? ?
27 January 2008 @ 02:32 pm
Title: Terrible, Terrible Mates
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Summary: Daniel and Cameron are terrible, terrible mates... to Vala...
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Cameron, Daniel, Vala, hints of D/V and C/V...
Length: 330 words
Genres: humor
A/N: Written for sg_challenges. Yay for long overdue Stargate fic, even if it is probably terribly cheesy. lol.

Terrible, Terrible MatesCollapse )
Mood: amusedamused
Country Music: winter X-Games
22 September 2007 @ 11:24 pm
Title: Maybe I Shouldn't Bother
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Summary: Vala's moving in, and Daniel's response is... well...
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Daniel/Vala
Length: 120 words
Genres: romance, humor
A/N: Well, guess what mod stupidly closed the challenge at sg_challenges before she even posted her own responses? *raises hand* Oh, yes, that would be me. *facepalm* Oh, well. Better late than never, eh?

Maybe I Shouldn't Even Bother...Collapse )
Mood: tiredtired
Country Music: Still Feels Good - Rascal Flatts