Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat... more Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat. We describe findings from evaluation of a woman (55 years old) with obsessive compulsive disorder, which was treated with bilateral deep brain stimulation in the anterior limb of the internal capsule, and IBS. After the brain stimulation treatment she reported substantial relief of her IBS symptoms. This reduction depended on specific stimulation parameters, was reproducible over time, and was not directly associated with improvements in obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms. These observations indicate a specific effect of deep brain stimulation on IBS. This observation confirms involvement of specific brain structures in the pathophysiology of IBS and shows that symptoms can be reduced through modulation of neuronal activity in the central nervous system. Further studies of the effects of brain stimulation on IBS are required.
TBV – Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 2015
SamenvattingAchtergrond:de 12 angststoornissen die in de DSM-IV worden onderscheiden, zijn in de ... more SamenvattingAchtergrond:de 12 angststoornissen die in de DSM-IV worden onderscheiden, zijn in de DSM-5 uitgebreid tot 27 stoornissen die ondergebracht zijn in drie hoofdstukken: 1. de angststoornissen, 2. de obsessieve-compulsieve en verwante stoornissen (OCVS) en 3. de trauma en stressorgerelateerde stoornissen.Doel:bespreken van de belangrijkste verschillen tussen beide versies van de DSM.Methode:literatuuronderzoek.Resultaten:in de DSM-5 worden binnen de angststoornissen de classificaties ‘paniekstoornis’ en ‘agorafobie’ gescheiden en wordt de mogelijkheid geïntroduceerd om bij alle stoornissen de specificatie ‘met paniekaanvallen’ aan te brengen. Aan de groep OCVS worden ‘trichotillomanie’ en ‘stoornis in de lichaamsbeleving’ toegevoegd, alsmede de nieuwe diagnoses ‘excoriatie- of huidpulkstoornis’ en ‘verzamelstoornis’. Verder is de groep aanpassingsstoornissen samengevoegd met de groep traumastoornissen. Zoals elders in de DSM-5 zijn kinderpsychiatrische aandoeningen die fenomenologisch lijken op de stoornissen uit deze drie hoofdstukken hieraan toegevoegd en zijn per hoofdstuk twee restcategorieën gedefinieerd.Conclusie:de revisie van de DSM-IV is een herschikking van stoornissen die niet heeft geleid tot verheldering en inzicht in de samenhang en oorzaken van deze aandoeningen.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat... more Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat. We describe findings from evaluation of a woman (55 years old) with obsessive compulsive disorder, which was treated with bilateral deep brain stimulation in the anterior limb of the internal capsule, and IBS. After the brain stimulation treatment she reported substantial relief of her IBS symptoms. This reduction depended on specific stimulation parameters, was reproducible over time, and was not directly associated with improvements in obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms. These observations indicate a specific effect of deep brain stimulation on IBS. This observation confirms involvement of specific brain structures in the pathophysiology of IBS and shows that symptoms can be reduced through modulation of neuronal activity in the central nervous system. Further studies of the effects of brain stimulation on IBS are required.
The extremely intrusive and repetitive nature of the symptoms of patients with obsessive-compulsi... more The extremely intrusive and repetitive nature of the symptoms of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is suggestive of abnormalities in the decision-making process. This could explain why such patients realise how exaggerated and unreasonable their symptoms are, but time after time they become entrapped by them. To review the available research results relating to the underlying mechanisms of decision making and to link these to the characteristics of OCD. We studied the literature on the decision-making process in OCD with the help of PubMed. There is a correlation between abnormalities in the decision-making process and dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex, more specifically in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The activity in these areas in the course of functional imaging is different in OCD patients and in healthy persons. Evaluation of abnormal decision-making in OCD patients performed with the help of the Iowa Gambling Task (...
