for Sunday's service so tomorrow I can write and watch bball all day. I went to the doctor and my insurance worked and I only had to pay $25 instead of $132. And my BP was 126/64. And, as long as I don't have any recurrences of the colitis in the next few weeks (now that I'm off the steroids), I should be in remission and don't have to see him till August.

He also told me something interesting. Bad infections can make blood sugar go up.

I had a good two or three years of gallstones before I went to the ER where they diagnosed me as diabetic and took out my gallbladder because it was badly infected (the surgeon called it rotten) and had been for a while. At the same time I'd probably had the colitis for a couple years that that went on untreated for nearly two more. It's a massive infection.

Unlike most people in the world, my blood sugar went down on steroids. It's almost normal. And, let's be honest--I eat carbs, I eat sugary foods. I take my meds and insulin but otherwise I'm very bad.

The infections are gone. I'm healed.

It's possible I'm not actually diabetic. I'm very interested to see what my A1C is in six weeks. Especially since I have got to diet up till then, not because of the diabetes, but because my clothes are getting tighter. :P

Oh, that's annoyance #9--why can't we just eat whatever we want and never gain weight or get flabby or anything? In other words, why isn't HSU real?????
Feeling: okay
you all know me
06 February 2015 @ 07:50 pm
tgif but why can't it always be tgif  
Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you’re addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can’t live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won’t forget
Day 8 - Three words you can’t go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

This is going to be hard. It takes a lot for anything to annoy me. So, they're probably going to be petty shit.

1. People who scold people for not using the "right" tags. Look, I'm old. I've been writing online for eighteen years. We didn't "tag" anything but rape back then, maybe character death. Underage? Hell, I wrote Buffy fic in season 2--everyone but Angel, Giles, Jenny and Joyce was underage! You went by the pairing, rating, and summary to decide whether or not you'd read something. Do books "warn"? Hell no. I don't even think to tag half the stuff people might be triggered by.

2. Which leads me to...If your tag set and summary are longer than your fic, this is a problem. This frustrates me (I'm going with that as an annoyance.)

3. People who firmly believe their way to do anything/believe anything is the only right way. Learn to compromise.

4. People who don't use their turn signals.

5. The 'not me' people. You know, the ones who blame anything that goes wrong on everyone else, society, the government.

6. That our government has been hijacked by idiots who haven't even read the Constitution or understand how government works (or should work).

7. How every team plays better when they play the KU men's bball team. I mean, really--guy shoots 30% against everyone else all year and suddenly hits nine of ten shots against us? Especially egregious when the announcers spout out how poor this player is from the line and he hits two in a row and then two in a row and then on and on and on.

8. Censorship of anything. Exceptions being parents over their OWN kids and self. Stop telling me such and such book is bad. It's just going to make me want to read it more.

Oh look, that wasn't so hard after all.
Feeling: annoyed
you all know me
05 February 2015 @ 03:23 pm
bored at work  
Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you’re addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can’t live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won’t forget
Day 8 - Three words you can’t go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

1. Get up. Kind of have to. Hate it. *g*

2. Feed the cats, several times a day, the greedy pigs.

3. Take my meds, most in the morning before I go to work.

4. Check my phone for emails before I do so on a computer.

5. Read the local newspaper's online site.

6. Drink coffee.

7. Read fanfic.

8. Read something not fanfic--pages of a book, magazine, catalogue, something.

9. Watch something on tv.

Apparently I don't have a life...
Feeling: bored
you all know me
04 February 2015 @ 09:28 pm
new meme  
Snagged from delphipsmith. Let's see if I can keep up with this for all ten days.

Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you’re addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can’t live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won’t forget
Day 8 - Three words you can’t go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

1. I was home schooled. Okay, it was for about six weeks when we were in Ireland. We were leaving for the US at the end of May and it didn't make sense to go back after the Easter break for that short a period when the school year ran into July.

2. I had a dog. Yeah, me the cat person, had a dog until I was five. When we moved into the house I live in now, the parents didn't want to put up a fence so they gave the dog to a family on a farm (yeah, I know what it sounds like but they really did). Her name was Coco and she was like an Irish Setter with short hair.

3. Until I was nearly twenty I believed I would never drink coffee. It was "gross" and bitter. My parents only drank it black. I had a cup of white coffee the last night at Cambridge on the Summer Institute to Great Britain and loved it. I now know I will never drink black coffee, but I live on the stuff with cream and sweetener.

