Magistratus possunt paginas delere, deletas (vel mutatas) restituere, omnino aut partim protegere, usoribus obstruere nuntiaque interficialia recensere et spatium nominale MediaWiki recensere.
Quisque magistratus apud Vicipaediam aequali communique suffragio eligitur: #Petitio magistratus.
Haec pagina Index Magistratuum est.
- Alex brollo (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- Candalua (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- Doug (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- Hsarrazin (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- John Vandenberg (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- Lew XXI (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- Matthead (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- MF-Warburg (talk • contribs) (Magistratus)
- OrbiliusMagister (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- VIGNERON (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
- Zyephyrus (talk • contribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
Census magistrātuum: unquam (N.B. the above stats include retired admins and global rights holders (e.g. stewards))
Petitio grapheocrates
[recensere]Petitio magistratus
[recensere]Hi, I would like to ask for magistratus mandatum, or admin’s rights, on this project. I think we could use more active admins, not least to clear up deletion requests, and I confess that sometimes I personally felt the need for the extra buttons, to move/delete pages (as happened here: I had to move pages by copy-paste, and it would have been more appropriate, not to say easier, to delete the redirects and use the “move” button). Also, there is a lot of useful stuff I would like to import from the italian or french Wikisource, and again it would be better to use the “import” button instead of copy-pasting. I have been a wikimedian since 2006, and I have been active on this project for months, and plan to remain here for a while (I have a ridiculously long list of latin books I would like to work on). I have also formerly been an admin on the Italian Wikipedia and presently admin on the Italian wiktionary, since about 2014 (if I remember correctly); at the very least I won’t harm the project. Vale, --Barbaking (disputatio) 16:44, 17 Martii 2020 (UTC)
- Support. Sono favorevole --Mizardellorsa (disputatio) 10:03, 20 Martii 2020 (UTC)
- Support. When asking for help here I have found Barbaking very welcoming, clear and and has solved many of my problems, I am sure she would user these powers responsibly. So I would be in favour JimKillock (disputatio) 07:44, 23 Martii 2020 (UTC)
- Support. This user is already admin on it.wikipedia, so he knows the tools. He proved very responsible and welcoming on this porject and he is willing to improve it. Full support! - OrbiliusMagister (disputatio) 13:09, 14 Aprilis 2020 (UTC)
well, it's been 30 days... not exactly a plebiscitum, but I suppose this is all the votes we are going to get... @OrbiliusMagister: since you have been so kind, and since you also are a Grapheocrates, if you think everithing is regular, could you please flag me? multas gratias ago vobis omnibus, qui opinionem vestram expressistis :) --Barbaking (disputatio) 11:09, 17 Aprilis 2020 (UTC)
Perfectum est.. Nunc etiam tibi plura meliora facere licet. - OrbiliusMagister (disputatio) 12:50, 17 Aprilis 2020 (UTC)