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is effective for patients with treatment-refractory obsessive-compul... more Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is effective for patients with treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. DBS of the ventral anterior limb of the internal capsule (vALIC) rapidly improves mood and anxiety with optimal stimulation parameters. To understand these rapid effects of vALIC-DBS, we studied functional interactions within the affective amygdala circuit. We compared resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging data during chronic stimulation versus one week of stimulation discontinuation in patients, and obtained two resting state scans from matched healthy volunteers to account for test-retest effects. Imaging data were analyzed using functional connectivity analysis and dynamic causal modelling. Improvement in mood and anxiety following DBS was associated with reduced amygdala-insula functional connectivity. Directional connectivity analysis revealed that DBS increased the impact of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex on the amygdala, and decreased the impact of the amygdala on the insula. These results highlight the importance of the amygdala circuit in the pathophysiology of OCD, and suggest a neural systems model through which negative mood and anxiety are modulated by vALIC-DBS for OCD and possibly other psychiatric disorders. .
In preparation for a multicenter study, a protocol was written on how to perform surgical targeti... more In preparation for a multicenter study, a protocol was written on how to perform surgical targeting of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, based on the lead implantation experience in patients with treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) at the Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven (UZ Leuven). When analyzing the postoperative images, we were struck by the fact that the difference between the postoperative position of the leads and the planned position seemed larger than expected. The precision of targeting in four patients with severe OCD who received bilateral model 3391 leads (Medtronic) was compared with the precision of targeting in the last seven patients who underwent surgery at UZ Leuven for movement disorders (four with Parkinson disease and three with essential tremor; all received bilateral leads). Because the leads implanted in six of the seven patients with movement disorders were model 3387 leads (Medtronic), targeting precision was also analyzed in four patients with OCD in whom model 3387 leads were implanted in the same target as the other patients with OCD. In the patients with OCD, every implanted lead deviated at least 1.3 mm from its intended position in at least one of three directions (lateral, anteroposterior, and depth), whereas in the patients with movement disorders, the maximal deviation of any of all implanted leads was 1.3 mm. The deviations in lead placement were comparable in patients with OCD who received a model 3387 implant and patients who received a model 3391 implant. In the patients with OCD, all leads were implanted more posteriorly than planned. The cause of the posterior deviation could not be determined with certainty. The most likely cause was an increased mechanical resistance of the brain tissue along the trajectory when following the targeting protocol compared with the trajectories classically used for subthalamic nucleus or ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus stimulation.
The 12 anxiety disorders which were defined in the DSM-IV, have been increased to 27 disorders in... more The 12 anxiety disorders which were defined in the DSM-IV, have been increased to 27 disorders in the DSM-5. These 27 disorders have been subdivided into three chapters: 1. anxiety disorders, 2. obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRD) and 3. trauma and stressor-related disorders. To describe the most important differences between the DSM-IV and DSM-5 classifications of the above-mentioned disorders. Survey of the relevant literature. Within the chapter on anxiety disorders in DSM-5 the classifications of 'panic disorder' and 'agoraphobia' have been separated. In addition, DSM-5 allows the specification 'with panic attacks' to be applied to all psychiatric disorders. New additions to the group ocrd are: 'trichotillomania' and 'body dysmorphic disorder'. Also newly added to the group are the new classifications 'excoriation disorder' and 'hoarding disorder'. The DSM-IV group of adjustment disorders has been merged with ...
Background: Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a chronic course that is refractory to treatment... more Background: Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a chronic course that is refractory to treatment in many patients and has one of the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric disorder. In this context, there is an urgent need to develop safe therapies approaches. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been applied to circuit-based neuropsychiatric diseases, such as Anorexia nervosa, Parkinson's disease and major depression, with promising results. Aims: To assess the safety of DBS to modulate the activity of limbic circuits and to examine how this might affect the clinical features of anorexia nervosa. Method: Review of existing literature and research on the topic. Results and Discussion: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subcallosal cingulate in patients with highly treatment-resistant anorexia nervosa can significantly improve mood, anxiety, affective regulation, and body weight. Conclusion: According to different studies, deep brain stimulation might alter the brain circuits that drive anorexia nervosa symptoms and help improve patients' mental and physical health. While our results show some early promise, more research will be needed. Findings emphasize the need for continued research into novel neuromodulation strategies for anorexia nervosa, and for psychiatric disorders more broadly.