4. Even though I'd been to three or four before it, I fell in love with English country houses when I first spied Chatsworth in the mist.

5. I'm a Rainbow Girl (it's a Masonic organization for girls). Once you hit twenty and are still active you can become a life member. I've done nothing with them since, but I'm still one. (As is my mother.)

6. I went to therapy for a year after screwing up my Freshman year in college and having to take a year off. I found it useful enough, but not something I needed after one year. (Sadly, if I hadn't screwed up and had done as well that year as I did the next four, I probably would have had about a 3.95 GPA. I double majored and had one B in History and one B in Latin and the rest and everything else were As.)

7. For several years I baked my own birthday cakes (from mixes) because my mother, the gourmet cook, two years in a row had to buy a cake after somehow screwing up the mix! (On the other hand, the one time I tried to bake a cake from scratch I left out baking soda or baking powder and it didn't rise. *snort*)

8. Because I grew up eating only my nana's flourless peanut butter cookies, I can't stand ones with flour. And they are the hardest cookies to make because not only do the measurements have to be exact (the proportions of sugar, pb, egg and vanilla), but if you try to bake them when the kitchen is too warm they spread to brittle).

9. I only started singing in a choir because my best friend at the time (7th grade) wouldn't audition for the 8th-9th grade choir alone. Now I can't imagine not singing.

10. I taught myself how to swim when I was seven. I was at my grandparents' in the pool at their country club and just took off. My nana got me private swimming lessons for the rest of that summer (I can't remember why I spent most of the summer with them, but that was the first time I flew by myself, too, from Kansas City to Indianapolis where they picked me up so I wouldn't have to switch planes. At fourteen, I did the same thing, but the closest flight got me to St. Louis and my grandfather picked me up.)
Feeling: okay
you all know me
04 February 2015 @ 07:49 pm
stupid weather is stupid  
What's the point of barely two inches of snow that's going to melt tomorrow? And if not tomorrow, definitely Friday when it's going to be 57 degrees?

It just made the roads treacherous and as it's dark now and the temp is dropping to around six tonight, it's just going to make the slushy crap freeze. :P I already slid down my street; thankfully no one was on the cross street because I could not stop.

Happily my furnace is working. It's much quieter. Of course I'm all paranoid and keep checking it.

I decided to skip choir tonight. I'm just not confident driving on snowy streets and there's the chance for black ice forming where it melted. Mom wasn't about to come in from the country. She was a nervous wreck driving home from town in the middle of the day.

There was a deadly accident at the height of the snowfall on the Turnpike. :(

But my boss went to court for me because he didn't want me walking across the street in it. :)

I had pancakes for dinner. Fuck the diet. The weather sucks.

I need to go start the dishwasher before it gets cold enough outside I need to run the water in the sink.

Someone commented on Divine Madness, my Buffy/Spike series, and it just made my day. I made her like Joyce, and she complimented my broody but not complete assholey Angel, and liked Daria, my OFC. :) So that's today's happy.

Got my pedicure. Luckily I was able to park right out front--usually in the snow I end up on the side and have to walk through snow in flip flops.

Quite enjoyed both Agent Carter and Flash last night. I'd read about the addition of Linda to the latter. Interesting combo of Barry and Wally's lives there. I love that actress, too. And great to see Grant sing.

Yay, Purdue just beat Ohio State! One ranked team down so far.

I think I'll watch the K-State game while I edit my Derek/Stiles big bang.

First, though, dishwasher.

Elektra's sleeping on the heat vent...
Feeling: cold
you all know me
03 February 2015 @ 07:43 pm
The game was quite good. We didn't blow them away but we obviously learned from our mistakes in the game at Ames and got back on transition. We have some gorgeous shooters on our team; there are six legitimate three point shooters in the eight or so regular players. Anyway, we won. After only scoring nine points or so in the first eight minutes we ended up scoring eighty nine overall, and would have hit a hundred if we hadn't missed so many damn free throws! Luckily ISU shot even worse from the line.

My new furnace was very loud but I figured I'd get used to it.

Watched a couple tv shows, including a Bones ep from before Christmas, turned down the heat to 63 degrees and went to bed around 12:30.

