Articles and book chapters in English by Peter De Mey

Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Culture of Dialogue: The Legacy of André Scrima. Series Currents of Encounter, ed. Viorel Coman and Ioan Alexandru Tofan (Paris: Cerf, 2024), 163-188., 2024
There are several ways to discuss the role of the observers at Vatican II. This chapter will foll... more There are several ways to discuss the role of the observers at Vatican II. This chapter will follow a chronological approach that focuses on the activity and intellectual contributions of the Romanian Orthodox monk André Scrima, who closely followed both the preparations of Vatican II and the actual Council in between 1960 and 1965. Scrima was in Rome not as a private person but upon request by the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, whose personal representative he would become as of the third session. In the diary fragments that make mention of Scrima, in his publications and in a number of unpublished expressions of concern which Scrima was able to communicate to the Pope, we encounter an observer with a great interest in the persons and ideas of the Council, who was not afraid to criticize the Catholic Church in view of improving Orthodox-Catholic relations.
As part of a colloquium on the ‘Interface of Church and
Politics Today in India’ have presented ... more As part of a colloquium on the ‘Interface of Church and
Politics Today in India’ have presented a literature review on the topic
of the abuse crisis, since it is a scandal which affects both
Church and society. As a systematic theologian I will
especially highlight the fact that the abuse crisis also affects
the content of our theology.
The main goal of this article is to investigate whether the
conciliar documents and their prepara... more The main goal of this article is to investigate whether the
conciliar documents and their preparatory stages describe the collaboration between laity and their pastors in a way which describes an accountable Church. We did not encounter a technical definition of accountability in the documents of Vatican II. However, if creating a greater culture of accountability refers to the willingness of all members of the people of God to have the quality of their Christian life evaluated by other members, then we encountered such pleas in the attention to the mutual relationship of ordained and lay faithful during the preparation of the conciliar documents.
![Research paper thumbnail of "The Evolution of the Theology of the Laity in the Work of Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Hans Küng and Edward Schillebeeckx: Implications for Co-responsibility in a Synodal Church,” in Studia Canonica 58 (2024) [forthcoming]](
The first draft of the pre-conciliar De Ecclesia stressed the mutual relations between the laity ... more The first draft of the pre-conciliar De Ecclesia stressed the mutual relations between the laity and the ordained rather than their differences, while asserting the role of the laity in the Church and world in a chapter drafted by the Louvain peritus Gérard Philips. During the last revision of the chapter on the laity in Lumen gentium, the suggestion of Belgian Cardinal Suenens was accepted to grant the laity the possibility of assuming tasks of a spiritual nature in the Church. Some of these ideas were also found in publications on this theme that four Catholic theologians and Council periti-Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Hans Küng, and Edward Schillebeeckxhad written since the 1959 announcement of the Council. The theologies on the laity of Congar, Rahner, and Schillebeeckx definitely changed in this period. By 1962, Schillebeeckx had given up his initial conviction of a distinct mission of the laity and the ordained. Until 1966, Rahner defended his thesis of the unique secular orientation of the laity. Congar discovered only in 1971 that he had denied the laity any role at the level of the structure of the Church. From his 1962 book Structures of the Church forward, Küng defended the universal priesthood of all believers as a whole from the basic structure of the Church. Finally, following the synthesis report A Synodal Church in Mission of the first session of the Sixteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops from start to finish, I will highlight lines of thought that can be traced to the works of Congar, Rahner, Schillebeeckx, and Küng. RÉSUMÉ-La première version préconciliaire du De Ecclesia mettait l'accent sur les relations mutuelles entre laïcs et ordonnés plutôt que sur leurs différences, tout en affirmant le rôle des laïcs dans l'Église et dans le monde dans un chapitre rédigé par le peritus de Louvain Gérard Philips. Lors de la dernière révision du chapitre sur les laïcs dans Lumen gentium, la suggestion du cardinal belge Suenens a été acceptée pour accorder aux laïcs la possibilité d'assumer des tâches de nature spirituelle dans l'Église. Certaines de ces idées ont également été reprises dans les publications sur ce thème que quatre théologiens catholiques et periti du Concile-Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Hans Küng et Edward Schillebeeckxont écrites depuis l'annonce du Concile en 1959. Les théologies sur les laïcs de Congar, Rahner et Schillebeeckx ont définitivement changé au cours de cette période. En 1962, Schillebeeckx avait abandonné sa conviction initiale d'une mission distincte des laïcs et des ordonnés. Jusqu'en 1966, Rahner a défendu sa thèse de l'orientation séculière unique des laïcs. Congar n'a découvert qu'en 1971 qu'il avait dénié aux laïcs tout rôle au niveau de la structure de l'Église. À partir de son livre Structures de l'Église, publié en 1962, Küng a défendu le sacerdoce universel de tous les croyants en tant qu'ensemble de la structure de base de l'Église. Enfin, en suivant de bout en bout le rapport de synthèse Rapport de synthèse Une Église synodale en mission de la première session de la seizième Assemblée générale ordinaire du Synode des évêques, je mettrai en lumière les lignes de pensée qui peuvent être rattachées aux travaux de Congar, Rahner, Schillebeeckx et Küng.