Cosyns P. Applicants for stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders: role of the Flemish... more Cosyns P. Applicants for stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders: role of the Flemish advisory board. Objective: Research on stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders (SNPD) is rapidly evolving. Knowledge on patients undergoing SNPD is of crucial importance. We describe applicants for SNPD and examine the necessity for a multidisciplinary advisory board. Method: Summary of the current practice of the Flemish advisory board (SNPD committee) and analysis of a questionnaire investigating the attitude of clinicians on SNPD. Results: In 7 years, 91 applications were submitted, nine patients did not fulfill diagnostic criteria for OCD, 65 patients received a positive recommendation, 50 SNPD procedures were performed. The prevalence of SNPD in the current year in Belgium is 0.6 ⁄ million inhabitants. Ninety-seven per cent of clinicians consider the expertise and advice of the SNPD committee essential for indication setting. Forty-four percent of clinicians consider referral of a patient for capsulotomy, 82% for electrical brain stimulation. Conclusion: Neurosurgery is exclusively considered for severe, treatment-refractory psychiatric disorders. Clinicians consider the SNPD committee essential in the decision-making process prior to intervention.
The role of distinct limbic areas in emotion regulation has been largely inferred from neuroimagi... more The role of distinct limbic areas in emotion regulation has been largely inferred from neuroimaging studies. Recently, the opportunity for intracranial recordings from limbic areas has arisen in patients undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) for neuropsychiatric disorders including major depressive disorder (MDD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Here we test the hypothesis that distinct temporal patterns of local field potential (LFP) activity in the human limbic system reflect disease state and symptom severity in MDD and OCD patients. To this end, we recorded LFPs via implanted DBS electrodes from the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST area) in 12 patients (5 OCD, 7 MDD) and from the subgenual cingulate cortex in 7 MDD patients (CG25 area). We found a distinct pattern of oscillatory activity with significantly higher α-power in MDD compared with OCD in the BNST area (broad α-band 8-14 Hz; P o 0.01) and a similar level of α-activity in the CG25 area as in the BNST area in MDD patients. The mean αpower correlated with severity of depressive symptoms as assessed by the Beck depression inventory in MDD (n = 14, r = 0.55, P = 0.042) but not with severity of obsessive compulsive symptoms in OCD. Here we show larger α-band activity in MDD patients compared with OCD recorded from intracranial DBS targets. Our results suggest that α-activity in the limbic system may be a signature of symptom severity in MDD and may serve as a potential state biomarker for closed loop DBS in MDD.
High-frequency anterior capsular stimulation is a new, promising, and reversible neuromodulatory ... more High-frequency anterior capsular stimulation is a new, promising, and reversible neuromodulatory treatment in the research stage for patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The mechanism of action is unknown but hypothesized to be secondary to interruption of the corticothalamostriatocortical circuit.
Access to full text and tables of contents, including tentative ones for forthcoming issues: www.... more Access to full text and tables of contents, including tentative ones for forthcoming issues:
To validate a new screening tool for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients seeking aesthetic... more To validate a new screening tool for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients seeking aesthetic rhinoplasty. We performed a prospective instrument validation study in an academic rhinology clinic. The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire-Aesthetic Surgery (BDDQ-AS) is a seven-item short questionnaire validated in 116 patients undergoing aesthetic rhinoplasty. Screening was positive if the patient acknowledged on the BDDQ-AS that he/she was concerned about their appearance (question 1 = yes) AND preoccupied with these concerns (question 2 = yes) AND that these concerns caused at least moderate distress or impairment in different domains of daily life (question 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 ≥ 3 or question 7 = yes). Construct validity was assessed by comparing the BDDQ-AS to the Sheehan Disability Scale and the Derriford Appearance Scale-59. To determine concurrent validity, the BDDQ-AS was compared to the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for BDD. Finally, the predictive value of the BDDQ-AS on satisfaction 12 months after rhinoplasty was evaluated using a visual analogue scale and the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation. Reliability of the BDDQ-AS was adequate, with Cronbach alpha = .83 for rhinoplasty patients and .84 for controls. Sensitivity was 89.6% and specificity 81.4%. BDDQ-AS-positive patients (n = 55) were more impaired in daily life and experienced more appearance-related distress and dysfunction compared to BDDQ-AS-negative patients. Moreover, they had more severe BDD symptoms. Finally, BDDQ-AS-positive patients were less satisfied after surgery compared to BDDQ-AS-negative patients. We hereby validated a new screening tool for BDD in an aesthetic rhinoplasty population. 3b. Laryngoscope, 126:1739-1745, 2016.
