Jef Verhoeven
He taught Sociological Theory and Sociology of Education for undergraduate and graduate students in Belgium and abroad, and established the Centre for Sociology of Education at the KU Leuven (1977) and was head of this Centre (1977-2006). Since 2006 he is Emeritus Professor and is conducting research in the Centre for Sociological Research of KU Leuven-University of Leuven. His recent research is focused on higher education and the use of ICT, the access of Chinese ethnic minorities to Higher Education, and higher education policy and management (Public value).
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Phone: 32 16 323205
Address: Centre for Sociological Research
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Papers by Jef Verhoeven
a focus on a larger set of socio-economic objectives instead of on performance alone, less pressure, more trust and legitimacy. In this article, it is stated that NPM has not sufficiently enabled the creation of public value (PV) by the HE sector. This article provides (1) insight into the flaws of NPM, (2) an understanding of PV for
HE and (3) a new model to study HE reforms built on the concept of PV.
instrument to measure the self-perception of ICT skills (49 items) and of ICT use (53 items) by students. This allows us to find some patterns for ICT skills and ICT use. In order to explain these patterns, two basic hypotheses are formulated. The first
suggests that positive ICT learning experiences at home, in school, and with peers could contribute to mastering a higher level of ICT skills and more frequent use of ICT among bachelor’s students, a hypothesis that aligns with Dewey’s learning theory. The second hypothesis suggests that there is a similarity between the characteristics of information systems and scientific research, and that students who identify more with scientific research would be more likely to have greater ICT skills and a higher frequency of ICT use. Both hypotheses are tested among bachelor’s students, using
some important contextual variables (gender, domain of study, ICT course in secondary school or at university, and education level of parents). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the ICT learning experience and the research-oriented identity
commitment of bachelor’s students on the one hand, and their command of ICT skills and the frequency of use of computers, ICT instruments, and ICT programs on the other.
question, we rely on the core variables of the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), on the orientation of students toward scientific research, and on contextual factors. TAM has been applied successfully in research before, but in this article, the model is expanded with variables regarding the orientation of students toward scientific research, and is geared towards the relationship to basic ICT skills and the sustained use of these skills. In order to attain a more reliable instrument to measure proficiency in ICT
skills and the frequency of ICT use, several new instruments are constructed. The results show that this model, a combination of four basic TAM variables, together with the identity commitment of students focused on the appreciation of scientific research and some context variables, can explain a substantial proportion of the variance in different ICT skills, but considerably less of the frequency of ICT use.
Dependence Theory in order to study the transformation of higher education in Europe in
accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. At the start of this article, the most
important assumptions of both theories are presented. In the next section, the similarities and
differences between both theories are discussed. In the concluding part, some observations are
made regarding the application of these theories for the study of changes in universities.
Universities are understood here as organizations that respond differently to changes in the
institutional environment. The combination of these theories allows us to focus on many different
factors that determine the responses to change. It is shown that external factors (for
instance, government policy and the economic situation) as well as internal factors (for the
same university) may have an effect on the processes of change in universities.
logistic regression analysis, we determined whether it is possible to predict with greater
accuracy the educational attainment of EM students and found that the entrance exam score is the best predictor.
a focus on a larger set of socio-economic objectives instead of on performance alone, less pressure, more trust and legitimacy. In this article, it is stated that NPM has not sufficiently enabled the creation of public value (PV) by the HE sector. This article provides (1) insight into the flaws of NPM, (2) an understanding of PV for
HE and (3) a new model to study HE reforms built on the concept of PV.
instrument to measure the self-perception of ICT skills (49 items) and of ICT use (53 items) by students. This allows us to find some patterns for ICT skills and ICT use. In order to explain these patterns, two basic hypotheses are formulated. The first
suggests that positive ICT learning experiences at home, in school, and with peers could contribute to mastering a higher level of ICT skills and more frequent use of ICT among bachelor’s students, a hypothesis that aligns with Dewey’s learning theory. The second hypothesis suggests that there is a similarity between the characteristics of information systems and scientific research, and that students who identify more with scientific research would be more likely to have greater ICT skills and a higher frequency of ICT use. Both hypotheses are tested among bachelor’s students, using
some important contextual variables (gender, domain of study, ICT course in secondary school or at university, and education level of parents). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the ICT learning experience and the research-oriented identity
commitment of bachelor’s students on the one hand, and their command of ICT skills and the frequency of use of computers, ICT instruments, and ICT programs on the other.
