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Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Subject:TWO Boston Babydolls Burlesque shows
Posted by:bostonbabydolls.
Time:10:15 am.
Technically, four shows, but two of them are private, so you're going to have to cast about for an invitation to those

Saturday, Oct. 25 @ The Ioka Theatre in Exeter, NHCollapse )

Sunday, Oct. 26 @ Church of Boston, Boston, MACollapse )

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

Subject:[Boston] Calling all Costumers!
Posted by:bostonbabydolls.
Time:7:43 am.
Calling all costume enthusiasts! On March 22nd & 23rd, The Great Boston Burlesque Exposition and Vintage Fashion Fair will be taking place at The Hyatt Regency Hotel (575 Memorial Dr., Cambridge, MA) and you should join in the fun at our Historic Costume Exhibit, Classes, and Dealer's Room!

Costume Exhibit: Dita Von Teese, Satan's Angel, The Wall o' Pasties, and more!Collapse )
On display throughout The Vintage Fashion Fair, the Costume Exhibit is included with your admission. Please make sure to take the time to admire this unique collection.

It’s not enough to just look at costumes! We’ve got classes on making, improving, saving, and even buying costumes.

Some many classes! So little time!Collapse )

The Expo is a great place to show off your favorite creations and learn how to make more. There will also be plenty of vendors to browse through for ready-made costumes and the perfect accessories. Plus, you get the bonus karma of having made Cambridge a better-dressed place, if only for a weekend.

March 21-23, 2008
Hyatt Regency Cambridge
575 Memorial Dr.
Cambridge, MA
For tickets and more information, please see our website


Monday, February 4th, 2008

Subject:This WEEK ONLY! Free Standard Shipping
Posted by:versatilefash.
Time:12:01 pm.
Have you been itching to get something fancy and new for Valentine's Day? Well look no further than our in-stock section! Not only do we have great deals, but this week we are offering FREE STANDARD SHIPPING on all in-stock items (US customers only). Discounts are taken at shipping...if express mail shipping is selected, we will not honor the free is only for priority mail or parcel. This offer ends Sunday February 10th, so get your order in QUICK!!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2005

Subject:10% off corsets and the chance that you'll get yours free!
Posted by:matazone.
Time:10:26 am.

Apologies for wandering in after a keyword search. I'm trying to get a small business going selling corsets and other bits and bobs and I figure that a few people on here might be interested.

I've started a shop with a 10% discount on corsets and every 21st corset I sell will be free.

The corsets are made by Snobz, a team of corset makers who previously worked for Vollers but left to start their own company. They looked at the old traditional designs and altered them a little to give a better fit for the shape of modern women, because we just don't have the same build as people a century ago! The feedback I've had tells me that they're the most comfortable corsets that people have ever had and the quality of them is superb: my girlfriend has three! I can order in any corset/fabric/size combination available from Snobz ( ), but for the sake of ease I've only got their most popular designs and materials listed in my shop. If there's something that they do that you're interested in then drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you with the 10% discount.

How the offer works is that every time I sell twenty corsets the next person to buy one, whatever they are ordering, will get a full refund for the price of the corset, and of course all the others are already being sold at a 10% discount. How many other shops give you the chance of a free corset and 10% off as standard?

I saw in the group description that tight lacing is popular on here. The ladies at Snobz tell me that their corsets are fine for this, but if you've got down to a very small waist then you might need to go for a made-to-measure corset rather than the standard ones. They're damn good at what they do so if you're unsure then send over your measurements and I'll check with them what the best option will be.

Drop me a line on here, through the contact form on my shop (there's a link in the left-hand column), or on shop[at]matazone{dot}co(dot)uk .

Well, I hope this will appeal to some of you, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 7th, 2005

Subject:Spreading the word!
Posted by:baddbunny.
Time:6:45 pm.
Hi all, I'm from Houston and just wanted to forward an email I got today to as many people as I could so Here tis:

>Don't use 713-TICKETS!!
>On Saturday evening my boyfriend and I were driving on Kirby. While
>stopped at the traffic light on Westheimer, we kissed, only to be
>interrupted by someone honking their horn at us from behind. When we
>turned around, we saw a guy and his friend yelling at us. They yelled
>that we were FAGS and that we should die and go to hell. They followed
>us down the road yelling and harrassing us. They made a right on
>Shepperd but not before letting us further know their views on
>Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens quite often without us being
>able to do anything about it. These idiots didn't realize, however,
>that they were in a bright yellow hummer that had their company phone
>number, 713 TICKETS, in big font . The first thing we did was call the
>number to find out who was driving the car. It turns out the owner and
>one of! his assistants were the people shouting at us. The receptionists
>apologized for his boss' behavior and gave us the boss' name, Kent
>Maree. His assistant, who was also shouting obscenties at us, is Max
> A friend of mine, who is black, called Kent this monring to ask if this
>is the way he treats all minorities. Kent responded by saying that it
>is a free country and he can express his views as he wishes. He also
>let my friend know that Fags choose to be fags and they should burn in
>Since this is a free country, I urge you all to please give Kent a call
>and let him know your opinion on the way he expresses his views and his
>business practices. Pass this on to as many people as you know so that
>they too can give Kent and Max a piece of their mind. Their number is
>Thanks for you help.
1 scream| Scream