Woke up and got dressed and wondered why I wasn't hearing the furnace kick on. Went downstairs and fed the cats and took my pills and made my lunch and went upstairs to kick the thermostat up a degree.

No furnace.

The temperature was reading 62.


For once I was going to be on time to work but ended up being ten minutes late after I fiddled with the thermostat and finally gave up.

As boss went to lunch with other attorney, I scooted home. It was 53 degrees outside.

It was 60 in my house. I went to the furnace thinking maybe the pilot light had gone out, and took off the front covers and couldn't see the pilot light. As I put them back on, the furnace came on, so I went upstairs and put my hand over a vent and it was warm but no fan.

And it was making a lot of noise and starting to smell weird. I turned off the furnace and called the HAC dudes. I had to go back to work but I arranged for dad to meet someone there at 2:30.

Turns out they set the motor too high and it burned out! It has a shut off safety feature which is what happened sometime before I got up this morning. No clue how I got it restarted. Luckily I went home at lunch or I'd be at my parents' again for the night as I wouldn't have found this until after hours, but they were able to replace the motor and put in some kind larger return duct as the furnace is bigger than the old one and that wasn't helping either. For free, of course, as it was their fault.

I ran home at 4:00 before my manicure and he was finishing up and while I was there the heat came back on, blowing nicely, and much quieter.

After my manicure (red with black crackle layer over the top) I ran home again and bumped the temp up to 65 and it came on and ran quietly and blew nicely. Also fed Elektra as she was hiding when I came home the first time and fed Raine. Two days in a row with mens in her house, poor dear.

Out at my parents' now watching Oklahoma trounce West Virginia.

Due to being stressed out all afternoon, all I ate before dinner was a diet breakfast sandwich and an apple in the middle of the afternoon.

Really, I should live a life of stress--I'd lose weight. Unlike everyone else in the world, I don't stress eat. On Sunday I was on the edge of a panic attack most of the day and didn't eat until dinner time.

I rarely get a whole preview for a show as my DVR tends to switch over to another program, so I missed most of the one for tonight's Agent Carter, but I saw an ad last night and I was so right. When her neighbor did that leg body climb thing, my first thought was "Natasha!"

I'll watch that and Flash tonight, maybe a few other things. Hopefully in warmth and quiet. I'm completely paranoid now, of course.

So, Monday's happy is that dad is paying for the furnace without me even asking him which is very nice because I don't have $1700, and that KU won handily over ISU--once we got a lead over ten I think we let them get to nine once.

Today's is funky fingernails keep me young.

Also, my manicurist is involved in the Headstart program the President visited (her three year old daughter goes there) and was there but only a couple teachers were allowed to meet him and the rest of the employees had to stay upstairs, but since she doesn't work there she went outside and across the street and video taped him arriving and then got a great pic of him coming out waving and basically looking right at her. Too cool!

Well, need to work.

Oh and it's still supposed to snow three inches tomorrow... :P
Feeling: worried
you all know me
02 February 2015 @ 01:49 pm
weekend went down toilet  
KU beat KSU so that was all good. We didn't stomp on them but we pretty much held the halftime lead and they never got closer than ten points. Other games were good except for Duke coming back and beating Virginia. Not that I didn't want an unbeaten to fall, but I can't stand Duke.

Saturday's happy was just watching basketball all day.

On Sunday I decided to blow off church and sleep in. Got up around 10:15 which was lovely, walked by the thermostat and noticed that while the furnace was running, it read 63 degrees. It was set at 65. I hurried downstairs and put my hand over a floor vent and it was blowing cool air.


Called my HAC guy and they called back right away and sent a guy within thirty minutes--benefits of being on a contract: preferential service and not having to pay for out of work day hours calls. While I was waiting the furnace went off which I found bizarre, so I bumped it up a degree; it came back on and blew warm air.

Smartly I didn't call to cancel because...

Apparently something inside the twenty year old furnace had cracked and there was an open flame. New furnace needed (after needing a new air conditioner last year). Of course that isn't going to happen on a Sunday, but first thing Monday for around $1750. Yeah, I so don't have that. But, can't live without a furnace. It was already flurrying and naturally was supposed to be one of the coldest nights this year. This couldn't happen last week when it was 75 degrees????

He had to turn off the gas.