question, we rely on the core variables of the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), on the orientation of students toward scientific research, and on contextual factors. TAM has been applied successfully in research before, but in this article, the model is expanded with variables regarding the orientation of students toward scientific research, and is geared towards the relationship to basic ICT skills and the sustained use of these skills. In order to attain a more reliable instrument to measure proficiency in ICT
skills and the frequency of ICT use, several new instruments are constructed. The results show that this model, a combination of four basic TAM variables, together with the identity commitment of students focused on the appreciation of scientific research and some context variables, can explain a substantial proportion of the variance in different ICT skills, but considerably less of the frequency of ICT use.
Dependence Theory in order to study the transformation of higher education in Europe in
accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. At the start of this article, the most
important assumptions of both theories are presented. In the next section, the similarities and
differences between both theories are discussed. In the concluding part, some observations are
made regarding the application of these theories for the study of changes in universities.
Universities are understood here as organizations that respond differently to changes in the
institutional environment. The combination of these theories allows us to focus on many different
factors that determine the responses to change. It is shown that external factors (for
instance, government policy and the economic situation) as well as internal factors (for the
same university) may have an effect on the processes of change in universities.
logistic regression analysis, we determined whether it is possible to predict with greater
accuracy the educational attainment of EM students and found that the entrance exam score is the best predictor.
number of university colleges in Flanders has dropped from 164 (in 1994) to 13 (in 2018), and that the profile of the course programmes they offer has become focused
on vocational higher education. We discern three separate waves of mergers. First, in the period from 1995 to 2002, mergers were induced by a change in the legislation, which created favourable conditions for the (often very small) university colleges to create larger organisations. Second, the number of university colleges further decreased in a second wave, starting in 2003, with further voluntary mergers. Last, a third wave of mergers took place in parallel, in which a number of course programmes was transferred from the university colleges to the universities.
institutional management) to try to align their research and practical interests and develop a research agenda that fits these interests.
normativity due to the position of higher education in society, and (3) demonstrate that higher education policy and research are in need of a multitheoretical
approach that is able to put higher education back into its social, political, and economic context. By formulating research questions on the role of higher education and on the impact of former reforms, it is suggested that policy and research look further than the current concepts and theoretical approaches to build a new agenda for future
It is not the function of this paper to place frame analysis in one or another theoretical pigeon-hole. Frame analysis is a sociological approach in its own right. Nevertheless, Goffman accepts different standpoints of symbolic interaction (G.H. Mead), ethnomethodology and phenomenological sociology (A. Schutz) even when he denies others. I intend here to present the differences and similarities between Goffman's frame analysis on the one hand, and Blumer's symbolic interaction, Schutz's phenomenological sociology,
and Garfinkel' s ethnomethodology on the other hand in
function of three questions. (1) What are the presuppositions in relation to reality, knowledge, man and society used in the four paradigms? (2) What is the object of sociology? (3) What are the methodological principles? Moreover, I want to show that in spite of different accents, the frame-analysis approach can already be found in the earlier work of Goffman.
Het is niet mijn bedoeling een overzicht te geven van alle sociologische bevindingen en verklaringen die op dc huidige dag gangbaar zijn hij de studie van dc overgangsproblematiek secundair onderwijs naar universiteit. Zij komen wel aan bod, doch veeleer als illustratie dan met de bedoeling een afgeronde synthese te geven van de hedendaagse bevindingen. Wat wordt dan wel behandeld? Problemen in verband met de overgang van secundair onderwijs naar universiteit werden in ons land voornamelij vanuit een structurele invalshoek aangepakt. Dit heeft zeer zeker het inzicht in de overgangsproblematiek vooruit geholpen en heeft ongetwijfeld een belangrijke bijdrage geleverd voor de kennis van het democratiseringsproces van de studentenpopulatie
aan de universiteiten. Nochtans heeft deze benadering tal van beperkingen.