In this chapter I first remind the reader of the efforts made
by Catholic ecumenists during the ... more In this chapter I first remind the reader of the efforts made
by Catholic ecumenists during the Second Vatican Council to ensure that
the quality of the conciliar documents would be a good starting point for
Orthodox-Catholic dialogue. Thereafter I give an overview of the
work of the multilateral and bilateral official dialogues at international
level. Finally, I pay attention to the work of two selected regional or
local dialogues, the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological
Consultation and the Ecumenical study group of German Protestant and
Catholic theologians, making the suggestion that the international dialogue should be less afraid to enter into closer collaboration with the
work done in regional dialogues. As a motto for this paper I have chosen to repeat the title of the third chapter of the only encyclical which has thus far been dedicated to the cause of ecumenism, the 1995 encyclical Ut unum sint on Commitment to Ecumenism by Pope John Paul II.
FULL REFERENCE: Peter De Mey, “Revisiting the Redaction History of Lumen Gentium 16-17 in Respons... more FULL REFERENCE: Peter De Mey, “Revisiting the Redaction History of Lumen Gentium 16-17 in Response to a Recent Debate in Catholic Theology of Interreligious Dialogue,” in Answerable for Our Beliefs: Reflections on Theology and Contemporary Culture Offered to Terrence Merrigan. Louvain Theological & Pastoral Monographs, 48, ed. Peter De Mey, Kristof Struys and Viorel Coman (Leuven: Peeters, 2022), 347-390.

'Res opportunae nostrae aetatis'. Studies on Vatican II Offered to M. Lamberigts, ed. Dries Bosschaert & Johan Leemans (Leuven: Peeters; BETL, 317), 245-275, 2020
In this chapter we will follow the difficult cooperation between the Secretariat for Christian Un... more In this chapter we will follow the difficult cooperation between the Secretariat for Christian Unity and the Oriental Commission from the debate on the Schema decreti de Ecclesiae unitate “Ut omnes unum sint" during the first session on 26-30 November, 1962 till the presentation of the new Schema decreti de oecumenismo during the second session on November 18, 1963. The chapter will not so much focus on the content of the different drafts but on the tensions and difficult relations between the members and periti of both commissions and especially between Msgr. Willebrands, the secretary of the Secretariat for Christian Unity and Fr. Welykyj, the secretary of the Oriental Commission. As will appear from the final section of this chapter, the emotional letters exchanged by Willebrands and Welykyj on September 24 and October 25 definitely constitute the climax of the polemic.
Le souci de toutes les Églises. Hommage à Joseph Famerée, ed. Benoît Bourgine (Peeters: BETL, 314), 2020
The availability of the Vatican II archives of Christophe-Jean Dumont (1897-1991), Yves Congar (1... more The availability of the Vatican II archives of Christophe-Jean Dumont (1897-1991), Yves Congar (1904-1995) and Emmanuel Lanne (1923-2010) has allowed us to study a number of unpublished papers from the announcement of the Council till the promulgation of Lumen Gentium, Unitatis Redintegratio and Orientalium Ecclesiarum on November 21, 1964. Interestingly, only one motivation inspired their ecumenical work: the hope that the Second Vatican Council would soon be followed by the start of the official Orthodox-Roman Catholic international dialogue.