As soon as he left I took a shower (before it got too cold) and did a load of laundry. Then I bundled up in front of a space heater with the heating pad on and, with a nervous stomach, watched tv and read fanfic as it got colder and colder. I had hoped to stay home till around 5:30 before heading to my parents' but I gave up around 4:00. I turned off the water and turned on the kitchen faucet to let it drain and because that's the one that freezes. Left on lights and the space heater, and prayed the cats would be okay and that the house wouldn't burn down.

Needless to say I was nervous and worried all night. I finally ate an omelet and some toast around 5:30 p.m., first food I'd eaten all day. I didn't watch any of the Superbowl; did watch the last two Constantines on my computer and read more fanfic.

This morning with it all of two degrees outside and my car covered in frost (god knows where the scraper is; hopefully my garage), I headed home to meet the HAC guys at 8:00 and see if my cats were alive.

They were fine. Had eaten everything I'd left for them.

The water was still inexplicably draining so I turned that off. The sun was out and it was to get to 32 today.

I wasn't too worried about the house burning down because 1) the heater is a Vornado which turns off if you knock it over and 2) the neighbors would have called my parents'.

I used my digital meat thermometer to check the interior temp and it was 52 so really not that bad. I probably could have stayed there but I had no clue how cold it would get. I had these images of going in and seeing my breath.

Anyway, dad sat there bundled up with a thermos of coffee (because with the gas off my stove doesn't work--something I'd completely forgotten about) and the HAC guys showed up at 8:00 sharp. They finished around 11:45. Dad turned back on the water.

Oh, you know how every faucet in the northern hemisphere turns to the left to turn off? My main water valve goes to the right... IDEK

I may run home after work before going to the grocery just to make sure it's actually warming up because I get all paranoid.

KU plays Iowa State here tonight. I plan to just curl up and watch bball in my hopefully warm house.

So, I guess Sunday's happy is that I'm lucky enough to have somewhere free to go when I can't stay in my own home and a dad who makes the best omelets.

We'll see what today's is...

Oh, and it's supposed to be in the fifties tomorrow and snow three inches on Wednesday. Can the weather make up its frickin' mind!?
Feeling: blah
you all know me
31 January 2015 @ 01:04 pm
So, as we play Kansas State in a little under an hour, someone yesterday on the Phog put up a link to a youtube of KU beating KSU in the 1988 tournie run. That was one of the few years that KSU was better than us. We'd beaten them one out of three that year and they were higher seeded, coming off a win over the number one seed, Purdue. They were second to our third in the Big 8.

It's interesting to watch not just because of our inevitable win or because the guy I went to high school with who is now bald was so damn young (and hit long jump shots--wish our big guys now could do that consistently, though we don't actually have any starters as tall as Piper or Manning), but for several reasons.

Three of our starters played the entire first half. (Unheard of for most of the elite teams these days to even have one starter do that).

There were a total of three time outs called in the first half. (There are more TV timeouts than that these days plus the zillion each team has and USES.)

Charge calls galore. (Would be block calls now.)

There was very little to no transition basketball. (A staple these days for most teams.)

Ankle socks, one tank top, t-shirt under it only if you have some kind of injury or illness, short shorts, wraps or "girdles" on just a couple players. (Long socks on many players, tank tops under sleeveless tops or sleeveless tops over t-shirts are standard today, long shorts, leggings are common this year, a lot of players wear some kind of support especially on arms and knees.)

Hardly any substitutions. (Kentucky has two whole freaking "platoons" and every teams subs all the time, often calling timeouts to do so.)

God Manning was such a pure shooter. (I got nothing.)

Forty five second clock. (Thirty five now and it needs to be shorter.)

Big 8. (Big 12, but really 10.)

Amusing comment from the announcers about how Larry Brown is definitely coming back as coach. (Before the NCAA violations that led to him quitting and us getting banned from the tournie the next year.)

The score popping up on screen with the time remaining every three or so minutes, otherwise pure game. (Score and time always there, scroll of other games around the bottom, screen cluttered with these things, sometimes ads for future tv shows or games.)

Players were held all the time without fouls being called. (Players barely brush against someone and they get called for a foul.)

Most points came from long shots or pull up jump shots. (You can't win a game with just that anymore; everyone goes inside for dunks and layups. Our best lay up guy is our 5'11" PG.)