Men krijgt zelfs de indruk dat vervolgonderzoek vanuit deze hoek weinig nieuwe informatie oplevert. Daarom wil ik in dit stuk pleiten voor een andere benadering, die ik hier zeer globaal de interpretatieve benadering zal noemen. Een aanvulling vanuit de interpretatieve sociologie moet toelaten nieuwe inzichten te verwerven in de overgangsproblematiek. De structurele en de interpretatieve benadering hebben elk hun eigen vraagstelling en hun eigen onderzoekstechnieken. Een aanpak die op beide benaderingen steunt zal de meeste vruchten afwerpen
Indeed, EM children start in the educational system with a serious shortfall and the provided help can hardly compensate for these arrears. Many EM children do not have the necessary cultural, social, and economic capital to develop equally in Han society.
Research among students in Yunnan Province shows that Han students have more chance of entering HE and have more access to better HE institutes than EMs do. Final year secondary school students, both Han and EMs, dream equally of having access to the best universities, but many are aware that this is a dream. Han believe more than EMs that they will be accepted in the best universities, but both have stronger expectations than the best universities allow.
There is not only inequality between Han and EMs, but also among the EMs. Data has shown that some EM groups have greater access to HE than others. Moreover, there is also inequality of access to the different university types depending on the cultural, social, and economic capital of a student’s family.
What are the effects of changes in steering strategies of the Flemish government and governmental policies with respect to higher education on the policy plans of Flemish universities?
This central question is elaborated in the following questions:
1 What is the steering strategy of the Flemish government in the field of higher educa-tion?
2 What is the content of the Flemish governmental policies on higher education?
3 How are governmental policies and policy plans of Flemish universities related?
4 How can this relationship be explained, taking into account the characteristics of the policy instruments and the institutional culture?
die in de definities zijn opgenomen samen te vatten, kan de volgende formulering gebruikt worden: "Een sociaal probleem is een situatie die door een significant aantal personen als ongewenst wordt ervaren en waarvan zij menen dat collectieve actie er iets aan kan veranderen" (1). Alhoewel deze formulering niet impliceert dat de oorzaak van een sociaal probleem in de definitie ervan ligt wijst ze sterk in deze richting. Dit zal nu eerst onderzocht worden.Hierbij zal vooral aandacht worden besteed aan de wording van sociale
conflicten zoals het constructivisme dit ziet. Tegenover"dit constructivisme stellen wij echter dat de wording van
sociale problemen niet enkel het resultaat kan zijn van de definitie door actores. Structurele factoren moeten in de analyse worden opgenomen.Dit wordt in een tweede deel behandeld En in een derde deel tenslotte willen we het constructivisme corrigeren door een bijkomende analyse van structurele factoren
reasons for use of living technologies and learning technologies, with these students rarely use living technologies (for instance, Facebook or mobile phones) for educational purposes. Results are explained in terms of privacy and the reluctance to use particular applications for several non-educational reasons. We end with some possible suggestions for follow-up research.
Deze twee sferen, nl. de bureaucratische sfeer en de sfeer van de professionalisering, worden in de sociolo¬gische literatuur nogal gemakkelijk als tegenstellingen voorgesteld (Legatt, 1970:157; Perrow, 1979:53; Leune, 1981:499; Wesselingh, 1973:237; Watson, 1962:407). Bureaucratisering bedreigt immers de autonomie die in professionalisering op de voorgrond komt. Voor andere auteurs is dit echter niet noodzakelijk. Professionalisering en bureaucratisering kunnen elkaar ook ondersteunen (Mok, 1980:88; Perrow, 1979:52, 55; Bidwell, 1965:976-977). Een bureaucratie functioneert immers op basis van een taakverdeling die door een domeinafbakening van de beroepen positief kan worden geholpen. Beide standpunten zul¬len in dit artikel gelden als hypothese : bureaucratisering en professionalisering in scholen staan in relatie tot elkaar. In dit stuk zal worden onderzocht of deze samenhang een hinder of een steun vormde voor de innovatie van het leerkrachtenberoep in het V.S.O.
Om deze vraag te beantwoorden zullen achtereenvolgens vier problemen worden behandeld :
1) In welke mate is de schoolstructuur (in V.S.O. en Type II) gebureaucratiseerd ?
2) Tegenover welke categorieën (hiërarchie, cliënten, nieuwelingen, concurrerende beroepen) en in welke mate kunnen de leerkrachten hun beroepsdomein afgrenzen ?
