Papers by sarah scheepers
Steunpunt bestuurlijke …, 2005
KULeuven. ...

Displaying Competence in Organizations, 2011
Since the 1990s, public administrations in OECD countries have undergone fundamental reforms to b... more Since the 1990s, public administrations in OECD countries have undergone fundamental reforms to become more efficient service providers. The changing global economy, dramatic technological change and increased expectations of government performance required new attention to a complex set of public skills and capacity (Siugždiniene˙, 2006). The goal was to make state administrations operate more like privatesector companies, and so flattened hierarchies, modern management systems that increase accountability, performance management and the like were introduced. This evolution in public administration was captured under the name ‘new public management’ (NPM) (Pollit and Bouckaert, 2000). NPM practices augmented the demand for more functional and social diversity in public organizations. Otherwise, the reasoning was, the public sector would not be able to compete with private-sector organizations. In order to attract the most talented personnel, recruitment and selection of civil servants were based more on competencies and less on rigid criteria such as diploma requirements. Competency management was seen as a neutral way of selecting the ‘best’ person for the job and it became part of modern human resources management (HRM).
... [email protected] +32(0)16/32.32.86. KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Page 2. 2 A... more ... [email protected] +32(0)16/32.32.86. KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Page 2. 2 ABSTRACT ... Foucault, M. (1983) The Subject and Power. In: H. Dreyfus and P. Rabinow (eds) Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, 2nd edition. ...
Superdiversiteit en intersectionaliteit werden buzzwords. Maar wat betekenen ze precies en wat is... more Superdiversiteit en intersectionaliteit werden buzzwords. Maar wat betekenen ze precies en wat is hun belang voor de (activistische) praktijk? Onderzoekers van de VUB, de Universiteit van Utrecht en de Universiteit van California gingen met enkele actoren uit het Vlaamse middenveld in gesprek die werkzaam zijn in Ella, Uit de Marge, Merhaba en Kif Kif. We publiceren de neerslag van dit uitgebreide rondetafelgesprek.
... om voortdurend 'over het muurtje' te blijven kijken, goede praktijken te verzamelen... more ... om voortdurend 'over het muurtje' te blijven kijken, goede praktijken te verzamelen en van elkaar te willen leren. ... Social Philosophy and Policy 8(2): 130-149. SCHEEPERS Sarah (2006) Changing discourses and changing policies. From equality to diversity in the public sector. ...
Op 25 juli 2006 werden in een derde benoemingsronde 30 topmanagers door de Vlaamse regering benoe... more Op 25 juli 2006 werden in een derde benoemingsronde 30 topmanagers door de Vlaamse regering benoemd. Deze benoemingsronde volgde op de eerste twee benoemingsrondes, waarin 63 topambtenaren via herplaatsing werden benoemd. De derde benoemingsronde ...
In this paper we look at the way that the meaning of the concept of diversity is being shaped in ... more In this paper we look at the way that the meaning of the concept of diversity is being shaped in the Diversity Action Plans of the federal Belgian and in the Flemish public sector. Studying the Action Plans as texts is important, because being able to define the meaning of diversity, equals defining the way that diversity is concretized and incorporated in public organizations. We will see that the concept of diversity contains several contradictions. The most important ones are that the focus (still) lies on individual merit as a basic principle, and the final goal is unity in the public sector. Finally, the way that diversity is shaped, also has consequences for the roles of leaders in the practical diversity management.
Papers by sarah scheepers