A center was a center--the announcers mentioned how Manning was forced to be the center due to injuries on others--a point guard was a point guard and rarely shot. (Positions are so fluid; we often have two point guards out there and rarely have a traditional center this year. Small guys go in for shots, big guys step out*; teams sometimes have three guards out there.)

*Big guys back then could shoot the outside shot as I mention below but the positions were more rigidly defined and you always had a center, two forwards and two guards on the floor.

Things I'd forgotten: Little Marky Turgeon as a grad student assistant (now the HC at Maryland). How even when we got a fast break we'd pull up! How the game flowed without constant time outs or an overabundance of foul calls. That Chris could shoot the long ball. That Danny could shoot the three (both being 6'11"). How little we substituted. How young Kruger looked. That we'd actually been a favorite for the Final Four earlier in the season before losing Marshall to injury and a couple others to academics. That Pritchard wasn't always our starting PG that year. That Piper played with a stomach injury and played so damn well. And that Danny finally went out with forty seconds left and KU with a fourteen point lead.

A thing that never changes: KSU still has a stupid mascot which is a wildcat head on top of a human body while KU has the adorable and unique Jayhawk in full costume.

And, finally, Scooter Barry was adorable.

And now today's game is starting...
Feeling: good
you all know me
31 January 2015 @ 11:52 am
tmi meme  
because it's a lazy, rainy weekendCollapse )
Feeling: bored
you all know me
29 January 2015 @ 11:15 pm
where did the week go?  
I really hate the winter, not just because of the cold and snow (though this week we've had neither) but because I don't want to do anything.

I'm still like sixty hours behind on tv--there are eps from before Christmas that I haven't watched--and I haven't updated this in nearly six days. I just keep watching basketball (I even taped and am now watching Kentucky/Missouri because I was at a meeting tonight and I hate both teams.)


So I did actually write my sermon on Saturday, editing it Sunday morning, and the service went very well. I got several compliments and three people asked for a copy of the sermon. "Sounds of Silence" was brilliant, pulled together in like two days by my fellow choir members--saxaphone, piano, guitar, and a harmonizing quartet. Sarah and John played "Rue's Farewell" from Hunger Games on cello and piano. I played "Family Promise" by Holly Near on CD as the gathering song. Just lots of lovely music including my favorite hymn, "This Little Light of Mine".

That was Sunday's happy. Also, got the fic posted and lovely art to accompany it. Mostly positive reaction--one negative feedback that Derek was a rapist as bad as Kate. *sigh* Yeah, whatever. You have a forced mating that neither wants and an overbearing Alpha insisting you have sex, it's not going to be nice at the beginning, but I did use the rape/noncon warning even though it was never that bad in my opinion. I don't get the comparison to Kate. Yes, the second time together, Stiles fought him, Derek forced himself on her and he hurt her. As soon as he realized he hurt her, he stopped everything, apologized in horror, and... He never lied to her about his feelings. Derek does not equal Kate here.

I really liked Galavant. I hope it comes back. Lovely hearing ASH sing in his cameo. :)

Monday came too soon, dammit. Efiling continues to be a pain in the ass. Some things get signed almost immediately; some take weeks. I'd filed a bench warrant the previous Friday. To serve a BW, the sheriff or cop needs the defendant's personal info like SS#, which, in Kansas, is illegal to place in a public record. In days of old I'd attach a sheet with physical description and personal info labeled "not for the court file" to one copy for the sheriff. So, this time I figured I'd attach it when I delivered the docs to the sheriff.

Well, I got a voicemail asking where the sheet was.

So when I finally got a hold of the person I was informed that this is the one document that the clerk's office delivers to the sheriff not me, so they need the sheet, but, yes, if I'd efiled it, it would be public record which is a no no, so please just email it to him and hopefully they'll figure this out and get a memo to us before we need to file another bench warrant.

What the fuck ever.

I'm still waiting for garnishment orders I filed on January 12. This is especially irritating because I got the order back today for a garnishment I filed yesterday. This isn't even something signed by a judge--it's signed by the clerk.

One judge finally signed a document today I filed on January 7. It was a document we use all the time--all I change is the header and the date and time of the hearing. Nothing for the judge to even review! It took twenty two days!