3) In welke mate verloopt het leerkrachtengedrag in de klas - de plaats waar leerkrachten bij uitstek hun au-tonomie kunnen beleven - volgens de traditionele bureaucratische structuur Heeft de onderwijsvernieuwing (V.S.O.) daar enige verandering in gebracht ? 4) In welke mate wordt beroepsdomeinbegrenzing bepaald door de collegialiteitsbeleving van de leerkrachten ?
Om deze vragen te beantwoorden zal, tenzij anders vermeld, warden gesteund op het onderzoek dat in mei-juni 1977 door de Afdeling Onderwijssociologie van het Sociologisch Onderzoeksinstituut van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven werd gedaan. De steekproef bestond uit 396 leerkrachten toevallig gekozen uit katholieke meisjesscholen in Vlaanderen. Deze leerkrachten waren gekozen uit alle vrije meisjesscholen gelegen in gemeenten waar V.S.0.-scholen waren. Er werden dan ook ongeveer evenveel leerkrachten in het V.S.O. als in type II ondervraagd (Verhoeven, Willems & Dobbelaere, 1979; Verhoeven, 1982).
Voorliggend onderzoek argumenteert dat bureaucratisering het leerkrachtengedrag in vaste banen leidt. Daardoor verloopt de vernieuwing van leerkrachtengedrag zeer moeizaam. Enkel op het vlak van collegiaal overleg zijn er nieuwe stappen gezet
Schütz is een fenomenologisch georiënteerd socioloog. Hij vertrekt vanuit de alledaagse kennis van het gewone leven naar een wetenschappelijke kennis. De waarnemer is slechts in de ,Umwelt' in staat om het handelen van de ander op een direkte manier te vatten. Voor de socioloog is de ,Mitwelt' echter het waarnemingskader. Tot een direkt beleven van de ander komt hij niet, tenzij hij zijn wetenschappelijkheid laat varen. Dit kan hij voorkomen door beroep te doen op ideaaltypes, die typische patronen v an het handelen vormen. Het postulaat van de subjektieve interpretatie blijft hierdoor behouden.
Bij Schütz werd de aandacht gevestigd op het begrijpen en verklaren van het sociale handelen, zoals hij dit bij Max Weber had ontleend. Het ,verstehen' is echter geen algemeen aanvaarde metode. Door verscheidene sociologen wordt zij als onwetenschappelijk verworpen of als een bepaalde wijze van
hypotesevorming naar het vóór-wetenschappelijke werk verwezen. Voor Schutz is het een op zichzelf staande, waardevolle metode.
Higher Education System Reform: An international comparison after Twenty Years of Bologna critically describes and analyses 12 Higher Education Systems from the perspective of four major questions: What is currently the situation with regard to the six original goals of Bologna? What was the adopted path of reform? Which were the triggering (economic, social, political) factors for the reform in each specific country? What was the rationale/discourse used during the reform?
The book comparatively analyses the different systems, their paths of reforms and trajectories, and the similarities and the differences between them. At the same time it critically assesses the current situation on higher education in Europe, and hints towards a future policy agenda.
The first chapter consists of a rather extensive survey of the questions dealt with in the investigation. This allows us afterwards, to compare the results of the investigation with the aim we had in mind. The main questions of the investigation are : 1) Which are the methodological implications resulting from the explanation of social control by a number of authors ? 2) Which are the conditions that are in our opinion the basis for the explanation of social control ?
The second chapter deals with a status quaestionis. Here we have asked for the present situation of the investigation concerning social control. At the same time we have introduced within this developmental sketch the hypo-thesis put forward by H.C. Brearley in 1962 viz. that there are three main tendencies in the investigation of social control : (i) "those who, like Ross, discuss the number and complexity of the means by which the agents of social control attain uniformity of behaviour" and (ii)"those who, like Cooley, devote their efforts to explaining the effects of social control upon the development of personality". The third tendency is the one that runs parallel to Sumner's, but which can be reduced to the first because of its intrumental tendency. The investigation indicates that Brearley's classifica¬tion doesn't hold. Gurvitch, Oppenheim, Hollingshead, Lemert, Nadel et.al. break through this frame. In the same investigation it has been established that the methodological approach has not yet been realised in studies on social control.
