Papers by Brad Perks

APA CALL Journal , 2019
The purposes of this study were to investigate whether and how the social networking site Edmodo ... more The purposes of this study were to investigate whether and how the social networking site Edmodo can help Japanese university students improve their multi-literacy skills in English, namely informal English used in social situations, and their engagement towards learning English; and to examine whether it could facilitate student interaction and promote autonomy in learning English. The respondents were Japanese university students who interacted and exchanged information with a class of Chilean university learners using Edmodo. A reactive form of autonomous learning was initially promoted (Littlewood, 1999), with evidence suggesting that the participants acted in a manner that allowed them to act independently and to take charge of their own learning through social networking site interactions. In addition, this study explored and collected data on three theoretical aspects of learner engagement in education based on Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris’ (2004) framework as it pertains to language learning in an English as a foreign language (EFL) context: students’ emotional, behavioral and cognitive engagement. The results of the study indicate that Edmodo encouraged reactive and proactive types of autonomous learning in a social networking setting among the Japanese students; moreover, it facilitated their improvement in reading, writing, and listening habits and skills.

Kwansei Gakuin University Aix Language and Culture University Journal, 2017
In the era of globalization and the emergence of English as the Lingua Franca, the number of stud... more In the era of globalization and the emergence of English as the Lingua Franca, the number of students studying abroad in English speaking countries is increasing dramatically. Admission requirements for the study abroad applicants in these English speaking countries require sufficient scores in various English proficiency tests. There is a wide range of English proficiency tests available, for example TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, and Cambridge ESOL, all of which measure the learners’ mastery of the traditional four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. There is a need for a proficiency test to measure non-native university student’s ability to use and understand English at the university level. Furthermore, there is need to develop certain academic subskills such as the ability to listen to lecturer deliver a speech in English, to take notes, paraphrase and summarise content, plus express their opinion is needed.
Osaka Shoin Women’s University ELTC Forum , 2016
The Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method is widely accepted amongst English as a Foreign ... more The Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method is widely accepted amongst English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. This paper will provide a methodological analysis discussing the background and development as well as the main arguments against this method’s application in Japan. Included are suggestions that while CLT has benefits, these are only for students looking to enter the English speaking community and perhaps it is not so applicable for students with only a superficial interest in learning the language.
Vocabulary Education & Research Bulletin, Vocabulary/ Special Interest Group (SIG)The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), 2014
Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review, 2015
Corrective feedback is regarded as a crucial element in the process of developing second language... more Corrective feedback is regarded as a crucial element in the process of developing second language acquisition (SLA); it is argued, to supply comprehensible samples of target language necessary for SLA (Long, 1988). This paper will focus on corrective feedback in language classrooms relating to oral production. Corrective feedback as an instructional device is when a teacher corrects the utterance of a learner’s error; it has both explicit and implicit modes. Recasts as a form of implicit corrective feedback is both an efficient and effective corrective tool in the language classroom that is arguably misunderstood in the English as a foreign language (EFL) context as lazy teaching.
Conference Presentations by Brad Perks
17th Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium , 2016
The aim of the research is to provide empirical evidence about the most effective form of CF for ... more The aim of the research is to provide empirical evidence about the most effective form of CF for learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Japan. Acquisition was measured by means of an oral imitation test (designed to measure implicit knowledge) and an untimed grammaticality judgment test (designed to measure explicit knowledge). This study sets out to examine the acquisition of inflectional morphemes among subjects receiving both explicit and implicit forms of corrective feedback. Statistical comparisons of the learners’ performance in the delayed post-tests showed a clear advantage for explicit feedback over implicit feedback in both the delayed imitation and grammaticality judgment post-tests. The results indicated a strong effect for metalinguistic explanation.
Papers by Brad Perks
Conference Presentations by Brad Perks