Functional neuroimaging is widely used to unravel changes in brain functioning in psychiatric dis... more Functional neuroimaging is widely used to unravel changes in brain functioning in psychiatric disorders. In the current study, we review single-photon emission tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in anorexia nervosa (AN), a difficult-to-treat eating disorder with the highest mortality rate among psychiatric disorders. We discuss the role of the parietal cortex, anterior and subgenual cingulate cortex, frontal cortex and temporal lobe in light of the cardinal symptoms of AN. The insights of the current review may ultimately lead to the development of new treatments.
Verhandelingen Koninklijke Academie Voor Geneeskunde Van Belgie, Feb 1, 2003
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a worldwide psychiatric disorder with a lifetime prevalence of 2... more Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a worldwide psychiatric disorder with a lifetime prevalence of 2% and mainly characterized by obsessional ideas and compulsive behaviors and rituals. Many patients show improvement under cognitive behavioral and/or pharmacological treatment. A minority of patients is refractory to all available therapy and may benefit from capsulotomy. This study aims to investigate deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a last resort treatment alternative to capsulotomy in treatment refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. Eight patients have been implanted bilaterally in the anterior limbs of the internal capsules with a quadripolar electrode. This paper presents the results of the first 4 operated patients. Acute deep brain stimulation displays an immediate improvement of the speech, mood, eye contact and motor function. Chronic deep brain stimulation improves significantly the obsessional and compulsive symptomatology in three out of the four patients. This study definitely needs replication, but the results are promising. Reversible deep brain stimulation may improve the symptomatology of treatment refractory OCD patients, without significant side effects.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat... more Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat. We describe findings from evaluation of a woman (55 years old) with obsessive compulsive disorder, which was treated with bilateral deep brain stimulation in the anterior limb of the internal capsule, and IBS. After the brain stimulation treatment she reported substantial relief of her IBS symptoms. This reduction depended on specific stimulation parameters, was reproducible over time, and was not directly associated with improvements in obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms. These observations indicate a specific effect of deep brain stimulation on IBS. This observation confirms involvement of specific brain structures in the pathophysiology of IBS and shows that symptoms can be reduced through modulation of neuronal activity in the central nervous system. Further studies of the effects of brain stimulation on IBS are required.
TBV – Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 2015
SamenvattingAchtergrond:de 12 angststoornissen die in de DSM-IV worden onderscheiden, zijn in de ... more SamenvattingAchtergrond:de 12 angststoornissen die in de DSM-IV worden onderscheiden, zijn in de DSM-5 uitgebreid tot 27 stoornissen die ondergebracht zijn in drie hoofdstukken: 1. de angststoornissen, 2. de obsessieve-compulsieve en verwante stoornissen (OCVS) en 3. de trauma en stressorgerelateerde stoornissen.Doel:bespreken van de belangrijkste verschillen tussen beide versies van de DSM.Methode:literatuuronderzoek.Resultaten:in de DSM-5 worden binnen de angststoornissen de classificaties ‘paniekstoornis’ en ‘agorafobie’ gescheiden en wordt de mogelijkheid geïntroduceerd om bij alle stoornissen de specificatie ‘met paniekaanvallen’ aan te brengen. Aan de groep OCVS worden ‘trichotillomanie’ en ‘stoornis in de lichaamsbeleving’ toegevoegd, alsmede de nieuwe diagnoses ‘excoriatie- of huidpulkstoornis’ en ‘verzamelstoornis’. Verder is de groep aanpassingsstoornissen samengevoegd met de groep traumastoornissen. Zoals elders in de DSM-5 zijn kinderpsychiatrische aandoeningen die fenomenologisch lijken op de stoornissen uit deze drie hoofdstukken hieraan toegevoegd en zijn per hoofdstuk twee restcategorieën gedefinieerd.Conclusie:de revisie van de DSM-IV is een herschikking van stoornissen die niet heeft geleid tot verheldering en inzicht in de samenhang en oorzaken van deze aandoeningen.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat... more Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a frequent gastrointestinal disorder that is difficult to treat. We describe findings from evaluation of a woman (55 years old) with obsessive compulsive disorder, which was treated with bilateral deep brain stimulation in the anterior limb of the internal capsule, and IBS. After the brain stimulation treatment she reported substantial relief of her IBS symptoms. This reduction depended on specific stimulation parameters, was reproducible over time, and was not directly associated with improvements in obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms. These observations indicate a specific effect of deep brain stimulation on IBS. This observation confirms involvement of specific brain structures in the pathophysiology of IBS and shows that symptoms can be reduced through modulation of neuronal activity in the central nervous system. Further studies of the effects of brain stimulation on IBS are required.