And yet a different judge signed an Order I filed today after a hearing on the matter, an Order that my boss wrote out by hand, I typed up, and we changed things in it twice before I filed it TODAY! SAME DAY!

Do not get it.

In happier news, on Monday my prescription insurance worked! I ordered my tier three diabetes meds that were running me over $200 with a discount card and paid $75! Monday's happy.

Tuesday I picked up one of my generic meds that wasn't ready on Monday. Last month it cost me over $46.00. According to what I understood of my plan, tier one drugs (which this is) would cost $15.00.

It cost me $4.53.


I'm not arguing about it. Obviously I don't understand copay.

So that would be Tuesday's happy--I mean, it's a tenth of what I was paying!

The weather has been baffling. I didn't even wear a coat yesterday and haven't zipped it up since last week some time or wore my gloves or scarf. Yesterday's happy was that it was 72 degrees. I didn't even wear my coat, just a long sleeved tshirt which I added a KU sweatshirt to for evening. It was still 61 degrees when I left choir at 9:00 last night.

Then the wind went crazy--like 40-50 mph gusts--and I slept poorly. If I still had the stupid falling apart trees, I probably wouldn't have slept at all.

Also last night KU tried to lose to TCU but managed to hang on, despite not scoring except on the free throw line in the last 3 1/4 minutes (at that time we were up eleven; we let them get to within three). Thankfully TCU sucked at the line, only hitting 52%, and they went a lot because of course we got all the ticky tacky fouls.

It was colder today but they've taken most of the snow out for the weekend. It's now going to rain Saturday and turn to snow showers, but no accumulation to speak of.

I had my worship team class tonight, first one in a couple months due to the holidays, and it was really nice. A very pleasant, mentally stimulating evening. I wrote a 730 word sermonette and it was well received and I was encouraged to expand on it. A friend of mine who's an English professor has been working on a book and hasn't had time to do the homework so she wrote the most brilliant, touching sermonette ever in our fifteen minute journaling time. I hate her. *g*

So, the meeting was today's happy.

I shall strive to do better at keeping up with this journal.

Oh, and I'm very happy that Hartley (on the Flash) is gay, keeping with canon. :)
Feeling: okay
you all know me
24 January 2015 @ 07:55 pm
ficcy and more bball  
I was right; the last few scenes of the fic and the epilogue were around 3000 words. I just didn't expect to have the other 10000 thrown in the middle there. *g*

But, fic is done! Now if my artist will just pop up. She had everything done (wonderful pieces with Ellen Page as girl Stiles) weeks ago and we confirmed the posting date with each other so I'm not worried. I emailed a couple days ago and will try again after I get home from church tomorrow if I haven't heard from her.

I won't have the master post etc. ready until tomorrow afternoon anyway, but at least I won't be furiously writing it until midnight tomorrow night and maybe can catch up on some telly tomorrow after church.

Of course I haven't started the sermon... *sigh*

In other basketball news, Iowa State, the only Big 12 team to beat us so far, lost at basement dweller Texas Tech. *g* So, not only are we in sole possession of the Big 12 lead, we'll now go ahead of them in the NCAA polls next week (currently they're #9 and we're #11) and the world will be right again.

Yes, I'm cocky.

Look at our record for the last 120 years or whatever and especially the last 15 or so and see why.

I just wish our football team could at least put a few winning seasons in a row together. I finally decided not to get season tickets next year as we have a new coach and we lose a lot of our better players. I'll go to a game or two, but I'm not quite willing to shell out $300 for a team that might only win two games.

Plus, they're all on tv. When we're in London, one of the Saturday's is a bye week and the other is an away game which I can probably find a stream for or at least follow along with the live blog.

I need to go take my pills, throw laundry in the dryer and stop goofing off and buckle down on the damn sermon. Somehow I have to make a topic that could easily come off as lecturey be spiritual. Why did I agree to talk on the pervasiveness of dystopian themes in young adult books and movies?

Oh, right, because even though I'm not young, I'm the worship team's pop culture expert.

I really want to do a sermon on why Joss Whedon is god...

Maybe this summer when we tend to do light, fun topics to try to bring in younger people when they're church shopping.

At least the children's story on Pandora and "hope" and the music will be great. I've got Sounds of Silence as the musical interlude, my favorite hymn, This Little Light of Mine, as the processional, the theme from To Kill A Mockingbird for one meditation, and Rue's Farewell from Hunger Games played by my friend on the cello for the other, but I have Family Promise by Holly Near as my gathering song.

