Okay. Yay, original fic!
This, as you might see, was entirely inspired by my current fascination with and immersion in Jane Austen. I got the Pride & Prejudice movie (2005) for Christmas and watched it every single day for two and a half weeks. I borrowed Sense & Sensibility the movie from the local library and kept it for a number of weeks. I'm now finishing up reading the actual novel Sense & Sensibility. My sister and I rented "Becoming Jane" (about Jane Austen... Just FYI for anyone considering watching it, it's... so-so. Far too modernized.) as well. I've ordered The 8 Novels of Jane Austen from Barnes & Noble and intend to read every single novel. My friend has ordered a set of all the old movies made about Jane Austen's novels and we're supposed to have a whole marathon.
So yes, I've been so caught up in the world of proper English society of the early 1800s that of course I've been influenced by it. As any of you who are really familiar with my writing know, I dabble in everything and often go on kicks of certain styles and such. Right now, I'm so immersed in Jane Austen that I seem to be thinking in terms of her stories.
That being said, I
would recommend this to fans of Jane Austen if I didn't know that this will likely be viewed as an attempt and immense failure to imitate her. I promise that I didn't attempt to imitate her in any way. In fact, I'd only seen Pride & Prejudice at the time this story first began formulating, and it's only built since then as my fascination deepened. But never have I meant to imitate her, for such would certainly be literary sacrilege. Yes, it's true, it's all inspired by her works, set in her time period, and I even chose characters from the movies based on her novels to represent my characters. However, it was only done as inspiration, not imitation.
What I find funny is that somehow or another, while I was writing the piece, the spellcheck on my Microsoft Word got shifted from US English to UK/British English. Therefore the story is actually written
in British English, suiting considering the story's setting!, which will be strange to American readers, who I suppose are the majority of my friends! There are Us added in such words as "color" and extra letters and "strange" spellings occur frequently. Just a heads up.
All of that being said, I know my understanding of the setting is expectedly flawed. There's bound to be mistakes, and I sincerely apologize in advance for any of those, should you spot them. :)
Also, I entirely intended to write this story in a couple of parts, less than 5,000 words. It wound up as 8 and an epilogue and a full 10,000 words! So it's really more of a novelette than a short story. I have all of it written and I mean to post a new part of it every day, so it should all be posted by next Sunday. If you make it to the end of the story, cookies for you!
>Now, if you read all of that, which I doubt anyone will, you are wonderful. ♥ONTO FIC!
Title: Love & Logic
Chapter/Part: Part 1: Hambledon
Fandom: Original Summary: Katharine Windham is a proper young lady with the pursuits of such status in mind. To find a husband of good reputation
and fortune. Moving into a new county, she expects good opportunities to find the right man. Little does she know what "adventures" await her.
Rating: G
Chapter Length: 1,500 words
Genres: romance
A/N: See long-winded speech above.
PS, this post has taken a ridiculously long time to compile. Some hour and a half!