The extremely intrusive and repetitive nature of the symptoms of patients with obsessive-compulsi... more The extremely intrusive and repetitive nature of the symptoms of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is suggestive of abnormalities in the decision-making process. This could explain why such patients realise how exaggerated and unreasonable their symptoms are, but time after time they become entrapped by them. To review the available research results relating to the underlying mechanisms of decision making and to link these to the characteristics of OCD. We studied the literature on the decision-making process in OCD with the help of PubMed. There is a correlation between abnormalities in the decision-making process and dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex, more specifically in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The activity in these areas in the course of functional imaging is different in OCD patients and in healthy persons. Evaluation of abnormal decision-making in OCD patients performed with the help of the Iowa Gambling Task (...
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is effective for patients with treatment-refractory obsessive-compul... more Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is effective for patients with treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. DBS of the ventral anterior limb of the internal capsule (vALIC) rapidly improves mood and anxiety with optimal stimulation parameters. To understand these rapid effects of vALIC-DBS, we studied functional interactions within the affective amygdala circuit. We compared resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging data during chronic stimulation versus one week of stimulation discontinuation in patients, and obtained two resting state scans from matched healthy volunteers to account for test-retest effects. Imaging data were analyzed using functional connectivity analysis and dynamic causal modelling. Improvement in mood and anxiety following DBS was associated with reduced amygdala-insula functional connectivity. Directional connectivity analysis revealed that DBS increased the impact of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex on the amygdala, and decreased the impact of the amygdala on the insula. These results highlight the importance of the amygdala circuit in the pathophysiology of OCD, and suggest a neural systems model through which negative mood and anxiety are modulated by vALIC-DBS for OCD and possibly other psychiatric disorders. .
In preparation for a multicenter study, a protocol was written on how to perform surgical targeti... more In preparation for a multicenter study, a protocol was written on how to perform surgical targeting of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, based on the lead implantation experience in patients with treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) at the Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven (UZ Leuven). When analyzing the postoperative images, we were struck by the fact that the difference between the postoperative position of the leads and the planned position seemed larger than expected. The precision of targeting in four patients with severe OCD who received bilateral model 3391 leads (Medtronic) was compared with the precision of targeting in the last seven patients who underwent surgery at UZ Leuven for movement disorders (four with Parkinson disease and three with essential tremor; all received bilateral leads). Because the leads implanted in six of the seven patients with movement disorders were model 3387 leads (Medtronic), targeting precision was also analyzed in four patients with OCD in whom model 3387 leads were implanted in the same target as the other patients with OCD. In the patients with OCD, every implanted lead deviated at least 1.3 mm from its intended position in at least one of three directions (lateral, anteroposterior, and depth), whereas in the patients with movement disorders, the maximal deviation of any of all implanted leads was 1.3 mm. The deviations in lead placement were comparable in patients with OCD who received a model 3387 implant and patients who received a model 3391 implant. In the patients with OCD, all leads were implanted more posteriorly than planned. The cause of the posterior deviation could not be determined with certainty. The most likely cause was an increased mechanical resistance of the brain tissue along the trajectory when following the targeting protocol compared with the trajectories classically used for subthalamic nucleus or ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus stimulation.