Which reminds me, I gotta go find that CD!

And write the sermon.
Feeling: tired
you all know me
24 January 2015 @ 03:39 pm
one more thing before i go fic  
Sent to me by my dad: Eve has a Chat with God

"Lord, I have a problem."

"What is it, Eve?"

"I know that you created me and provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals, especially that hilarious snake, but I'm just not happy."

"And why is that Eve?"

"Lord, I'm lonely, and I'm sick to death of apples."

"Well, Eve, in that case I have a solution. I shall create a man for you."

"Man? What is that Lord?"

"A flawed creature with many bad traits. He'll lie, cheat and be vain. All in all he'll give you a hard time, but he'll be bigger and faster and will love to hunt, fish, and bring you good things to eat. I'll create him in such a way that he will satisfy your physical needs. He will revel in childish things like playing poker or knocking a ball around."

"He won't be as smart as you, so he will also need your advice to think properly."

"Sounds great," says Eve, with ironically raised eyebrows, "but what's the catch?"

"Well, ... you can have him on one condition."

"And what's that Lord?"

"Well, since he'll be proud, arrogant and self-admiring, you'll have to let him believe that I made him first. And it will have to be our little secret ... you know, woman to woman."
Feeling: happy
you all know me
24 January 2015 @ 03:34 pm
rockkkkkk chalkkkkkk jayhawkkkkk..........KU!  
Pretty embarrassing when you can hear the Rock Chalk chant OVER the home crowd when we're on the road.

Wait, no it's not.

And a big middle finger to all the pundits this morning who said KU would lose at Texas AND all those saying we will not only lose the Big 12 but be THIRD. (Not Bilas, btw, the only pundit who said KU would win today).

Nope, not happening.

Oh, we won btw. *g*

Outside of slow starts at the beginning of both halves, we were clearly the better team. And ZERO turnovers in the second half. That just doesn't happen. We only had three in the entire game.

So lovely.

Definitely today's happy.

Also Misery just lost at home.

Sadly Kentucky won at the home of the one SEC team that might have been able to beat them. Damn that conference is weak. The way Kentucky's been playing the last three or four games, I have to think if they were in our conference they wouldn't be unbeaten. More and more our loss to them by thirty was an aberration on our part (I'm ignoring the Christmas holiday loss at Temple because obviously we were already opening presents and drinking eggnog).

Also today I baked pumpkin bread and trotted it out to church, went to the post office, did dishes, sent out the readings and prepared the script for tomorrow's service. There's still that pesky little sermon to write, but...

First I'm finishing this fic.

Yesterday was another busy day at work. Even boss commented on how busy we've been. Efiling system's already been down for maintenance twice in the last week. *snort* Annoyed that documents that have never needed my boss' signature now need one and that we had to draft a motion to get a Writ when we've never needed one since that's what triggers the court getting their stupid surcharge.

Friday's happy was that I caught up on a bit of tv--watched Gotham, half of SPN, the last two Grimms, and last week's Castle--and that Wu is finally in the know on Grimm, and I really liked the final scene of Juliette going to Reynard.

Raine keeps licking the new leafy holly ring thingie around a candle on the table since I still haven't put away any of the Christmas stuff and definitely won't get to it this weekend. It's plastic, I have no idea why she's licking it...

Okay, off to fic...
Feeling: happy
you all know me
24 January 2015 @ 12:34 pm
i am sheep, hear me baaaaaa  
When you see this, share 3 random lines from 3 WIPs.

1. "Derek," she said, her voice clipped and angry. "This is your mate, Stiles."

The man half-turned to her, eyes sullen and angry as they ran over her, then dismissed her, leaving her feeling confused and hurt.

Here she was making this huge sacrifice and he didn't want her?

2. "Oh, now this is interesting," is Peter's reply as he stands still, hands raised in a placating gesture, voice no longer smug. Derek can see his eyes glitter. "What are you?"

"Dangerous." Slowly Stiles steps back, releases Peter, tension sliding down his back and taking with it whatever he's become.

3. "You said there are hunters, like that idiot who tried to kill Oz for his wolfie pelt?"