In this contribution I argue for the ecumenical significance of the Catholic teaching on the theo... more In this contribution I argue for the ecumenical significance of the Catholic teaching on the theological virtue of love since it testifies to the priority of God’s love for us as revealed in the incarnation and saving death of Christ. In the first two sections of my contribution the focus will be on the two documents of the Second Vatican Council dealing with the Church, the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium and the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes. In the third and fourth section I will explore whether the encyclicals of Pope Benedict XVI - Deus Caritas Est (2005), Spe Salvi (2007) and Caritas in Veritate (2009) - and three longer texts by Pope Francis - Evangelii Gaudium (2013), Amoris Laetita (2016) and Gaudete et Exsultate (2018) - reflect the same strong focus on charity as the human response to God’s love for us.

This article reconstructs the evolution of the teaching of Vatican II on the actors involved in t... more This article reconstructs the evolution of the teaching of Vatican II on the actors involved in the prophetic office in the Church in LG 12, LG 25 and DV 7-10. The Council did not want to convey a completely different message when speaking about the infallibility of Pope and bishops in the third chapter of Lumen Gentium compared to its earlier treatment of the infallibilitas in credendo in chapter two. In both LG 12 and LG 25, the people of God and the hierarchy are considered active subjects. Ormond Rush and the International Theological Commission have transformed the bi-polar circularity between bishops and pastors of DV 10 into a tri-polar circularity. For Rush, the faithful, the magisterium, and the theologians constitute one teaching office in the Church. The International Theological Commission pays attention to the interplay between the sensus fidelium, episcopal collegiality, and papal primacy within a theology of synodality. From Vatican II until today, the most important message remains that a strict separation between the teaching Church and the learning Church should be avoided.
In this contribution I reconstruct the redaction history of the paragraphs dealing with the 'tria... more In this contribution I reconstruct the redaction history of the paragraphs dealing with the 'tria munera' in the interconnected chapters two and four of Lumen Gentium. The declarations Presbyterorum Ordinis, Apostolicam Actuositatem and Ad Gentes received their decisive form only during the last session of the council. I will pay attention to the discussion on the tria munera in these documents as well, before making it clear that, unfortunately, post-conciliar magisterial documents rely more on the dual scheme of Lumen Gentium 10 than on the tria munera.
In recent years a discussion has been taking place on whether it would make sense to work towards... more In recent years a discussion has been taking place on whether it would make sense to work towards a Joint Declaration on Church, Eucharist and Ministry between the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches. The invitation was made by Cardinal Koch who, however, set a preliminary condition that the twofold Grunddifferenz both with regard to their understanding of the Church and their model of unity would first be overcome. After introducing Cardinal Koch's views on the matter, this article discusses a number of recent documents by ecumenical bodies and contributions by individual theologians-all written on the occasion of the 2017 commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the symbolic start of the Reformation-that, explicitly or implicitly , comment on aspects of Cardinal Koch's proposal.