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:11:53 pm.
A promo for a rating community! lolCollapse )

Sunday, May 1st, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:2:57 pm.
Promo for you pretty girlsCollapse )

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:11:21 pm.
Here's another rating community I think you girls would like <3

ClickyCollapse )

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:11:51 pm.
BTW: I noticed this comm has gotten really dead.. come on.. we need to skank this place up or something.. yeesh!

I added more to the interests lists in hopes of more people coming through..

Just to keep you on your toes, here's some Dita pics!!

mrow!Collapse )
2 screams| Scream

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:11:33 pm.
Here's the perfect rating community for the type of girls that are in this one:


Check it out, chickas!!

Monday, March 28th, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:1:17 am.

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:11:55 pm.

Tuesday, January 18th, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:4:56 pm.
Le Tigre & Kittie Support Animal Rights!!

Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

Subject:Pleased To Meet You ;-)
Posted by:vienna_la_rouge.
Time:5:44 pm.
I'm Vienna Le Rouge and a new member here, so here's a little about me:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I'm a huge fan of glamorous vintage Hollywood style. I focus on the 1930s and 1940s and have been dressing the part for years. Everything from sexy fitted suits and doll-style heels, to seamed stockings, gloves, and hats.
I'm also pretty adept at reproducing the hairstyles of the 40s and have a blast experimenting with styles found in old salon books.
I also sew to my little hearts content. In most cases if I can't find or afford it, I make it! Usually with fabulous results.
Corsets are my main passion as well as making reproduction 1940s hats; I'm starting up a business right now based around these two items ;-)
By night I'm a Burlesque performer with the Seattle troupe, Glitzkrieg Burlesque. All my performances are in the classic Burlesque style; always over-the-top and full of glam! I've become addicted to rhinestones and ostrich feathers because of it. I design and construct all of my costumes and even props, and almost all my acts include a corset ;-)
PhotoCollapse )
Speaking of Burlesque (and I hope that it's alright to post things like this here. If not the mods are welcome to remove it),
I'm entered into the pre-contest for a chance to perform in the Viva Las Vegas Burlesque Finals in March. The top 6 voted contestants are chosen at the end of January. I'm in the top slot right now, but it's a long time from now until Feb 1st. so every little vote counts so I can stay within the top 6.
Please take a second to go and cast your vote for me...pretty please *batting eyelashes* ;->
I'm the one in the red dress, bottom row center of the photos:

Pass the word/link around, and I apologize ahead of time if this is inappropriate.
Thank you so much! ♥
5 screams| Scream

Monday, January 10th, 2005

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:6:24 pm.
Win Autographed Gear and Support the Anti-fur Cause!!

Saturday, December 18th, 2004

Posted by:snapes_mistress.
Time:12:20 am.
Mood: awake.
Hello. I just joined, and thought I'd do the intro thing... I'm 24, female, from Charleston, SC... lover of all things vintage, retro, cheesecake, burlesque, and otherwise lovely. Feel free to say hi sometime, I promise I'm a nice girl! ;)
1 scream| Scream

Sunday, October 10th, 2004

Posted by:mamahahn.
Time:8:42 pm.
Hey guys!

A very important update.. the community has changed! Due to the apparent death of the graphic thing, the whole theme is being changed.. Check out the userinfo for a better idea.

We want this to be a place for all sorts of alternative, free-minded stuff.

Go ahead and get a move on! The community won't talk on it's own. And if you don't like the change.. I'm sorry.. just leave. You should have helped keep it up!

Anywho, That's all.. let's see where this goes.

Friday, June 4th, 2004

Posted by:solitary_soul.
Time:3:34 pm.
just letting you all know, i'm moving. friends only lj. no more of this dramatic crap.

x-posted to all of the communities i'm a part of, as i'll be rejoining them all under my other name.

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004

Posted by:eyelesspuppet.
Time:9:37 am.
x-posted in all the graphic communities

I'm not going to be posting anymore of my banners/icons in communities, so if you liked any of my work, add my graphics journal. thanks ^^


Saturday, May 29th, 2004

Posted by:toxiczippershit.
Time:9:08 pm.
Mood: groggy.
will someone make me a layout in Orgy- Fiction (dreams in digatal) >.< i'll cwedit yous

<3 Justina

LiveJournal for Volumptuous Visuals - Burlesqe Brothel.

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