Papers by Mahmud Kori Effendi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, 2011

Jurnal Teknik Sipil, 2021
The main aspect in the design of reinforced concrete buildings is to implement a "strong col... more The main aspect in the design of reinforced concrete buildings is to implement a "strong column weak beam" system in which the gradual collapse of the beam or slab until the column. One of the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete beams using fiber plastic hinges. This article describes the use of fiber analysis, to analyze the behavior of self-compacting concrete beams under static loads. The roller-joint support beam was compared between experiments and with fiber analysis. The beams are divided vertically and horizontally as small as possible. Concrete model and reinforcing steel model are modeled with nonlinear model. The results of the analysis show the same load-deflection curves at elastic range. After the elastic range is exceeded, there is a difference in the loaddeflection curve between by experiment and by the fiber model analysis, but the ultimate loads are greater than the ultimate load of ACI. The stress-strain curve of tensile reinforcing steel has reach...

Self-compacting concrete has self-flowing, viscous and compact properties that minimize mechanica... more Self-compacting concrete has self-flowing, viscous and compact properties that minimize mechanical compaction. This concrete is suitable for solving the concrete pouring in the narrow and congested reinforcement. Beams made of both self-compacting concrete and normal high-strength concrete are analyzed by MSC Marc / Mentat software. Steel is modeled by being embedded in concrete. The failure criterion of Linear Mohr-Coulomb is used for concrete and Von Mises for reinforcing steel, respectively. Concrete and the plate support are modelled by 3D solid elements. For the steel, the truss element is used. The contact analysis is implemented between beam and both steel plate and steel supports. The load-deflection curve for both concrete are almost the same as the results of the experimental curve. The results of the contact analysis also showed that there were contact and separation in the contact area. The shear retention factor value close to one meaning will restrain greater loads. Th...

Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, 2017
The composite material concrete filled steel tubes, CFST) begin widely recommended in modern stru... more The composite material concrete filled steel tubes, CFST) begin widely recommended in modern structural projects. This material is made of steel tubes filled with concrete. This CFST structure has better ductility than the conventional structure. The three-dimensional finite element modelby means of MSC Marc Mentat software is done by using non-linear material properties for both the steel and concrete. The non-linear geometry is also considered. The results of the finite element analysis method are then compared with experimental results of circular steel tubes filled with concrete. The results of this analysis for both load-deflection and collapse conditions are quite agree with the experimental results. However, the buckling phenomena cannot be modeled in the analysis of the finite element method. The effect of finite element model, which is half span and a quarter of half span, is investigated. The results of this analysis are similar to the results of full-scale analysis. There...
IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits, 2015
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil, 2021
Diajukan 04 Maret 2019 Diperbaiki
Papers by Mahmud Kori Effendi