Imparare da mezzo secolo di dialogo con le chiese nate dalla Riforma per la riforma della chiesa ... more Imparare da mezzo secolo di dialogo con le chiese nate dalla Riforma per la riforma della chiesa cattolica oggi Peter de Mey 1. Preludio: Papa Francesco e Gustave Thilsle aspettative per la riforma della chiesa durante il concilio Vaticano II e la loro auspicata realizzazione cinquant'anni dopo Personalmente sono molto contento che gli organizzatori di questo seminario non abbiano dimenticato di prestare particolare attenzione al legame tra ecumenismo e riforma della chiesa e del suo interno. Papa Francesco doveva essere consapevole dello stesso collegamento quando, dedicando il primo dei molti riferimenti ai documenti del concilio Vaticano II, nella Evangelii gaudium si rifà a Unitatis redintegratio 6 (novembre 1964): «Ogni rinnovamento della chiesa consiste essenzialmente in un'accresciuta fedeltà alla sua vocazione […]. La chiesa peregrinante [...] è chiamata da Cristo a questa continua riforma, di cui essa, in quanto istituzione umana e terrena, ha sempre bisogno» 1 . Esattamente cinquant'anni prima, il teologo di Lovanio e membro del Segretariato per l'unità dei cristiani, Gustave Thils, aveva sostenuto nell'edizione riveduta del suo
Response paper to the assessment of Roman Catholic dogma hermeneutics by Lutheran professor prof.... more Response paper to the assessment of Roman Catholic dogma hermeneutics by Lutheran professor prof. em. Gunther Wenz

In this chapter I discuss three different configurations of how both important goals have been ar... more In this chapter I discuss three different configurations of how both important goals have been articulated in the 1950s, in the first years of the Council and towards its end. In the decade before Vatican II a number of Catholic theologians contributed to a renewal of the self-understanding of the Church by applying the notion of sacrament to the Church. This self-understanding was at the same time a ressourcement since the Dominicans Congar and Schillebeeckx and the Jesuits Lubac, Rahner and Semmelroth engaged in a fresh reading of the third part of the Summa Theologiae to reflect (i) on the incarnated Son of God as mediator of God’s grace, (ii) on the Church as sacrament and (iii) on the ecclesial effects of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. A difference between these theologians could be observed in view of their openness to modernity and the world. Schillebeeckx, with his use of the terminology of ‘encounter’, Semmelroth, who insisted on the role of the laity in the sacramental mission of the Church and Rahner, who already anticipated his theory of anonymous Christianity, were most interested in this theme.
The views of these theologians have been officially received – often with the cooperation of the same theologians as Council periti – in the central role the notion of Church as sacrament has received in Lumen Gentium. By giving this image a central place the Council fathers wanted to give up the self-centeredness of pre-Conciliar Roman Catholic ecclesiology. The Church has in first instance to be a sign and a modest instrument of God’s offer of grace to humankind. Interestingly, in the Council’s reflections on Christ as sacrament, the Church as sacrament and the effects of the sacraments, the very same key texts from Aquinas were cited that had been used in the works of the mentioned theologians. The term sacramentum mundi is not yet found in the preparation of Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium or Unitatis Redintegratio during the first and second session. The German scheme, which had a strong impact on the opening paragraph of Lumen Gentium, was particularly interested in the relationship of Church and world. In distinction from this, the quotations of LG 1 and LG 48 in Ad Gentes and Gaudium et Spes as well as Schillebeeckx’ interpretation of the notion of Church as sacrament as sacramentum mundi reflect a greater interest in the instrumental role of the Church. What Schillebeeckx has learned from St. Thomas, however, is never abandoned. For him Aquinas was an authority, as for his fellow theologians at Vatican II.
In my contribution I compare both the process and some partial results of the Council with the Se... more In my contribution I compare both the process and some partial results of the Council with the Second Vatican Council which the Catholic Church organized in 1962-1965. I will first compare a few more general aspects of the Second Vatican Council with the pan-orthodox Council. I will limit myself to the role of theologians, of canon law, and of the observers. Thereafter I will focus on the document on the Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World, which allows for a fruitful comparison with Unitatis Redintegratio and Lumen Gentium, but also contains comments on the post-conciliar time of ecumenism.
In October 2015 the Jesuits from La Civiltà Caatolica convened 30 Roman Catholic ecclesiologists,... more In October 2015 the Jesuits from La Civiltà Caatolica convened 30 Roman Catholic ecclesiologists, historians, ecumenists and canon lawyers to support the Reform program of Pope Francis. One of the sessions focused on what we can learn from the ecumenical dialogues for the reform of our own Church. My presentation dealt with the dialogue with the mainstream Protestant churches. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL ENGLISH ARTICLE TRANSLATED IN ITALIAN IN Antonio Spadaro & Carlos Maria Galli (eds.), La riforma e le riforme nella Chiesa, Brescia, Queriniana, 2016.
In this article, published in Czech language in a Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Ivana Noble, I compar... more In this article, published in Czech language in a Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Ivana Noble, I compare both the process and some partial results of the 2016 Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church with the Second Vatican Council which the Catholic Church organized in 1962-1965. I will first compare a few more general aspects of the Second Vatican Council with the pan-orthodox Council. I will limit myself to the role of theologians, of canon law, and of the observers. Thereafter I will focus on the document on the Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World, which allows for a fruitful comparison with Unitatis Redintegratio and Lumen Gentium, but also contains comments on the post-conciliar time of ecumenism.