"No. I know several of this clan. They have a strict code they follow and only eliminate werewolves who have killed humans."

"Okay, well, can't you ask them to go back and handle whatever is happening? I have vampires to stake."

FYI, the first gets posted tomorrow; the second on 2/21; the third...erm...never?
Tags: ,
Feeling: busy
you all know me
22 January 2015 @ 08:05 pm
i really gotta stop letting days go by  

So, Monday I had the day off and barely left my chair and computer. All told I wrote about 10000 words on the big bang (my estimate of "about 3000 more words" was so far off) over the weekend. I did edit everything I had and added several scenes to make the Peter/Stiles 'ship not come out of nowhere. Also added sex scenes instead of the 'fade to black' shit. That said I still have to write the Derek/Stiles convo and the decision of all three to share. I have till Sunday.

And I have a sermon to write before that.

Monday's happy was that KU put together an absolutely wonderful first half at home against OU. We couldn't miss a shot. Literally for a while as we went eight of eight from three. We were up by nineteen at the half.

And completely slacked off/fell apart in the second. OU not only crawled back but took the lead! We couldn't buy a basket and, again, there were some ridiculous calls. Our perfect from the line sophomore (and not just like two of two, he'd hit nineteen in a row and about twenty five or so going back to last season) missed one. It was just sad.

For the first thirteen minutes and then we stormed back and won by seven or so.

I called dad afterwards and he joked that he needed to buy a home defibrilator.

Back to work on Tuesday. Boo. My stupid Word document was accepted by efiling; still no idea why after nine days RTF files are no longer "compatible". Nothing of great excitement happened. The whole week has been busy so far at work.

Tuesday's happy was that on The Flash, not only was adorable Wentworth Miller back as Capt. Cold, but it was a Prison Break reunion with Dominic Purcill playing Heat Wave! And that ending!!!!! Not only to we have Piper coming on (will he be gay, please, please, please!) but Golden Glider!

Wednesday was another long day. I so wanted to stay home once I got there but I forced myself to go to choir practice. Not only do we have the Love Service and this big concert with other choirs coming up, but we also have a funeral service where we're singing four songs. One is a Holly Near song we sang a couple years ago, one is Bobby McFerin's "23rd Psalm" which I and four others chanted/sang last fall for my service on prayer, and one is my favorite song from our new hymnal, "Standing On The Side Of Love" which our choir director says is too hard for the congregation to sing so she heavily encourges us not to use it in services. I've been singing the thing for years (I sang it for our memorial service when that UU church in Tennessee was shot up like seven years ago--we were still in our old building). It's got a tricky rhythm in a couple places but it's really not THAT hard. For me, the only hard thing is that it goes to C above middle C several times which is too high for me comfortably. Anyway, the fourth song is a new one that is very difficult. The funeral's on Valentine's Day. I don't know if we're going to be able to pull it together.

Luckily for the Love Service the next day we're singing a song we did last fall and also a very easy version of "I Gave My Love A Cherry".

So, I guess Wednesday's happy was singing.

I wasn't happy to find that my CW channel has gotten glitchy and freezes for a second or two here and there. It's also doing it on the channel two away where I'm watching the Virginia/Georgia Tech game. Very annoying.

Today's happy is that POTUS came to my wittle town. The first sitting president since Taft to do so. :) He flew into Topeka last night and for some reason stayed at the Holiday Inn. Trying to come off as a common man? More likely because it's the first motel/hotel right off the Turnpike/I70. *g* We do have a couple fancy hotels, one on campus, which is where he spoke, though he first went to a Headstart program at the local congregational church which is like two blocks from my work. He also met with the KU bball team. He is a KU bball fan--he often has them winning the NCAA tournie. People tend to forget that he has family in Kansas.

Apparently traffic was a nightmare while he was in town but I was stuck in my office.

I had an ooky tummy all day so I had pancakes for brinner. :)

Need to go throw the wash in the dryer; get some more coffee; put together the elements for the Order of Service that I'll go into work early to do; hopefully work on the big bang. I now have all the people lined up for the service (I hate drafting an OofS that is incomplete--it's the OCD coming out in me), just need to pick a couple readings from the handful I found over lunch today.

And I am SO far behind on tv. Though I did watch both Librarian eps and it seemed to wrap the series (or maybe); was it a one year deal?
Feeling: busy