Papers by Matthias E. Storme

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Aug 26, 2004
For every transnational lawyer, it is vital to know the differences between national secured tran... more For every transnational lawyer, it is vital to know the differences between national secured transactions laws. Since the applicable law is determined by the place where the collateral is situated, it may change when movables are brought from one state to another. Introductory essays from comparative lawyers set the scene. The book then presents a survey of the law relating to secured transactions in the member states of the European Union. Following the Common Core approach, the national reports are centred around fifteen hypothetical cases dealing with the most important issues of secured transactions law, such as the creation of security rights in different business situations, the relationship between debtor and secured creditor, the nature of the creditor's rights and their enforcement as against third parties. Each case is followed by a comparative summary. A general report evaluates the possibilities of European harmonisation in the field of secured transactions law.
European Review of Private Law
The French Contract Law Reform: a Source of Inspiration?
De wereld die wij willen is een Vlaanderen verlost van velerlei onvrijheid en bevoogding, weer va... more De wereld die wij willen is een Vlaanderen verlost van velerlei onvrijheid en bevoogding, weer vaderhuis voor zijn verstrooide kinderen De wereld die wij willen is Europa uit zoveel eeuwen ongeduld verzameld en toegezegd aan wie geen wanhoop kennen.

Buitengewoon hoogleraar (privaatrecht, rechtsvergelijking, levensbeschouwing) KU Leuven en Univer... more Buitengewoon hoogleraar (privaatrecht, rechtsvergelijking, levensbeschouwing) KU Leuven en Universiteit Antwerpen 1. Mij is gevraagd om in deze cyclus enkele kritische bedenkingen te formuleren na de uiteenzetting van prof. BREMS over de "Grondslagen" van de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens. Mensenrechten. Aangezien onze filosofische uitgangspunten nogal verschillend zijn, is dit meteen ook een goede test om na te gaan in hoeverre er over deze vraag inderdaad een "overlapping consensus" is. Dat er een overlapping consensus is, zal allicht niemand ontkennen, de vraag is evenwel hoe groot die overlapping consensus dan wel is. Deze vraag wordt door collega BREMS evenwel in zekere zin uit de weg gegaan door te stellen dat een van de belangrijkste vragen betreffende de mensenrechten, namelijk de universaliteit ervan, geen empirisch gegeven is, maar een normatief element dat geen empirische fundering behoeft. De grondslag van de mensenrechten ligt dan
Page 1. J. de Groof, F. Judo & ME Storme (Red.) De Vlaamse en Vlaming zijn nu Europese ui... more Page 1. J. de Groof, F. Judo & ME Storme (Red.) De Vlaamse en Vlaming zijn nu Europese uitdaging lannoocamPus Page 2. Page 3. DE VLAAMSE EN EUROPESE UITDAGING VLAMING ZIJN NU Page 4. Dit congres liep in ...

European review of private law, Dec 1, 2004
The case decided by the Belgian Hof van cassatie/Cour de cassation on 31 January 2002 concerns th... more The case decided by the Belgian Hof van cassatie/Cour de cassation on 31 January 2002 concerns the effects of avoidance in bankruptcy of an impeachable transaction by the bankrupt debtor disposing of assets, and especially the conflict with a subsequent acquirer of these assets. The bankrupt debtor (Transport de Koning) had transferred shortly before bankruptcy a trailer in lieu of payment to its creditor Diemotrans. Diemotrans had sold and delivered the trailer shortly after bankruptcy to a subsequent buyer in good faith, the LLC André. The insolvency administrator (Driessen) asked the court for a declaration of ineffectiveness of the transaction vis-à-vis the creditors and a condemnation of LLC Andre to restitute the trailer to the bankrupt estate. The Court decided that the claim of the insolvency administrator fails insofar as the conditions for bona fide acquisition by LLC Andre are met (actual possession and good faith).
Papers by Matthias E. Storme
English translation of the Opening speech at the 101st formal opening of the Vlaams Pleitgenootschap at the Brussels Bar on 8th November 1991. Originally published in Current legal Theory 1991.