Articles and book chapters in English by Peter De Mey
Politics Today in India’ have presented a literature review on the topic
of the abuse crisis, since it is a scandal which affects both
Church and society. As a systematic theologian I will
especially highlight the fact that the abuse crisis also affects
the content of our theology.
conciliar documents and their preparatory stages describe the collaboration between laity and their pastors in a way which describes an accountable Church. We did not encounter a technical definition of accountability in the documents of Vatican II. However, if creating a greater culture of accountability refers to the willingness of all members of the people of God to have the quality of their Christian life evaluated by other members, then we encountered such pleas in the attention to the mutual relationship of ordained and lay faithful during the preparation of the conciliar documents.
by Catholic ecumenists during the Second Vatican Council to ensure that
the quality of the conciliar documents would be a good starting point for
Orthodox-Catholic dialogue. Thereafter I give an overview of the
work of the multilateral and bilateral official dialogues at international
level. Finally, I pay attention to the work of two selected regional or
local dialogues, the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological
Consultation and the Ecumenical study group of German Protestant and
Catholic theologians, making the suggestion that the international dialogue should be less afraid to enter into closer collaboration with the
work done in regional dialogues. As a motto for this paper I have chosen to repeat the title of the third chapter of the only encyclical which has thus far been dedicated to the cause of ecumenism, the 1995 encyclical Ut unum sint on Commitment to Ecumenism by Pope John Paul II.
The views of these theologians have been officially received – often with the cooperation of the same theologians as Council periti – in the central role the notion of Church as sacrament has received in Lumen Gentium. By giving this image a central place the Council fathers wanted to give up the self-centeredness of pre-Conciliar Roman Catholic ecclesiology. The Church has in first instance to be a sign and a modest instrument of God’s offer of grace to humankind. Interestingly, in the Council’s reflections on Christ as sacrament, the Church as sacrament and the effects of the sacraments, the very same key texts from Aquinas were cited that had been used in the works of the mentioned theologians. The term sacramentum mundi is not yet found in the preparation of Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium or Unitatis Redintegratio during the first and second session. The German scheme, which had a strong impact on the opening paragraph of Lumen Gentium, was particularly interested in the relationship of Church and world. In distinction from this, the quotations of LG 1 and LG 48 in Ad Gentes and Gaudium et Spes as well as Schillebeeckx’ interpretation of the notion of Church as sacrament as sacramentum mundi reflect a greater interest in the instrumental role of the Church. What Schillebeeckx has learned from St. Thomas, however, is never abandoned. For him Aquinas was an authority, as for his fellow theologians at Vatican II.
Politics Today in India’ have presented a literature review on the topic
of the abuse crisis, since it is a scandal which affects both
Church and society. As a systematic theologian I will
especially highlight the fact that the abuse crisis also affects
the content of our theology.
conciliar documents and their preparatory stages describe the collaboration between laity and their pastors in a way which describes an accountable Church. We did not encounter a technical definition of accountability in the documents of Vatican II. However, if creating a greater culture of accountability refers to the willingness of all members of the people of God to have the quality of their Christian life evaluated by other members, then we encountered such pleas in the attention to the mutual relationship of ordained and lay faithful during the preparation of the conciliar documents.
by Catholic ecumenists during the Second Vatican Council to ensure that
the quality of the conciliar documents would be a good starting point for
Orthodox-Catholic dialogue. Thereafter I give an overview of the
work of the multilateral and bilateral official dialogues at international
level. Finally, I pay attention to the work of two selected regional or
local dialogues, the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological
Consultation and the Ecumenical study group of German Protestant and
Catholic theologians, making the suggestion that the international dialogue should be less afraid to enter into closer collaboration with the
work done in regional dialogues. As a motto for this paper I have chosen to repeat the title of the third chapter of the only encyclical which has thus far been dedicated to the cause of ecumenism, the 1995 encyclical Ut unum sint on Commitment to Ecumenism by Pope John Paul II.