The 12 anxiety disorders which were defined in the DSM-IV, have been increased to 27 disorders in... more The 12 anxiety disorders which were defined in the DSM-IV, have been increased to 27 disorders in the DSM-5. These 27 disorders have been subdivided into three chapters: 1. anxiety disorders, 2. obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRD) and 3. trauma and stressor-related disorders. To describe the most important differences between the DSM-IV and DSM-5 classifications of the above-mentioned disorders. Survey of the relevant literature. Within the chapter on anxiety disorders in DSM-5 the classifications of 'panic disorder' and 'agoraphobia' have been separated. In addition, DSM-5 allows the specification 'with panic attacks' to be applied to all psychiatric disorders. New additions to the group ocrd are: 'trichotillomania' and 'body dysmorphic disorder'. Also newly added to the group are the new classifications 'excoriation disorder' and 'hoarding disorder'. The DSM-IV group of adjustment disorders has been merged with ...
Background: Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a chronic course that is refractory to treatment... more Background: Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a chronic course that is refractory to treatment in many patients and has one of the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric disorder. In this context, there is an urgent need to develop safe therapies approaches. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been applied to circuit-based neuropsychiatric diseases, such as Anorexia nervosa, Parkinson's disease and major depression, with promising results. Aims: To assess the safety of DBS to modulate the activity of limbic circuits and to examine how this might affect the clinical features of anorexia nervosa. Method: Review of existing literature and research on the topic. Results and Discussion: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subcallosal cingulate in patients with highly treatment-resistant anorexia nervosa can significantly improve mood, anxiety, affective regulation, and body weight. Conclusion: According to different studies, deep brain stimulation might alter the brain circuits that drive anorexia nervosa symptoms and help improve patients' mental and physical health. While our results show some early promise, more research will be needed. Findings emphasize the need for continued research into novel neuromodulation strategies for anorexia nervosa, and for psychiatric disorders more broadly.
Cosyns P. Applicants for stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders: role of the Flemish... more Cosyns P. Applicants for stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders: role of the Flemish advisory board. Objective: Research on stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders (SNPD) is rapidly evolving. Knowledge on patients undergoing SNPD is of crucial importance. We describe applicants for SNPD and examine the necessity for a multidisciplinary advisory board. Method: Summary of the current practice of the Flemish advisory board (SNPD committee) and analysis of a questionnaire investigating the attitude of clinicians on SNPD. Results: In 7 years, 91 applications were submitted, nine patients did not fulfill diagnostic criteria for OCD, 65 patients received a positive recommendation, 50 SNPD procedures were performed. The prevalence of SNPD in the current year in Belgium is 0.6 ⁄ million inhabitants. Ninety-seven per cent of clinicians consider the expertise and advice of the SNPD committee essential for indication setting. Forty-four percent of clinicians consider referral of a patient for capsulotomy, 82% for electrical brain stimulation. Conclusion: Neurosurgery is exclusively considered for severe, treatment-refractory psychiatric disorders. Clinicians consider the SNPD committee essential in the decision-making process prior to intervention.
The role of distinct limbic areas in emotion regulation has been largely inferred from neuroimagi... more The role of distinct limbic areas in emotion regulation has been largely inferred from neuroimaging studies. Recently, the opportunity for intracranial recordings from limbic areas has arisen in patients undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) for neuropsychiatric disorders including major depressive disorder (MDD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Here we test the hypothesis that distinct temporal patterns of local field potential (LFP) activity in the human limbic system reflect disease state and symptom severity in MDD and OCD patients. To this end, we recorded LFPs via implanted DBS electrodes from the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST area) in 12 patients (5 OCD, 7 MDD) and from the subgenual cingulate cortex in 7 MDD patients (CG25 area). We found a distinct pattern of oscillatory activity with significantly higher α-power in MDD compared with OCD in the BNST area (broad α-band 8-14 Hz; P o 0.01) and a similar level of α-activity in the CG25 area as in the BNST area in MDD patients. The mean αpower correlated with severity of depressive symptoms as assessed by the Beck depression inventory in MDD (n = 14, r = 0.55, P = 0.042) but not with severity of obsessive compulsive symptoms in OCD. Here we show larger α-band activity in MDD patients compared with OCD recorded from intracranial DBS targets. Our results suggest that α-activity in the limbic system may be a signature of symptom severity in MDD and may serve as a potential state biomarker for closed loop DBS in MDD.
