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eKultur Privacy Policy

This privacy statement concerns the systems that KulturIT develops and runs on behalf of museums and other institutions’ professional work on documentation, administration and dissemination of art, culture and natural history collections, in addition to services KulturIT runs that build directly on these systems.

eKultur is the collective term for the systems and comprises five solutions:

  • Primus for documenting and managing the collections in the database internally at museums and other establishments that have collections, and Primus as a collection management tool.
  • DigitaltMuseum is a web service that makes the collections available and presents them online, with the opportunity for the audience to create their own user accounts. New services can be created based on data from DigitaltMuseum. Oslobilder.no is an example of such a service that is directly based on DigitaltMuseum, and is therefore covered by this privacy statement.
  • KulturNav is a web service for registering and managing common sets of data for registration and linking of data across museums and collections, also with the opportunity for the audience to create their own user accounts.
  • KulturPunkt is for creating dissemination content, and storing it in an internal database, which is then communicated either online, in a separate application or on tablets in exhibitions.
  • Minner, a web service for the purposeful collection of people’s personal histories, for research and publication, with the opportunity for the audience to create their own user accounts.

eKultur is used first and foremost by museums, but also by other establishments that disseminate, manage collections and carry out museum tasks. For the sake of clarity, we will hereinafter refer to all establishments that use eKultur as museums.

The museums are themselves responsible for the information added to the eKultur system by the staff, including when the information flows from one part of the system to the other, for instance when publishing the collections from Primus to DigitaltMuseum. Several of the systems let the audience get in touch with the museums. Information that is sent to the museums via this communication can in many instances be counted as a part of the collection documentation or the collections. The museums are responsible for this information also.

In other words, the museums are responsible for the processing of close to all of the information in the eKultur systems. Where KulturIT stores or in other ways process this data, through running websites and databases, we are the data processors. The relation between data controller and the data processors in eKultur is regulated through a separate data processing agreement.

The museum’s own privacy statements must explain how they process this information and how you make enquiries regarding personal data. You will find the museums’ privacy statements on their websites. The links to the museums’ websites are on DigitaltMuseum’s website.

KulturIT is the data controller of some of the information in eKultur. This primarily applies to personal data that private users of the eKultur systems register if they decide to create their own user accounts. The aim of collecting and processing information related to user accounts is to provide additional functionalities, such as creating folders with objects on DigitaltMuseum and sharing stories on Minner. You can send an email to KulturIT and ask to have your account removed and personal data erased at any time.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2