The views of these theologians have been officially received – often with the cooperation of the same theologians as Council periti – in the central role the notion of Church as sacrament has received in Lumen Gentium. By giving this image a central place the Council fathers wanted to give up the self-centeredness of pre-Conciliar Roman Catholic ecclesiology. The Church has in first instance to be a sign and a modest instrument of God’s offer of grace to humankind. Interestingly, in the Council’s reflections on Christ as sacrament, the Church as sacrament and the effects of the sacraments, the very same key texts from Aquinas were cited that had been used in the works of the mentioned theologians. The term sacramentum mundi is not yet found in the preparation of Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium or Unitatis Redintegratio during the first and second session. The German scheme, which had a strong impact on the opening paragraph of Lumen Gentium, was particularly interested in the relationship of Church and world. In distinction from this, the quotations of LG 1 and LG 48 in Ad Gentes and Gaudium et Spes as well as Schillebeeckx’ interpretation of the notion of Church as sacrament as sacramentum mundi reflect a greater interest in the instrumental role of the Church. What Schillebeeckx has learned from St. Thomas, however, is never abandoned. For him Aquinas was an authority, as for his fellow theologians at Vatican II.
Part I focuses on the foundations of theology, viz. Scripture, tradition(s), and/or reason. Part II investigates the important theological issues that have their roots in the Reformation Era, including the tensile relationship between sin, grace, free will, justification and sanctification, and the controversies related to the Eucharist, including the notion of sacrifice. Part III examines democratization and leadership structures in the Church. Part IV explores what a historically-informed awareness can contribute to an ecumenically-oriented reflection on the renewal and reform of the Church today.
The ten contributions to this book share the common interest of finding viable and vital connections between the Spirit and hermeneutics. Part 1 is entitled “Pneumatology and Hermeneutics” and contains four contributions respectively authored by Anthony Godzieba, Wolfgang Vondey, John Levison and Ma. Marilou S. Ibita. The studies by John Pawlikowski and Laura Tack form the second part which deals with the Spirit and Jewish-Christian Relations. In part 3 we meet three contributions on “The Spirit and Orthodox Theology” authored by Ekaterini Tsalampouni, Pantelis Kalaitzidis and Viorel Coman respectively. The book closes with an epilogue (entitled “Four Questions on the Trinity, Pneumatology, and Jewish-Christian Relations”) by Amy-Jill Levine which offers a critical evaluation of the central ideas of the book.
This book is the fruit of an international, interdisciplinary conference entitled “The Spirit, Hermeneutics and Dialogues” that was held in Leuven on May 25-27, 2016. This conference was the climax and conclusion of a four-year research project which was made possible by a grant from the Research Council of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. It is our hope that the pneumatological and future-oriented focus of this book will renew the dialogues among Jews and Christians as well as among different Christian traditions by opening new vistas for renewed dialogues.
restricted to a discussion of the role of the priest in the Church. In the final draft of Lumen Gentium the same pattern of the tria munera is used to describe the priestly, prophetic and royal tasks of the people of God as a whole (LG 9-12), the bishops (LG 25-27), the priests (LG 28) and the laity (LG 34-36). Already in Presbyterorum Ordinis but especially in a number of documents from the post-conciliar magisterium attempts have been made to define the identity of the priest in isolation from the mission of the laity. By stating that the priest receives his identity precisely from being deeply connected with the other members of the people of God, Pope Francis reconfirms the wisdom of LG 37: “From this familiar relationship between laity and pastors many advantages for the Church can be expected”.
Een ploeg van een 20-tal vertalers en een 25-tal theologische adviseurs uit Noord en Zuid zette zich aan het werk onder de leiding van een kernredactie die bestond uit: M. Lamberigts, P. De Mey, H. Witte, K. Schelkens, H. Tercic en D. Bosschaert. Het geheel werd voorzien van een historische inleiding en elk document kreeg eveneens een inleiding waarin zowel het tot stand komen van het document als de receptie ervan wordt behandeld. In dit boek wordt de nieuwe Nederlandse vertaling naast de oorspronkelijke Latijnse tekst afgedrukt. Een standaardwerk voor al wie betrokken is bij de Kerk en de studie ervan.
