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Journal created:
on 12 December 2003 (#1532016)
on 9 October 2017
worryingly jolly batman
Wellington, New Zealand (Aotearoa)
A Note About This Journal: All content at this journal is presently being mirrored from my DW. I am still commenting and reading on LJ, but if you're looking for something specific, I'm only managing my DW tags and so forth. If we're old friends and you want to catch up, hit me up on gmail and I'll hook you up with my twitter account.

This is a very old account and there is stuff on old entries that I don't think really represents me anymore. I'm ethically opposed to the delete-and-pretend-it-didn't-happen and there are still things I like but just putting that out there.

I used to write fanfiction and original poetry and make icons but I don't really have time for that shit anymore.

I used to mod myriadwords, the YW fanfiction community, and co-mod youngwizards.

Email me: labellementeuse(at)gmail(dot)com

Most people think great God will come from the sky
Take away everything, and make everybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You would look for yours on earth
And now you see the light
You stand up for your rights, yeah!
--Bob Marley, Get Up, Stand Up.

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abby/kate, algebra, alien mall-crawling fiasco, anne fairleigh, anti-ncea, aotearoa, aotearoa new zealand, arithmetic, atheism, ballet, beethoven, being pedantic, belle & sebastian, bic runga, bruno and boots, bruno/boots, calculus, canterbury university, carmela, chronicles of narnia, crowded house, cs lewis, dairine, dairine callahan, dairine/roshaun, dancing, deep wizardry, diana wynne jones, diane duane, discworld, discworld-as-a-way-of-life, elemeno p, emily/tommy, fan fiction, fantasy, france, french, gibbs/dinozzo, gordon korman, h2g2, hard news, harry potter, high wizardry, jane austen, john butler trio, johnny depp, kit, la belle langue, lilburn, lorne/cadman, lost, making icons, music, narnia, ncis, neil finn, neil gaiman, new zealand, new zealand aotearoa, new zealand authors, nita, nita callahan, nita/kit, nita/lone power, nita/lp, obscure fandoms, otto chriek, out of mabit, paul simon, playing the viola, prince unlikely, public address, rareshipping, rareships, reading, remus lupin, remus/sirius, rhythm of the saints, robin mckinley, ron/hermione, roshaun/ronan, sam hunt, sawyer, sawyer/sayid, sax and violas, sf&f, shakespeare, shakespeare slash, shortpacked!, simon & garfunkel, singing, sirius black, starmart, stevie wonder, stupid puns, subtext, sunrise over sea, symphony orchestras, tchaikovsky, terry pratchett, the aotearoa overture, the boggart, the dark is rising, the drysdale overture, the nzso, the oath, the obvious child, the postal service, the speech, the viola, theodore nott, they fight crime, tom and carl, tom/carl, tom/carl otp isn't subtext, tommy/emily, university hall, uptown local, viola geekery, viola jokes, violas, violins, wellington, what a wonderful world, will/bran, william de worde, working at starmart, writing, wys, year of the griffin, young wizards, zed

Rating position