High-frequency anterior capsular stimulation is a new, promising, and reversible neuromodulatory ... more High-frequency anterior capsular stimulation is a new, promising, and reversible neuromodulatory treatment in the research stage for patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The mechanism of action is unknown but hypothesized to be secondary to interruption of the corticothalamostriatocortical circuit.
Access to full text and tables of contents, including tentative ones for forthcoming issues: www.... more Access to full text and tables of contents, including tentative ones for forthcoming issues:
To validate a new screening tool for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients seeking aesthetic... more To validate a new screening tool for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients seeking aesthetic rhinoplasty. We performed a prospective instrument validation study in an academic rhinology clinic. The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire-Aesthetic Surgery (BDDQ-AS) is a seven-item short questionnaire validated in 116 patients undergoing aesthetic rhinoplasty. Screening was positive if the patient acknowledged on the BDDQ-AS that he/she was concerned about their appearance (question 1 = yes) AND preoccupied with these concerns (question 2 = yes) AND that these concerns caused at least moderate distress or impairment in different domains of daily life (question 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 ≥ 3 or question 7 = yes). Construct validity was assessed by comparing the BDDQ-AS to the Sheehan Disability Scale and the Derriford Appearance Scale-59. To determine concurrent validity, the BDDQ-AS was compared to the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for BDD. Finally, the predictive value of the BDDQ-AS on satisfaction 12 months after rhinoplasty was evaluated using a visual analogue scale and the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation. Reliability of the BDDQ-AS was adequate, with Cronbach alpha = .83 for rhinoplasty patients and .84 for controls. Sensitivity was 89.6% and specificity 81.4%. BDDQ-AS-positive patients (n = 55) were more impaired in daily life and experienced more appearance-related distress and dysfunction compared to BDDQ-AS-negative patients. Moreover, they had more severe BDD symptoms. Finally, BDDQ-AS-positive patients were less satisfied after surgery compared to BDDQ-AS-negative patients. We hereby validated a new screening tool for BDD in an aesthetic rhinoplasty population. 3b. Laryngoscope, 126:1739-1745, 2016.
Functional neuroimaging is widely used to unravel changes in brain functioning in psychiatric dis... more Functional neuroimaging is widely used to unravel changes in brain functioning in psychiatric disorders. In the current study, we review single-photon emission tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in anorexia nervosa (AN), a difficult-to-treat eating disorder with the highest mortality rate among psychiatric disorders. We discuss the role of the parietal cortex, anterior and subgenual cingulate cortex, frontal cortex and temporal lobe in light of the cardinal symptoms of AN. The insights of the current review may ultimately lead to the development of new treatments.
Verhandelingen Koninklijke Academie Voor Geneeskunde Van Belgie, Feb 1, 2003
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a worldwide psychiatric disorder with a lifetime prevalence of 2... more Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a worldwide psychiatric disorder with a lifetime prevalence of 2% and mainly characterized by obsessional ideas and compulsive behaviors and rituals. Many patients show improvement under cognitive behavioral and/or pharmacological treatment. A minority of patients is refractory to all available therapy and may benefit from capsulotomy. This study aims to investigate deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a last resort treatment alternative to capsulotomy in treatment refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. Eight patients have been implanted bilaterally in the anterior limbs of the internal capsules with a quadripolar electrode. This paper presents the results of the first 4 operated patients. Acute deep brain stimulation displays an immediate improvement of the speech, mood, eye contact and motor function. Chronic deep brain stimulation improves significantly the obsessional and compulsive symptomatology in three out of the four patients. This study definitely needs replication, but the results are promising. Reversible deep brain stimulation may improve the symptomatology of treatment refractory OCD patients, without significant side effects.
Papers by Loes Gabriels