Het is mogelijk om de vernieuwde opvatting over katholiciteit in de conciliedocumenten terug te vinden, wanneer men die paragrafen in Lumen Gentium en Unitatis Redintegratio bestudeert waarin de term “katholiciteit” voorkomt. Enkele paragrafen in Lumen Gentium, Christus Dominus en Ad Gentes waarin het adjectief “katholiek” toegeschreven wordt aan de Kerk van Christus of aan het begrip “eenheid” zijn in dezelfde geest geschreven. Het is echter bekend dat tijdens het tweede Vaticaans concilie pogingen om nieuwe ecclesiologische denkpistes te verkennen soms genuanceerd en/of geneutraliseerd werden door de invoeging van paragrafen die de vroegere theorievorming hieromtrent reflecteren. Hiervan zal ik ook de meest sprekende voorbeelden ter sprake brengen.
My article has been published in the 2015/2 issue of the ecumenical journal IRENIKON of the Benedictine monks of Chevetogne, which has been published since 83 years! This issue presents the fruits of a half day colloquium which took place on the theme of 'The Orthodox Church and Vatican II', in the presence of His All-Holiness Bartholomew I, ecumenical patriarch. The other contributors are Joseph Famerée, "L'Eglise locale selon Lumen Gentium: Réactions orthodoxes à l'époque du concilie" and Sorin Selaru, "La synodalité et l'autorité au niveau régional dans l'Eglise: de Lumen Gentium au Document de Ravenne" as well as the response of the ecumenical patriarch. For more information on IRENIKON: and on the bi-ritual monastery of Chevetogne:
At the council we can identify two kinds of periti, those appointed as advisers to the council itself and those who accompanied individual bishops. The conciliar periti could attend the general congregations, that is the general meetings in which the entire conciliar body conducted its business, but the bishops’ personal periti could not. The periti could not vote during the general congregations but had an important role during the commission meetings. As a way of introducing the importance of these theological advisers, we will focus on three ‘couples’ of theologians – Gérard Philips and Yves Congar, Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger, Hans Küng and Edward Schillebeeckx. The chapter ends with a brief description of the role of other non-voting participants: non-Catholic observers, male and female lay and religious auditors, and finally the journalists, with special attention to the Belgian Jan Grootaers.
MET. MAXIM HERMANIUK, C.SS.R., ed. Jaroslav Skira and Peter De Mey, Leuven, Peeters, forthcoming. It will be a companion volume to THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL DIARIES OF MET. MAXIM HERMANIUK, translated by Jaroslav Skira and annotated by Karim Schelkens, Leuven, Peeters, 2012.
ABSTRACT OF MY ARTICLE: In the documents of Vatican II one finds two different versions describing the relations of Catholics with Orthodox Christians: the final section of the Decree on the Eastern Catholic churches (Orientalium ecclesiarum, OE 24-29) and the first part of chapter three of the Decree on ecumenism (Unitatis redintegratio, UR 14-18). The diaries of Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk make it clear that this eminent representative of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church was interested in each new draft of both decrees and tried to have an impact on its formulations through oral speeches, observations submitted in written form and modi. For each of the sessions and intersessions, prior to the promulgation of both decrees in November 1964, I will analyze Hermaniuk’s reactions while also describing the evolution of his contacts with both the Congregation for the Eastern Churches (Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus) and the Secretariat for Christian Unity, of which he became a member in November 1963. The final document that will be introduced is Hermaniuk’s brief commentary on the Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches . Hermaniuk’s reactions will be compared with those of his fellow Ukrainian bishops, famous representatives of other Eastern Catholic churches (Patriarch Maximos IV Saigh and Bishop Edelby), and his fellow members in the Secretariat for Christian Unity (like, Fr. Emmanuel Lanne).
1. Prelude: famous 19th century Orthodox portrayals of the Roman Catholic Church
2. The power of the hierarchy and the obedience of the laity in Mystici Corporis (1943) and in the Draft of a Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (1962)
3. Vatican II’s Focus on the Participation of the Entire People of God in the Threefold Office of Christ
4. A stronger focus on priestly identity under the pontificates of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI
4.1. Instruction on Certain Questions regarding the Collaboration of the Non-ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest (1997)
4.2. The new Directory for the Ministry and the Life of Priests (2013)
5. Pope Francis on the relationship between priests and laity
6. Postlude: The advice given by a contemporary Orthodox theologian to all churches “with developed administrative structures”