The next two chapters introduce the scientific-critic analysis. In the third chapter a number of concepts are described in the first place because they will be of use for the methodological analysis. This chapter describes what should be understood by the term `explain' and it also describes what laws and theories are. Brief summaries are given of induction, functional explanation, genetic explanation, conceptual and dispositional explanation, and the phenomenological method. Special attention is drawn to the restrictions of the methods. In the second place the selection criteria of the works to be analysed are indicated, because it is practically impossible and scienti¬fically insignificant to take all works into consideration. It has been decided to take six works which are integrally devoted to social control viz. the studies by E.A. Ross, P.H. Landis ; L.L. Bernard, G. Gurvitch, T.T. Segerstedt.
and R.T. LaPiere. The general sociological studies have been chosen on the basis of a historical survey by Don Martindale because he constructs his work by means of the philosophy of science. G. Simmel has been chosen as the representative of formal sociology, P.A. Sorokin has been studied as an organicist, T. Parsons as a functionalist and R.M. Maclver and Page as theorists of sodal behaviour and R. Dahrendorf as a sociologist of conflicts. The methodological analysis of the explanation of social control will be given with respect to the above mentioned works.
However, before an answer is given to the question as to the procedure with the explanation, a description will be given of the sociological starting point of this work and the methodological consequences which result from it. (Chapter 4).
The description of the sociological point of view is the result of the confrontation with the problem of whether to start from the person or society in order to explain social reality. According to G. Gurvitch, A.C. Zijderveld, A. Schiltz, and P.L. Berger both the persons and society are needed so as to explain social reality. Gurvitch and Zijderveld, talk in terms of a dialectic between persons and society. This dialectic opinion results in a number of difficulties. P.L. Berger does not give any methodological aspect of his sociological point of view. Schtz accepts the dialectic movement (used in the sense of Gurvitch) between persons and society in social reality but he does not draw any methodological conclusions from this. Methodologically he starts from the individual.
Schtz is a phenomenologically oriented sociologist. He proceeds from an evereyday knowledge of simpte life to a scientific knowledge. The observer is only in the "Umwelt" capable of grasping in a direct way the behaviour of the other. For a sociologist, however, the "Mitwelt" is the frame of observation. He does not reach the direct experience of the other unless he gets rid of his scientific character. This can be prevented by referring to "ideal types" which form typical patterns of behavior. The postulate of the subjective interpretation is preserved.
With Schtz the attention is drawn to the understanding and explana¬tion of social behaviour as he got it from Max Weber. The method referred to as "Verstehen" is, however, not generally accepted. It has been rejected by various sociologists as being unscientific on the one hand, or referred to the pre-scientific work as a sort of hypothesis formation on the other. For Schtz it is an important method which stands by itself.
After this rather comprehensive introduction, we ask for the methodological features of the explanation of social control in the eleven works mentioned above (Chapter 5).
Finally we reach the last question of this work : which conditions are to be considered as basic for our opinion of social control ? An attempt to answer this question is to be found in chapter six.
The research was conducted using qualitative research methods. Four case studies were developed through in-depth interviews, observations and document analysis. We selected four secondary schools and in each school three change projects.
In a second part of this book report is made of the answers of stakeholders in relation to what they thought that could help to improve the attraction of the teaching profession. Or what teachers could do to meet better the demands of society, or to deliver better information about the teaching job.
Met betrekking tot de toenemende maatschappelijke verwachtingen ten aanzien van leraren en de waardering die daartegenover staat is er de laatste jaren veel te doen geweest. “Leerkrachten hebben het gevoel dat ze zich moeten verdedigen tegen een maatschappij die de voordelen van hun beroep benijdt en de nadelen van hun taak onderschat” (Klasse, 125, 8-4-02). Het interuniversitair onderzoek naar de professionaliteit en de maatschappelijke waardering van leerkrachten basis- en secundair onderwijs leert dat dit gevoel onterecht is. Integendeel, bij de meeste Vlamingen roept de leerkracht een positief beeld op. In januari van dit jaar zijn reeds enkele tussentijdse resultaten publiek gemaakt. De analyses die de voorbije maanden zijn uitgevoerd, bevestigen de voorlopige resultaten van januari.
