? ?
18 November 2012 @ 01:04 pm

Title: At Her Side

Fandom: The Mentalist

Summary: It had taken some time before he finally gave in to the fact that the best way to keep her safe from Red John was to be with her all the time — waking and sleeping. Even though the emotional implications of that were huge and complicated and probably irreversible.

Rating: T

Pairings/Characters: Jane/Lisbon

Length: 3,300 words

A/N: So, I should not be writing this in the middle of NaNoWriMo — especially when I'm behind — but I did! I've been mulling over this one for a long time. I hope you enjoy.

He hadn't planned on falling in love with her, but he had.Collapse )
Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Fandom: The Mentalist
Summary: "Love you." Two words. Just two words. But their weight was amazing. If he were being completely honest with himself, he'd known it for some time. In fact, it was so blatantly obvious now that even Red John knew it. [Post Crimson Hat, of course. And spoilers.]
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Jane/Lisbon
Length: 3,800 words
A/N: So, months after the Crimson Hat aired, many of us are still writing fanfic inspired by it. Proof it's one hell of an episode. In fact, it inspired me to start writing Mentalist fanfic (yes, this is my first foray into the fandom), even though this turned out way more rambly and aimless than I intended.

"I remember what I said."Collapse )
Mood: tiredtired
20 May 2012 @ 02:35 am
Slow and steady wins the race? One of these days I might actually come close to finishing my claim. Maybe.

Title: Best Laid Plans
Fandom: Iron Man
Prompt/Claim: #3:Plan;20_fics, Table 4, Iron Man: Tony/Pepper
Summary:You want what you can't have. Basic human instinct. Even I managed to find that one thing I couldn't have. And I wanted her. Bad.
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Tony/Pepper
Length: 1,026 words
Genre(s): angst, romance
A/N: So, evidently I'm in Tony's head these days. Two fics in a row from his head. Which is odd because I didn't think I'd ever be able to grasp his voice enough to write it. And btw, I had hoped that seeing the Avengers would inspire lots of creative juices in me, but as mind-blowingly awesome (and shippy!) as it was, nope, was not inspiring. :/

It's basic human instinct.Collapse )
Mood: tiredtired
14 April 2012 @ 06:16 pm

Title: Anything But Mine
Fandom: Iron Man
Prompt/Claim: #2: Mine; 20_fics, Table 4, Iron Man: Tony/Pepper
Summary: I half expected her to say, “You don’t own me, Tony.” Because she knew that. But somehow I had never seen how she could ever be anything but mine.
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Tony/Pepper
Length: 1,000 words
Genre(s): angst, romance
A/N: Ummm, so, it’s been more than a year since I’ve written fanfic, evidently. Wow. I was...busy? I know that does seem rather excuse-like, but I did move three times and graduate college somewhere in there. Not to mention that I’ve been working on mostly original work (three novels down, four in the works?) that I’m hopefully publishing soon. But I do hope that I’ll get to dart back over this way every now and then to the fandom world. Anyway, about the story: I like to think this is an episode pre-Iron Man 2 when Tony is still grappling with the poisoning and realizing what he has. That makes it less depressing because we all know it works out for the better. :)

Anything But MineCollapse )

Mood: tiredtired
15 June 2011 @ 12:28 am
Because I thoroughly enjoyed Ready even if no one else did...

[16] icons: Ready + random Salman Khan, mostly because I love him with glasses.


Me, myself and I.Collapse )
Mood: tiredtired
Country Music: Oh Darling! Yeh Hai India (1992)
28 March 2011 @ 01:04 am
Do you know how long this has been in the works? Since late January, I believe. Making a moodtheme is darn hard work. Lots, lots harder than iconning (due to sizing, ugh, and FACIAL expressions). For someone as expressive as Shahrukh, it's surprisingly hard to find good pictures of him being expressive! For 132 moods, I've probably looked at a good 600 images.

I apologize if it feels like there's a lot of SRK and Kajol. Yes, they are my favorite jodi, which also means I have the most screencaps of them handy. :)

Plus sorry for flooding you with SRK stuff lately. What can I say, I love the man and I'm on a kick.

BUT, searching for pictures for this led to other pictures that mean: A moodtheme of Salman Khan is now in the works! Yep. For some reason, a million pictures of Sallu come up when you Google SRK. Don't ask why, but it does. So yep, a Sallu moodtheme is around the corner as well.

Full preview, download link and instructions link below the cut.Collapse )
Mood: sleepysleepy
24 February 2011 @ 05:47 pm
So this started off as a couple of funny icons of SRK from the course of the moodtheme I'm making, then a couple of Sallu got added because I saw this picture and thought, "OMG, Salman Khan kissing a baby is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" And then I realized poor Aamir wasn't gettin' any love from me, so he got thrown in too. Then I was trying out a new coloring and used icons of Kajol and Rani Mukherji...

And it all just morphed into what I'm calling The Post of Khans (with Kajol and Rani).


Khan of Khansssss.Collapse )
Mood: tiredtired
11 February 2011 @ 11:46 am
Yes, my current obsession with Bollywood has extended even into my drawings. I was like, "Oooooh, I must draw SRK!" I don't think it's my best work, but whatever. SRK is beautiful anyway. ;)

Besides, I already plan to do another sketch of SRK because there was another image of him that I really liked as well, and I just chose to do this one first.

Also, I think this is an odd addition to my so-called portfolio, since the last four drawings I've done, in order, are Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, my brother Kendall and my dad. lol.


Drawing: King Khan

Click for full size. Comments are love! <3

PS, also currently working on an SRK moodtheme!
Mood: accomplished
So today I bring you the strangest range of icons I think I've ever done at lady_nerca. There's a little bit of everything thrown in here today.

48 icons:
[6] Becoming Jane
[5] Burn Notice
[11] Persuasion (2007)
[8] totally random quotes
[6] stock: rodeo
[14] Bollywood: SRK; Akshay Kumar & Katrina Kaif

6 Wallpapers:
[1] SRK & Kajol (1366x768 because my new laptop is this stupid size)
[2] Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif (1280x800)
[1] Tees Maar Khan (w/Akki, Katrina and Salman Khan) (1280x800)
[2] Kajol (1280x800)


Humko deewana kar gayeeee...Collapse )
Mood: busy
07 January 2011 @ 09:02 pm
Sooooo, I haven't posted icons to lady_nerca in a really long time. Truth is GIMP was not working on my old computer, Lee, but I now have a new computer (tentatively Skywalker) on which GIMP is working fine!

So, having a new computer and being now obsessed with Bollywood, particularly Shahrukh Khan and Kajol, I set out to use it again just to make myself a wallpaper, maybe an icon or two... Annnnd I end up with a wallpaper, a header and 53 icons. Oy ve.

So it's mostly Shahrukh and Kajol... with some random Imran Khan, Tees Maar Khan (needed to try out some new color on some scary bright icons!) and some even more random Rani Mukherjee.

But here we go, my first icon post in more than a year!

53: Bollywood
[6] Imran Khan
[8] Kajol
[17] Kajol & SRK
[3] Rani Mukerjee
[13] SRK
[6] Tees Maar Khan

Headers: [1] SRK & Kajol
Wallpapers: [1] SRK & Kajol (1280x800)


Yoo-hoo! Over here!Collapse )
Mood: tiredtired
Country Music: Bride & Prejudice