De resultaten van een bevraging bij een representatief staal van de volwassen Vlaamse bevolking (van 18 tot 70 jaar; er waren 982 respondenten) tonen aan dat de Vlaamse bevolking blijk geeft van een grote appreciatie voor (hun) leraren. Zowel de eigen schoolbeleving als de tevredenheid over de leraren van hun kinderen tonen dit aan. Wel is de tevredenheid en de waardering voor de leraren in het kleuter- en lager onderwijs iets groter dan voor de leraren in het secundair onderwijs.
2. Demand for higher education.
3. Study career
4. Graduate employment
5. Curriculum and quality assurance policy
6. Financing higher education
7. Personnel
Door de toenemende trend naar een grotere schoolautonomie en naar schaalvergroting, wordt de rol van schoolbesturen in Vlaanderen steeds belangrijker. De huidige inbreng van schoolbesturen in het schoolmanagement in Vlaanderen is evenwel zeer onduidelijk.
De volgende onderzoeksvragen komen aan bod:
· Wat is de beleidsrol van schoolbesturen met respect voor de eigen rol van directies?
· Welke verschillen zijn er in de beleidsbenutting van schoolbesturen?
· Hoe verloopt het besluitvormingsproces?
· In hoeverre hangen de mogelijke verschillen samen met kenmerken van de leden van schoolbesturen (leeftijd, geslacht, bestuurservaring, tijdsinvestering, deskundigheid,…) en van de besturen (schaalgrootte, net, onderwijsniveau,…)?
De onderzoeksvragen van dit project sluiten aan bij vorig onderzoek. Nu wordt vooral onderzocht hoe en onder invloed van welke factoren management in secundaire scholen bijdraagt tot kwaliteitsbehoud en/of kwaliteitsverbetering van het verstrekte onderwijs. Deze vraag kan ook op een andere wijze worden geformuleerd: is er een relatie tussen de opvattingen van de directie en de leerkrachten over het onderwijsmanagement in de secundaire school en de ontwikkeling van de studieresultaten en het welbevinden van de leerlingen in de school?
De onderzoeksvragen van dit project sluiten aan bij vorig onderzoek. Nu wordt vooral onderzocht hoe en onder invloed van welke factoren management in secundaire scholen bijdraagt tot kwaliteitsbehoud en/of kwaliteitsverbetering van het verstrekte onderwijs. Deze vraag kan ook op een andere wijze worden geformuleerd: is er een relatie tussen de opvattingen van de directie en de leerkrachten over het onderwijsmanagement in de secundaire school en de ontwikkeling van de studieresultaten en het welbevinden van de leerlingen in de school?
De centrale vraagstelling luidt als volgt:
Op welke wijze trachten het Nederlandse en het Vlaamse overheidsbeleid de instellingen voor hoger onderwijs te beïnvloeden opdat zij beter tegemoet kunnen komen aan de behoeften van de maatschappij en in het bijzonder van de economie?
Deze vraagstelling omvat de volgende deelvragen:
1. Wat is de rol van de overheid met betrekking tot het hoger onderwijs?
2. Wat is de inhoud van het beleid van de overheid inzake de aansluiting van onderwijsprogramma’s op de behoeften van de economie?
3. Wat is de betekenis van de Europese programma’s voor het Nederlandse en Vlaamse hoger onderwijs(beleid)?
4. Welk succes- en faalfactoren ten aanzien van het Nederlandse en Vlaamse overheidsbeleid kunnen worden onderscheiden?
In de jaren tachtig bleek duidelijk dat de Vlaamse en Franse Gemeenschap steeds moeilijker tot gemeenschappelijke opties en regelgeving inzake onderwijsbeleid konden komen. Inzake de orga-nisatie van het gemeenschapsonderwijs, de relatie van de overheid tot het onderwijsveld, de autonomie van scholen, de gelijkheid mits objectieve verschillen, de kwaliteitszorg en -bewaking en de organisatie van het secundair onderwijs (de "typenstrijd") waren de bena¬deringen grondig verschillend. Dat leidde in het unitaire onderwijs¬beleid tot een blokkering van de besluitvorming.
De nieuwe grondwet van 1988 schonk de gemeenschappen de lang verwachte autonomie. De onderwijsmaterie werd als één globaal geheel overgeheveld, wat een coherent eigen beleid mogelijk maa kte.
Vlaanderen werkte het eerste decennium sinds de autonomie hard en snel om een eigen beleid en regelgeving tot stand te brengen. De visie die aan de nieuwe decreten ten grondslag ligt, wordt uitvoerig in dit boek toegelicht. Bovendien biedt Onderwijs: een decennium Vlaamse autonomie een terugblik op de vele hervormingen van en het dagelijkse werk in het onderwijs sinds 1988, een beschrijving van de onderwijsstructuur vandaag en eveneens een vooruitzicht op wat komen moet.
when such comparisons have nothing but labelling as their purpose.
It is not the function of this paper to place frame analysis in one or another theoretical pigeon-hole. Frame analysis is a sociological approach in its own right. Nevertheless, Goffman accepts different standpoints of symbolic interaction (G.H. Mead), ethnomethodology
and phenomenological sociology (A. Schutz) even when he
denies others. I intend here to present the differences and similarities between Goffman's frame analysis on the one hand, and Blumer's symbolic interaction, Schutz's phenomenological sociology,and Garfinkel' s ethnomethodology on the other hand in function of three questions. (1) What are the presuppositions in
relation to reality, knowledge, man and society used in the four paradigms? (2) What is the object of sociology? (3) What are the methodological principles? Moreover, I want to show that in spite of different accents, the frame analysis approach can already be found in the earlier work of Goffman.
On the base of in-depth interviewing in 12 schools the strategies developed by schools to cope with these new challenge will be described. First, the analysis will be focused on the strategies from the standpoint of the heads and two other members of the local school council or participation council, namely parents and teachers. Second, the relationship between the new participatory structure and the old participatory councils will be analyzed. Third, an assessment of the improvement of the new participatory structure for local school policy in comparison with the old structure will be given as it is seen by the main policy makers.
Moreover, I will discuss how these problems may be interpreted by taking into account the analysis of the understanding of everyday life as conceived by Schutz and Luckmann (1974) and by Thomas (1995).
1.1. Conditions 2
1.1.1. Diploma 2
1.1.2. Other necessary conditions 2
1.1.3. Informal conditions 2
1.2. Actual course of admission 3
1.2.1. Initiative and motivation 3
1.2.2. Contract flexibility 4
1.2.3. Choosing a PhD subject 5
1.2.4. Foreign students 6
2. The doctoral training programme 6
2.1. The training programme: formal directives at the Faculty of Engineering 7
2.2. Assessment of, and experiences with, the training programme 7
2.2.1. Assessment by the professors 7
2.2.2. Assessment by the students 8
2.3 Conclusion 9
3. The global task package and completion time 9
3.1. What has to be done by whom? 9
3.2. How do professors and students experience this situation? 10
3.3. Completion time 11
4. Supervising and evaluating the doctoral work 11
4.1. Supervision 12
4.1.1. Two supervising bodies 12
4.1.2. Evaluation of, and experience with, the supervising bodies 12
4.2. Evaluation 14
4.2.1. The evaluation moments 14
4.2.2. Problems
2. Access 2
2.1. Numbers of doctoral students 2
2.2. The selection process 4
3. The doctoral training programme 5
3.1. Duration 5
3.2. The structure of the training programme 6
3.2.1. The courses 6
3.2.2. Test over independent reading 7
3.2.3. The seminars 7
3.3. Students' evaluation of the programme 8
4. The tasks of the doctoral student 10
4.1. Teaching 10
4.2. Research 11
4.2.1. Designing and doing the research 12
4.2.2. Oral presentations 13
4.2.3. Writing 15
4.3. Other tasks 16
5. Supervision and evaluation 17
5.1. Supervision 17
5.2. Evaluation 18
6. Doctoral-study duration and job-market prospects 19
7. Summary 20
verantwoordelijkheden van leerkrachten percipieert en waardeert en hoe leerkrachten zelf hiertegen aankijken
De globalisering van de samenleving heeft aan de problematiek van de kansengelijkheid in het onderwijs een andere dimensie gegeven. Daarenboven gaat dit proces gepaard met een toenemend belang dat in onze samenleving aan het neoliberale gedachtegoed wordt gehecht. Het is duidelijk dat dit zijn sporen zal achterlaten op de ontwikkeling van het beleid voor meer kansengelijkheid. Ik licht deze begrippen eerst kort
toe om me dan toe te spitsen op drie vragen betreffende de kansengelijkheid in Vlaanderen